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11211106 No.11211106[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm not gonna be an autist like I was yesterday because this girl is genuinely sweet... But I want to so bad.

>> No.11211113


>> No.11211116

lol at 10 fold and you turn around with 100. top kek

>> No.11211125
File: 439 KB, 1792x1055, 0be13675e225f2a29c1c171b33311537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an autist... jesus.

>> No.11211133

This is autist level 900. I am impressed that she even answered to that shit. May be a nerd herself.

>> No.11211135

no way this is real. this is supreme gentleman tier autism anon.

>> No.11211137

dude stop talking about your internet magic beans. jesus christ. you think she gives a shit? be a normie if you want to get laid.

>> No.11211141

>altcoin investing

I'm literally shaking right now.

>> No.11211144

this is the type of content im on here for

>> No.11211159

early adopters

>> No.11211177
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>all of these people ITT calling him an autist
>not recommending what to respond with

>> No.11211199

He should take her queue of changing the subject back to Hot Springs and move on from that conversation like it never happened.

>> No.11211206

You didn't see how much of an austist and asshole he was in the previous thread. Fuck this nutsack.

>> No.11211208

>I believe the kindness I give to other I will get in return 10fold
Why are normies such retards?!

>> No.11211220

>expect to receive 10x

what the absolute fuck.

>> No.11211221

I don't owe him shit dumbass

>> No.11211227

OP stop right there br0
Don't you dare send that last reply
>Rolling dubs

>> No.11211235

ask her for coffee. he's saying too much and devaluing the mystery about himself. he's already ruined it.

>> No.11211241
File: 2.24 MB, 330x166, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 10 fold returns

>> No.11211254

Dude just tell her you have a mild form of autism and youd like to work on one of her giving projects. Say it would help with your social anxiety. She's a save the world type it looks like, definetly not a stacey. You could make a date out of helping on a project, then see if you can go a little further by taking her for dinner and drinks afterward. Depending on how well you play the cards you could get laid. If that happens, pull out mid session and shit on her chest, make sure you load up on curry for a few previous meals before the big day. Once your done shitting, tell her you have a poop fixation due to your mild autism and leave. If she gets back to you over the next few days she's a keeper and on the plus side you've already marked her as yours like any real Chad would do.

>> No.11211272

It's okay to have interests and hobbies. Just don't be condescending or try to sound better because of it.

It's neat to be a part of something legitimately changing the world, but even if she doesn't know what it is or understand it, won't change anything.

So be excited about it. Girls like when you're passionate about something even if it is nerdy. If she isn't interested because you're interested in something, it wasn't meant to be anyway.

Just worry about HOW you talk about it. It's cool to be passionate homie.

>> No.11211295

> just give away money and it's all good
Lamo op if you marry this thot she will give away all your money to niggers in Africa.

>> No.11211319

Obviously a liberal globalist bitch. Will spend your money and will cheat on you. She will probably fuck you quick though

>> No.11211320

trips dubs (full house?) speaks the truth

>> No.11211349

Women don’t like me when I “am myself”. Fuck women honestly. Most of the women I get with are terribly boring and unattractive. Sexual desire is such a retarded concept, wish it did not exist.

>> No.11211362
File: 811 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180918-174512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why his not googling Arkansas history
>Hot springs
Wet warm pussy op doesn't even know it

>> No.11211379

I don’t know what to fucking do. I hate being a weirdo that I have been all my life. Most people don’t like me. :( it sucks.... I don’t like other people either... fuck... but, what am I gonna do??

>> No.11211388
File: 234 KB, 962x1601, Screenshot_20180925-193053~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it yolo

>> No.11211389

im a 31 year old kissless hugless handholdless virgin who has not talked to non-family female since high school

OP...please stop

>> No.11211391

(You)... feels great to get one even if it was from myself

>> No.11211408

If she is fertile you should ask her if you could drink milk from here. It’s pretty hot, do it. Unironically

>> No.11211415
File: 96 KB, 689x795, 1537212898758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you just ruined that one well done fren

>> No.11211428

this made me physically ill to read. at least the other guy was a chad autist about it

>> No.11211437

tell her you have a hucow fetish n think she would look sexy in cow patterns

>> No.11211446
File: 233 KB, 1080x1582, Screenshot_20180925-193558~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What next

>> No.11211454
File: 33 KB, 356x425, 1537336429523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i see a picture of where you poop from

>> No.11211455

you know what else is terribly bitter? black coffee. you good for saturday?

>> No.11211460


>> No.11211482


>> No.11211484

stop talking about money it's obvious you are trying to impress her, cringe

>> No.11211489
File: 235 KB, 1080x1697, Screenshot_20180925-193940~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11211492


dude ask her out or stop posting. or else your a beta buck doesn't matter wtf is in your folio

>> No.11211502

should have ended it at starbucks. you gotta keep the mystery. but good job op. proud of u fren

>> No.11211507

Godfucking this

>> No.11211513

You're right. It's like throwing your money into fire

>> No.11211526

if she replies i will dump all my chainstinks

>> No.11211555

it was kinda vague. he should have solidified it on saturday or whatever day he's available. that way you put the ball in her court and your message is direct and makes you appear busy.

>> No.11211569

fag alert

>> No.11211577

can't tell if either you, OP or actually both of you are autistic but keep it up man it's entertaining

>> No.11211580

considering i had to save op out of a dumpster fire, sure. its the best thing he could have done to save that convo.

>> No.11211583

Don't forget pre-curry before going out, that coffee should help also. Could't ask for a better location than a hot spring to do the deed. Good luck.

>> No.11211599

lmao don't fall for it OP
the fact she responded and called you bitter is ROASTIE as fuck
she probably thinks you deserved it while you went and accomplished things and made a man of yourself

>> No.11211605

You wrapped it up nicely, just keep the 'tism dialed back a bit and you're good to go

>> No.11211631

i mean nothing is worst than talking about your ex and being negative. OP you need to be positive 100% of the time. and drop your baggage holy fuck.

>> No.11211634

I was thinking
>How could possibly OP make it worse?
>he fucking did it
OP you're above autism.

>> No.11211638

my fucking sides

>> No.11211653
File: 15 KB, 250x239, 8601114C-AFC0-4D67-A7DD-0B9255C46C0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not sure what’s up with the influx of autistic tinder chats on biz lately, but I like it. I’m not a fucking knockout by any means but damn does reading these make me laugh and feel better about my life.

>> No.11211659

amen brother

>> No.11211661

>im not interested in making money but am interested in giving it away

useless roastie detected

>> No.11211686

That can't be real. I refuse to believe it's not some retarded trolling.

>> No.11211746

It unironically is real.

>> No.11211803

>desn't into emotions

>> No.11212067

This is great. Reminds me of the autistic tinder threads on /fit/ of yore.

Keep it coming OP

>> No.11212209

OP I'm gonna list some stuff because autists like explicit social rules

(1) Don't apologize for being interested in what you're interested in. It makes you seem insecure. Insecurity is widely seen as unattractive.

(2) Don't bring up your ex apropos of nothing. It makes it seem like you aren't over your ex, and people don't want to date people who aren't over their ex (would you?)

(3) Don't unload your emotional baggage on people. Pay a therapist. Being sympathetic to your problems is a form of work (emotional labor) and people don't like work. That's why therapists cost money.

(4) When someone switches topics in a conversation (here, to hot springs), go with it. It usually means they are uninterested in the previous topic, and continuing to talk about the old topic will make them bored.

>> No.11212232

Are you trying to ruin your chances?
If you haven't already sent that trash response, lemme help you.

"I totally get your motivation behind philanthropy. There's nothing like seeing someone you've helped smile.
I volunteer every Christmas to wrap donated presents that go to families not as fortunate as we are.
My goal is to continue helping people, and their families, while I invest my own money (that I'm fortunate to have) so that I make more to help in ways that I couldn't previously.
What charities do you do community service with?
I like to volunteer at <<<<enter your local nokill shelter here>>>> at least one weekend a month.

>> No.11212257

This guys final point is spot on.
If someone changes topics, you should follow their conversational queues.
That being said, you're free to resolve your last fuck up, don't ask any questions on the topic you fucked up on, then move on to the 'springs' topic the provided you with as an out. Try to end in questions when you can if they seem natural.

>> No.11212263

They're naive.
Depends on what your goal is, but this poor soul is easily manipulated.

>> No.11212285

That's such a fucking lie though. Last Christmas, I was selling BTC and buying methamphetamine and beating off for 3 days straight.

>> No.11212301

i'm here for the cringes

>> No.11212327

this guy fucks

>> No.11212342

Just change the topic now. Talk about her, damage control NOW

>> No.11212366

It’s over.

>> No.11212418

Dude i didnt comment on your thread yesterday but you were hilarious. This one is gold too.
What app are you on? Looks fun

A lurker

>> No.11212425

She might actually accept out of pity.
Don't do anything else foolish

>> No.11212595

these are starting to hurt to read more and more

>> No.11212596


>> No.11212606


>> No.11212629
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