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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11207592 No.11207592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11207600


>> No.11207610

yea except its not bitch mode and everyone does it.

its called being atnervous

>> No.11207615


-> /r9k/

>> No.11207640
File: 655 KB, 220x328, 286AB2AF-2743-4FA3-862F-3CDAC0997D33.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how are you ever supposed to know if a girl is interested in you?

>> No.11207658

By asking her.

>> No.11207683

You talk to her and look for signs that she feels you're attractive. You're the man, you have to get in her zone and tell her what's what.

>> No.11207696

Women aren’t always truthful, are they?

What are the signs?

>> No.11207735

Just talk to a woman. Any woman. Talk to multiple women. Stop thinking they're special. If one treats you like shit, move on. That's the problem with you idiot virgins. You think women are special goddesses. They're garbage. Move on if you don't get what you want.

>> No.11207777

someone's mom didn't love him enough. daddy beat you? poor kid.

>> No.11207820

They are supposedly pummelled down by every conceivable circumstance. Everybody is screaming at the top of their lungs how they were oppressed till the dawn of time. Makes approaching one very like approaching a dog that been beaten to the inch of their life.
It';s even visible on r9k now. Roasties became comfortable with posting and the majority of their threads is wallowing in self-pity and the horrors that their live supposedly is.

>> No.11207824

Who hurt you?

>> No.11207829
File: 62 KB, 1200x1238, Reddit+big4we+need+something+like+this+but+for+fjbig4_3ec122_6654916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to whatever thot channel you give your cuckbucks to on twitch, faggot.

>> No.11207858

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.11207892
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>> No.11207895


>> No.11207899

The stupidity in your post sweety

>> No.11207909

Correct answer. Sadly 8 out of 10 /biz/ users are white knight incel NEETs and won't understand.

>> No.11207997

>never talk to a woman
>never make any effort to interact with any woman ever

>> No.11208201

Ok but what are the signs they’re into you?

>> No.11208236


>> No.11208264

How does one train talking to a woman without twisting unwilling females into such a shitstorm of autism? Serious question.
Hire prostitutes to only talk to them?

>> No.11208268
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>talking to a thot

>> No.11208270

I literally experienced it in class. Fucking kek, she is staring at me and when I look at her shes cold and looking somewhere else. I'm not falling for this

>> No.11208282

You can kind of just tell. You pick up on gestures and signs, but yeah, you could just ask them.
Hang out with her and see if she's any fun, if so proceed to having sex

>> No.11208288

Just talk to them for fucks sake they are only humans lmao

>> No.11208302

>Walk around the city
>see women checking me out
>ignore and continue what I was doing
>they visibly begin to doubt themselves for the first time in their lives
>litlle do they know I would be able to have a conversation with them even if I cared.

>> No.11208331

I'd myself would find it unwanted to deal with some random shitter that approached me while I was doing my own stuff. Why should I not consider that the other person isn't doing anything important?

>> No.11208351

how far in advance do you think that numale plotted that twitter post?

>> No.11208409

If the hole is already wet and she screams, then she likes you. If you have to open her up and go in dry and she screams, then she really likes you. If she doesn't scream, then she kinda likes you.

>> No.11208416

You can look up the signs for yourself, there are thousands of pages dedicated tiothis shit. Reading about it is the worst way to learn though. You need to go talk to women and hang out with men who know how to talk to women in order to 'feel' the signs.

>> No.11208464
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>Talk to girl
>Make a move
>Get rejected
>Try again despite this
>Get rejected
>Lose interest
>Get a new cutie

To answer your question anon. I don't really know my new strategy has been to just stand around the bar and get drunk waiting for woman to approach me.

>> No.11208489

Then be a virgin forever I guess. :)

>> No.11208512

look in the mirror and be over 6‘1

>> No.11208540

pestering random people on the street is hardly an answer, especially for people who won't be able to deal with the backlash of completely miserable attempts at doing so.
Normies and their advice...

>> No.11208592

Then fucking go somewhere where social interaction is acceptable and encouraged. For fucks sake you faggots are completely hopeless. Noting is going to fall into your lap. If you want something go fucking get it and quit whining to a bunch of random. people who don't give a fuck.

>> No.11208644

Like I said above just stand around and do your own thing. Girls approach a couple of times throughout the night.

>> No.11208658

where then you freak. specific advice. Willing to dish out money.

>> No.11208697

Nothing like that happens in the area where I usually operate. Women consider approaching men as something that would make the men not value them at all - which is true.

>> No.11208701

Go to a bar, go to a convention for some gay shit you're into, go to a meetup site and find something you're interested in, join a gym that has groups that do marathons and shit. You're going to have to sift through a bunch of boring NPCs with any option you choose but that's just how life is.

>> No.11208702

Yes, they un ironical do this. A former flatmate told me this. She was working at a desk or something and got flashed by some hot guy. Then for reasons she can't explain she was acting very cold towards him.

>> No.11208713

My friends always tell me this is the worst advice they never even try it. Just try it you will see.

>> No.11208726

>my new strategy has been to just stand around the bar and get drunk waiting for woman to approach me.
did it ever work?

>> No.11208763

Yeah it works great. Girls will talk to you about random shit if you don't approach them and just do your own thing. I don't even look at them.
>Don't I know you from somewhere?
>Weren't we in the same high school?
>Drunk girls randomly give you hugs and pretend to know you

>> No.11208766

A woman came up to me at a bowling alley bar one time and tried talking to me. I have no idea why. She was at least 8/10 but was immediately turned off by how drunk I was. I just wanted to bowl with some of my wagecuck boys.

>> No.11208805

Did majority of the things you mentioned. The problem is always that women throw blatant signals of attraction, yet I have no idea what to do with it because I know that I'm not skilled at conversing with women in that manner. Tried a couple of times and the effect was that they immediately lost the initial attraction, later to regain it again because I'm kinda alpha looking and behaving, but it is very shallow and not congruent with how I feel about myself. During those shifts, they often become horribly unpleasant, which makes me avoid them even more.
If there was some course on how to talk to women as if they were real people, without the romantic context, I'd sign up in a heartbeat. Never saw anything similar.

>> No.11208859

Take phenibut or something then I dunno. I've been through all the same stuff before. You just have to keep trying until you get lucky. I haven't tried in four years though. It gets to the point where it isn't worth it anymore.

>> No.11208921

Lmao this, Chad here not giving the insta thots at my gym the attention they are so used to is priceless. Especially when they constantly try to make eyes with you and you just ignore their existence. Why the fuck would I want to chat up some roastie who talks to 3-4 different dudes every time she is there to “lift”.