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11174165 No.11174165 [Reply] [Original]

If you aren't accumulating REQ right now you simplty aren't going to make it. This is the last ETH-tier moonshot in crypto, $20 or more EOY easily.
>muh coinbase fud
No, we don't need Coinbase, you brainlets - Coinbase needs REQ.

>> No.11174238

I agree but 20$ EOY? c'mon, i don't think we go ''even'' over dollar this year.

>> No.11174257


>> No.11174284

42cents EOM

>> No.11174299

It's over. Accept it.

>> No.11174352


>> No.11174367
File: 50 KB, 512x512, 1524010578902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$20 dollar mozzarella

>> No.11174368
File: 38 KB, 460x413, 1532586431018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I make a request for my money back ?
All I ask.

>> No.11174382

>erc20 token gonna be an eth-moonshot
>moneytis made investors money right?

>> No.11174754


>> No.11174789

can i request a bill for my mozzarella

>> No.11174798

Love how the predictions on this at best average uni project are becoming lower and lower... from $500 to $100 to $20. You'd kill for it reaching 10 cents wouldn't you.

>> No.11174849

0,20 is hard to reach
imagine $20

>> No.11174862

if this goes back to 10 cents i'll have six figures
if it goes back to a dollar i'll be a millionaire

>> No.11175819

20$ in 2022. Just accumulate.

>> No.11175838

how muchh do you hold.

>> No.11175849

So why didn't you sell in January. You could have been a millionaire

>> No.11175977

Nice, this will be the first few thousands of requests I'm sure

>> No.11175993

people know how to average down and how not to buy at the top

>> No.11175995

Most req fags would suck a hobo's dick for it too reach a dollar again.

>> No.11176022

Appcoins are worthless

>> No.11176048

Delusional. I dumped my REQ on you pajeets at $0.80 and will never touch it again.

>> No.11176075

1MM obviously...

i bought most of my REQ tokens in the past two months.

>> No.11176126

depends if he has a condom. Toen formally known as Req $5 EOY.
(rebrand is coming)

>> No.11176354
File: 2.57 MB, 382x554, 1537626037749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the new name? TOEN, I like it.