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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11218584 No.11218584 [Reply] [Original]

What was the biggest scam you’ve ever pulled?

>> No.11218598

i told my friends to buy bit coin in december

>> No.11218619

Sold my neighbor a dime bag of reggie that I put orange peels in and claimed as orange kush for $50

>> No.11218697

Sold fake visas back in the 2000s

>> No.11218713

lul. i've been telling them since 2013. what do they do. buy the top kek.

>> No.11218718

Faked a will from my Grandfather leaving me a piece of property. His Step-Kids howled like monkeys but the judge signed off and he handed me 180 acres of prime riverfront property.

>> No.11218727

Sold fake e pills to herbs, hustled adderall to stupid trusties, sold extremely overpriced pokemon cards. I also hustled untaxed cigarettes but that's more supply and demand than a scam. I guess it's technically scamming the gov't.

>> No.11218773


>> No.11218790

>mfw when called in sick to work
>mfw when wasnt even sick

>> No.11218796


>> No.11218807
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Nice try CIA

>> No.11218815

nice, how did the judge not notice it though

>> No.11218823
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Sold blood pressure pills and claimed it was ecstacy

>> No.11218861

I created 0xBTC.

>> No.11218872

Got a bunch of wojaks (a waves token) and convinced someone on here to buy them.

>> No.11218881


>> No.11218894

Absolute mad lad!

>> No.11218897
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i phished other kids on habbo by creating a fake login page which would send me their login credentials when they logged in
>resulted in a 12 year ban

>> No.11218994
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i bought a pizza with a counterfeitnote i got from the darknet
they got the seller and the dumbfuck saved the adress but im a dumbfuck too you dont have to say that

>> No.11219002


>> No.11219009

shilling flik here in october or november of last year and getting out with a 10-20x

>> No.11219399

Not larping? How did you fake it so well that the judge didn't even notice it?

>> No.11220077

I used to sell fake baby formula but I stopped once I found out it contained formaldehyde.

>> No.11220250

ITT: Things that never happened

>> No.11220907

Used to use those coupons that used to show up around here 10 years ago. Got a $180 pair of turtle beach headphones for $15 I still use them to this day.
Also, saw a dude drop a fiver in grocery line. Promptly stepped on it and waited til he was done and gone

>> No.11220946
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blockcat ICO

>> No.11221037
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i'm in cahoots with known criminals and scammers from discord
you could call us a crime syndicate
we make ponzis and ponzi accessories
some mad cunt made this exposing us to further victims

>> No.11221132

>Show up at concert venue over an hour early cause fuck city traffic
>Walk up to venue, doors wide open, no one there
>Walk inside, talent is in the back crew is setting up
>Pull my phone out and start walking around with a spectrum analyzer
>Start looking really serious at equipment in the venue and at what's being set up
>I actually am a pro A/V guy just not a tech at this event
>Eventually just chill out by the stage listening to the conversations
>Suddenly guy comes over handing out wrist bands
>Non-nonchalantly stick my arm out and thank the man
>Spend most of the show sitting backstage with the talent and personal friends drinking vodka
>3 hours later...
>"So ugh who are you with?"
>"No one, I got here early and they gave me a wrist band."
>Guy starts dying laughing

In my defense I bought an actual ticket for this event but goes to show a little bare minimum social engineering goes a long way.

>> No.11221141

$1,008,000 scam in 3 months at end of last year. signed up for an ico bounty program 7 times. they gave away a rediculous amount of tokens. i held until bitfinex listing. 66x'd. im a legend

>> No.11221220


Not really a scam but I live in British Columbia where canadian statists banned menthol cigarettes for whatever reason, and I work in a nightclub and I go down to the states and bring home maybe 20 cartons of menthols and sell them for 20 bucks a pack, which is pretty comparable to other cigarettes and between that and doing my actual job, i make about 3g a month and I haven't gotten a student loan the last two years because I do so well selling them and everyone who works there is hooked on them (and dip, but thats kind of a new thing).

>mfw the government regulations helped me thrive
>mfw the lost one more student debtor because of their own stupidity
>mfw im helping my chad-lads get cancer
>mfw libertarian and doing masters in economics

>> No.11221590

Holy fuck, that was 10 years ago...
I used the coupon for a free 4 pack of monster lol, wasn't balzy enough to try and get a free PS3 like that dude that got busted at Toys R Us.

>> No.11221629

I made like 7 btc selling those "deep web boxes" online. Needless to say i faked everything.

>> No.11221827

Is it actually illegal to import them and sell them as a private person ?

>> No.11221953
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I hired some guys to work on my property for a year with the promise of a big payout and then ghosted those mother fuckers and kept all the cash.

>> No.11222050

How the fuck should the judge notice that the will is fake if he does not have any comparable writing for it ?
And even if, if you can perfectly fake the writing then even a professional can't see it.

>> No.11222080 [DELETED] 

Bought the sheets of paper that acid comes sold on for like $5 then sold each of the 100 tabs for $10 a pop

>> No.11222392

Make memes about link and get paid for it

>> No.11222507
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>be me
>24 yo beta faggot
>no job, no gf, only 2 friends
>see ico hype mania
>actually have decent coding skillz
>work my ass off flipping burgers to save money fast for some ico expenses
>dont even eat sometimes to save money
>work my ass off in making an ico as legit as possible.
>even hired 3 faggots to act as marketing experts and CMs
>mfw people are actually sending eth to a copy pasted smart contract
>mfw ico raised 100k
>mfw would have raised even more if I hadnt exit scammed early, couldnt resist
>mfw lost my virginity the day after to a escort

>> No.11222689

>Broke ass college kid in late 90s.
>Read article about selling banner ads on websites.
>Make free porn site in 97 that makes 80k first year. Rinse, repeat.
>Steal beast porn from Dutch site, make 300k in Y2K.
>Reinvest profits into custom beast porn
>Make a couple million by 2002.
>Visa stops processing for beast 2003.

>> No.11222805

I told my 95 year old neighbor I'd help her pay her bills because she has dementia. I wrote myself a check from her account for $125,000. She has so much money she didn't even notice it was gone. Which is good because I lost most of it buying BTC at $18K

>> No.11222812

I'm too honest to scam someone. However, in college my friends and I made copies of a ticket to a campus event because we were broke and wanted to get in. It worked and the school made a change to their tickets the next year because of it.

>> No.11222840
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>> No.11222861

Lol thanks for the evidence larper

>> No.11222872

You're a piece of shit on a whole different level

>> No.11222922

Convinced my girlfriend that I love her.

>> No.11223012

convinced myself life is worth living.

>> No.11223015

I've ripped off supermarkets in the UK for probably about £1m in the last 7 years.

>> No.11223071
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I am the founder of Bitconnect.

>> No.11223098

This thread is a goldmine for law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

>> No.11223358

In high school, me and a few friends always went to our local NBA games. One random game we moved our way down to the first couple rows. Ended up talking to this guy who had autism or mild down syndrome, couldn't tell, and was a season ticket holder. Come to find out he was very rich, I'm assuming because of his family, and was obsessed with autographed NBA player cards. The guy kind of reminded me of Glen from the movie The Ringer with Johnny Knoxville.

My friends and I came up with an idea to buy dirt cheap cards of former and current top players in the NBA. We would forge the player's signature, then put the cards in those fancy plastic cases that were screwed together to make them look legit.

Ended up selling him a couple hundred dollars of fake autograph cards each home game. The cards didn't cost us more than $5 each to produce. Did this for about a season and a half. Over that time period we raked in about 20k between the 3 of us.

Yes, I kind of feel bad, even though it's been over 12 years.

>> No.11223387

i helped start xtrabytes and bought in at 9 sat. sold over a million bucks worth at nearly 5600 sats.

>> No.11223471

gtfo leftist faggot

>> No.11223908


Jesus Christ this thread is hurting my feelings

>> No.11223965


social engineering works until it doesn't

>> No.11223992

I like that even on an anonymous mongolian yak trading forum you are compelled to lie and pretend he was rich, to try and make yourself seem less gross.
You must feel like an absolute piece of shit all the time lmao

>> No.11224101

How do I get in on this? Im a programmer.

>> No.11224158

you get used to it after a while

>> No.11224202

Dude wtf

>> No.11224212

Every single Chinese person does it

>> No.11224248

I stole wifi from my neighbor and downloaded 40-50gb a month

>> No.11224614

they put the baby formula behind glass at my local walmart. Wtf? Is there some kind of black market for baby formula I dont know about?

>> No.11224738



>> No.11224853

only 100k?? You exit scammed way too early! You could have got millions.

>> No.11224876

You could have just setup a coinbase account for her and took a selfie of her holding a piece of paper to get past kyc. Then you could transfer all of her money to coinbase buy bitcoins and send it all to yourself.

>> No.11224878

sold variable life insurance. where my insurabros at? fuck that life.

>> No.11224897

>you could call us a crime syndicate

>> No.11224901

>hello SEC

>> No.11224927

how do you know they got the address? did Johnny law come knocking

>> No.11224993

I once factored a large number into it's primes in exchange for a hamburger.

>> No.11225041

any party hats or disc of returning?

>> No.11225070


>> No.11225080
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Convincing pajeets on biz to buy the stupidest shitcoin ever, Chainlink. To this day the bagholders are shilling this bs ruski coin lmao

>> No.11225215
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As i kid, we always used to play soldiers so all the kids in the neighbourhood had toy guns laying around... some of them really nice.

I came up with some bullshit narrative about why it would be good to store them all at my place... we could create a whole arsenal so we could all pick the most awesome gun toys. Not sure how, but a week later i had like 100 guns laying around lol. Ofc i always picked the best one first.

I think we were about 11 years old or something.

>> No.11225574


Justin sun is that you?

>> No.11225907

So i happent o live in a state where any agreement you have whether signed or unsigned with a corporation company etc etc yo uhave 3 days to bakc out and get af ul lrefund of you rmoney.

A school i wont name which, was handing out FREE macbook pros to people who signed up. They even shipped out the macbook PRO immediately.

So as soon as the macbook pro was shipped i wrote a letter of cancelation and signed it with a bank to notorize it shipped it to them and faxed it in lol

got 2000$ for free and ripped of a corporation not a real human being so i dont give a fuck oh and thats the only time i signed up for school kek

>> No.11226671

This is pretty shitty but whatever.
My husband was getting sued so he gave me his assets for the time being (600k) as to avoid getting it taken away from the lawsuit. He won the case and ended up not even getting sued but I just divorced him and left with his money.

>> No.11226684

I swapped my Gameboy pocket for a Gameboy color with a retard

>> No.11227208

>thanks for the evidence

You’re either really retarded or just don’t know what you just typed...

>> No.11227226
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>> No.11227254

if this is true you are the winner!

>> No.11227375
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I made a fake degree to take the death insurance money from my dead father's.

Shit was so cash, I made it with paint back in the days..

>> No.11227490 [DELETED] 

I acquire large amounts of cocaine from Dream Market, then I resell it to other dealers in my local area. Also MDMA. I make a lot of money, but have literally no stealth at all.

>> No.11227555

exactly and i read a news article days later about the fuckers

>> No.11227609


>> No.11227636


>> No.11227644

I once found some noob who didn't have any friends and got hin to follow me around all day, eventually I took him deep into wildy and killed him. All he had was 100g and an iron longsword.

>> No.11227655


>> No.11227674

If this is real I hope you rot in hell

>> No.11227725

you story doesn´t work faggot.

he has to attack someone first to drop all his items in the wildy.

>> No.11227932

convincing the world I didn't exist

>> No.11228430
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Retired now, pretty sure my grand kids as well.

>> No.11228505

I know a guy, lets say a friend of mine who used 5-6 different cc to use free resources from a well known US it c oo mpany to mine 200k of coin that will moon x100 next year. Lol

>> No.11228662

When i was in my last year of elementary school, i convinced a small group of people to unite all our tazos in order to beat one kid at school who was probably a rich fag and had all the collection. Since i came up with the idea, i was the one responsible for them. Weeks later school ended and i kept them all

>> No.11228681

I'd unironically kill you if I were him.

also tits or gtfo

>> No.11228686


Get thee behind me, Satan.

>> No.11228714

Fuck yeah dude, good deals and good times

T. Metro Boomer

>> No.11228751
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>metro boomer want some more, nigga!