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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11178436 No.11178436 [Reply] [Original]

Did we ever figure out why Vitalik hates Link so much and compared it to a broken down Toyota?

>> No.11178445


Because he's a communist

>> No.11178449

He doesnt hate link. He hates when sub 100 iq trashcans try and use his reputation and influence to try and shill their own shit.

>> No.11178455

Cause he knows that the thing that will make his platform in any way valuable belongs to Link, and not only that, but the fact that if any other blockchain comes along and is better than ETH, Link can just connect to that instead. Vitalik lives in Sergey's shadow, and he knows its only a matter of time till the rest of the world realizes it as well.

>> No.11178476

>broken down Toyota?
literally the most redpilled, anti-jew, reliable cars in the world

>> No.11178581
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Toyotas live forever vitalik was just larp

>> No.11178593

link is shit

>> No.11178610

Broken down Toyota. kek
Between this and roasting Neobags200kg publicly Vitalik is pretty based.

>> No.11178617

Damn you're not pulling your punches. We're fucking weak as fuck after nine months of bear market and you come out @ your /biz bros like that? Shame on you

>> No.11178625

why does he hate Dr. Satoshi?
He has always been an inferior being.
Rule #1 to do anything: always have a scapegoat.
Do you think this weirdo actually had the wherewithal to do anything meaningful in his life? No, someone gave him the project (he believes its his own idea) just so that when regulation comes knocking, it's his neck in the noose.

>> No.11178706

chainlink oracles built on ethereum. companies are going to use private ethereum clones while still using chainlink oracles. vitalik's commie future has come to end and (((they))) are using chainlink for profit.

>> No.11178801

I think so too.
It may sound weird and make little sense but I feel like decentralized oracles are more important to (((comapnies))) than a decentralized blockchain, that's why they use permissioned ones keeping all the neets and cryptokids at bay.

Vitalik is bitter because years of his autistic work are getting forked for free and there is nothing he can do about it

>> No.11178822

I also think that sergey knows no where near as much info as vitalik. and theres many pics of them together. sergey probably learned a bunch from vb. vb just jealous that sergey's project is going to be a lot more successful.

>> No.11178900


Chainlink - The Toyota of Oracles. It's there but it's nothing special, not worth mentioning and most definitely not worth $32m.

>> No.11178956

>and most definitely not worth $32m.
right, it's about $120M and still undervalued, stay mad

>> No.11178960

Fpbp, free market will win though.

>> No.11178985
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