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11219965 No.11219965 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasnt there been another recession?

>> No.11220015
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>Deregulation and tax cuts
>Restoring manufacturing because of tariffs and incentives
>Consumer confidence

It's not sustainable. Trump was right to call it a bubble when he was a candidate. Him stamping his name all over this will be his downfall when it all collapses.

>> No.11220019

Wait for it

>> No.11220192

because fuck you that's why

this but not in the way you think. housing costs are rising out of control and the GOP tax cut made it affordable for the short term so people don't cause another housing crash, but shit is not gonna last.

>> No.11220210

>At the same time, senior Fed officials dropped long-standing language saying its stance on interest rates “remains accommodative.”

people are paying the rising costs. so now they made rates rise. and they will again in december.

we have a long way to go, shit wont crash for 5+ years now.

>> No.11220279

people are paying the rising costs because they can afford to with the tax cuts, otherwise they couldn't. payments are hundreds of dollars more than a few years ago on average.

>> No.11220320

not if you locked in rates and weren't a moron. if you fell for the rent meme you are never going to make it.

>> No.11220321

Trump hasn't done anything but make the next recession even worse. We're in a dangerous bull market and the only argument that is in Trumps favor is the corporate tax cuts have allowed corporations to engage in stock buy backs to keep their stocks high. We have a massive debt bubble and trump hasn't done a single thing to address that. Student loans, fiscal debt, military spending etc is higher than its ever been and household debt is rising fast. Won't be long till we're in a situation where people can't pay back and can't afford to live in major cities. Also if interest rates rise the carrying cost of the debt astronomically increases to the point it won't be possible to pay it back.

>> No.11220376

This has nothing to with Trump and everything to do with the FED being hellbent on raising rates to cool the housing market rather than have it crash. Too little too late. It's going to crash.
You didn't read what I wrote. He's put his name on a bit fat stinking bubble. It won't end well for him. The fact remains it would have already popped had it not been for confidence in better business atmosphere and all the other shit he's promised. We're still fucked but now he owns getting fucked. Looking forward to the next president who will make Bernie Sanders look like Donald Trump. FUCK.

>> No.11220396

>You didn't read what I wrote.
Yeah I get what you're saying now. We're in the middle of the biggest bubble in history. It's inevitable but I have no answers to when it will burst.

>> No.11220443
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That's the $64,000 question fren. I think if the general consensus is that recession hits in 2021 then it will actually hit in 2019. That's my guess.

>> No.11220662

the models use people buying houses year over year, and year over year people are getting fucked more and more, you are thinking far too small. this isn't about a handful of people who bought at the wrong time, it's the entire trend.

>> No.11220688

Is it really a recession if everybody's expecting it? I have a feeling the Jews are manipulating the public opinion to make them fearful and to make them stay away from investing so that they can accumulate more before the actual bubble and subsequent pop

>> No.11220715

it is, and only the smart people are expecting it, but it's a freight train that can't be stopped, even if we want to stop it. the stupid people are reactive and vastly outnumber the ones who plan.

>> No.11220717

this time synthetic ETFs are literally the CDO shit from the last recession. there are fucking godzillion dollars in them.

>> No.11220747

$10,000,000,000,000 QE
1% reserve requirements
talk about quads

>> No.11220748


>> No.11220917

What coin is this?

>> No.11220932

if you ask any normie no one sees a recession coming

>> No.11220936
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If we calculate gdp by same standards as 20 years ago, US and Europe have been on recession since sub prime. This is why debt is building and employment is not improving at all

>> No.11221236

The housing market isn't inflated chinks the reading for the rise in prices is because of chinks buying houses with overseas money

>> No.11221307

Exactly this. Once the epic crisis is blamed on populism the Next president will be a communist globalist shill--literally whoever the hell Soros wants

Trump was one step forward, five steps back

>> No.11221312

Its getting pushed to emerging markets and Trump is "making America great again" despite what it costs other countries.

>> No.11221334

I told my dad about it, he said "I agree, all the experts say so as well"

>> No.11221351

On the other hand, I met some faggot who studies economics, now that I think about it. He laughed me off

>> No.11221360
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>muh recession
lmaoing @ your life. I'll be laughing all the way to the bank when the next year is green green green

>> No.11221583

>Have 15k just sitting in the bank
>Stock market is super inflated
>Housing market is super inflated
>Bonds are super shitty right now
>Crypto is a meme
>Precious metals are also looking shit

Where the fuck do I put all my money?

>> No.11221643

give it time, rates up again

>> No.11221659


>> No.11221760

There is nothing Trump, or any President can do about personal debt, other than order his party to work on legislation. Do you even know how the Presidency works? He can't just order banks to reduce interest rates, or wipe out debt. He can't even buy the debt through bailouts, because ALL spending and purchasing is done through Congress - and they're not exactly on good terms with Trump right now.

Trust me, moron, you don't want to live in a country where the President has the kind of power where he can even touch your personal finances.

>> No.11221815

401k is the new ponzi. You go to work and to save for your retirement you have to buy stock ignorantly. This causes a feedback loop. Major investors on wallstreet dont have to crash it because they know people will buy no matter the price because they have to or they are bad people for not saving and will never retire. 401k is a ponzi and it will allow the market to rise uncontrollably. Now you would think that companies with record high stock prices would have it in their heart to pay employees more to spread the wealth but in reality they too only spread the fake wealth created by buying back stock of their own company offering liquidity to major investors who cant sell into the books that get thinner every passing week. So when it goes down your 401k will evaporate unless you put it all in bitcoin and silver.

>> No.11221831

Oh, bullshit, you fucking pansy chicken little. The recession has been looming long before Trump even announced he was running. And what was he supposed to do, tank the economy somehow by magic to make it easier and faster for you to jerk off over other people's misery? He's doing what he said he was gonna do, and if anything, by shoring up the economy, addressing trade imbalance, and bringing manufacturing back onshore, he's making the whole thing more resiliant and able to recover faster if something pops (most likely housing) and it all falls down.

Plus, you morons think a recession is the end of the world, when it's actually healthy in the long term, and they tend to recover fast, the economy rebounded from 2008 fairly efficiently. But you spastics are running around acting like it will be The Great Depression 2.0.
If you're invested properly and have a decent job, a recession shouldn't effect you at all, except long term investments taking a hit, which will go right back up again when the cycle starts over.

But I'm forgetting, this is the place where retards think a recession will mean everyone all of a sudden discovering crypto as a safe harbor, which is one of the most ludicrous and hilarious loads of hopium ever. Not happening, idiots. But you keep declaring doom, like you have a fucking clue.

>> No.11221858

Dividend stocks you retard.
put the rest of your money in SILVER, wait for real estate to crash, cash out silver and buy real estate. also buy ether you dumbass

>> No.11222017
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>you’re all idiots
>the economy rebounded from 2008 efficiently
>unprecedented low rates and trillions in QE
>you’re all idiots

>> No.11222532

Is there anything more pathetic than rural Trumpcucks?

>> No.11223014

no one studying economics could possibly be that dumb. then again there are some dumb shits attending my uni

t. economics major

>> No.11223036
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>mfw Trump is actually making America great again
>economy is strong as fuck
>seething faggot liberals keep praying for recession but wont get one for 100 years

Its a based fucking feeling

>> No.11223262
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>economy is strong as fuck
Is it? Personal and government debt at high levels, real wages still stagnant, real unemployment still high

>> No.11223282

>real wages still stagnant
not if you're in the top 10%

>> No.11223290

Dude the economy is fucking booming and if you aren't living good blame your parents

>> No.11223499
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The economy is getting worse for everyone but those on top of course. It's not really strong if it resembles a ponzi scheme. It's just hot air that will inevitably pop.

>> No.11223628


The stock market until the yield curve inverts. Then get the hell out and go into bonds and gold. We've still got until about late 2019-2020 by most estimates.

>> No.11223674

I'm a conservative but financially illiterate retards like you are why we are so fucked rn

>> No.11223810


Dollar cost average over a year or two