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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 197 KB, 624x951, 1537582114412.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11185492 No.11185492 [Reply] [Original]

So are the majority of threads on /biz/ crypto because the majority of /biz/ are lazy basement dwellers?

I know some people here work and are successful, but then I see a ton of "portfolios" with only a couple hundred dollars or a thousand dollars. You guys expecting to hit the lottery here and not have to work? Why not actually have threads to discuss more than crypto on how to be a baller financially?

>> No.11185552

Bunch of boomer dead and in the pen, just like the meme intended.

>> No.11185580
File: 271 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180921-050207_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up.

>> No.11185599


>> No.11185620

Congrats on being one of the lucky few. You either had money to invest or got in early. If it's not your money it's mommy and daddy's so you can invest without 0 worries of risk.

This is not about dick waving portfolios of rich fags. This is questioning why so many poor fags are here trying to win lottery tickets instead of working on other things

>> No.11185622
File: 58 KB, 677x1024, 1537492514243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it

>> No.11185674

>why so many poor fags are here trying to win lottery tickets instead of working on other things
Um, because that's far easier than coming up with your own ideas?
You're joking, right?

>> No.11185694

That makes no sense. Literally sitting here betting on "upcoming shitcoins" rather than discussing things like how to budget better, save, and just make money in general. Crypto should be confined to one general thread like /smg/ is.

Nobody is getting rich anymore, there is no more 300x gains.

>> No.11185700

>portfolio change +1.27mm
uh huh

>> No.11185703

If you don't think there's still 300x's left out there you're retarded

>> No.11185714
File: 54 KB, 602x921, Aaa3Zgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, im thinking were back

>> No.11185731

>That makes no sense
It makes perfect sense.
That's the easy route. All the other things you listed are harder by definition, which is why most people tend to suck at budgeting, saving, and making money in general.

>> No.11185746
File: 40 KB, 850x400, 1503278416359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the neet vibe from this board often. Idk how true that is. I myself am a wagecuck industrial electrician in an apprenticeship. I invest small amounts periodically as I can afford them, while trying to upgrade my skills and learn to code.

I wish I had taken the steps I am now as a younger man.

>> No.11185747

So, why don't we have more active threads in those different topics?

All these people betting on crypto like >>11185703 deluding himself into thinking he's gonna make 300x gains is a problem. What happens when that shit goes down? They're fucked.

>> No.11185756
File: 648 KB, 320x240, 449s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with 20k turned it into almost 4 million. Let it all go down.

I am comitted to this shit.
I let millions in gains go becuase i know im gonna get more. Hodl.

Im still a.millionare. pic related is.how i feel

>> No.11185801

Congrats on being one of the lucky few.

Do you cling to crypto because of how lucky you got? That's a dangerous mentality.

>> No.11185856

The real reason is that most of /biz/ is too stupid to invest in anything that isn't crypto

>> No.11185867

Believe it or not I work in the space. Own business. I am not just some shitfuck who tried to get rich and made it. Ive been a hard core believer since 11$

I care about the eco system and do things to support its growth. Greedy Speculators get rekt. Builders get rewarded.

>> No.11185879

All cryptokids are speculators though

>> No.11185997
File: 633 KB, 726x894, 1537729015103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11186012


>> No.11186013

kids trade emotionally, exploit it

>> No.11186107

One of the best images iv seen in months.

>> No.11186134

>Why not actually have threads to discuss more than crypto on how to be a baller financially?

Because, inflation and money printing and 2008 and fucking normies short attention span. Attempt to burn it all down with no survivors or die trying. No point doing anything else unless you just want to NPC through the rest of life.

>> No.11186189

Back offffff

>> No.11186421

>The real reason is that most of /biz/ is too stupid to invest in anything that isn't crypto
I wouldn't say stupid (only, anyway), more impatient. They know steady returns are possible with more stable investments, but they deride these percentages as insufficient. When you're presented daily with evidence of things mooning by 100's of % points, it must feel like you're handicapping your returns by doing anything else.
The unregulated/manipulated nature of it is what gets ignored; you don't get those percentages for nothing.

>> No.11186560

nah. fuck off cuck

>> No.11186598

Reminder that boomers spent their youth at interracial orgies doing drugs.