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11216216 No.11216216 [Reply] [Original]

Okay guys, as a 15+ year hardcore MMA fan I'm going to tell you a secret that may allow you to win back everything you've lost in crypto, Conor McGregor vs. Khabib Nurmagomedov is RIGGED! I told you guys to bet the house on Conor losing to Floyd, now I'm trying to tell you again: Bet the fucking HOUSE on McGregor by K.O./T.K.O. (if you can afford to, don't be a dumb fuck and bet $ you need to live).
1. Conor McGregor recently signed an 8-fight deal with the UFC... BUT, according to the terms he's not obligated to complete ANY of those fights unless he chooses to.
2. The UFC recently took a major step in sports, going from some random channel nobody watches, to landing a huge deal with ESPN. Conor is the only reason they were able to do so.
3. Lack of talent. The UFC needs Conor to WANT to fight all 8 fights on his contract. He is the only "superstar" they've had in almost 5 years now, with nobody even a relatively close 2nd place, and nobody with 1/100th of his fame potential currently on the roster. Without him, they could be bankrupt in the next 5-10 years because, outside of hardcore fans, nobody gives a shit about ANYONE other than Conor.
4. Maybe the biggest giveaway, Conor recently signed a deal that landed him PARTIAL OWNERSHIP OF THE COMPANY, and made his new whiskey brand "Proper 12" an official sponsor.
Putting all these things together, and knowing Dana White's lifetime reputation for shady business, and his recent ILLEGAL deal to cut Jon Jones steroid suspension short, does anyone honestly believe that he would allow McGregor to go out there and have even a 1% chance of getting mauled by some random ugly Russian dude!? Dana took a risk and was extremely cocky allowing Ronda Rousey's fights to not be fixed, and it bit him in the ass and almost cost him his life savings. I'm willing to bet a majority of my bank account that he will never take a risk like that again, and the fix is in on McGregor vs. Khabib, just like it was in McGregor vs. Mayweather.

>> No.11216231

Khabib by decison

betting 5 btc on it, fuck off

>> No.11216242
File: 42 KB, 500x500, mysides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 btc that you probably bought at $20,000. These are the kind of people betting on Khabib.

>> No.11216246

I bought in 2011. you are free to play with your lunch money though, who cares.

>> No.11216259

I agree there is no way they will let Conor lose. However this is first I’m hearing of Conor being a partial owner of the company now that’s insane, can I get a source?

>> No.11216268
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So you're a multi-millionaire who spends his free time on an autistic racist hentai imageboard instead of traveling the world having sex with beautiful women and experiencing all the greatest luxuries of life? Nice larp. These are the kinds of autistic retards betting on Khabib.

>> No.11216277

almost all the people who got rich from bitcoin:

(1) got in because of drugs
(2) or 4chan shilling

tons of rich fags lurking

>> No.11216278

where can i bet on this?

>> No.11216283


>> No.11216402

only on /biz/ would someone be delusional enough to think that admitting they're a millionaire who wastes their time on /biz/ makes them cool.
also, duh.

>> No.11216451

any UK betting sites like paddypower that accept crypto?

>> No.11216545
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I bought a bunch in 2012, also gained a bunch of them by working an escrow service on a certain online marketplace.

Having money doesn't automatically make you into some fucking coke snorting yacht owner.

>> No.11216591

Wouldn't be surprised after the way the UFC has done business as of late. Having said that, if there is no fuckery involved I think Khabib will take Conor down all night and grind him out. We all know Mcgregor's weakness is his ground game.

>> No.11216662
File: 76 KB, 1257x764, sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I'm betting 10

How the fuck will they even be able to fix it? Khabib is just gonna fucking maul McGregor and that's going to be that.

Look at McGregor/mendes. McGregor lost that fight, UFC fixed it at the last 3 seconds. He got absolutely destroyed, Mendes is shit compared to khabib

Khabib by mauling

>> No.11216671

How could they possibly fix it? Khabib is the one fighter in the UFC who can't be bought off.

McGregor will lose then return to featherweight

>> No.11216776

You're aware Conor knocked Mendes tf out in round 3, not round 5... right?

Do you know him personally? LMFAO at you retards falling for the script. "Oh, he's just some Russian dude who loves fighting. Look, he fought a bear as a child!" Everyone needs money, especially this dude with his sketchy Russian business. Stay woke friend.

>> No.11218040

>Bet the fucking HOUSE on McGregor by K.O./T.K.O
will it be a round 5 K.O?

>> No.11218142

implying you can't do both

>> No.11218204

Wait. So you're saying Connor is going to KO / TKO Khabib ????

>> No.11218813

I would bet on this but I dont have a trustless Oracle to facilitate the data transfer... Sergey? Help?

>> No.11218843

>does anyone honestly believe that he would allow McGregor to go out there and have even a 1% chance of getting mauled
A rematch would actually be the most profitable outcome so there's definitely a chance Mcgregor could lose even if it's rigged.

>> No.11218887

Lemme guess Diaz vs Mcgregor 1 was fixed too? Foh

>> No.11218918

I own a "Property of the UFC" t shirt, like the one Ken Shamrock wore in season 3 TUF. Bought it way back then, too.

What OP is saying sounds 100% plausible, but the odds aren't good enough for the risk IMO.

Dana White is a real bastard, he may have been planning for the oposite of what OP is saying and make it a trilogy

>> No.11219163

Op, you're probably boarderline retarded, but I agree with you, Mcgregor is going to win this fight. I did a lengthy analysis on this fight on that other thread we had last week or so and came to the same conclusion.

>> No.11219499
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1528592354926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the irony of being able to use BTC on betonline.ag and chainlink once again being completely useless and unnecessary

>> No.11219519

You guys are on the right track though-process wise, but realize this: the UFC realized Nate Diaz was the ONLY person to ever contest Conor in a press conference and make it interesting. that's the sole reason they allowed 2 fights in that scenario. the recent press conference with Khabib spewing incomprehensible gibberish was nearly unbearable, even for hardcore fans. They're gonna sweep that Russian mut under the rug as soon as fucking possible, screencap it bitches.

You are a fucking retard.

>> No.11219529

Whats your verdict on chainlink
Also Khabib wins

>> No.11219535

>tfw when you realize you can't rig a knockout because the other fighter has to be knocked out

>> No.11220048

Yeah i'm sure khabib is going to willingly let his perfect mma record go to save the ufc.

>> No.11220386

>Perfect MMA record
there's no such thing, proving he has only fought tin cans and will humbly accept the defeat for a HEFTY sum of money, far greater than he would ever receive by winning.

>> No.11220451
File: 212 KB, 1080x1350, 1537813931483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you kidding, he has never fought anyone on the caliber like mcgregor has.

>> No.11220709

heem yourself, my guy