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File: 9 KB, 292x173, rippledump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11199970 No.11199970 [Reply] [Original]

> Don't buy this shit, it's going to dump

XRP is the Standard

> Ripple is the Standard of Pump and Dump you dumb bitch

It's the #2 crypto dumbass, it can't pump and dump

> See I told you this shit is the standard in pump and dump - WTF do you expect when 97% are held by the top 100 wallets

It's double the value from a week ago.

> It's almost 1/8th of it's value from a few months ago retard

xRapid is coming next month, this is just the start. This is the lowest price you'll get, accumulate NOW

> It just dumped again you dumb mother fucker

Everything is dumping

> But Ripple just dumped 20% you dumb mother fucker

You're so ignorant. Ripple is the company, XRP is the coin. This is why you're going to stay poor

>> No.11199977

$42 eoy

>> No.11200003
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Xrp is going to be the new one world currency. Once the dollar collapses, (((they))) will usher in this crypto to solve the next liquidity crisis.

>> No.11200007

>the standard

>> No.11200010
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>It's the #2 crypto dumbass, it can't pump and dump

>> No.11200026

XRP the standard bitches!

>> No.11200032


Dump implies it's fucking over and has been milked. Dump implies that it's a shitty meme pajeet project by 2 fags in a bedroom who converted their gains to Bitcoin then vanished.

Explain where XRP has 'dumped'.

>> No.11200074
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>> No.11200154
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88% - 95% from ATH is a mega dump. Even a brainlet should not have a hard time grasping that and you should thank this kind Anon for scribbling you some red circles

> Pump and dump is a scheme that attempts to boost the price of a stock through recommendations based on false, misleading or greatly exaggerated statement.
The perpetrators of this scheme, who already have an established position in the company's stock, sell their positions after the hype has led to a higher share price.


Ripple and a few of the founders own like 97% of all XRP. They make market it with hype and misleading statements that they have signed banks, are onboarding leading financial institutions and that XRP is about to be used in production by FIs causing major demand. Investors FOMO in. XRP dumps. Works every time.

Ripple is the classic case of pump and dump.

>> No.11200174

>95% from ATH is a mega dump.

It has the most potential to rise

>> No.11200244
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Maybe. Maybe it dumps further. It went to $0.27. It could easily dump there again.

It could easily dump much further if xRapid fails to fulfill it's hype which is a more likely scenario than massive adoption. Ripple failed big time at last year's swell with bankers claiming they could not and would not use XRP. They hyped up SBI and prices tanked further this year. xRapid is shows no signs of being any different.

This is the problem with crypto like VeChain and Ripple who hype massive adoption, partnerships, demand and usage. Just how long can you keep stringing along investors and dumping on them to make money. Even the dumbest wise up sometime.

The best best is to hope for a bull market that absolves all scams.

>> No.11200282


>mega bump

Yeah of course, won’t hit ath more like $10 EOY

>> No.11200319

Handicap fuck who thinks he knows about crypto clearly was still sucking tits for milk in 2009. Yeah, Bitcoin 'dumped' in what, 2012? Where is it now? This hasn't even begun. You're that fucking dumb you can't even think outside of the paradigm of whatever weekly shitcoin pump of the week you're more accustomed to. You don't get to apply the same mentality to the big 5 cryptos. Ripple Labs own 40-60% of XRP. You know nothing and you think you are smart. You're hilariously inept.

>> No.11200325

Of course it can dump. There is currently no meaningful real world use of XRP just like every other crypto in existence. Current prices are pure speculation.

However.......XRP is still the clear cut favorite to go mainstream. For a payments use case, the tech is flat out better than the competitors. And it has one of the most promising startups with over 240 employees working every day to drive its adoption.

Invest every penny you can afford to lose. Ignore the ups and downs. Come back in 2-3 years and show some pity to all those on biz who didn't have the foresight.


>> No.11200991


95% of Bitcoin isn't owned by a few people and a centralized company/foundation like Ripple, Stellar, NEO, Ontology, <Insert Scam>...

>> No.11201025

XRP xrapid release is going to be a repeat of REQ mainnet

>> No.11201045


lol. no.

>> No.11201624
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> 240 Employees to support with Ripple having 60% of XRP supply

> Founders having 20% of supply

They will need a lot of dumping to support 240 employees, execs, marketing paying Snoop Dogg, Clinton, Madonna and of course the lifestyles of the Founders.

XRP the fucking Standard. No wonder this shit was half a penny in early 2017 after dumping in 2013.

>> No.11201665

Ripple is making tens of millions selling software to banks. They're currently signing up more than 2 per week. They don't rely on XRP to fund the company.

>> No.11201715
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Just from the Escrow release, there are more than 1.5 Billion in circulation today than exactly 1 year ago. That is not including that which they already have outside in escrow.

Read the court case they filed against Jeb. Yeah, they rely on dumping XRP to operate.

>> No.11201755

Do you or someone you love suffer from bipolar disorder?

>> No.11201802

My point is that they don't need XRP to pay salaries or keep the lights on. We all know that they sell a small amount each month. You can see the exact numbers in their quarterly reports.They are likely using this extra cash to do things like incentivize the use of XRP through the Ripplenet Accelerator program, fund xPring, starting the Blockchain Research Initiative, etc.

Funny enough, the circulating supply of XRP is actually increasing more slowly than the supply of BTC this year. Ripple's sales of XRP pale in comparison to the billions that mining pools like Bitmain are sucking out of the bitcoin ecosystem.

>> No.11201816

is it still worth holding xrp through this motherfucking dump and with the team constantly selling xrp or should i just cut my losses? my average buy is 54 cents.

>> No.11201920

Sorry but I don't really know how to give advice on short term decisions like that. The market is completely nuts. It could go to $.20 or $3 tomorrow and neither would surprise me.I believe in the fundamentals so I just buy and hold. I guess it depends on your time frame and how much you've risked.

>> No.11201936
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I can spell the absolute desperation of the BTC maximalists.

>> No.11201982

Cripple is just the hypecoin that (((they))) chose to use to re-enter the market. Bullish as fuck