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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11208605 No.11208605 [Reply] [Original]

wtf i had no clue shit was literally traveling underwater and physically moving around underground... how the fuck did we think of that?

>> No.11208662

now OP ask yourself dis, how does bitcone work.

>> No.11208737

What? When did they build the underwater tubes? Wouldn't that take decades and billions of dollars. I'm pretty sure it's wireless, bro.

>> No.11208758

naw they use giant cables bro, that's why we can't go back to the moon. they broke the first one.

>> No.11208765

Did you know those wires occasionally chew on the wires? Not only did humans think of laying cables underwater, but someone no smarter than you had to design them to be shark-proof.
>unironically wireshark

>> No.11208769

About $500 million

>> No.11208776

are you retarded?

buy XLM faggot

>> No.11208778

sharks occasionally chew*

>> No.11209044

i genuinely thought it was all done by satellite when crossing overseas

>> No.11209068

>those wires occasionally chew on the wires
Fucking wire cannibals are the biggest maintenance cost of the internet.

>> No.11209071


Nigga satellites can barely give us good signals for phone calls and tv channels, you think they could route ALL THE DATA IN THE WORLD using satellites?! Lmao @ u

>> No.11209076

you never learned about the first transatlantic phone line? they made us watch a video of that in high school. a literal cable running across the atlantic ocean.

>> No.11209128


Mine is wireless

>> No.11209133

I highly doubt (((they))) would ever let video get out that explained how the internet REALLY works. Judging from your post only talking about underwater cables, it looks like you fell for the bait they laid.

>> No.11209135

Bitcoin is on the blockchain.

>> No.11209141

paste a link to the video fag

>> No.11209149
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>> No.11209159

satellites need to fix scaling

>> No.11210086

>zillion dollar futuristic machines that hover in orbit around the earth
>literally running a cable across the bottom of the entire fucking ocean
which seems more advanced to you retard?

>> No.11210105

a lot of autism thats how.

>> No.11210144

it's part of a bootcamp for coding. i'm sick of my wagecuck job i'm gonna go make 55K a year to fuck around with javascript until i make it in crypto. i just never thought about how the internet actually works and it's incredible. i was unironically amazed

>> No.11210436
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Comcast BTFO

>> No.11210453
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you didn't listen when this man spoke the truth.

>> No.11210542


>> No.11210606

if you grew up by having internet you really can't connect to all prior history really.

>> No.11210680

>After not inflicting enough damage to humans on the surface, the sharks have decided to kill humans by destroying the internet.

>> No.11210873

i miss the pre-internet days. they were a lot slower and you were in your own head a lot more just thinking about shit instead 24/7 content

>> No.11211382
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> we

>> No.11211639

>how the fuck did we think of that?


>> No.11211684

Its a series of tubes retard

>> No.11211715

dont forget gerbil fags, they literally prototyped the internet

>> No.11211744

Good sharko

>> No.11211758
File: 83 KB, 900x1013, memri3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao why the fuck do you need cables when we have wireless internet? What a stupid fag.

>> No.11211760

>american education

>> No.11211762

It’s called fiber optics. Light/laser = information shooting through strands of glass the diameter of a nutsack hair. Oh we got this tech was from a little crash from 1947 in NM

>> No.11211838

based and redpilled. Most of our 60 past years tech have been retroengineered.

>> No.11211840

jesus the guys browsing this site were in elementary school when that meme was relatable

>> No.11211868

how are you calling him a retard if you're the retard that thought our internet comes from satellites

fucking retard lmao

>> No.11211894

Its fiberglass you dipshit. Its melted glass with some additives for flexibility. Its not that special.

>> No.11211910


>> No.11211974

Satellites are not real - Earth is flat.

>> No.11212000

Internets is a series of Marconi tubes!!!

Seriously though, fiber is ran all around the world and is how data is crossed. Satellite used to be a good go to, but latency and capacity makes fiber runs much better.

Only part where satellites improve in terms of latency is running a bunch of low earth orbit satellites.

Older brother works on missile systems, can confirm world isn't flat and satellites are real.

>> No.11212017

Why do you think www stands for 'world wide WEB'

>> No.11212020

we've had satellites for decades, whereas the tech that makes high speed cables work is relatively new. also, cables have tonnes of benefits over satellite.

>> No.11212024

Before cables connected the oceans was there just local internet? That must have seen far fetched to stretch a cable across the globe. Kind of like it’s far fetched for a network of oracles to trigger a swift smart bond. Interesting.

>> No.11212043

Unironically this, everything is ground based it just makes more sense

>> No.11212050

Oh it’s special. It gives your fat ass a chance to interact with world without taking off your Cheeto stained whitey tighties

>> No.11212055

Satellite was backhaul and also connected phone calls. I recall talking to my sister on Japan many moons ago. Five to six second delay due to satellite latency.

>> No.11212083

you know anything about coding? what programming language should i learn? javascript, ruby, python? the course i'm in now focuses on javascript and i honestly just want a chill job in a year that pays me 50K or so.

>> No.11212105

>When did they build the underwater tubes?
in the 19th century

>> No.11212130

Once google implements satellite sharding in 2099 we'll all have gigabit speeds on demand.

>> No.11212189
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>> No.11212218

wouldnt it be easier to just have boats/floating platforms in the ocean to do it wirelessley (like the ISP's on mainland)... seems like a lot less maintenance effort

>> No.11212238


>> No.11212272

Who the hell has the jurisdiction to plan a worldwide internet layout? Don’t countries say fuck you we got our own guy?

>> No.11212284

no you fucking idiot

>> No.11212290

also can someone explain why the ISP towers can somehow send wireless signals all accross Africa but indonesia/SEA needs so many cables to each island..

>> No.11212295

the image doesnt imply the US is building all of that. its just a map. this point aside the US never cared about jurisdiction. we literally topple governments that dont do our bidding

>> No.11212305

my boss has worked on the underwater cables
I really hope I never have to
they have this boat with a hook that goes along and lifts it up out of the water, pretty cool

>> No.11212323

Microwave transmission has somewhat limited range and logarithmic scales down when there is vapor in the air. Which funnily enough is almost always over water. Also most microwave links are still in the 100 mbps range max so good luck servicing a lot of islands in a chain. Meanwhile afrtica is dry and only need bandwidth for wankanda videos and nigerian prince emails.

>> No.11212333

Agreed plan. Countries then sub to their own guy. All in all fiber is a crucial backbone. If you don’t have good fiber infrastructure your fucked. The fiber backbone then connects to central offices around the globe then loops satellites. One huge loop of access. The tech does gets better

>> No.11212513


The interesting part of this image is the more cables in an area the higher the average IQ of the people living there

>> No.11212526
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t. Aaron Levistein