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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 62 KB, 1280x720, snapshot_16.18_[2018.05.21_00.19.28].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11210539 No.11210539 [Reply] [Original]

>10-hour shifts
I'm not gonna last much longer

>> No.11210547

10 hour shifts are nothing, i bet you even get a weekend. fucking normie

>> No.11210569

And how much coffee do you drink per day?

>> No.11210670
File: 40 KB, 512x433, IMG_7404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 3 cups, today i had 2 and a monster

>> No.11210732

Unless you're actually doing physical labor you're a whiny bitch if you can't do at least 12

>> No.11210746

this is me at work, holy fuck

>> No.11210778

>3 cups
Fuck, I can't take that much caffeine.

Sometimes I have to lift computers and take them to the storage room.

>> No.11210833

I do 12. The fuck is your problem kiddo

>> No.11210881

And you're fine with that? Sounds like hell

>> No.11211049
File: 768 KB, 1280x1519, 6E94C644-26E2-4AEF-97AF-6E247D2B190A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 hours? That’s nothing I do 10.
>10 hours? That’s noting I do 12.
>12 hours? That’s nothing I do 14.
>14 hours? That’s nothing I do 16.
Lol, I never understood this. Why do people take pride for working that many hours a day? Lol, you’ve been brainwashed so fucking bad that if you’re not spending more than half of you day making money, then you’re a loser. No wonder depression and suicide are at an all time high.

>> No.11211051

Been on 10 hour shifts for years.

>> No.11211064

>10 hours
Rookie, you a PA or something?

I do 12s but pretty much do 16s by staying over 4 extra hours for overtime. It's tiring though

>> No.11211065

dunno man, its some bizarre form of wagecuck cope. i did a 16 hour shift on the weekend and wouldnt one up anyone with it, because i would never recommend it. it absolutely destroys you

>> No.11211085
File: 75 KB, 1024x478, Mazda-RX-VISION-Rendering-by-Hansen-Art-1024x478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like my job anon, i get to work on cars all day

>> No.11211215

That's a normal shift bro.
I work 10s all the time.
I'm working on f35 parts that cost $2.1 Million+.
Can't drink any caffeine because that would compromise my dexterity.
I wish BTC would moon so I can go back to 8s.

>> No.11211228

i do 16s for weeks at a time literally cry harder you baby bitch

>> No.11211260

>being proud of this

>> No.11211263

That's slavery tier, fuck that.

>> No.11211303

>12 hour shifts on site.
>no weekends, no holidays
L-least I get overtime and per diem.

>> No.11211332

Lmao I work 24/7. I'm a crypto investor. 10 hours is nothing. If you are gonna make it you gotta work 25 hours a day.

>> No.11211359

I averaged 57 hours a week over my first year working. It was hell one earth but at least the overtime/doubletime was all payed and they didn't jew me on that.
7 years later I was finally promoted enough that I made more money on a 40 hour work week than I did that first year.

>> No.11211371

>not collecting 8 hours of overtime plus per diem every day
>not working at all for 6 months at a time
>not collecting unemployment and living like a king off your savings

>> No.11211427

A mazda?

>> No.11211466

Your wage cuck parents were selfish in giving birth to you. They birthed you into wage cuckoldry. Odds are you are going to be stuck there since only a small percentage of even first worlders will ever be able to escape wage cuckoldry. Even Freedom 55 is a fucking joke. You're already too old by then. Most people will retire after their 65. Probably well after 65. And by then your life is already over.

>> No.11211467


You pussy I work 60 hours every week, welcome to the real world.

>> No.11211474
File: 83 KB, 684x566, 1536116765112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't work 2 jobs at once

>> No.11211487

>You pussy I work 60 hours every week, welcome to the real world.
It's not the real world for trust fund kids. Your parents fucked up by birthing you into slavery (and me).

>> No.11211497
File: 697 KB, 963x945, wagecuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor wagie

>> No.11211514

Nice meme. Nice edit of the cuck meme. I'm adding this to my wagecuck folder

>> No.11211519
File: 39 KB, 320x427, 1537489401738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delet this

>> No.11211543

thanks anon, i made it yesterday out of boredom in a salty wagie cagie thread.

>> No.11211559
File: 143 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mazdas are baste

>select all images with a bus

>> No.11211603

this is baby-tier
Look at this and you'll understand what its look like to be a man.

>> No.11211657
File: 93 KB, 1280x719, nostalgic12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also one of my favorite cars. the sole survivor of group s, but while we're still on mazda and group s here's a prototype

>> No.11211660

people did this in my college but backwards with hours of sleep

>> No.11211683

Exactly. Wage cucking that long is not something to take pride in. Either you're in a shitty paying job that you need to work that much. Or you are a slave to your greed. At any rate, wage cucks should not reproduce. If you don't have the balls to kill the bourgeoisie and seize the means of production, then you don't deserve to reproduce. Leave the reproduction to Chad and Tyrone. A low-inhibition criminal entrepreneur has better genetics than a beta cuck.

>> No.11211812
File: 783 KB, 1280x711, getting stronger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60hours physical labor.

>> No.11211837

but why is so ugly?

>> No.11211855

This. I work 6 hours a day and make 40k a year. Not a richfag by any means but with smart budgeting I'm squarely middle class and damn do I have a good quality of life.

>> No.11211880

I work about 70 hours a week from home. It only takes me about 30-40 hours to complete 70 hours worth of work. Lmao at office cucks

>> No.11211912

I saw a statistic once that said that most people working office jobs are only actually working for 3 hours during their 8 hour shift

>> No.11211920

If you have a good quality life at $40k US/year, the cost of living (primarily housing and rent) in your area must not be very high.

I've had this theory for awhile now that the reason why the coastal areas and urban metropolitan areas tend to vote Democrat while the rest of the country votes Republican is because the cost of living near the coast and in urban metropolises is expensive. So if you are living in poverty in Silicon Valley, chances are you're going to be in favor of government intervention in the economy.

Whereas if you are a Denny's waitress in Hanover, Pennsylvania and you're able to pay the bills just fine and you also happen to be a Christian and come from a redneck Pennsylvania Dutch culture, you're going to vote Republican or not vote at all.

Now if you are unemployed and doing opiates in a small buttfuck town, you might vote Democrat. But probably most of those people don't bother to vote. A lot of NEETs are actually Republican because their parents take care of all their needs and don't feel the need for government intervention. And they know the government isn't going to cut them a big fat NEETBux cheque anyways after their ass needs to get a job.

>> No.11212052
File: 50 KB, 500x500, 1498435656440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut anime?

>> No.11212062

cutting is fun

>> No.11212091
File: 68 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,101010_01c5ca27c6.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Commute typically 2 hours a day total
>Management requires us to take the long way because the clients complained about traffic on their bi-weekly visits
>3 hour commute now
>Upper management talking about forcing 6/12 weeks

at least i make six figures, right?

>> No.11212172

>6/12 weeks

is this just 6 days a week, 12 days a fortnight?

>> No.11212203

72 hours. 90 if you count commute.
This is what happens when talent is stretched thin and a project costs $30B

>> No.11212245

whoa fuck that dude. i hope its worth it, because i wouldve left under those conditions

>> No.11212294

He said he makes 6 figures. That's worth it in opinion

>> No.11212302
File: 89 KB, 480x475, 1537846399355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did tens this summer landscaping in the Pacific northwest, it nearly destroyed my body, eights feel like a goddamn vacation now and the experience motivated me to get back into the entertainment business

>> No.11212336

>that pic
Oh shit lol

>> No.11212370
File: 822 KB, 480x270, 1465583952238.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty quality post. I also use all my vacation and sick days so I'm essentially off 2.5 months plus holidays, no weekends either just you're average 5/2. I guess it could also depend on the person and what they want out of their life but there's a general trend there I think you're seeing.
>6/12 weeks

>> No.11212455

Biz doesn’t count as work dickhead

>> No.11212726

Would you rather be a neet that lives with parents expense free in a nice house and gets 750 dollars a month in autismbux or a wagie that works 50 hours a week, has a 2 hour commute, pays taxes, has student loans, needs to pay rent ect but makes 5k per month.

>> No.11212821

I hate these hypotheticals cause I'd rather work 30 hrs a week and make $3,300 a month but I'd guess I'd go with being a NEET

>> No.11212931

Considering that I have no life anyway, I would rather work my life away to make some good money

>> No.11213000


That car is awesome. I love how stubby it is.

>> No.11213021

Stop bragging Mike.

>> No.11213036

24 hours? That’s nothing i do 26

>> No.11213043

imagine working 12 hours a day 7 days a week for two weeks, then getting one week off

when i worked in the oilfield that's what I got, and honestly it was worth it for the checks i was getting

>> No.11213060

redpill us about the oilfields anon.
You were on an offshore platform?

>> No.11213081

>Considering that I have no life anyway, I would rather work my life away to make some good money
I don't have much of a life either. But I live a relatively stress-free life as a crypto NEET. You can't put a price on living a relatively stress-free life. The most stressful part of my day is driving to the grocery store or running errands.

I'm making some money day trading crypto from my parents' basement. So I can buy the groceries and whatever I need and still manage to save money. Don't have rent to pay. (((Rent/mortgage))) is the biggest part of your expense as a wage cuck.

I'm 33. By the time my dad drops dead, I'll be old anyways and probably have Type II Diabetes with all the junk food I eat by then so it doesn't matter. What's the point in trading away the prime years of your life to the Jew just so that you can maybe retire at 65 when you are old? Fuck that shit. Humans were not meant to live this long. And humans were not meant to grow this large in population. We need more death in the planet. Less reproduction.

>> No.11213094
File: 915 KB, 981x873, 1478778582617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work 12 hour night shifts 6pm to 6am. I'm on lunch right now. This week i work mon,tues,wed,birthday,fri,sat,sun 6pm-6am hehe

>> No.11213114

Are you me anon?
Same life here, but i lost my gains in memealts.

>> No.11213165

I somewhat agree with you. The idea of saving for retirement does seem kind of dumb to me considering that no one knows how much time they have left on this earth. Plus, living an awesome life for 40 years is better than living a mundane life for 80 years in my opinion. Shit, my dad died at the age of 52. So this whole idea of saving money to live on when I'm in my 70's and 80's does seem kind of ridiculous to me.

Can I get a little more information about your life and financial status? Such as:

>What's your net worth?
>How much do you make in an average month (or year) trading crypto?
>What's your sex life like? (Not trying to be mean, just wondering how well you do in other areas of life)

>> No.11213963
File: 59 KB, 720x661, so whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
