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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11192465 No.11192465 [Reply] [Original]

Neobag200k and Cryptomedicated were right.

These guys chinked us hard. Same as any other chink coin but maintained support for so long as Vitalik's name was on it.

Never again. Anyone new on biz, hear me out. If you see a team that is mostly Thai, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Pajeet, or Black, don't invest.

Look for all white teams that come from the USA or another reputable first world country.

Fucking chinks

>> No.11192488



>> No.11192513


I hear you brother. My deepest sympathies to anyone who got caught in these web of lies.

Let this be a valuable lesson. Never trust people that dont have access to good funding, are from third world shit holes, and overpromise while underdeliver too.

It was dumb to just blindly hold. But with whatever capital you have left use this as a valuable lesson. sell rallys and buy dips. use tight stop losses and you can make your money back slowly.

As for the omisego team, I hope they read biz to understand how much everyone hates their lying asses. Especially this faggot in the OP pic

>> No.11192515

you honestly invested in something called OMISEGO?!?

I dont even need to research shit. That name screams at me to stay the fuck away.

>> No.11192518

Where is that faggot who would constantly accuse people of being the migger if they said something bad about OMG


>> No.11192522

>Look for all white teams that come from the USA or another reputable first world country.
satoshi nakamoto

>> No.11192544


Implying the us government didnt invest bitcoin and convinced tea party neets that they were apart of an anti banking revolution.

Fucking kek.

>> No.11192581


That was the omg subreddit. Mirrors the icon reddit to a t.

When staking
When conglomerate
When plasma

I feel kinda bad for them now

>> No.11192606

please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty certain that the omisego team made almost no promises about when any of their services would be complete. That aside, they did seem to spend all of their time puffing themselves up with all of their
and thai bank related bullshit, not to mention how fucking stupid it was for jun do do things like parading the apple logo around. It also feels like they manufactured the hardspoon situation in order to desperately stop people from selling even though the spoon would probably be worth fucking nothing. So yeah, there's plenty of bullshit to go around, but I don't know if you can really call it a scam
most tinfoil level research puts the collective of satoshi nakamoto between the USA and the UK I believe.

>> No.11192625

>2018 rock year
>Vitalik "2018 will be the year of action"

In reality they sold their tokens and hired camp counselors to code the next generation blockchain technology


>> No.11192636


How about the video interviews with multiple team members saying the network would launch very soon every month this year?

Not a promise but surely a blatant lie. They took photos with peoole and organizations who maybe were interested in knowing more about crypto and played it off like they made a business deal.

The status partnership was also a big laugh too. Face it this is the epitome of a lying shit coin. Copying exactly what ethereum is doing with staking yet having their centralized business on the network.

Lol what a money grab this was.

>> No.11192646 [DELETED] 

bitcoin is gay

>> No.11192668

Thanks for the information, I guess I was ignorant to a lot of their claims. I guess I'll just have to live with hating myself for not selling, but with the amount I have it seems like there's not much point

>> No.11192700


It's a shame really. No integrity from this team at all. Entire team has been radio silent since the tokens unlocked.

They got their money and now they are working solely on omise as a couple camp counselors develop the next 1mm tps to start plasma. Oh yeah 1mm tps to start was also a lie courtesy of Jun the liar

>> No.11192712
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Japan is also reputable 1st world state but no proof that Satoshi is japanese so im 50/50 here

>> No.11192740

>1mm tps to start

>> No.11192780


Plasma ahead of schedule.
Electrify team gobsmacked by omg
Jun advisor on elec
Elec 9% ico price and no team lockup
Jun boycott consensys and move to Japan where heavy crypto regulations

Is it incompetence or just selling on idiots?

>> No.11192911

japan are weird in that they have slanty eyes but are not degenerate like the rest of asia. this is the one time racism based on looks was proven to be unuseful

>> No.11192943

Its not nearly that bad. The team will deliver. At least wait until 2019, likely 2020.

>> No.11192957


why should we wait until fucking 2020? You do realize that they grossly misculated their entire roadmap for 2018 right?

Fuck them, too much sympathy here. Where is the transparency? Or did they not want to be upfront because it would make people sell before they could?

Yeah thats what I thought

>> No.11193092

I'm kind of on the fence with OMG. I think the current fud surrounding is way blown out of proportions, OMG after all has not done any better or worse than any decent alt. Only thing they did was overhype and underdeliver. If they can't deliver the testnet now it's unironically over.

>> No.11193098
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>never trust an asian with crossed arms

>> No.11193115

I've heard that Bangkok police have opened a case on his threats.

>> No.11193152

It's about fucking time then because it's genuinely fucked up at the moment.

>> No.11193159


>Corrupt police open a case to protect money laundering corrupt people who sold an unregistered security that was likely used in money laundering as a NEET who LARPed about jeopardizing their safety

Sounds like a good comedy to me

>> No.11193162

Yeah....really fucked up

Someone holding literal scammers responsible......
How terrible....

>> No.11193181

They are still working on the project.

Why is everyone freaking out?

>> No.11193196
File: 5 KB, 150x150, Smug_Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been seeding their subreddit with doubts for months. It's like shooting fish in a barrel because they already have some self doubt due to the price tanking. They just need a slight nudge over the edge.

>> No.11193235


Check Jun Vansa and other executives twitters. The last 5+ activity is retweeting Kelvin's tweets who has been employed at omise for like 5 months.

Do I really need to spell it out for you lol. They cashed out months ago and are literally coasting while the coffee boy intern is doing all of the "work"

Its like the CEO of a company and the executive board chilling while their new hire who has 1/8th the tenure leading the delivery of their project that likely is a side gig at this point.

>> No.11193251

You forgot the sandniggers aka JNT

>> No.11193343

How did vitalik get mixed up in this shit?

>> No.11193353

It's 100 tps now. They reduced their goal slightly.

>> No.11193354

he trusted a gook

>> No.11193465
File: 40 KB, 491x347, pe8je.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the organized FUD cancer thread I have ever seen.

>> No.11193472

Still more positive than the official subreddit.

>> No.11193523

The saddest part is that this shitcoin isn't even punished properly by the market. Yes, it's down, but the OMG/ETH ratio hasn't changed much.

Imagine you noticed months ago that OMG is utter garbage and sold your useless OMG tokens for ETH. It was morally the right thing to do but you really didn't benefit from it (ETH has its own problems, of course, and most tokens are garbage - but that's not their fault and they still did useful foundational work for the tiny minority of legitimate ERC tokens and smart contracts that will survive)

>> No.11193709

When did the tokens unlock?

>> No.11193741


July 6th. FWIW stellar lumens is up 2,700% from september 2017 and OMG is down -70% from sep 2017

>> No.11193742


What about NEO?

that OMG is a crap coin was clear since november last year, but pls. NEO ?

is neo still any good?

>> No.11193795

None of these shitcoins were ever good

>> No.11193809


NEO is crap too but its still higher than Sep 2017.

OMG is literally the worst piece of shit that has promised more than anything yet delivered so little.

>> No.11193838

make your own thread sir

>> No.11194419

We moon boys

>> No.11194536


>> No.11194609

love these threads. means OMG is near the bottom.

>> No.11195037
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1677253-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>former Boy Scouts leader
>moves to Thailand

Can we infer anything from this?

>> No.11195498
File: 875 KB, 968x745, laughing banes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on this board who gave money to a company for something called OMG.

I know crypto is 95% millenials with subhuman IQs, uneducated faggots, people with poor impulse control, gambling addicts, broke ass niggers, and edgy teens, but come on.

OMG. Really? OMG, you got rekt. At least you got some new bags.

>> No.11195541


Stellar Lumens just got thailand's biggest bank as a partner. I fucking knew I hsould have invested in them instead of this thailand dog shit