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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 284 KB, 957x1000, crypto CEO investor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11193298 No.11193298 [Reply] [Original]

You bough digital tokens that nobody actually uses for anything because you heard they will make you rich.

You believed this because someone advertised their previous gains, how they gained 1000% since they bought in 2012. Now you're hoping to get the same type of returns by advertising your purchased tokens to other people, claiming the same type of bubble action as being imminent. This is textbook Greater Fool Theory.

This can work as long as the scheme isn't widely known. Once the scheme becomes common knowledge, nobody wants to participate anymore in another self-perpetuating ponzi where the early adopters sell at premium to new incomers.

Crypto is mainstream knowledge now. Your average person has heard of it, and the hype has long gone as people saw the December investors get absolutely rekt.

This was the final bubble. There will be no institutions investing in your shitty digital tokens, institutions aren't idiots.

If you're still seeking a greater fool for the scheme, you're the fool.

>> No.11193315

this is what capitulation looks like

>> No.11193326


Your tiny monkey brain seems to be having trouble understanding:

It doesn't matter if bitcoin is a household name or not or whether or not normies accept it. Blockchain tech is going to/is in the process of fundamentally change transactional business whether bitcoin is 20k$ or 1$. The value of crypto as a whole is going to continue to rise regardless. BTC losing the #1 spot will definitely cause a period of disruption but it'll just be a bump in the road of inevitability. Overtime that value will end up flowing into better cryptos.

Whether the public at large sees value in trustless, private transactions and contracts (and we're still just scratching the surface) that can be executed without concern to borders, laws, trade embargoes, or financial regulations doesn't suddenly make it not the most important and valuable recent development in how currency works. It didn't matter whether normies initially understood the implications and value of automobiles, airplanes, or computers either.

You're the one talking about hope and emotion. I give a fuck about neither. This is about the inevitability of technological progress.

>> No.11193332

>A couple billion dollars is too much money in 2018
this is what capitulation looks like

>> No.11193338
File: 361 KB, 503x430, crypto normies hodge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what coping looks like.

>> No.11193341

Uh, actually, I made 1,000% THIS MONTH. Stay poor, no-coiner.

>> No.11193347

>I bought a zune

>> No.11193357
File: 81 KB, 960x960, 1535304267858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11193372


How do you address the fact that blockchain carries the potential to strip government and corporate entities of the ability to censor and control people using various forms of wealth distribution/theft. What other system, other then a decentralized blockchain, gives full control to the populace without any centralized power structure that can be bought or manipulated?

>> No.11193377
File: 80 KB, 984x1080, de1de88e-96da-4c7b-93dd-3de13dea0513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relevant image
Agree. Nice to see some blood in this board.

>> No.11193383

>If you're still seeking a greater fool for the scheme, you're the fool.
im not seeking for a greater fool to sell.
what I'm gathering now I'll never sell for retarded fiat money.


imagine being this retarded., wanting to hold monopoly fiat money over crypto.

have fun getting robbed by the top, printing extra money, huge inflation, high taxes.

enjoy working for shit money.

I'll buy into the new money.

bye tard.

>> No.11193388

>I’m a 12 year old ancap

>> No.11193399

But you are not investing in the technological progress, you are only picking a handful of companies from hundreds of scams and failed executions... For majority of people who brought the tokens this is the end.

>> No.11193404

You're fucking retarded if you think your internet monopoly money is anywhere near as useful as TV and air travel and anything else on that chart.

Those are real things with utility. Crypto isn't. Even fucking Venmo works better than all of crypto.

>> No.11193418

Imagine being OP’s friend. He probably tries to bring the mood down at every opportunity he gets

>> No.11193453

>11 yo crypto guru
Holy fuck, I'm dying.
This whole market is a one big joke.

>> No.11193468

You’re getting triggered by old rich dudes pushing young kids to make you look stupid.

>> No.11193481

>Those are real things with utility
Define utility

>> No.11193491

>You're fucking retarded if you think your internet monopoly money is anywhere near as useful as TV and air travel and anything else on that chart.

you are fucking retarded if you think monopoly fiat money is anywhere near as useful as crypto money, assets and anything else on that chart.

those are things with real value. Fiat debt based money isn't. Even REQ tokens are worth more than fiat.

>> No.11193514

People need to realize that cryptocurrency is literally designed for criminal activity, the fact that retards want to go to Starbucks to buy coffee with .001 bitcoin is fucking Laughable LOL, or any kind of daily transaction for that matter

>> No.11193515
File: 152 KB, 1431x626, crypto beanie baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ding ding.

Its hilarious that people on /biz/ are still hoping that this is their way out of having to work and actually contribute something to society.

Its worse than the beanie baby bubbles of the 90s. At least you could give those to children to play with.

>> No.11193524
File: 37 KB, 399x385, 1ewdzs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin and select Cryptos have a future. Blockchain is just expensive shit.

>> No.11193575
File: 2.00 MB, 300x186, mfw laugh charlston.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are fucking retarded if you think monopoly fiat money is anywhere near as useful as crypto money

Why don't you go buy some tissue to cry into knowing your "useful crypto money" is so useful?

Oh wait, you can't.

The ONLY reason anybody crypto to begin with is in hope of getting more of that "monopoly fiat money". That is cryptos only pupose, to sucker in idiots into transfering fiat money to early adopters in hope of themselves getting more fiat in the future.

>> No.11193593

>The ONLY reason anybody crypto to begin with is in hope of getting more of that "monopoly fiat money

> assuming things

I know you are a brainlet.

this will be my last post.

have fun stacking fiat on the bank. and watch it lose purchasing power over 50% by the time you get to stop working! loser.

>> No.11193604

>Blockchain tech

>> No.11193605

Fat people look at something and say "how can I eat this"
Smart people look at something and say "what does this look like if I don't eat this"
You a fattie

>> No.11193633

Blockchain is 10 years old this year. It isn't used for anything. Let that sink in

>> No.11193706
File: 124 KB, 1000x384, crypto JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a scheme to sucker in idiots into bidding up the worthless tokens with real useful fiat money.

That is the primary use case for crypto: scamming brainlets out of their real money.

>> No.11193731

>muh tech!
just give up cryptolet no one is in it for the tech. hell, it was invented as an alternative to usd.

>> No.11193735

you are trying too hard to rationalize this nigga

>> No.11193757

smartphones were invented to be an alternative to those fuckhuge desktop computers. we are still not there yet but the trend is pretty clear. soon enough you just put your phone onto your desk where it wireless connects to the input and output devices and charges via induction and you got your computer station to work with that you can slip into your pocket. it will take a few years sure but there is hardly any doubt it's coming.

>> No.11193762
File: 60 KB, 190x146, Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 4.56.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real useful fiat money.
Lmao I love when people pretend to be retarded
Nice troll OP you've rustled some jimmies

>> No.11193808
File: 397 KB, 2149x1220, crypto feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto is useful

Imagine being retarded enough to believe this. Crypto is a fucking joke.

Jimmies are rustled because its the truth. A lot of people here are hoping that hyping up other idiots about how "crypto is the future, buy now" is their way out of their current situation of not having enough real fiat money. You know the kind of thing you use to pay your rent, buy your food, fill up your gas tank...etc.

The entirety of crypto is absolutely destroyed by the existence of fucking Venmo and a standard relational database. Crypto is a digital beanie baby.

>> No.11193863

And beanie babies STILL sell.

Doesn’t matter about technological advances at this point.

There will always be money to be made in crypto.

>> No.11193913
File: 343 KB, 1440x1440, Collage 2018-09-25 01_20_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are massive faggot boomer
>pic related

>> No.11193926


>> No.11193927
File: 57 KB, 540x540, mfw dog sad eyes alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are a massive faggot boomer

I'm 29. I own real estate and equity in large corporations.

You are poor and own worthless digital collectable token with no utility. Stay mad.

>> No.11193968

I spose as a 29 year old Monster & Cum guzzling faggot you wouldn't have a clue about the progression of technology because you got a handheld Nintendo & a fucking Ipod for Christmas at 10 years old.

>> No.11193986

Monopoly money is worth real money in the game though

>> No.11193998
File: 228 KB, 680x1368, bitcoin cartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm no 11 year old crypto expert like you. You know all about the "progression of technology" which will one day get you more of that fiat, right?

Why don't you look at actual useful internet technology and where it was 10 years after its creation. Then look at where crypto is. There are actually less merchants adopting it now than 2 years ago lmfao

>> No.11194001

I dont trust in any faggot that makes a graph with 20 variables with 4 distinctive colors. Sage

>> No.11194047
File: 56 KB, 400x535, 1489795088470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact you missed trips says it all cockgobbler
Who the fuck even uses cash anymore for anything?

>> No.11194082

U can buy, guns, drugs, girls, boys, pay to have some killed, pay informants, send money would wide no trace, and at some places you can buy goods and services, pay for hotels, holidays, cars and bikes, you can trade, sell buy, invest,get dividends, convert and gamble, it's not fake it's real and is just getting started, the fact an 11 year knew this in 2014 and you didn't shows show fucking stupid you are.

>> No.11194087

The lack of scaling is an impossible problem for crypto so solve, crypto is broken on such a fundemantal level that it can never ever take off.

For people who don't know what this means it's similar to the wheat and chessboard problem, crypto starts sucking major league ass when enough people start using it just because of its distributed structure.

>> No.11194102

What about smart contracts? Isn't that suppose to help with the blockchain adoption etc?

>> No.11194136

>standard relational database
centralized identity tied taxed controlled confiscated easily

>> No.11194168
File: 181 KB, 1070x1600, 8.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been using bitcoin to buy various semi-legal shit on the internet for years now. I've always treated is a currency, and not a store of value.

>> No.11194169

lmao you're life is a joke just like this thread
stay poor faggot
stay mad
stay cringe

>> No.11194194

>Whether the public at large sees value in trustless, private transactions and contracts (and we're still just scratching the surface) that can be executed without concern to borders, laws, trade embargoes, or financial regulations doesn't suddenly make it not the most important and valuable recent development in how currency works. It didn't matter whether normies initially understood the implications and value of automobiles, airplanes, or computers either.

The real question is will tax dodgers see it that way. Over half the worlds wealth resides in tax havens.

>> No.11194231
File: 168 KB, 1153x804, tron crypto bitcoin 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fuck even uses cash anymore for anything?
Everyone out of this delusional shithole of 11 year old experts wasting their dads money on meme internet coins.

>> No.11194250

The ONLY reason anybody crypto to begin with is in hope of getting more of that "monopoly fiat money". That is cryptos only pupose, to sucker in idiots into transfering fiat money to early adopters in hope of themselves getting more fiat in the future.
Its to increase my buying power. I dont care if that happens through fiat or coins. With fiat you lose buying power every year guaranteed.

>> No.11194264


>> No.11194292

>The lack of scaling is an impossible problem for crypto so solve, crypto is broken on such a fundemantal level that it can never ever take off.

Yep, not only is it worthless as an economic entity in storing value, its fundamentally flawed as a means of exchange.

>> No.11194321

Don't worry, it's a dude.

>> No.11194382

You unironically believe that scaling is impossible? Are you following this space AT ALL? There are at least 3 projects in the top 100 that have very good chances of pulling it off.

>> No.11194448

>how to out yourself as a brainlet 101

>> No.11194467


>> No.11194500


>> No.11194516

This fag reeks of try hard larper.

You don't know how to use that meme, don't embarrass yourself again.

>> No.11194749
File: 202 KB, 600x709, Bear Lambo Crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn’t matter about technological advances at this point.

Well which one is it? I thought it was the technology of the future?

>There will always be money to be made in crypto.

Yeah from idiots who bought late into the pyramid scheme. Everyone who made money in crypto got out. Now its just daytrading retards and morons thinking we will somehow magically go to $100K because muh institutions.

>> No.11194787

>early adopters sell at premium to new incomers
The concept of early adopters is a myth. The person who has held 1m USD of BTC since 2011 is no better off than someone who buys 1m USD of BTC the same day.

>> No.11195051

Nice. Just bought 100k tablets

>> No.11195499


Decentralization is a meme. If crypto succeeds at all you can be sure it will be centralized. Can't believe that a bunch of internet libertarians, who tend to be very cynical in all other areas, honestly believe in this pipe dream

>> No.11195535

Crypto should never have been brought to normie light. Normies like you don't understand the actual use cases for crypto and pumped it like the dumb money they were

>> No.11195908

I sold over 500K worth of Bitcoin back in January after that double top.

People who are still in crypto are fucking dumb money, holding onto their bags instead of waiting for 3K and then loading up a small poriton of their investment portfolio.

>> No.11196006

Why do niggs and kikes have to ruin everything?

>> No.11196362

Which three? I know Raiden and Trinity. But, that's not top 100.

>> No.11196462

>The concept of early adopters is a myth. The person who has held 1m USD of BTC since 2011 is no better off than someone who buys 1m USD of BTC the same day.

Are you ignoring how many BTC One million dollars bought in 2011 vs. how many it buys at today's price? The price of BTC on Sept 24, 2011 was $5.41. One million dollars would've bought you 184,842.88 Bitcoin, whcih would be worth $1.226 billion dollars today. How is early investing a myth?

>> No.11196796

this is how you know there really aren't any greater fools left

>> No.11196895

>Every time the thread is near the bottom of the catalog this fag comes back with more spergery to bump it back.
Really makes you think.

>> No.11196908
File: 545 KB, 1800x1200, America black future poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are low IQ apes.