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11205032 No.11205032 [Reply] [Original]

Buy genesis vision (gvt) current price is around $8.90

on October 30th the platform goes live and it will literally moon
It also has a low circulating supply so its easy to make profit

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJJsforw8k8 (video explaining)

It's not a security as it was approved by the ICC - https://financialcommission.org/wp-conte...docx-1.pdf
The platform will make you profit even when the market is down

>> No.11205063

>muh, platform moon
Priced in faggot, it's not 2017 anymore

>> No.11205076
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>Cryptocurrencies are basically another “Cargo Cult” to the Pajeet. It is like some wired white mans magic to him. He thinks that he can just copy the code of Bitcoin, call it Bitnote, Bytecoin, Bitcoin Platinum or Super Bitcoin and it will will be just as good as the real thing. He does not understand that there needs to be a final buyer who will actually buy it because he has a real world need for it. With Bitcoin there were stoners who needed Bitcoin to order some weed on the internet. There was a pedophile named Bob who was trying to hide his purchases of child pornography. And there were many Ling-Lings in China who were trying to avoid communist capital controls. The pajeet however cannot differentiate between real world application and speculators speculating on selling their shitcoins to other speculators who try to do the same. To him volume was as good as utility and his shitcoin is as good Bitcoin. In his confusion he felt cheated and blamed the white man for his failure.