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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 105 KB, 655x420, FREESilver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11211563 No.11211563 [Reply] [Original]

All other methods are ineffective and will cause immense pain and suffering. The sooner you accept this fact of life the sooner you can begin to heal and move on with some purpose. Time to leave the fun house behind.

>> No.11211835

lol a good friend of mine started getting really heavy into silver back in late 2012 when prices were ~$30/oz. Right at that time I was getting into bitcoin right around $30/BTC.

He kept trying to sell me on why I should be buying silver and not bitcoin. I was trying to sell him on the ladder.

Fast forward to today - I'm retired and he's sitting on about $10k worth of silver with a cost basis of almost $25k. Fucking worst investment I've ever seen.

>> No.11211852

silver is meme shit. only gold maters

>> No.11211858

fundamentally worthless, even gold is on the way out long term. you can't use history as your excuse anymore when the internet has only existed for < 30 years.

the future is pure digital for everything intangible like moey

>> No.11211871

op said measure not invest you brainlet
there will be a time to sell crypto and you won't see it unless you price it in gold

>> No.11211898

more like land, real state, share in business or business of your own, connections. Your metals mean nothing

>> No.11212004

nice larp