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File: 25 KB, 712x500, Gold-in-Pan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11206792 No.11206792 [Reply] [Original]

I live only an hour away to the Sierra Nevada by Yosemite and just found out that not only was this area once part of the California gold rush where lots of miners found gold, there's a bus service that can take me there every day for $20 a month with a bus pass so transportation isn't a problem. Could I make this into a living just by panning gold? The bus route stops by this river right here where I found a video of someone panning for gold and finding some small amounts.


This is going to sound nuts, but I'd rather just do this instead of wageslaving in an office. Do you think it's possible I could at least find 1 ounce of gold a month consistently if I do this full time the whole day? Since transportation is cheap all I have to worry about is bringing food along to eat.

>> No.11206813

You're a couple of hundred years late man.

>> No.11206818

doubt it. maybe u can pan on the weekends when you're not wage slaving. at lease that way you can make a few extra bucks

>> No.11206826

You're gonna be rich, OP!

>> No.11206834

should try asteroid mining for silver

>> No.11206835

Try it out and see how it goes

>> No.11206838


>> No.11206880


>this old coal mine shut down 10 years ago. Do you think I could mine enough coal myself to sustain myself out of it?

probably not, but not being enough there to support industry doesn't mean there isn't the occasional bit of resource kicking around. There is a very good chance you find that panning for gold is worth far less than minimum wage. It's not that there's zero gold, it's that there isn't enough to make it worth pulling out.

Also, once you have the gold, who do you plan on selling it to?

>> No.11206882

>Do you think it's possible I could at least find 1 ounce of gold a month consistently if I do this full time the whole day?
No, but your odds are better than looking for btc keys online.

>> No.11206891
File: 134 KB, 600x450, Half an ounce of gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold at $1200 an ounce is worth a hell of a lot more, there's buyers for it everywhere in local jewelry stores. And I love being outside anymore, working in an office is driving me mad. I'm just wondering if it's even possible to find an ounce of gold flakes a month if I pan full time.

>> No.11206895

Way easier to just dress homeless and find a busy corner, sit for a few hours and panhandle. You'd probably make at least $50 a day doing this.

>> No.11206904

>finding some small amounts
That small amount is almost enough to gild one of the edges of a book! OP you've found a literal gold mine. Delete this thread before more people steal this idea!

>> No.11206931

Why don't you do something else outdoors? Work for the national park service.

>> No.11206943

Well theres a big chance (10-15%) you'll find a clump more than 1/2KG every month or so. So that's pretty decent.
I would have become a goldminer myself if i lived in antartica or west dakota or something.

Now im mining bitcoin, but its not the same

>> No.11206962

This guy has the real good suggestions

>> No.11206996

Gold is worth 1200 an ounce sure, but gold mining gets economy of scale bonuses: the more you invest in extraction the better your margins become.

You have a planned initial investment of zero in professional gold extraction equipment. You plan on selling to local stores, which may or may not attempt to price gouge you (as in this case your loss is their gain.) Note that selling your gold is going to be a process that is probably more lucrative per minute spent than the gold itself (because without selling skills, you will probably gut your labor value).

Go pan for a week and record your average haul per day, then extrapolate that data to a month. Then make sure you have a reliable buyer at the price you want to sell for (more difficult than it sounds), and you can work out your average revenue per month.

If you aren't hauling about a gram a day, you won't be making your targets.

>> No.11207025

you can stake mining claims in cali for 100 usd at you county blm (bureau of land managment)

>> No.11207030

doesn't sound nuts at all. lots of people are seaching for a way out

>> No.11207031

Reno NV here, let me know how it works out.

>> No.11207033


>> No.11207036

>Well theres a big chance (10-15%) you'll find a clump more than 1/2KG every month or so
this anon is misleading you. if you go into this expecting to hit a 500g (≈16oz) nug, you're going to be disappointed. think about your margins and be rational.

>> No.11207082
File: 23 KB, 380x273, toddhoffman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched enough episodes of Gold Rush to know that investing more money in mining gold is a terrible idea and will more likely fuck you over. I'm not after a full scale operation, I'm just after 1 ounce a month. I'll have enough hours next month to take a week vacation and will seriously work on this.

>> No.11207148

Also remember that there is a very good chance that tricks of the trade are lost to time. I remember speaking to an old lady who owned a gold shop in Tok, Alaska who reminisced about the Klondike gold Rush. She told me that something about gold will cause trees to gnarl, so they would focus on those areas. Likely an old wive's tale but might have a non-zero amount of truth to it. I'd recommend making sure you talk to some old people in your area (related to the gold rush if possible) and make sure you take in everything they say like a sponge. Also, note that she wasn't panning, she was using a boat with a sifting machine and a giant vacuum cleaner (and a team) to suck heavier gold from the floor. (This is what I mean by investment will improve your margins)

>> No.11207355
File: 494 KB, 1536x1919, native progun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Also i'm not telling you where the gold is in Mariposa.

fuck off.

>> No.11207372

could that suction thing be used for other purposes?

>> No.11207403


Sure it can. Masturbating with a pool vacuum is the highest peak of human experience, but you can only do it once.

>> No.11207462
File: 38 KB, 768x431, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda funny, I was thinking about moving down south to the Gulf for treasure hunting, that includes gold as well. I actually made a thread about this about a month ago asking biz.

After doing more research, I've found that for the most part, its more trouble than its worth because of so many freaking laws. As usual, the government is fucking us over at every turn. This includes treasure hunting. You only get to keep it under certain circumstances. The bigger your haul, the more the authorities get involved to steal your shit.

I mean, you can still do it, but you gotta know the laws. As for mining gold specifically...you need the equipment to do so. I would say an initial investment might set you back $20k, $30k...I mean at that point, youd might as well invest in something else, maybe oil?

>> No.11207539

You should use a Vacuum cleaner to maximize your gains

>> No.11207587
File: 94 KB, 640x561, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

study the land and contents
find ancient river beds preferably from the younger dryas
get a metal detector
find one of these babies you're set for life

>> No.11207601

Oh yeah, theres also the fact that if you are hauling lots of gold, minerals, treasure, etc from the location, you have to keep it safe from robbers and shit. They still exist. So that's a factor too.

>> No.11207624

what's your plan for the gulf?
I want to drive around the keys with a metal detector on the back of my boat
jump in with a snorkel anytime I get a hit

>> No.11207643

Yeah same. I want to get an underwater metal detector and search the shipwrecks. I know its against the law in Florida though and there are probably laws in the Gulf, too.

>> No.11207652
File: 102 KB, 664x441, 542947101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paying taxes on treasure is dumb
you're practically a pirate if you're plundering gold from shipwrecks

>> No.11207818

Look for "Ask Jeff Williams" on YouTube

>> No.11207872

I do believe the law of "finders keepers, losers weepers" comes into effect.

>> No.11207907

we're this sad

>> No.11207923

Lots of southern families hid their valuables in wells when the union army came through.

>> No.11207943

I think you'd be better off driving around looking for discarded appliances and pulling out the silver. Or figuring out a way to recycle cell phones and pulling the precious metals out.

>> No.11208481

>a boat with a sifting machine and a giant vacuum cleaner
this is the way to go.
i know some places which this might be profitable, but is illegal as fuck. you will need permissions from the native government, which you wont get.
some guy i worked with got jail time for this, but said they extracted 3x the anmount of gold per ton they needed to break even.
also this is not in america. cops will find you and seize your gear

>> No.11208573

I mean sure you could start your way from the bottom but it could take a decade of experience before you make it anywhere. You need to find a gold claim. You need dredging equipment that sucks debris from the riverbed into your sleuth box. Then you can get some scuba gear and start diving the deep parts of the river and hope you don't suck too much debris to dislodge a rock and trap you or crush you underwater. The divers are the guys making the real money. Any things possible with enough time and commitment, but not many people can afford the time aspect unless you're a NEET

>> No.11209810


>> No.11209915

Not sure if b8. That's a rock painted gold.

>> No.11209984


Brb dumping a shitload of fools gold in the Sierra Nevada to fuck with OP

>> No.11210234


just buy up 25k Chainlink - its better than gold and easier to get anyways. good luck, it isnt just a meme.

>> No.11210236

To be honest get a metal detector. I work in exploration/prospecting(gold and copper). You won't get enough to sustain yourself with a pan.
Won't answer questions that you can't just Google. Gl

>> No.11210254

Antarctica? You smoking crack? You mean arctic right? I'm going to assume you failed geography in school

>> No.11210264


Geologist here.

Quit giving this faggot tips. Let him work for it like all the other prospectors.

>> No.11210345

I guess I should let him know ebay metal detectors are the best. Or he could buy an xrf machine or send off samples for ionic leech

>> No.11210847
File: 15 KB, 480x480, Thinking Large Hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ebay metal detectors are the best

>> No.11210859

>ITT: 1800's /biz/

>> No.11210878


Metal detectors are for small timers.

>> No.11210976

The gold rush miners didn't get everything, plus rivers still continually wash down gold from the mountains

>> No.11211022

It's a hobby like fishing. Sounds like fun. But you'd be lucky to pan an entire oz after a year of panning.

>> No.11211071

Listen anybody who thinks the gold rush bubble is over is delusional we still have a long way to go. Do you think Boomers in Africa are gold panning to make money? Don't be stupid we are the early adopters.