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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11219825 No.11219825 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>23yo useless piece of shit
>never had a job, 0 experience in any sector
>can't even talk properly without getting nervous
>0$, I don't have bank account and I sold all I had in BTC
>I think that working at mc donald's may be difficult for me
>I'm living in my sister's apartment, my girlfriend pays the room and helps with the bills
>she got fired
>We don't know what to do

With the things that I'm learning I'm trying to make money freelancing but there is a lot of things that I don't know how to do it/I don't have the experience/Maybe I can do it but I'm insecure

The most complex thing that I've done is a website with a login system that sends emails. I know HTML, CSS, Wordpress, MySQL, a little bit of javascript and PHP. Do you think that my knowledge is enough to make money freelancing? If not, what should I do? Help me please

>> No.11219997


Get a job and get to work. Jobsearchminute on youtube for interviews. Make your CV about achievements, what differentiates you other than being autustic, like real things. I made a website for a client and he brought in 20k in 6 months because of how amazing my website was etc. but phrase professionally

>> No.11220011

You have a girlfriend even though you're useless. I'm not like you and have nothing.
Look at that. I feel no sympathy for you.

>> No.11220035

jealousy is why you will never make it

>> No.11220053

I'm studying something prestigious in stem. I hope I'll make it.
I don't get jealous irl. But when normies like OP come invade our safespace on the internet I feel pity for them.

>> No.11220055

Kneepads for you and gf. You can offer cuckold sessions too.

>> No.11220062

no. pajeets program webpages for pennies. you need to be able to do more.

>> No.11220072
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I have no girlfriend but I do have a job. I also have a horrible personality disorder.

never give up

>> No.11220078

How the hell do people like you get a girlfriend?

Not to worry though, you've got time to improve your life and you already know what's wrong.

>> No.11220086

Hey, fuckface, listen up. MORON.

Literally work 50-60 hrs. Find a place to get cheap rent.
Spend cheap on membership at gym.
Rinse and repeat work and gym while being frugal.
Dump paychecks into savings or crypto.
Do this for about six months.

You stupid motherfucker just DO SOMETHING.

>> No.11220119

OP, considering going to community college for a trade.

>nobody talks to anyone
>24 year olds+ are considered independent and the government covers 100% of your tuition and books.
>federal work-study jobs are available to you; meaning you can get piss easy jobs. I literally play runescape and europa universalis IV on the job.
>graduate with a job lined up making more money than the dumbfucks who are going to universities
>no debnts

>> No.11220125

Go to nimiq.com look at their social page. Join the discord group. Lots of java programmers there. I'm bushwhack on that server. Send me a message, i dont have fuck around money right now but will in a couple months. Ill be wanting to do something related to Nimiq with a website.