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11200240 No.11200240 [Reply] [Original]

My dog just headbutted me in the nose and it might have deviated my septum. What should I do?

>> No.11200249


>> No.11200256

gtfo biz and shoot your dog. assert your dominance.

>> No.11200262
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>> No.11200275

Perfect thread.

You're going to have to go to the doctor.

The dog loves you and got too hype; they play rough it's in their nature. Any attempt to punish it is misguided, as they will not be able to connect your punishment to the act that offended you. If you didn't punish them immediately, don't do it retroactively -- they've been trained over millennia to be the perfect pets, but they're not mind readers.

>> No.11200280

fuckin doggo always gets me under the chin. the big bitch just waits for the opportune moment.

>> No.11200289

Headbutt him back

>> No.11200299

Dog noses work differently and he did not comprehend the gravity of his actions. Simply get used to your deviated nose. What you lose on one nostril you gain on the other.

>> No.11200358

You need a vet to fix a problem like this. Once your dog is out of the picture you can see a people doctor about the nose.

>> No.11200361

stop being a faggot goddamn

>> No.11200382
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lol u beta cuck getting out-alphaed by your fucking dog

u his bitch now, boy

>> No.11200580

This is the only solution

>> No.11200678


you can forget about sniffing brappers now lmao

>> No.11201099

when it turns its back, hit it over the head with a folding chair then jump off the top rope with a diving splash for the pin.

>> No.11201102

rape it. you need to assert dominance, its the only way.

>> No.11201126

This. The next few days are critical. Op must either rape or kill his dog. Otherwise the dog will be the dominant one and Op will be treated acordingly.

>> No.11201143

kick your dog in its stupid fucking head

>> No.11201195

kill dog buy cat

>> No.11202273

Watch your dog closely he might have other intentions

>> No.11202656


now THAT'S a cute pepe

>> No.11202683


Cats are garbage animals. Though I'm not surprised why so many betas love cats.

>> No.11203135

Haha i was born with a deviated septum but im too pussy to get a surgery, its not that bad anyway

>> No.11203930

Seems like you have to septum your deviation now

>> No.11203939
File: 139 KB, 500x622, 13CEED53-360E-416B-ADFA-8565493AF9ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pee pee poo poo

>> No.11203964


>> No.11204026

Isnt dog the beta animal since you are too beta to fight for yourself?