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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 400x400, 8a5J4DWx_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1117963 No.1117963 [Reply] [Original]

Massive Bitcoin crash imminent.

>Cex.io in serious hot water over apparent wallet forfeitures with all of its customers unable to withdraw any money
>All responses to inquiry have been either vague and mysterious or outright dishonest/nonsensical
>Major BTC spokespeople & companies around the world are all freaking out over the blockchain being choked to death with spam spends since approx 24 hours ago
>No sign of any of it slowing, let alone stopping
>Ethereum rocketing steadily as the perceived possible answer to blockchain woes
>Word spreading as of an hour ago about major holders plans of BTC liquidation to either fiat or extreme crypto diversification
>BTC daily low at -2% and fire has only just begun to spread the word
>All this news and less than 24 hours in time

Selling half of my holdings as of now. Hold on bros. :/

>> No.1117978

BTC is having backlog problems and the transactions don't get confirmed in time. It makes the whole system lag.

You basically cannot transfer your BTC properly now, glad I bought ETH last week.

>> No.1117982


>> No.1117983

Currency of this future

>> No.1117984

Don't be the last bagholder of bitcoin. Diversify to ETH then buy back BTC after it crashes and the blocksize drama is solved.

>> No.1117986


>> No.1117991

What I don't understand is can't someone just locate the IP address of the address making all of the flood transactions and hit it with a much needed denial of service attack and solve all problems?

I'm assuming that the answer is no because not only has that not happened already but I have heard no one mention it happening anytime soon. Could anyone tell me why, though?

>> No.1117993


inb4 insider

>> No.1117995

prepare to buy btc lads

>> No.1117998


Uh, literally all social media related to said topic

>> No.1117999

The whole of bitcointalk, twitter, and r/bitcoin and r/btc

The internet does not begin and end at 4chan

>> No.1118002
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Buy ETH dump BTC!

>> No.1118003

Bitcoin is an old tech. It comes in last place in basically every category except market saturation. How long is that viable when something like ETH has real momentum and is useful beyond just a currency?

Realistically Bitcoin's days are numbered. The only question is when.

>> No.1118008

Fastdump bitcoin. Leave chinese miners bagholding the coin they helped to ruin. Karma is a buddhist concept they will understand.

Buy ETH which is mined by canadian, american, german, british and australian neckbeards.

Support western neckbeards not greedy chinese businesspeople.

>> No.1118015

How the fuck can ETH be doing good if the only way to buy ETH is with Bitcoin, which according to this thread is having problems? How the fuck does that work?

That's like the bathtub doesn't work because you're not getting any water. So you fill up the bathtub with the shower. But that doesn't work because you don't get any water.

>> No.1118017

What other coins would you guys suggest diversifying into?

>> No.1118020

>How the fuck can ETH be doing good if the only way to buy ETH is with Bitcoin

You can buy ETH with USD or EUR at Kraken.com

>> No.1118022

Because when everyone's trying to buy water and there are very limited ways to pay for it suddenly water becomes exponentially more valuable

>> No.1118023


People already have BTC in exchanges so they can still buy. The problem is getting the BTC to the exchange if you don't already have it there.

>> No.1118024


MaidSafe is the only other one I see with a future at this point. Where Ethereum is blockchain computing MaidSafe is blockchain storage/internet.

>> No.1118025

Is shapeshift.io the only anonymous way to get ETH?

I'm a BTC whale.

If I diversified with ETH I would only do so with a sizable investment. The 2-4 BTC limit on shapeshift.io is a joke and I'm not giving an exchange my ID.

>> No.1118028

None faggot. ETH is the only game in town.

Do you see devs from any of these shitcoins giving talks at european parliament?

Do you see any devs from these shitcoins having the backing of the people WHO INVENTED BTC?

Do you see any other shitcoin being integrated into banks internal networks?

Do you see any other shitcoin having development hubs in new york, london and berlin?


>> No.1118031

No idea senpai im sorry. Try splitting your btc in to several wallets and using shapeshift from different IPs

>> No.1118034

Use your ID to buy ETH, then send them to a Mist wallet, then later use a mixer to make them anonymous. The most important thing is that you get ETH right now before it takes off to the moon.

>> No.1118037

How is MaidSafe better than ETH? Why would people use MaidSafe when there is ETH?

>> No.1118040

How do I send my ETH from Exchange to safe wallet? What is the process? I want to secure my Eths

>> No.1118045

>muh smart contracts
>still no decentralized way to buy ETH

How dumb. Get on it ETH shills, I have more BTC than all of /biz/ combined.

>> No.1118047


I just said they have different purposes. Ethereum is blockchain computing and MaidSafe is blockchain storage. They would theoretically work in tandem.

>> No.1118049

Just send it to the wallet address of your choosing. It works exactly like BTC in that regard only much faster.

Etherscan.io is block explorer for ETH

>> No.1118053

But you can make blockchain storage on basis of ETH, cannot you?

>> No.1118055

Where is the decentralised way to buy bitcoin fagget? Oh yeah nowhere.

Quickly buy ETH before you become bagholder supreme.

Probably one of these days one of the noobs on /biz/ with a hundred ETH will own more money than you due to BTC being worth nothing.

>> No.1118056

Alright, but where do I download the official client and shit?

>> No.1118058


I suppose but it's more for running code, not hosting content per se.

>> No.1118059

Its possible, but large amounts of data on Ethereum is very expensive.

Theoretically a storage layer could be built on ETH to allow a maidsafe type system but it is currently not implemented. Ethereum uses ipfs for storage and Ethereum chain for trustless programming

>> No.1118060


When it's easy to buy ETH it's too late to cash in. This isn't hard to understand. You'd be an early adopter getting in on the ground floor. Jump through a hoop or 2 and make more money.

>> No.1118061

Github. Ethereum mist wallet beta.

Takes 3-4 hours to sync chain.

Or you can use myetherwallet to generate a interim paper Eth wallet.

>> No.1118064

Is myetherwallet safe?

>> No.1118071

Yes. Everything is client side. Just remember to save your unencrypted private key somewhere to avoid losing your coins.

>> No.1118074
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Bitcoin maximalists about to be btfo

>> No.1118075

Wish I had known this a week ago. I set up an account with coinbase and it's taking forever to get verified. I just want some ETH.

>> No.1118081
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This is all manipulation

don't believe the FUD

daily reminder that 1.2 million eth was recently transferred into poloniex and could be dumped at any time

>> No.1118087

It's not manipulation, the BTC network is lagging as fuck. You have to wait two hours to get a confirmed transfer. How the hell will I order by coffee like this?

>> No.1118090

Spoken like a true bagholder my friend. Im sure you will go far in life

Probably got in to btc at the all time high and is praying for the halving to make it rain.

Aint gonna happen my friend.

Get some ETH while it's still cheap and bitcoin is worth more than a wet dog turd.

>> No.1118095

So is there an end game to this crypto shit or is it just about jumping from coin to coin hoping to get in early and make money? Will any of these actually become a viable currency outside of buying drugs and money laundering?

>> No.1118098


it's lagging because someone is spamming the network with transactions. its not regular usage

easy to talk big when your shitcoin is on a roll, but we'll see what happens

>> No.1118103

Don't listen to the FUD.

With normal fees ($0.07) transactions confirm in the next block. The mempool is backlogged because of spam. Likely by Classic supporters in response to the DDoS attacks on Classic nodes.

>> No.1118104


The above post are practically trying to say;


>GTFO baitboys with your boipussies.

>> No.1118109

>it's lagging because someone is spamming the network with transactions. its not regular usage

Here's the problem though: It's the new normal.

Literally anyone with some decent BTC can do it at any time. The fees payed back into the network can also be scooped back up if the people doing the spamming are also decently-sized mining ops.

It's ogre, anon.

>> No.1118113

>on a roll.

Yes on a roll all the way up to a billion market cap and beyond.

While bitcoin stagnates.

>> No.1118125

A bunch of dust transactions doesn't affect the stability of the network. Transactions are processed based on fees. Unless an attacker wants to expend a large amount of money stagnating the network these "attacks" are largely irrelevant. They make for good FUD and might be useful promoting your political agenda but this "wow bitcoin network is stuck!" meme is just plain wrong.

>> No.1118127
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Holy shit guys. ETH just popped

>> No.1118132

More like China. They just announced 1.5 million layoffs.

>> No.1118134

its just money laundering now

>> No.1118137

>this "wow bitcoin network is stuck!" meme is just plain wrong.

Jesus fucking christ are you retarded? Go move some BTC off of a major exchange right now and see how quickly you receive it into your personal wallet. Protip: You'll be waiting for it tomorrow at this time, too.

For fucks sake man FUD is one thing, but you can go actively test it out for yourself right fucking now. The network's fucked whether you enjoy it or not.

>> No.1118143

I feel the more I fiddle with ETH exchange the poorer I get
ought to have 12 ETH, have only 9,5 because I sold for small profit before the pump

>> No.1118150

If I've learn anything, it's that ETH is about keeping your butt puckered. Hold that shit.

>> No.1118156

This, it is taking forever to get my BTC to Kraken.

>> No.1118165


Lots of people in the Poloniex Troll Box are learning this the hard way too. Just keep it in a wallet and don't try to short.

>> No.1118189
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round and round it goes

where it stops.. nobody knows

>> No.1118190

That's what it seems like.

>> No.1118192

It's lagging because the network can't handle the volume. If bitcoin were to have greater adoption, it would only be worse. Bitcoin cannot be used for things like coffee.

>> No.1118193

didn't know where to post this but any of you niggas remember the gulden shills?
lmao, all these coins will keep popping up but all they do is change little things like block time and coin cap
eth is definitely the top dog

>> No.1118194

Yep. Ethereum is a whole different animal. It has use outside of currency.

>> No.1118199


>It's lagging because the network can't handle the volume.

The volume of being spammed with malicious and out of the ordinary transactions, yes

>> No.1118215

No malicious transactions there, it was predicted this will happen because block size reached its limit. Look:


Precisely as he predicted.

>> No.1118219

You can't figure out how to find other places to buy ETH instantly with bitcoin and no ID? Heard of google?

The limit on shapeshift is small but if you can't figure out how to do multiple transactions you're probably too retarded for this game. Shapeshift doesn't even have the best rates. Shop around.

>> No.1118248

Same here brah, my Bitcoin is showing up later today after signing up last week.

>> No.1118253


When I was waiting for my shit to clear it really highlighted how disgustingly out of date fiat currency is.

>> No.1118257


What are some of ethereum's uses outside of currency? Blow my mind away, anon.

>> No.1118258

why dont you add more fee satoshies mr Scruge McDuck

>> No.1118263


It's literally a programming language in blockchain form. You program onto a blockchain computer. Ether is the fuel you need to run code on Ethereum.

Since it's in blockchain form there is no possibility of running the code any way other than it was written. This is why it's "trustless". You can program anything you want on it. There are something like 155 decentralized apps in development right now.


>> No.1118268
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>> No.1118270


There are people who paid 10x the standard fee and still waited 2+ hours for 1 confirmation.

>> No.1118295

you are delusional

i just did a transaction with a fee of just 0.0015 and the first confirmation came in like 15 mins

>> No.1118299

correction it was 0.00015 aka just x3 of the standard one

there are kiddies that can scrape that from faucets in just an hour

>> No.1118301
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Thank you for pay fee gweilo. Velly appreciate stupid white devil

>> No.1118310

>bitcoin maximalists

Nothing like seeing what you want to see.

>> No.1118493

>implying exchange withdraws are the same as moving btc from adr A to adr B

You're a fucking moron. Pay literally $0.07 and you will be confirmed in the next block. If you can't afford $0.07 fuck off back to alt-land.

>> No.1118497

>being this frugal with fees

how would the noble miner earn extra coins to share with later early adopters with?

>> No.1118505

What m8? Can you repeat that in non-retard

>> No.1118521

But I have to buy bit coin to buy eth right? Kind of a catch 22.

>> No.1118523

see >>1118020
not even samefagging

>> No.1118528

Temporarily. But once you swapped it for ETH you are essentially selling it again.

>> No.1118558

How long do I have until the Bitcoin crash?
I just bought $2000 of BTC but there's a hold on it until Thursday, March 3rd. Will I be able to dump into ETH before everything goes to shit ?

>> No.1118582

The subreddits are still in denial about eth tho, they got salty from a shill spamming boards awhile ago

>> No.1118679

Bitcoin is going back up.

Hope you fags bought the dip.

>> No.1118696
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You guys think these currencies like they are stocks or something. Bitcoin is perfectly good atm for people who want to stay anonymous. It at least has some infra, cash withdraws from atms and stability. Altho it's still small compared to even silver.

>> No.1118730

Delusional ETH bagholder mad at the fact BTC is looking better than ever and ETH is doomed from day 1:


Keep coping tho.

>> No.1118734

This. So many fucking shills complaining about fake transaction delays.

Once Lightning Network is opperative they will have no excuses.

>> No.1119351
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while everyone buys eth, i hope we can see 300 dollar btc again >_> <_<

>> No.1119356

You will.
And then 250.
And then 200.
And then 100.
And then 10.
Are you ready for the ride?

>> No.1119361

Why do you think it hasn't happened yet?

>> No.1119365

Can anyone explain why BTC is still not crashing with all the blockchain lag?

>> No.1119367

Check: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jo8VJsT2CBo

>> No.1119560


>> No.1120847

Its basically Pyramid scheme after pyramid scheme eventually it will die a heat death and people will forget this stuff even exists just look at how many "coins" have already come and gone

>> No.1120852


No one can get their transactions through to sell

>> No.1120855


>> No.1120857

Lool. What a retard

>> No.1120880

Can't sign up for a Kraken account, the website won't load. I was about to go all in to ETH just like the shills said. Is this a sign I shouldn't do it?

>> No.1120885

Pretty much

>> No.1120929

>Can anyone explain why BTC is still not crashing with all the blockchain lag?

Blockchain is lagged to hell, meaning coins being dumped into ask orders are slow and go for the time being.

However, it's down $20 over the last 24 hours i.e. Bitcoin's death has begun to roll downhill and the snowball is growing larger as we speak.

>> No.1121020

Kraken is unresponsive every so often. It's usually back up within minutes though. Just refresh.

Even so, it'll take you a week or two to get verified and deposit fiat into Kraken.

>> No.1121060

hmm... if most sell orders are blocked due to lag, once it unlags, there's gonna be a huge crash instantly, unless they find a way to prolong the unlagging process, but the longer it lags, the less confidence people will have in BTC

how low will BTC go?

>> No.1121263
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If I had a bitcoin for every time bitcoin was declared dead

>> No.1121277

If btc goes down , ethereum will as well. Your logic makes no sense.

>> No.1121326


If I could only take one penny in Bitcoin from everyone in the world

>> No.1121675

bought for 10.50

immediatly after the price fell to 8.90

that's just like my entire life story basically.
take action -> regret
don't take action -> regret

fuck you universe, why do you keep conspiring against me??

>> No.1121677

Don't sell now you massive faggot.

>> No.1121678


ETH that is (not btc)

>> No.1123459

I think ETH is going to rise again today, I feel it in the ley lines

>> No.1123467

>diversify to eth

>> No.1123490

Cause youre a laggard faggot.

>> No.1123491


>> No.1123501

What is ETH?

>> No.1123517

Its a new cryptocurrency

>> No.1123712

Etherkek is the newest cryptocuck.

>> No.1123718


A pump & dump for cucks

>> No.1123798

>mfw some people think it's okay for Bitcoin to be slower and more expensive than PayPal

>> No.1124088

I dont know if anybody else has noticed, but BTC prices have not dropped yet...

also they will fix the transaction time issue sooner or later, so it is at best a temporary issue even if the price did drop...

>> No.1124171

>I dont know if anybody else has noticed, but BTC prices have not dropped yet...

Yes, they have. And they keep dropping.

>> No.1124203


Replace the snakeoik IPO scam Ethereum with Monero and you are good.

>> No.1124208


No one thinks it's ok. The problem are the cucked bitcoin maximalists who have too much money to lose by admitting that bitcoin is flawed.

>> No.1124564

So....serious question here:
Why isn't there a thread on shorting BTC yet?

>> No.1124571

O wait there is one already

>> No.1124628

>i was tempted but i didnt listen face

>> No.1124638

>mfw this thread convinced me to move all my btc holding to eth

thank you OP

>> No.1124657

Bitcoin comes first in security. It's best store of value.

>> No.1124658



>> No.1124661

You're missing out if you don't transfer all of your material assets to eth right now

You'll be living in a solid gold house come this time next year

>> No.1124668


btc is broken. i'm pretty sure btc core dev team was infiltrated to turn btc into a piece of shit while appearing legitimate. I believed in it since the beginning but it seems fucked now, but eth is the way forward.

>> No.1124672

This. Ethercuck is going to a billion dollars per cuck.

>> No.1124674

Of course. Ethercuck can only go forwards. There isnt even a reverse button.

>> No.1124683
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oh man you're mad as fuck

stay poor nethercuck ( no-ether kuk )

>> No.1124689

Broken as a payment system, yes. But highly decentralised store of value is literally what Core devs want.

Bitcoin is by far the most stable place for rich people to store a little value out of reach of the government.

I hate Core dev's direction as much as anyone, but Bitcoin can still be hugely successful as digital gold only.

>> No.1124692

Ya that guy is just mad. Ethercucks like you and me keep our cool a little better.

>> No.1124818

You can use Uphold and transfer it to Gold or something more stable. That's what I did.

>> No.1124825
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>> No.1124832


>> No.1124983
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>highly decentralized
>price in free-fall because the handful of dudes who run the entire network won't scale it up

>> No.1124988
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Get those BTC into ETH

>> No.1125036
File: 58 KB, 1966x1829, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero. It is truly anonymous and untraceable, something Ethereum is not.

It is the natural Bitcoin replacement and you may eventually see a 1:1 ratio... sooner than you think.

But don't believe me. Google 'monero' and 'cryptonote'. The ticker is XMR.

>> No.1125049
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why dont you just hedge your holdings if you are so worried

>> No.1125181

fuck off with that monero shit.

>> No.1125278

It's gonna crash hard starting Monday.

>> No.1125380

Can I ask why?

Because you've heard so much about it...? A fair, no-IPO, no-premine, pure proof-of-work, currency that is the first decentralized digital currency in history that is properly anonymous on the protocol level?

What's your objection exactly? It was 25 cents last year... now it's $1.20. As the price keeps going up because the technology gets more traction, do you think you will hear more or less about it?

>> No.1125390

Because it is just a copy of Bitcoin with anonimity. It does not solve any real issues and improve the system. It will face all the same problems BTC faced. BTC can be anonymous with tumbling. Nobody cares about anonymity except extreme conspiracy fags. Normal people don't give a fuck.

>> No.1125400

XMR is owned by 1 btc whale risto pteila who put 800btc into it right at the beginning.

Fuck monero and their obese chucklefuck dev called fluffypony

>> No.1125410

Can you link to source on that information?

>> No.1125464

Which information? The fact that the seed investment for monero came from risto?

Google the keywords bro

>> No.1125511

Wallet for maidsafecoins?

>> No.1125528


>> No.1125532

Highly illogical answer most likely suggesting autism

>> No.1125605


>> No.1125749


>> No.1126575

why didn't you sell when btc was $1000

>> No.1126584

this doesn't matter. none of this matters.

bitcoin will tank because of the scalability issues

>> No.1127239

God fucking dammit I'm a bitcoin bagholder now

Fucking chinks ruining everything

>> No.1127354
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it improves the system in many ways.

it solves the blocksize problem completely by implementing a flexible blocksize with a dust-resistant mechanism.

As well, Monero will never need to depend on some fantasy 'fee economy'. It has a perpetual emission so miners will always have something to fight over.

Oh, and yes - it's totally untraceable and anonymous. If you don't see why that has value, you are definitely a bottom feeder.

>> No.1127360


>> No.1127415
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using a niggress whore for your propaganda like it is some kind of hidden gem