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11172946 No.11172946 [Reply] [Original]

My childhood was absolute shit and I want to make this country (uk) better. I did very well but it's just so unfair watching all my classmates become degenerates and all the posh idiots at uni on the path to an easy life cause they were born into the right family.

I currently have a few hundred k, which I know isnn't enough to do do anything but I'm getting there. Also working on getting the friends and applying to cambridge part 3 (told I've got a good chance of getting in by profs) next year for the status. I'm going to make this place better once I'm influential enough, I fucking swear it. It's a complete joke at the moment

>> No.11172979

You're going to make your community better just in time for Muhammad

>> No.11173000

This meme is massively overblown. In the uk the poor people are largely white instead of mostly black like in America, and like everywhere it's the poor people who are more likely to be dgenerates

>> No.11173004

>posh idiots
lmao posh kid here. posh kids are smarter than you fucking chavs because our parents are rich. Rich people have higher IQ on average and IQ is genetic so it gets passed on to us. Not our fault you have dumbfuck parents who failed to provide and send you to private school

>> No.11173019


Sorry to spoil your enthusiasm but as a fellow Brit our country is absolutely and utter done.

Nothing short of total societal collapse will change anything. Our people are fat and apathetic while wealth is siphoned off and freedom is totally and utterly eroded.

Make plans on the best way you can exit here in the shortest amount of time is my best advice.

>> No.11173023

I'm not saying rich people are idiots at all, and know on average they're smarter. But the amount of flat out incompetent idiots I've met is unbelievable, and the amount of hard working good people who got memed into shit decisions at secondary is shocking.

>> No.11173048

deny it all you wish, but you are tethered to your mommy and daddy by a leash.when that hand that feeds you disappears, so does everything you know and everything you're accustomed to.

>> No.11173050

I'm going down with the ship.

>> No.11173060

>It's a complete joke at the moment
>I'm going to make this place better once I'm influential enough
I agree but how? A degree from cambridge and a billion pounds aren't enough

>> No.11173070

Meanwhile England's biggest city and cultural capital is a literal Islamic caliphate, and everywhere else is a draconian 1984 shithole.

There's no saving it. Either embrace your role as a cuck (most likely), come to America and become a 56%-er, or move somewhere else and help form a new country.

>> No.11173088


I used to give private school sixth formers dick back in my uni days. Even fucked one in their arse while their parents were downstairs.

Can confirm that having a normie dad with a couple of shitty rental properties he got before the housing bubble is not a solid correlating factor with IQ

>> No.11173121

Current plan is to just get as rich/succesful in general as possible and marry into an elite family. am also actively trying to make friends with important people, currently friends with 1 semi important guy (worth few hundred mil but just lives completely normally). Going to try making friends with more and seeing if that's enough.

Hopefully that will give me some influence. Also cause I'm a dumbass zoomer I could be completely wrong about the rich/"upper class" people making the rules. If that seems to be the case nearer the time I'll become a politician.

Alternatively it might just be impossible but I'm giving it my best shot

>> No.11173139

I used to be but then I got scammed

>> No.11173159


>> No.11173202

>shit weather
>shit food
>shit people
>shit culture based on drinking "with the lads" and having great "bants"

Get out if you can

>> No.11173257

>Also cause I'm a dumbass zoomer
yes I could tell that from the OP

Not to be mean but this whole thread just comes across as very naive.
>Current plan is to just get as rich/succesful in general as possible
The forces you are up against are 100x more rich/successful than you are ever likely to get. Not only that, there are hundreds of them and in every industry you can think of.

And let's say you did reach a position of influence and advocate for change that is not in the interest of the elites. What then? The media will just paint you as some mad lunatic like Elon Musk. Better yet, you'll just 'die' of a 'heart attack' or commit suicide by two bullets to the back of the head
>If that seems to be the case nearer the time I'll become a politician.
How do you think you become a politician? You think that if you just say the truth people will vote for you? The only way you can become an MP is to be put forward as the Conservative/Labour/Lib Dem candidate for a seat that has a chance of that party being elected. Who do you think decides who these candidates are? Do you really think, say, the Conservative party would allow someone with even remotely radical views to be put forward as their candidate for a seat? Same goes for Labour and Lib Dems

Not to sound too black pilled but you have pretty much zero chance of becoming a politician to begin with. And even if you could become a politician, you wouldn't be able to change anything anyway.

I'm sorry anon

>> No.11173297

you're daughter will be wearing a hijab, just fucking move out of that shit hole

>> No.11173300

((their)) ((their))
it was a guy wasnt it anon...

>> No.11173305
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You're probably right.

>> No.11173407

You'll change your mind when you get more money. Supposing you don't lose it all before.

This behaviour of yours is counterproductive from a evolutionary point of view.

>> No.11173417

I don't want to put you off too much, OP. There are examples of outsiders breaking the cycle e.g. Donald Trump. He definitely wasn't 'supposed' to become president (luckily the USA has open primaries - not something we have in the UK so it's much harder for an outsider to become an MP of PM). Even then, it's questionable how much Trump has actually done or is able to do to change things though.

Crypto in some sense provides and opportunity to change things. The more viable it is as an alternative to the current system, the more you take influence away from the elites. You could do your bit to make crypto more appealing - look at people like Andreas Antonopolous: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuoE5CXlIdY

>> No.11173459

This is true. There are a lot of film memes about dumb rich people, but the truth is that most wouldn't stay rich for generations by being stupid.

Krupp, Rockefeller, Rotschilds... None of them would be able to maintain a billionaire dinasty by being a bunch of low IQ retards

>> No.11173479

>There are examples of outsiders breaking the cycle e.g. Donald Trump.
He was not from politics, but he was a insider in relation with the political and economic elites. And in our world(especially the USA) politics and finances are two sides of the same coin

>> No.11173520

>he was a insider in relation with the political and economic elites.
I don't think so. He's very rich, yes, but he's not an insider in the same way someone like Hilary Clinton is.

There are tons of stories about him being rejected by New York high society in the '80s for being too brash and bad taste. He's always had a chip on his shoulder for that reason.

Look at someone like Mike Ashley here in the UK for example. He's a billionaire but do you really think he's 'on the inside'?

Being rich by itself does not get you entry into the elite

>> No.11173709

I am here to defeat the Jews and the federal reserve.

>> No.11174129


Donating to my school's ACM club for sure. If it wasn't for them bringing in guests to talk about IoT, I probably wouldn't have realized how important crypto is going to be.

Probably going to pick some students in need for scholarships too.

Might donate a certain % to my uni in the form of a smart contract with rules in place to disperse x amount every year as a bonus to teacher salaries or to help them pay for funding research.

>> No.11174170

I just want a mobile home unit a decent bed, a single cab truck, and to have friends and talk to girls

>> No.11174509

> when you realize the tech is shit
" im in it for the greater good"

>> No.11174558

I will use 90% of the money I earn to help other people, hospitals, donations to sick kids, orphanage, retirement home

unfortunately I'm down to 500$ and no hope for 1000x

>> No.11174775

I go down with the UK.
Maybe it'll be cool, like mad max.
I know that one day the nice white town I grew up in will be a third world hole.

I will not leave it.

>> No.11174790

This is literally all white countries.

>> No.11174796

This attitude is why you're poor and your parents are poor, anon

>> No.11175035

His daughter married a kike

>> No.11175176

Bros, I need some help getting into the cryptogame. Is coinbase a good app to trade with? I hate having no money and I would rather go broke in cryptocurrency and try than to never had tried at all. What would you recommend for a new guy like me? What guides?

>> No.11175231


Yay the normies are returning time to buy!!! Sure dude sign up for jewbase

>> No.11175267

Thank for the help man...faggot.

>> No.11175275

OI! You got a license for those lies?

>> No.11175278

Here's a guide that helped me 10x my money.
1. Browse Biz
2. Don't trust 95% of what biz says.
3. Read up on the 5% that seems not sketch.
4. Do research.
5. Buy Link

>> No.11175282

Sign up with binance, download blockfolio, and prepare for sleepless nights

>> No.11175314

Were tempted to think the way things work will remain as they have for the past however many years, but the internet and, even more so, social media have not been prominent for long and they really change the game in that anyone can potentially gain a following even without the huge amounts of money or connections (if we're talking about whether you could become a politician or something).

I also think if you focused on using your funds to make changes that no one can oppose you on to start out--like being involved in solving an issue specific to a low income area--and gain press on that, you can show people that you actually follow through with shit unlike the majority of career politicians.

Don't blame yourself if you dont have as big an impact as you'd like, but don't give up man. Rioting for you.

>> No.11175331


>> No.11175375

What is blockfolio? Does it give guides on this stuff?

>> No.11175455

It's a portfolio tracker

>> No.11175637
File: 72 KB, 259x290, upside-down-dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first got into crypto, I had high hopes for it as the first revolution fought with the carrot, rather than the stick.
Autonomous, voluntary, participatory governance through DAOs.
Come for the get-rich-quick-scheme and stay for the revolution.

>> No.11175708

All those posh idiots who were born into money will spend it all, just watch. The average showoff carries insane amounts of debt and is car/house poor. They are not going to ever make it and have a hard lesson coming when the economy dips again.

>> No.11175746

Here's the best Pro-Tip:


Invest in ICOs that have their presale ending soon. That way, you get in the game early and have a reason to shill it.

>> No.11175852
File: 173 KB, 1080x720, Photo le 17-09-2018 à 21.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow neighbor,

Just buy an assault rifle and do what you have to do.

Ooops, you won't make it I know it because you are a pussy.
Just like all white trash crying on this badminton forum.


>> No.11176463

Fuck man. Wish what you said wasnt 100% true. I used to have similar plans as OP. Now I know the rabbit hole is so fxkin deep that we need a tectonic shift, an Event never ever seen before to make the world a normal place finally. White hats are in the background too,not just the peuppeteers..
Looks really bleak but still optimistic.