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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11220108 No.11220108 [Reply] [Original]

Getting quite sick of reading this shit hole of a board all the time.

>> No.11220118


>> No.11220138

chainlink is DICK SHIT!!

>> No.11220147
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October or November.
Sergey is giving 2 speeches next month. SwiftRef goes live in November. If it doesn't launch prior to then.... It'll be years maybe. I'll stop caring desu.

>> No.11220180


yep, if by this eoy this shit doesn't show any growth ill just forget about it, which is how a lot of people managed to hodld their btc from pizza btc to 19K btc

>> No.11220205

Q1 2019. got a gut feeling it wont be this year, but i'll be happy to be wrong.
i get the feeling that team CHAINLINK dont rush shit if they dont need to.

>> No.11220209

This is just my opinion but I don't think mainnet is going to be that big of a deal. Sure it will be a signifier that everything that needs to be done is done, but by the time that comes around, the network will already have many developed nodes and lots of traffic. And I think the price of course will reflect that.

>> No.11220214

wore my stinky hat out to the store today. someone asked me wat the link symbol meant. i told them "it represents the 4th industrial revolution and a pathway for anyone who knows about it to be crazy rich in the not so distant future" - he then said "cool" and walked off. i feel sorry for the guy honestly

>> No.11220215
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Long way off

>> No.11220225
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>> No.11220231
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Which one is Link?

>> No.11220238

im trading shit coins and its wokring out pretty gud. I just hope that i can buy back in in time

>> No.11220281

Between October and February. If it isn't out by Thanksgiving it probably won't be out until February.

>> No.11220315


>> No.11220338

The reputation contract will be really quick because it's going to be simple. 3rd parties will mostly be in charge of reputation. Also, aggregation is proabably around half way done right now. They're also fixing bugs and integrating what seems like the last few things into CircleCI for testing. I have no idea how long the listing service will take, but I can't imagine it would be too intensive either. It's probably just a nice UI that lets you filter nodes for certain criteria.

>> No.11220351


Thank you very much for this, as Salesforce has shown, Link breadcrumbs can be false. I am willing to bet that Sergey's conference in October wont be the release of mainnet and that the price will dump afterwards.

>> No.11220361
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Hey, I know that hexagon!

>> No.11220383

I'm a stinky linky, I have a short winky

>> No.11220385

Thomas said in the Telegram that not every task in the service agreement has to be done, so I agree we will see mainnet faster than we're currenly expecting. I expect a november/december release, maybe in q1 at the latest. We will see an true example of a decentralized oracle before the end of the year.

>> No.11220520

Link is shit

>> No.11220759


Right now it’s “on track” for Q1 2019, but I think as we get closer they will encounter lots of problems getting reputation/staking actually working. Late 2019 is my guess.

It really doesn’t matter when; what matters is if they succeed. If they do, link will one day be over 1k. But link might actually be bitgold; the flawed precursor to the actual oracle that succeeds.

>> No.11220764
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>> No.11220799


Q4 2018 - functioning network with 3rd party reputation contracts
Q1-2 2019 - mainnet

>> No.11221290

Very true, I certainly think it's in the next 4 months. If it isn't by Thanksgiving we'll basically have to wait till after the holidays. There're only solid 2 weeks between then and when people start getting ready for Christmas and the New Year, and they're going to want to be all aware and on-board for a release.

No way, they're constantly testing on Ropsten and testing their code integration. All they need is an audit, enough nodes online and the distribution of the node operator LINK and we're good to go

>> No.11221356

This is the most likely timeline

>> No.11221419
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You guys are all fucking brainlets. Who do you think will be the primary users of those aggregation and reputation systems?
>the customers
So do you really think that link’s team, which is set up to build the computer network, will focus their programming and coding energies on developing aggregation, consensus, and reputation systems for the network the CODERS are building? Do you think John barker, dmitri roche, kwiatoski(?), navy admiral, etc. were brought on to sit around and talk about and develop those systems?
>no you faggots.
Those systems are being developed CONCURRENTLY by all the third party companies that will use those systems when the network launches. Smartcontract.com is only building the network. However, in order for that network to interface with real world clients, it needs to have optimized UI and aggregation/consensus systems so customers can actually use it. This is why there is such secrecy with the partnerships. Those 3rd parties (docusign, Swift, openlaw, etc etc etc) are all working behind the scenes to develop those systems because they’re the PRIMARY users of them. Why would Sergey and Steve build aggregation systems for lawyers when it’s much smarter, easier, and all around a better practice to have the lawyers provide input and build the legal consensus system they’re going to use? Or for banking, Sergey isn’t an expert in international fund clearance processes. Why would they build the consensus and aggregation system for bankers when the bankers should and are doing it themselves?

>> No.11221424

Q4 2019. They’re not even half way through beta after a year. Gotta expect another year at least based on last performance

>> No.11221531

Probably accurate

>> No.11221790
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>> No.11221817

$666 eoy check em

>> No.11221859

We also need this amount of time for people to forget about crypto all together so LINK can kickstart the next golden bullrun

>> No.11222014
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