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11201263 No.11201263[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to invest in crypto but I have no fucking MONEY.

Probably going to get kicked out of the house soon and i'll be forced to get a job etc...

If anyone on here is super rich and can just throw away money, please donate some ETH I can take part in the upcoming bullrun. Also yes this is begging but please just let it slide mods...

ETH address :

>> No.11201267

eat it you are probably black get a job nigger

>> No.11201284

I'm not black but i live with my parents and have worked in the past and it's like hell to me. Just need a solid investment to prevent me from giving up completely

>> No.11201294


reported :^) go be poor somewhere else fag

>> No.11201311

How do i not be poor? also my parents have a lot of money, but they aren't going to help me at all.

>> No.11201340

I would spit on you if you asked me this in person. Do you have any fucking respect for yourself? It actually takes effort to bring yourself down to such a level. Good luck dude, I mean it. I dont hate you, but nobody will be giving you the life you want just because you like to bully yourself more than try.

>> No.11201350

Also I doubt you have any money at all, that's why you waste your time reporting threads like this...

>> No.11201363

I don't think you would spit on me if I were to explain my situation in person.

>> No.11201384

Also I do have lots of ideas for different websites and there's a lot of good coins I want to invest in but I just have no money right now and i'm too depressed to find work rn.

>> No.11201501

No you are right, I actually would probably sympathize and talk it out with you. Just understand that begging is begging and those reasons you have fade from view quickly once you do so. You are undervaluing yourself, the desperation you show is probably legitimate but it is imperative you hide that when trying to dig yourself out of a hole. I have been in your position. I have dug myself out financially and everything still sucks sometimes. Whatever is going on here requires grit to repair, not just money. Good luck anon, honestly.

>> No.11201609

I don't really think I can just grit my teeth through this, society annoys me more and more every day and I feel as if money is the only way I can escape and it would solve most of my problems right now. I'm 20 years old and I think I should just give up now because I don't want to live life of constant turmoil , which is how i feel my whole life has been. I guess life is unfair to most people, but i wish it wasn't like this.

>> No.11201689

Sharpie in proper and I'll send 0.3 ETH

>> No.11201873

Get a job now retard

>> No.11201891

start by being fair to yourself. You sound like you have been through hell. Trauma is no joke. My friend when I was 21 got very drunk and admitted that with everything he knew about my past, he was shocked I hadn't killed myself. The room went quiet. He pressed for a real answer. I was stuck, frozen. I couldnt. He answered for me in a state of gibsonlike liquored up honesty, and it can apply to you as well.
"You are one of the strongest people I will ever know"
There's something about your tone that resonates with me. Being dealt a lifetime of bad cards ages a person. Try to conquer the depression (even just 24 hrs of mindful effort) before thinking about these things again, it will help. Speak to yourself differently, train it like a muscle. You are young even if it feels like it has been 1000 years. I still wont give you money, but there are a few people in this world that can fully empathize with a lifetime of struggles; don't scare them off by clinging to the defeat they fight their entire lives. You are unironically better than anyone who has felt less pain than you, if you choose to accept that.

>> No.11201892

Get a job and fix your depression, crypto won't moon for at least 2 more years, if ever

>> No.11201923

I wrote the address on a c-note and flushed it down the toilet.
Hope that help.

>> No.11201932

>let it slide
anyone could've say that, and then we would have a beggars shithole again
have a little self-respect


>> No.11201937
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, Subete-ga-F-ni-Naru-The-Perfect-Insider-04-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're American and Poor, go to community college. I received a $6000 annual Pell Grant this year, despite the fact my classes only cost $1300/semester. I get to pocket the remaining $1600 each semester; divided monthly, $3200 is a pittance, yes, but I did nothing to deserve this money except be poor. You'd be surprised what you can get.

>> No.11201955

Lmfao! Fucking kill yourself you worthless son of a whore bastard.

I do hope your worthless parents kick you out into the streets like a homeless stray dog. Waiting for someone to put a bullet in your head, its the only way to save you from your loser life

>> No.11201991

If I give you some ETH you have to promise not to sell for at least 2 years and give me 70% of the profit.

>> No.11201997

thanks for the advice dude, really appreciate it

>> No.11202005

I promise... what price do you think eth will be at in 2 years?

>> No.11202042
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Dubs of truth

>> No.11202451

did you put any in?

>> No.11202465

here's some better more simple advice; kill yourself and stream it

>> No.11202474


reported for begging, AGAIN

>> No.11202490
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>get a wagecuck job
>grind for some years and save up money
>invest in the next big thing

its really not so hard, now get over your pride, get a wagecuck job and grind for that fiat.

>> No.11202493

Hi friend, as much as I would like to beg, I don’t, like me you just gotta put yourself to work. You don’t need capital to start working towards an independent future for yourself. Let me help you brainstorm. What’s your skill set?

>> No.11202495
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>I can give advice on your situation if you provide more detail. It's usaully not worth killing yourself, unless your a prisoner of war or something.

and such a retard is giving advice HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.11202500
File: 90 KB, 500x458, nervousboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the next big thing will be developed on established decentralized platforms.

>> No.11202510

He's been begging on here for quite a while:


the fucking idiot is so stupid/lazy he wont even bother getting a new address.

>> No.11202533

Only 1 of those posts are mine i still didn't get anything. The exchange thing was legitimate .

>> No.11202556

>"only one is mine"
>ignores the posts with the exact same wallet address in each thread begging for a handout with a different sob story each time.

>> No.11202559

Well now I'm in the same situation as that guy I can see why suicide is a good alternative to wageslavery.

>> No.11202573

There were like tons of NIMIQ posts that said u can mine it for free. Ive used variety of cards and vps providers and gathered almost 250k of this digital gold. Is that fuckin hard to go to bank and take any debt card for free fo its visa number? No. U just need to risk a bit.
Ive been thru alco addiction: sober since 6 years
Ive been drug addicted: clean for 6 years
Been thru depression.
Stop touching ur small, dissgusting creepy neet dicky, lift some weights on gym and u will be fine u pussy boi. God I fuckin hate u so much

>> No.11202575
File: 12 KB, 225x225, lol retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im a poorfag and i shot my macbook screen with an airgun accidentally

>cant buy any eth from coinbase right now either as my credit card has been locked
>will save the address of whoever gives me the eth and ill pay them back 0.02 eth when i can


>> No.11202577

I was having trouble with exchanges and only one of those posts is what you would consider a "sob story"

>> No.11202587

Okay so i've tried it a few times with no success. Maybe do something about it and donate me some ethereum.

>> No.11202620

Are you fucking kidding us you pretencious nigger?

You better start flippin' dem burgers quick.

>> No.11202632

>and i'll be forced to get a job etc...
Thats normal you 50yo NEET piece of shit

>> No.11202639

>i'll be forced to get a job etc...
>also my parents have a lot of money, but they aren't going to help me at all.
>why you waste your time reporting threads like this...
This dude doesn't even need to get a tripcode, even without it we can see how much of a massive cancerous cunt you are.

>Waaaaaaaaaah mommy and daddy doesn't want to provide for my 30+ NEET ass and told me i gotta work or they throw me out
>Waaaaaaah why can't i just get money for the newest BR game form mommy and daddy so i can continue to be a leech on them and on society as a whole

Neck yourself you massive faggot, i hope you get thrown out and die in a gutter. I bet you couldn't even fucking support yourself as a twink whore then, because you're over 400 pounds.

N E C K . Y O U R . S E L F

>> No.11202642
File: 126 KB, 800x769, interesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come you have no dignity? are you part gypsy?

>> No.11202670

god, mods on crystal.cafe r much faster, they banned my fat-girl thread in matter of hour.

>> No.11202691

you MUST donate ethereum so I don't die in a gutter. I need a solid diet also because I weigh 400 pounds.

Pretty funny how you think you're superior to other people just because you got lucky in crypto.

>> No.11202702

Or maybe you didn't and that's why you're so salty. If I have to i'll go into the bush and survive of the land with my ar15 and fishing rod.

>> No.11202708

would u suck a dick for 1 ETH?
im serious.
if u provide a video of u sucking a dick with timestamp on it and word "NIMIQ 1$ EOY" i will send u a fuckin ETH. are u in?

>> No.11202725

miss me with that gay shit,

i'd do it for 5 btc minimum

>> No.11202750


It means u r fuckin useless cunt.
If u would be willing to change anything sucking one dick would be nothing
Stay poor kiddo

>> No.11202772

jajajajaja ur r u fuckin urr ur u r

stay poor u r kiddo stay kid ur ru cunt

u r fuckin usless ur ru ru ur ur fu ur ur u r r u

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.11202797
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>> No.11202902

Get a bbs account and I'll send u all my shit bbs coins.... I mined this shit for the lol it's around £18.... you can have it if you keep this alive till i get home from my shit job.

>> No.11202922

A bit hairy - yes. But u could put it into NIMIQ, u would get around 150k of this goldish coin..one year later u r rich.
I would give ya extra 0,2 eth for a nice rimming action?