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11180542 No.11180542 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently taking a bachelor as a Computer Engineer and plan on continuing with a Master afterwards. So far I am getting top grades, even outperforming coding autists and wizards.
However, I have very limited programming skills. Sure I know of the basic data structures and such and some algorithms, but I never programmed prior to Uni, I do not code in my free time and I barely know how to use Linux terminal. So I worry that if I do nothing now, I would probably be jobless when I graduate as nobody wants to hire someone with just basic C, Java, Python, .NET, SQL and C#

Assuming you are some software developer or engineer earning over $100k, what more would I need to do and learn to become very attractive on this job marked?
Do I learn alot being an intern? What are the programming languages that I MUST learn? What kind of “personal novice projects”(programs/games) would you suggest me to do to learn more about programming?

>> No.11180548

Btw asking here as it’s career related

>> No.11180560

do you have limited programming skills because it's too hard for you or you haven't put in the effort yet?

>> No.11180587

Haven’t put the effort yet, but I’m fully willing to now after having a daunting nightmare of being unemployed.
If you can suggest me like a goal program eg. make a program that does X, I can really make it
But it should be novice oriented and it should be a normal novice project so I can look online for advice

>> No.11180656

How old are you? If you're older than 21, it might be too late unless you have an absolute passion which it doesn't sound like you do, from your post

>> No.11180743

Lol. Feck off. Not too late. Languages you have to learn at least 1 back-end language, HTML/CSS, JavaScript. You should be able to code a website from end to end and how to host it.

>> No.11180756

OP, ask /g/, or even fucking better, a teacher at your uni.

>> No.11180877

Don't listen to this underachiever

>> No.11180970

I’m 22 but stfu

I’ve asked /g/ many times but my thread gets slided to archiving. It’s also sunday. I just thought of asking here because /g/ are just NEETs. Atleast here I see some with actual 100k jobs which would be the best ones to offer advice

>> No.11181025

Focus in management/scrum crap as you finish. If you are not into coding and learning for fun during free time, you will never be a senior sw engineer

>> No.11181089

I can be into coding as I enjoyed it whenever I did homework. I just never set any goals so I don’t know what to make

>> No.11181120

that depends entirely on which area of software engineering youre aiming for
t. embedded systems engineer making €70k annually

>> No.11181124

Give it up, you're not fooling anyone little guy. You're not gonna make it, this is honest advice, no one else will be this honest so you might as well consider it. If I was going to be harsh I'd just do what I normally do with noobs like you who come into /g/ asking the same shit and tell you to kys. Don't know why you thought you'd get anyone on /biz/ who cared.

>> No.11181136

How the fuck do you expect to get hired at a decent place with no projects under your belt? Do you even use GitHub?

>> No.11181163

ill tell you useful stuff for making it in my kind of work
c and/or c++ is essential. not basic knowledge but intermediate at least
some kind of assembly is good to know but not required as youll end up learning enough from watching your debugger
anything object oriented is also good. c++ or python for example
the single best project you can have is a simple (real-time) operative system for any target architecture. but you have to implement everything yourself, i.e. no libraries except the standard ones
you should have basic knowledge of logical electronics and know how to read a fucking datasheet

>> No.11181176

go for project management

>> No.11181182


Never code for someone else
Always manage when employed by a tech company

>> No.11181210

software is a dead-end career. Do a contingency planned for God's sake.

Formula for freedom (non-SV style)

Work for few years and invest.

L1-level: Do a boring business. Learn how to sale and market. Build up capital at a faster rate. Eschew your TechEgo.

L2-level: With enough capital built-up, go for businesses with bigger capital requirement such as profitable franchise / car-wash. Use leverage given the low risk of the business.

L3-level: Moonshots. Tech or Biotech. Product based. Most of the VC-induced SV brainwash happen at this level. If you have already reached here, congrats - you don't have to wageslave again (irrespective of LINK's price at 2020).

>> No.11181287

Actual skilled dev bachelor here. I always had shit grades but it doesn't matter - I'm in the top 10% in terms of dev speed and quality.

Lemme tell you a story: I once was looking for a job (I was a noob) and then some german car company wanted to have some completly new super awesome 3D touch interface for their car. It was so hard to do for them that they outsourced it. Literally a billion dollar company couldn't find anyone capable of doing what they want.
So I was like "ye bros I can do this if you give me the design". I did it together with a game company which made the design and I earned a ton of money. A friend of mine wanted to code it with me but he threw after 3 months because he was unable to fix his errors. I fixed all of his errors after he was gone and coded the rest in 12/hrs/day in the remaning 3 months.

I landed this job because I had a lot of code demos which I have done privatly.

Moral of the story: Make yourself a git repo, make some conceptual impressing projects, attach your repo to your application

>> No.11181319


Just give up OP, you will never understand programming if you do it for money. You're competing against passionates who love coding, and you won't ever understand programming at the same level if you don't start spending 10h/day programming softwares.

Source : I'm autistic passionnate programmer

>> No.11181442

Programming is fucking pajeet tier anyway

>> No.11181549

I don’t Program because I have no vision. Ive already said that I enjoy doing it but have no idea what to do. Pls give suggestions

>> No.11181563

And let it be something that is basic yet fundamental. Not like “make a program that emulates CERN’s particle trajectories” or “make your own blockchain”
Ergo, ask me to replicate your babby’s early projects

>> No.11181624

fags with this attitude are cancer. we get it, you have no life and so pride yourself on committing every waking hour to your work screen. it's not healthy though and you aren't a better programmer for it. guys like you are shit to work with.

source: senior dev whose been doing this a long time. over the years I've had a few personal projects that I got really into after work, but most of the time I'm not coding in my free time. Most of us have a life and family. The expectation that you have to give up everything to succeed in this industry is a toxic myth that only the bitter and lonely autists support.

>> No.11181651

Make Anime real.

>> No.11181676

Hearing this makes me feel a lot better and confident in my abilities. Threads like these always make me a little anxious.

>> No.11181802

It's better to listen to guys like this >>11181124
who claim you need you need to be born as the reincarnation of Donald Knuth, and disprove the Riemann hypothesis by your late teens. It'll help you not be disappointed.

>> No.11181823

Thanks for uplifting my confidence
Now, would you be a nice guy and maybe suggest me some additional literature to read on and some advice to improve my coding skills?
I think I said it wrong earlier that my coding skills are beginner level. I can easily make a linked-list class, a merge-sort class, shortest-path class, some simple GUI solutions and so on, which is a little bit more than “Hello world” or initializing an array

>> No.11182265

Op ur gon get screwed

>> No.11182449

Just so you know, there are plenty of jobs in IT, you don't need to be in development after you graduate.

>> No.11183012

It doesn’t matter if you’re good or not. Only your grades matter to get hired by some giant Corp with great benefits and all you do is warm a chair.

>> No.11183021

kek this is actually true OP

>> No.11183063

OP is brazilian, like me, he said on another post.

With this fact on your mind you can do 3 things:
-Be a man and open a business
-Suffer and get low paid as everybody
-Work for me in the future

One of these 3 things will happen.

>> No.11183092

Listen up faggot. I'm gonna help you out.

In case you dont know already, $100k will only be possible if you are living in the larger tech hubs like SF and NYC and $100k in these will literally get you a closet.

Yes, right now you dont mean shit to employers with your current skillset. Companies are more lenient with someone that knows a little bit of everything when hiring for intern positions, but when it comes to full time positions out of school, they dont care about where you got your skills, they just want to know you have them and currently as it stands you dont have them.

Here's my recommendation. Try getting an internship asap. If you find that you are having trouble there because of no responses, then build a portfolio of projects to put on your resume. 3 web apps min. The first will be a bitch to put together, but things will slowly start to make sense. With a few strong internships under your belt, finding a fulltime position should be a piece of cake. Good luck anon.

>> No.11183098

He is brazilian, anon.

Things are different here.

>> No.11183160

I’m not that guy you’re talking about. I can prove that I’m a scandycuck

I don’t ask to get a $100k job. Just asking those who earn such as they must be very experienced to be paid such thus being able to give good advice so I can follow their footsteps

Right now we’re having Networking classes so I might earn some experience on that. Problem is: I have no idea what purpose or function a webapp I would develop should have...

>> No.11183186

Not gonna make it.

>> No.11183206


I just have no sense of direction. I don’t want to develop something that already exists in heaps unless that’s exactly what you suggest me to do

>> No.11183215

>I have no idea what purpose or function a webapp I would develop should have...

Don't worry, none of the braindead drones you'll be around will either. Everyone just waits around for someone to tell them what to do.

The school system has turned this country into a bunch of teet sucking soul-less parasites with no ideas.

>> No.11183305

Start with learning how to build a web page, and so learn languages like html, css, javascript/jquery. Then learn how to host your web page, you can look into things like Amazon's AWS web hosting.

>> No.11183347

Learn Go lang.


>> No.11183384

Low IQ

>> No.11183393

Exactly you dont fucking listen. I just literally gave you a step by step run down on how to make it and you come back with some whiny bullshit like "but i duno how 2 do dat". I'm done.

>> No.11183396

golang is actually a really nice lang desu. pretty sure its going to become the defacto backend for enterprise webservers.

>> No.11183398

All I can think of is games but that won’t be interesting on a resume

>> No.11183423

There's a pretty big market for games which involve undressing Anime girls.

>> No.11183443

There are internships that I can apply through the uni for partnered companies but that’s not until last year. I still want a nice resume, and your suggestion of apps seems reasonable. Right now I don’t know what to develop yet but that might come through eventually

Btw, is it true that most iOS apps are written in Swift and not C# anymore?

>> No.11183567

Just apply to the internships and get the internships (with big name companies, forget shit no one’s heard of) with your good grades. You will probably be doing boring coding stuff you can Google the answer for at best or being an office admin/coffee getter at worst. Either way HR brainlets will be impressed. HR idiots reading your GitHub ha! (wuss dat? U delivery driver 4 grubhub? Is dat like uber? lolol) gtfo with that shit. Just look good on transcript work history and look good in a suit/business casual for interviews. That’s all.

>> No.11183939

what skills do you need to learn to be a embedded systems engineer?
t. computer engineering student

>> No.11184096

golang, javascript, solidity

>> No.11184103

Take microcontroller class then ASIC class and FPGA class. Then move to Taiwan and make less than manager at Taco Bell.

>> No.11184126

I just know some basic FPGA programming in VHDL, like making a traffic light work and morse code reader
Is this bretty gud?

>> No.11184156

Being autistic is one extreme, but being someone who works only for the money is another. We have a ton of people like that in software development and they're all Chinese and Indians. Chinese and Indians work the job because it's a way to survive. They don't find joy in it, they treat it as a chore, and they loath it. The right mentality is to do it because that is success for you (both financially and personally). He's not wrong when he says the best programmers are the ones that are autistic. You don't have to be the best programmer though. Just going home and thinking about your project in the back of your head is a good sign you're a productive and worthwhile developer as well. Doesn't mean you have to give up your weekends though.

>> No.11184165

Learn to program dee.ze and you will blow the other applicants to hell

>> No.11184276

Depends what you want. If you want to do FPGA shit at Nvidia or Apple or something you need high grades in classes relevant to that. If you never took a class and did well, may as well forget it. Or just apply to companies that have FPGA jobs in every position as possible, work there and hope you get assigned to it. (Unlikely) I knew a guy who made a fucking GPU as a project at university and got a plaque from and project management job at Nvidia before he even finished undergrad. (Yes he was Chinese). He didn’t care wanted to be PhD at a university so he wouldn’t have to lift a finger.

>> No.11184385

shit. that's probably better than making 270$/month in my country.

>> No.11184391

Good points. I also find it amusing the people who view it as a “job” regardless of country tend to be more competent (and more tolerable to work with) than fucking Neckbeard autists.

Do the job well (unless the MO of your organization is to not give a fuck) but don’t be a fucking anal retentive douche, nobody likes that shit.

>> No.11184580

Yes in China/Taiwan/Korea they make like 3000 USD a month, the people who design CPUs and GPU, they have a masters degree lulz. In the USA a manager at a fast food chain who barely can read makes about that. (Maybe more)

>> No.11184637

I think the idea is not so much him looking down on people, but the fact that if you program to make money and don't put in the time, practice, and continued education, you will never compete with passionate people that do put in the hours. It's easier to be successful if you're passionate about the work because it's such a grind that takes constant learning and practice as technology changes.

>> No.11184749
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>I never programmed prior to Uni, I do not code in my free time
never gonna make it brah

>> No.11184779

You posted here a week ago with the same bullshit. Again, code in your own time. Develop an actual valuable skill

>> No.11184844
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I too got a computer engineering degree with top grades.
Ive been programming since middle school and have a large amount of experience.
I can program almost anything, but I specialize in embedded firmware.
I stack boxes in a warehouse for a living.

>Assuming you are some software developer or engineer earning over $100k, what more would I need to do and learn to become very attractive on this job marked?
switch majors before its too late.

>> No.11184917

This is pretty much it. People who tend to get paid well as programmers tend to have a thirst for it. They like solving these kind of problems so they continue with their education. People who do it as a job just learn as much as necessary to get into a comfy salary. They don't grow and so they eventually become obsolete.

Maybe it's because those guys have actual communication skills.

>> No.11184932

What the fuck anon explain yourself

>> No.11185021

Everyone and their grandmas lap dog has a computer degree these days.
It was where the money was, so everyone jumped into it and now the market is flooded.

>> No.11185109

Like I said, if you make your resume something that was niche or outsourced to Asia nearly wholesale, you’re in for a bad time.

The only way you’re making it in embedded shit is either in defense (brainlet central) or you’re some MIT 4.0 GPA genius who gets hired by Nvidia to verify work they already outsourced.

>> No.11185964
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what is with this fixation on software

how come no one is interested in hardware?

>> No.11186283
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OP, I know your feels LITERALLY *exactly*:

My mom pulled some strings to get me into the beginner Python programming club in my middle school, when I was in 6th grade (like this anon >>11184844)
(was because I was t. gifted&talented program cuck, etc)

And also had a long text conversation the other day with an old buddy of mine who was in the Electrical Engineering program with me at college, which I graduated with a Bachelors in last year. He hated EE and so got a software engineering internship at a company that ended up hiring him full-time, but his programming skills were basically fucked in the beginning. So, as he told me when I asked for general advice, he made it by strapping the fuck in and giving himself a crash course on self-learning literally everything. Particularly, he said the key thing that drove him more than anything was a fear of failure, that he wouldn't learn what he needed to fast enough, and the company would fire him or something.

Anyway, the more & more I talked to him, I could tell his thing was that "you gotta learn programming the HARD way, like me! If you don't do everything from the ground up and master the basics before going to the next level, you're as good as shit on my boot and should kill yourself before attempting to start", and so on.

I appreciated that perspective but I tried to communicate to him that I think I have a very different learning style, and have been coding in some capacity since I was a kid, and though I never had the patience or incentive to sit and complete any real pet projects from start to finish, I did simply want to get hired, if I possibly could, by any company that would take a chance on me and my diverse-but-raw-and-undeveloped programming skills. Then I could at least pay the bills (even if I were to accept a much lower starter salary at first, which I'd totally be willing to do) and from there, fill in my knowledge gaps as I go.

(cont., hold on)

>> No.11186342

Wtf man, computer engineers can apply for CS jobs and some EE jobs as well. You've literally got more hiring room than CS brainlets.

>> No.11186356
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Well, he did not like any of that one bit. So our conversation unfortunately ended a bit abruptly with him telling me that he gave me advice but that he knew I probably wouldn't take it.
Actually ended up sounding ridiculously similar to >>11183393 this anon

I think there's some truth to both these guys' hardball advice... I do like >>11183305 this in particular. It's pretty close to what my buddy was telling me to do first, so I think you & I might benefit from tackling the bare basics of setting up a web site, inside & out. And then, everything else will follow. It seems to me, judging from my crawling job postings around my city lately, that most companies are gonna need some measure of webdevshit experience as a preliminary requirement, at least.

I've personally been wanting to buy my own domain just for my own purposes, to set up a personal site that looks good to employers and that I could put on a business card or something. Google Domains (or whatever it's called) sells em for $12/mo, so once I settle on what I want my domain to actually be I was planning on just scooping up one of those and then bunker down autistically and go to town googling the best/simplest ways to take those raw materials of just a domain and server space, and turn it into a snazzy site for myself.

I assume you, like myself, are someone who tends to be exceedingly self-taught and so don't have the patience to grind out increasingly complex (and increasingly boring) iterations of Hello World programs in every language you can find a tutorial for, just to "get the basics down" as the other anons have suggested.

>> No.11186375

***$12/year, sorry

It's a no-brainer deal, super cheap way to invest in a way to organically grow your skills with a real-world project that will benefit you hugely if you do it well.

>> No.11186389

>someone with a job gives him advice
>turns it down and does whatever he wants and still doesn't have a job
the absolute state of biz

>> No.11186453

Because the ROI is shit on hardware. Risk is high reward is low.

>> No.11186513
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>go to cheap in-state university
>get big engineering scholarships because in-demand
>graduate to stable pay and good benefits

...what risk?? what constitutes "high" reward?

>> No.11186515
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We're trying to figure it out, hence this thread, niggerfaggot. Off yourself

>If you haven't made it all by yourself yet, then you're doing something wrong! You don't want it enough! You don't need motivation, you need discipline!
>Listen to this specific advice that allowed me to make it in my particular case and individual circumstances, thus it will be perfectly applicable and suitable for you as well, because it worked for me!
>What, you mean you aren't sure whether or not you want to drop everything and immediately invest the large amount of energy I'm suggesting you need to put into this by doing it this certain way that I'm sure is the only possible way to achieve the set of goals you have outlined, even though they may differ from my own?
>Well you must be a lazy shit. Don't even bother. Never gonna make it. I gave you advice, but you have personally insulted me by not taking it down to the letter. There is surely no other method by which to attain a similar outcome to myself but in a manner that would be more efficient and require less overall blood sweat & tears than I put in. I worked hard and endured X amount of pain to get to where I am, therefore if you show any reluctance to embark on the same bullshit I went through, you must not be dedicated enough.
> :)

>> No.11186575

How do I get the "big engineering scholarships"?

>> No.11186638

Building new CPU fab (if there is a giant change that requires retooling or a new fab altogether) requires billions of dollars and land and space equipment and dumping cancer in the river all that shit. In China they do and nobody cares and whistleblowers get clipped with support of the state. And you can grind educated people there into dust even more than here. The cucked engineers there working in Asia for Intel or Nvidia or whoever are living at work in hopes of doing the same job in the west under better conditions.

Software, the shit is readily available and all you need is a handful of coders and investors.

>> No.11186639

Yeah but CS degrees are cucked.

I noticed two of my relatives doing CS degrees and I've never heard them ever talk about computers.

>> No.11186703

I've done 2 years of that so I should be able to start up a company based on that.

>> No.11186725

>getting this mad

No where in that anon's post did he say you have to give up everything. The point of that post was that you need to put in more effort than just going through the motions of passing the courses because you won't learn everything you need to know in college. Putting bare minimal effort in everything will only make you less competitive. You, being a senior dev, should know that.

>> No.11186735

Elizabeth Holmes did.

>> No.11186795

If you’re getting good grades and your school is worth a shit, you’re good to go. If you’re playing with A-listers at school and kicking ass you’ll be working at an A-list place. Nobody needs to larp that they’re leet haxor. Neckbearding it up is a meme. Just know fundamentals and how to be resourceful/look shit up.

>> No.11187106

you have to realize I mean big in the sense that the percentage of tuition it covers is large

my flagship in-state uni cost maybe $10k/year in tuition, so securing even something like $2500/year goes a long way
you do this by getting straight A's in highschool, taking lots of AP's, doing lots of extracurriculars, and scoring high on those admissions tests

small ponds pay good money to retain big fish

by hardware I just meant electrical engineering
there are a LOT more fields than cpu design, I don't really know the state of outsourcing but I'm guessing they really aren't saving much by doing so

>> No.11187141


Nice black/white thinking you got there. Looks like you got a shitload of stereotypes in your head. It doesn't matter what school you go too if your knowledge/skills aren't up-to-date. Good luck with advancing in your career if you think spending any amount of time outside of work to improve your skillset is "neckbearding".

>> No.11187157

Well I'm in CC now so I assume a 4.0 would be beneficial. I'm unsure of extracurricular activities but I'll look into that.

>> No.11187174

I think he was saying HR is superficial so having perfect grades is more important than studying x at home.

>> No.11187200

Even if you get through HR, you still need to have the skills unless you're some diversity hire.

>> No.11187217

Reselling hardware has good ROI if you are in sales/pre-sales position. Negotiate big enough deal, and vendor will give you mad discounts.

>> No.11187228

If I'm married to a guy will I be a diversity hire? Will I be first priority over the other str8 white males. I think the list goes like:

>Black female trans
>black female
>white female trans
>white female
>white male trans
>gay white male
>white male

He was talking about designing hardware.

>> No.11187267

>He was talking about designing hardware.
I think the only way to make it profitable (apart from stumbling upon some genius breakthrough) is to have a gov/mil connections - make something generic but get all clearances and certifications so you can sell it to customers which require such clearances (for example rugged military network switches).

>> No.11187276

Do not jeopardize your 4.0. If any activity is taking away your ability to get high marks, dump that activity. A 3.0 and a 4.0 is like the difference of decades worth of salary and promotions.

>> No.11187291
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Thank you.

>> No.11187302

Tits or get bitch

>> No.11187331

I don't understand why this is difficult to comprehend, are you a fucking third worlder or something?

you get your degree
you go to your school's career fair
you talk to some booths
you get some internships over the summer
you graduate
you apply to a company
you get a job

>> No.11187415

Ironically third worlders/Asians are woke af. They have no illusions of meritocracies. I remember in engineering school various Asians nervously rattling off GPA and income related stats. They know that shit by heart.

The Chinese were always reading HOW TO GET INTO GOOGLE/ENGINEERING GRAD SCHOOL books that were printed by the millions from China.

They get hired there too and are most grad students in STEM. Working the system is like 90% of life.

>> No.11187720

Yes and if it’s a truly good job your irl work will keep you busy/learning enough/teaching yourself at work that you have growing and transferable skills. A-players don’t hand-hold/spoon feed you everything. This will be so natural to you that getting fired isn’t a concern. I know people who get poached/job offers without even applying or having LinkedIn/career profile shit. They just find you the same way debt collectors would except they’re trying to give you money. There’s no way they know you’re “current” on some piece of tech etc. It all started with high grades, reputable company blah blah blah.

>> No.11187830

Ok listen up lil sweet baby boy you're a lil fish in a big ass ocean. You're gonna have to BLOATMAXXX. I know you don't understand but you're gonna have to live it. Stop coming to this website start spending all your free time coding learning code and solving coding questions. You're gonna be a shitboy unless you LIVE IT. You can make it boy but your gonna have to get your butthole tight and scrunchy. I believe in you.


>> No.11187915

Learning a specific language is a waste of fucking time. Learn whatever language your project requires whether it be hobby or work.

The dude who made Diablo didn’t make anything in C until he made Diablo. Lol.

Python or Java is good for illustrating OOP, CS concepts etc tho.

>> No.11188190

Computer engineer =/= computer science.

There's more hardware work involved.

Some places care more that you can talk to people, some care more about your technical skills (you will find out in the interview based on how hard the technical questions are).

Look up jobs like you actually are going to apply then find out how to be qualified for the ones you like. Even if all you have is side projects tailored for the job it beats shooting the breeze.

Remember to learn at least one new skill a year even outside of school. If you can't fool around with tech outside of work hours then you will eventually become obsolete.

>> No.11188280


>> No.11188475

>Sure I know of the basic data structures and such and some algorithms
That's all you have to know. And it's actually far more important than knowing the specifics of any language. If you have your data structures and algorithms straight, you'll be able to pick up any language fairly quickly. Also, design patterns are important so learn those.

Just get an internship somewhere, you'll find a job easily.

>> No.11188821

>get degree then graduate

>> No.11188934
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It doesn't matter what programming language you know or algorithms/academic knowledge. If you wanna become skilled in programming you need to work on actual programming projects. Either take on projects that are ideas you have that would be meaningful or useful to you, or go find projects on GitHub and practice reading code there- and try to contribute if you find any projects you can get your head around that could also use your help.

>> No.11189128

what were you expecting, to graduate before you get your degree? lmao dummy

>> No.11189627

Believe it or not, the languages you know are more than enough to land a job. Most of the monkeys in the industry nowadays cannot handle C because they can't figure out pointers and indirection. If you actually know how to write a good program (reasonably efficient, bug-free, and easily maintainable by someone who's not an idiot), you'll be able to find work pretty easily if you've got a good GPA. It'll be even easier if you're skilled at being interviewed.

I would say the most important things to know how to write a good program and know what appropriate data structures to use (or create) when developing software. Also, if you want to make a lot of money without going into management, you need to focus on a certain industry, develop software specifically for that industry, know the business requirements of the industry, and, finally, be lucky enough or prescient enough to pick an industry that doesn't die or shrink and, preferably, grows tremendously. That last thing is quite difficult to do for anyone as the person who is capable of such a thing could likely be a very successful stock investor.

As for what you should do now, you should try to get an internship, preferably with a company well-known for developing software products. Oh, on that subject, don't do what I did and waste your time working for companies where software is not the primary product. The company will probably never fully appreciate how valuable software is and will almost certainly have a habit of hiring morons who couldn't write a working program to save their lives.

If you get a good internship and work about 2 or 3 semester's worth, you'll very likely get hired on by the company with whom you did the internship and, if not, there should still be strong interest from other companies. Of course, this all assumes you did reasonably good work at your internship and paid attention to the practices involved in running a successful software development organization.

>> No.11189642

Based as fuck. Most autists I've worked with that program 24/7 are fucking awful at it too. No, don't use an iterative loop through every entry in async frameworks on the fly. No, don't write a db query that computes stuff that would be 100x faster to do on the back-end. No, don't just use a hashmap for everything. No, you dumb autist, just because you've done the same wrong shit 1000 times doesn't mean you should do it 1001 times. They never bother to make any improvements to their style of coding it's fucking cancerous.

>> No.11189660

>working for companies where software is not the primary product. The company will probably never fully appreciate how valuable software is and will almost certainly have a habit of hiring morons who couldn't write a working program to save their lives.
Thanks to java, mobile and web apps this also happens even if the company's proprietary black box software is its only product.

>> No.11189702

Join the navy, get forced to code slave and update software for a bit, get out, realize you would've been better off if you'd forced yourself to code anything and everything. Recommend building some projects yourself (start small now) and by the time you get to the end of a degree your projects will mature to something you can market.

>> No.11189710

Just because you failed in life doesn’t mean others have to too, you sour faggot

>> No.11189724

How important is it to have a CS degree? Can I land a job with a generic stem and demonstrable competency in programming with a good project potfolio?

>> No.11189745

Not at all important unless the company is managed by old and crusty.

>> No.11189766

>No, don't write a db query that computes stuff that would be 100x faster to do on the back-end.

How is a db query not part of the backend?

>> No.11189839
File: 40 KB, 791x798, benis benis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best response in the whole thread

>> No.11190033

switched from accounting to software at 32

>> No.11190145
File: 123 KB, 500x537, dogs-before-conquered-the-americas-wore-armor-dogs-32609699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Pick a popular front end framework like React or Angular. Learn Java and like maybe Spring as a webapp framework. Pick a popular relational DB like Postgresql (if your curious, tinmer around with NoSQL like MongoDB. You can store json and jsonb in Postgres, but it probably won't deliver the same performance as MongoDB). Learn to spin up a RESTful service. Try to host it on an EC2 instance. Work on a personal project. Maybe take an SDE contract first and leverage that into a full time position.

Recruiters will be choking down your dick.

>> No.11190151

Meant for OP

>> No.11190379

In large scale web architecture db is its own thing-cluster of nodes or what have you. So autistic idiots stuck in their old ways still try to only get specific entries which is butt fuck retarded. Get (and cache) all entries and sort on demand based on request frequency.

>> No.11190400

>Learn Java and like maybe Spring as a webapp framework. Pick a popular relational DB like Postgresql
Terrible advice for a newbie. You will have no job offers for less than 5 years of industry Java and SQL experience. Agreed on React and MongoDB, though.

>> No.11190635

bullshit lol your resume must be shit or your social skills are nonexistant because you're pretty much guaranteed a job with a ce degree

>> No.11190770

1. add a bunch of connections to high-level people on linkedin, like google directors
2. memorize leetcode bullshit for a month
3. put javascript, react, postgresql on your database
4. clone some shitty toy github projects that sound kind of cool
5. maybe make a website

basically just toot your own horn. who cares if you can hack it or not, no one in this industry can anyway

t. tryhard