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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11176195 No.11176195 [Reply] [Original]

This will ALWAYS BE #1

>> No.11177186

yeah, especially if lightning works out

>> No.11177205

yeah, especially if atomic swaps start becoming more widespread.

>> No.11177229

>Horse carriages will always be number one.

>> No.11177235

>Horse carriages will always be number one.
fiat is the horse carriage, sweaty, not bitcoin.
>he thinks obitanchain or some shit will outrank bitcoin

>> No.11177258


And combine these to Submarine Swaps:

>> No.11177275

yeah, if by #1 you actually mean totally forgotten about forever

>> No.11177300
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It already works

>> No.11177307

implying quantum computers won't actually ruin it in about 5-10 years

>> No.11177313
File: 425 KB, 1500x1378, 1533913576383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing I like about bitcoin is it represents so many years of spent resources. The only thing is the resource consumption is heavily inflated as it becomes more complicated to mine.

>> No.11177328

No fiat is the actual horse you dummy.

>> No.11177343

it works out when you can actually use it.
i don't care about tech that never gets adoption.

>> No.11177379
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ASICs will still be more cost effective at hashing for a long time even when QCs are mainstream. Who the fuck will spend millions to buy one QC to mine when they could buy ASICs for less for equals hash power? Digital signatures are just an upgrade of the key length. Stay poor faggot

>> No.11177401

yeah even as it falls out of the top 10 on coinmarketcap, it will ALWAYS be #1 in our hearts

>> No.11177422

It's #1 right now and wait till lightning network comes out. Best devs in the game son!

>> No.11177452

lol, you have no idea what you're talking about.

the threat of QCs isn't people using them to mine, and you can't break hashes with them anyways.

You can, however, reverse public keys to private keys.... that's a lot of bitcoin out there for the taking ... ;)

not to mention trying to get the entire network to switch protocols or learn proper funds management (mainly just using each address only once). Yeah right lol.

>> No.11177467
File: 49 KB, 680x639, Aborted GF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lightning routing is still broken and if more than 2 people used it at the same time to transact it would fail half the time.

bitcoin cash is still a better solution than lightning because that shit becomes more broken the more that use it

>> No.11177476

Imagine the outrage if XRP flips it even for a few hours.

>> No.11177512

It doesn't matter if it's still dumping.

>> No.11177569

Dude Bitcoin cash is a joke.... Don't lose your money on it.

Everyone that knows their shit is saying btc 50k eoy

>> No.11177634

It already did when total supply is included.

>> No.11177754

>bitcoin will be the first thing in any field throughout recorded human history to NOT be replaced by something better.

mfw internet explorer/netscape
mfw Ford model T
mfw friendster / myspace
mfw mechanical computers
mfw beaver pelts as money
mfw AOL
mfw Atari

>> No.11177808
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It's gonna be QRL or another quantum-resistant blockchain (maybe even some other form of directed acyclic graph) that replaces it, for reasons enumerated above.

>> No.11178082

There's no reason at all it can't become quantum resistant fool

>> No.11178169


you'd have to fork to a quantum-resistant protocol, and get everyone with a vulnerable public key to switch their funds over to a safe address.

Remember segwit2x? Good luck getting the crypto community to agree and quickly take action on something like changing the entire algorithm of bitcoin once they've already started being stolen by QCs.

And then there's the matter of all the crypto that's in vulnerable addresses that people lost, or died, or whatever. That stuff WILL be stolen and dumped on the market.

but I'm sure everything will be fine! nbd

>> No.11178430

Quantum computing won't destroy crypto because of mining you brainlet.

Quantum computing MAY pose a threat to cryptocurrency because it MAY be able to easily break the encryption that crypto is founded upon.

>> No.11178484


man so many people have disregarded the threat without even understanding it. Even smart people, experts... it's crazy how much dumb shit is out there on this.

Like, you nailed it. It's only the encrypted signatures that are at risk.

Hashes? Safe. Mining? Safe.

>> No.11178486

HAHAHA you don't think the BTC developers have thought of that?

BAKA Anon DYOR quantum computing can't stop BTC

>> No.11178521

Evetyone that knows their shit knows that LN is not a viable scaling solution. If btc goes to 50K, its just fomo.

>> No.11178538
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, 1500301188657-Screen-Shot-2017-07-17-at-101941-AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two problems with btc

>Mining algo is shit
>Not fungible and no way to hardfork the chain to make it fungible

Xmr will flip it

>> No.11178548
File: 293 KB, 600x866, MzAzNDMxMg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTC developers are too late you fucking retard. USE YOUR BRAIN instead of just repeating what you heard someone say once!!

There's nothing they can do but try to fork and migrate everyone's funds, and the day that happens is the day BTC is done as #1.

and can you even read? Here's the reason why:

>you'd have to fork to a quantum-resistant protocol, and get everyone with a vulnerable public key to switch their funds over to a safe address.

>Remember segwit2x? Good luck getting the crypto community to agree and quickly take action on something like changing the entire algorithm of bitcoin once they've already started being stolen by QCs.

And then there's the matter of all the crypto that's in vulnerable addresses that people lost, or died, or whatever. That stuff WILL be stolen and dumped on the market.

>> No.11178549

True but people only care what coinmarketcap shows. That's when the real fun starts.

>> No.11178558


I can't even format, I guess I'm the fucking retard.


>> No.11178574

I actually think that payment channels are a good idea, but it requires a reasonably fast base layer with decent throughput first so that they can be opened peer to peer. I'm sad that they're ignoring that and trying to solve everything with some ridiculously complicated routing scheme.

>> No.11178590

Invest in butterknives cause youre gonna need em!

>> No.11178592

FUD, you sound like a deluded Cashie. If BTC falls nobody will ever use another blockchain.

>> No.11178605

brainlet here, let's say LN is successful and everyone uses it, in a few years when the block reward becomes tiny wouldn't that negatively impact the network's security? the hashrate would plummet making it cheaper to attack.

What's the general opinion of btc maximalists about the LN?

>> No.11178632

LN is good it just needs time to work. People are so impatient they don't realize it takes YEARS to implement something of this magnitude.

The core devs are the most meticulous devs in all of crypto.

>> No.11178645


So you've resorted to name-calling. I guess that means my points were convincing ;)

and I'm not deluded bro, I don't claim to know which crypto will prevail in the post-quantum world. It's still 5+ years away in all likelihood, so we have time. But the shake-up IS coming, and there are at least a few cryptos today which would be completely impervious to quantum computing attacks.

I do not think that the miracle that is decentralized, immutable, trustless money will just go away once BTC falls. But smart people can at least disagree on that one.

>> No.11178858

Has anyone figured out if running a LN node would necessitate complying with AML?

It's gonna be hilarious when a bunch of fucking nerds get federally fucked and end up getting their shit pushed in by Jamal "Babies Arm" Washington.

>> No.11178921

> People are so impatient they don't realize it takes YEARS to implement something of this magnitude.

With only a small group of developers working on it, it's going to take decades. That they're no dedicated more resources to this shows that they don't really care if LN is successful or not.

>The core devs are the most meticulous devs in all of crypto.

They're not even the same people working on LN.