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11185161 No.11185161 [Reply] [Original]

>its summer 2010 and your best friend tells you about this bitcoin thing
>he buys btc for $50
>you laugh and buy the new assassins greed brotherhood for ps3 instead

>> No.11185169

Fuck you don't remind me.

>> No.11185181

You made the smart move

>> No.11185196

bitcoin was below $1 in 2010, but nice LARP

>> No.11185213

OP please delet

>> No.11185227

Look forward not back.
There are really good projects out there. Just gonna take time.

>> No.11185250

None of them are cryptos though

>> No.11185268
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here's username "Stoneman" on bitcointalks address.


He bought 9000 BTC and in August 2010 (worth $500) and experimented with transactions right before swiping the drive. 8999 BTC forever lost.

>> No.11185294


>> No.11185299


>its summer 2011 when btc was like $10.
>hear friend talk about btc and using it to buy droogs.
>think it's some sketchy bullshit that will never amount to anything

>it's summer 2013 when ethereum was $10
>heard friend talk about ethereum since he had connections with whales
>tried buying at 11 but sold at $10
>thought to myself that internet money is just a scam like bitcoin.

>summer 2017
>Buy bitcoin at $3000 and ethereum at $300


>> No.11185331

You still made money. Don't be greedy or you'll lose it all.

>> No.11185372

Increases the scarcity which drives the price up, thanks for losing your passwords losers!

>> No.11185390


nice larp faggot

>> No.11185439

>tell """"friends"""" about BTC when it was a few cents each
>they make fun of me and tell me it's dumb
>don't end up buying any
>few years later start working on my own altcoin (this was before ethereum)
>rinse and repeat

>> No.11185509

How could I be so dumb not buying btc and eth after.
I was "working for my career" and didn't care about crypto.

>> No.11185540

that's not the point anon. The point is to not miss the golden opportunities that imaginary internet money presents.

>> No.11185573


I had the oppurtunity to mine it back in 2010 but I didn't feel like learning how to open cmd and run some scripts.. Biggest mistake I've ever done.

>> No.11185813

Just because it's expensive, doesn't mean it is not a scam

>> No.11185880

>07 fag
>read btc wp
>lurk, then post on btctalk
>tell senpai im buying in 11
>spend on wymenz
>go to buy again in 13
>buy drugs through pidgy
>no btc
>2015 /2016
>bookmark eth 3 times
>receive email Aug 2017
>dca in over next few months
>buy lots of alts in Jan
>baghold eternally

To be frank the money I would have saved by not taking drugs would have made me rich already. Im just an average 4chin degenerate.

>> No.11185898

$50? I was working and surprised when it hit $10. I had considered putting money into it, but FUD'd myself...

>> No.11186163

This. You probably would have bought heroin or some other drug with it. You'd be an addict or dead by now if you'd bought Bitcoin back then. Video games saved your life.

>> No.11186220
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>> No.11186233

It doesn't matter, the only way you'd be rich off buying bitcoin 6-7 years ago would be if you had actually bought AND forgotten about them. It'd be crazy to not sell after 10x.

>> No.11186261

>It'd be crazy to not sell after 10x.
that's like what 90% of us - sad /biz/posters did

>> No.11186526

And it was smart. No one knew how much money speculators would put into it at time.
A man should made cold, logical choices based on what he know, not what may happen.

Holding cryptos after they had already overvalued would be like buying the stocks of a almost bankrupt company that produce ping pong balls and hope that in 8 years everyone would ignore traditional sports and spend all they have on ping-pong related products.
Yeah, it may happen, but it's unlikely

>> No.11186545

Now we have chainlink so we actually won.

>> No.11187351

This. Early bitcoin users saw that shit go to $30 and crash back to $2. Nobody in their right mind would hold through that shit. Nobody with any sense thought it would be back.

Now that we understand crypto market cycles a little better, Linkies know that selling at any point in the future is absolutely retarded. It will keep pumping for 25 years at least.

>> No.11187369

>its 2010
>read about mining
>dont do it because AMD GPU was said to be shit to mine


>> No.11187453

>No one knew how much money speculators would put into it at time.
>Early bitcoin users saw that shit go to $30 and crash back to $2. Nobody in their right mind would hold through that shit. Nobody with any sense thought it would be back
Plenty of people knew. Just read bitcointalk back then.
t. Hodler since $5 and through the crash from $30 and every crash since
I still don't understand why some people didn't get it. I think normies just love power structures and institutions

>> No.11187455
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>roommate in 2012 mined bitcoin and tried to get me to mine but I was afraid it would fuck up my $200 GPU
>could have gotten 1 btc every 1-3 days on that card
>forget about crypto for 5 years
>read the news one day in 2017 when it broke 2k for the first time


>> No.11187467
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>fall 2018
>friend talks about ETH, says he bought for $250
>laugh and buy a nintendo switch
why didnt i fucking listen, i dont even like mario odyssey

>> No.11187584
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my friend gave my other friend money to buy and hodl a few btc when it was around 20, instead friend 1 attempted to day trade it and either lost everything or kept quiet and took it for himself. we might never know what really happened.

>> No.11187896

>the year is 2030
>zoomers are now complaining they didn't buy bitcoin when it was 6k
>'but it was like 10 dollars at the start' says old biz
>zoomers roll their eyes as they see another week with no change in bitcoin's 600k price

>> No.11187943

>Take drive for professional recover
>Pay 10k

>> No.11188145

>fall 2018


>> No.11188236

>I still don't understand why some people didn't get it
Because it didn't make sense. It's a internet coin without real value. 100% Speculation

>> No.11188278


>its summer 2010 and your best friend tells you about this bitcoin thing

Wish I had this friend lol. None of my friends even mentioned crypto ever lol. Two of them are software engineers, one is in finance now.

>> No.11188312

>I think normies just love power structures and institutions
this is why you need to be holding xrp and btc

>> No.11188353

>I think normies just love power structures and institutions
It's a instinct. Institutions make us feel safe, and for the few humans that don't care about safety, it's a good source of power

>> No.11188357

At least Brotherhood was a good sequel
Not worth $60 though

>> No.11188364

I had a friend tell me to buy in 2012 but he believed in David icke so I thought he was crazy.
Feels bad man

>> No.11188390

>tfw hamburgers are 100k now too

>> No.11188473

>coping this hard

>> No.11188496

It could have happened, anything is possible. Some guy spent thousands of bitcoin on a pizza

>> No.11188566

>unironically went to /r/buttcoin after 2015 crash
>annoyed by shillers shilling their stupid ponzi or how bitcoin would replace fiat
>never check other sites or price only go there for the lolz , since all the people are late comers
>hear about that Ethereum in 2015 since some guy lost 1k due to some bug
>think about buying said amount since it must be a "sign" that I heard about the new coin+had new tech
>read white paper+read discussion+go to subreddit
>this ethereum has good tech but it is too late for alts
>later, ether has pumped to 10$ or whatever, did not knew price back then but read buttcoiners discussing with ether fans
>hear how ether is only used for gamlbing and ponzi schemes
>later hear about dao hack
>good that I did not buy it, it obviously does not work
>stopped going to /r/buttcoin late 2016 cause no one was posting there anymore (thought it was either the sub was dying out or crypto ponzi collapsed)
>turns out no one was posting on /r/buttcoin cause everything was mooing and they were only posting when it was dropping or failing

>> No.11188571

it burns my cousin so much that i got into bitcoin while he thought it was garbage and would die. funny thing is after years and plenty of boom and bust cycles he still has the exact same reactions. price is low = it’s a scam. price rises = he starts to get pissed off. price moons = he goes quiet. rinse and repeat. I know it stings him because i never talk crypto up with anyone unless they bring it up first.

>> No.11188576
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pic related

>> No.11188608

>its summer 2018 and your best friend tells you about this ChainLink thing
>he buys LINK for $50
>you laugh and buy the new Fortnite skins for ps4 instead

>> No.11188612

If you had 5000 BTC how would you cash out without the bank blocking your account.

>> No.11188677

I obviously changed my mind concerning bitcoin, but now it is too late. i thought normies would never touch that cause of hacking and volatility etc and only nerds/ancaps were shilling for magic internet money

I also have found it that most buttcoiners are/were actually invested in crypto but still fud it there for the fun.

Everyday is suffering how much a stupid idiot I was.

>> No.11188775
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>it's sometime after 2013
>you and your friends get interested in this Bitcoin thing after hearing about it and then watching it quickly rise from ~$150 to $1000
>watch it for the next few months, thinking about buying in
>you lose interest after seeing it go below $400
>Remember: watch high, forget low
>your friend accumulates 100 Bitcoin at some of the cheapest prices many months after the Mt.gox bubble
>you get back into crypto in early 2017 after seeing an Ethereum shill thread on the front page of 4chen
>partake in ETH's meteoric rise and the golden bullrun of 2017 with the initial investment of your last $3000 in savings you had at the time
>as friend about crypto again
>he LOST the SD card that held his wallet's private key
>you kek inside

Feels Goodman

>> No.11188816


I don't know if its love so much as being convinced of their permanence. Most seem to think the only way this can go is a continued consolidation of authority, either in megacorps or megagovernments. It's been relatively easy to ignore the shifty sand we've been standing on since the end of WW2, but we might be in for a rude awakening in the near future.

>> No.11188827

>your best friend sells his one btc for $100
>he buys 2 shitty flavor of the month games

>> No.11188854
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Hsbc. Literally any Asian bank

>> No.11188892

>right now
>All of /biz/ tells you to buy silver and LINK
>Not buying
>All linkmarines become millionaires
>Wagecuck instead

>> No.11189044

Unironically buy LINK. It's going to at least $10 by 2020.