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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11171721 No.11171721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Invest in melanin

>> No.11171787


patrician taste

>> No.11171808
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>> No.11171810
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>> No.11171826

Seems like a poor investment.

>> No.11171871


>implying ANYTHING with your racist chart


>> No.11171901

In response to your misleading statistic, please read: http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2017/science-genetics-reshaping-race-debate-21st-century/

At the biological level race is not real. "In the biological and social sciences, the consensus is clear: race is a social construct, not a biological attribute. Today, scientists prefer to use the term “ancestry” to describe human diversity. “Ancestry” reflects the fact that human variations do have a connection to the geographical origins of our ancestors. Ancestry focuses on understanding how a person’s history unfolded, not how they fit into one category and not another. Even if scientists agree that race is, at most, a social construct, any cursory search of the internet reveals that the broader public is not convinced of this. After all, if an Asian person looks so different from a European, how could they not be from distinct groups? Even if most scientists reject the concept of “race” as a biological concept, race exists, undeniably, as a social and political concept.

The popular classifications of race are based chiefly on skin color, with other relevant features including height, eyes, and hair. Though these physical differences may appear, on a superficial level, to be very dramatic, they are determined by only a minute portion of the genome: we as a species have been estimated to share 99.9% of our DNA with each other. The few differences that do exist reflect differences in environments and external factors, not core biology.
Importantly, the evolution of skin color occurred independently, and did not influence other traits such as mental abilities and behavior. In fact, science has yet to find evidence that there are genetic differences in intelligence between populations. Ultimately, while there certainly are some biological differences between different populations, these differences are few and superficial

>> No.11171943

Biggest Mistake the White Man ever did was not murdering all the niggers and tribesniggers before taking their land.

>> No.11171955

/biz/ - Business and Finance

>> No.11172206
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Already did, HODLing an ebony queen

>> No.11172228
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>t.low IQ nigger

>> No.11172238

Propaganda lmao.

>> No.11172244
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How do I short wh*te humanoids

>> No.11172256

Your little paper there is missing a particularly important event from the early 90s.

>> No.11172262

Please enlighten me

>> No.11172276
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>the absolute state of the modern education system

>> No.11172290
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invest in melanotan

>> No.11172297

where is the whitepaper??

>> No.11172298

From the author's conclusions: "Our and others’ findings17,18 suggest that imperfect genetic correlation across cohorts will be the norm for phenotypes, such as educational attainment, that are environmentally contingent." Who would have thunk it.

Maybe you should read some papers instead of scanning them for race bait.

>> No.11172304

The colapse of Soviet Union

R*ssians aren't white, they are caucasoids with nigger soul

>> No.11172316

Trump won, meme magic works

>> No.11172318
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>imperfect correlations means no correlations
the absolute state of nigger IQ's

Russians are whiter than the average American.

>> No.11172325

You mean Blackpaper right?

>> No.11172341

Worth more than gold

>> No.11172342

Hodl melanin

>> No.11172349
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>Russians are whiter than the average American.
Indeed, but they are almost as dumb and retard as niggers

Pic Related: Me. (I am Brazilian, not american)

>> No.11172364
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>> No.11172369

>The popular classifications of race are based chiefly on skin color,
Perharps in Burgerland
>The few differences that do exist reflect differences in environments and external factors, not core biology.
This is a obvious lie. A man with two german parents that was born in the african Savanna will not be black.

>> No.11172375
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Slavs have higher variability in intelligence than other whites. They have more geniuses and more nigger-tier idiots. Hence why they excel in STEM.

>> No.11172383


That's why bleaching is necessary.

>> No.11172391
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This kills the whiteoid

>> No.11172402

Bleaching is what made Brazil into the hopeless shithole that it is today. That was their literal state policy back in the 20th century.

>> No.11172414
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>> No.11172420

This shit proves >>11171901 's point. Whiteness is a historically new and ideologically feeble notion that collapses under even mild scrutiny, either from within or without.
"Those who come hither are generally of the most ignorant Stupid Sort of their own Nation… Not being used to Liberty, they know not how to make a modest use of it…I remember when they modestly declined intermeddling in our Elections, but now they come in droves, and carry all before them, except in one or two Counties... They are not people that would easily assimilate into the United States into our modern society. ... They don't speak English. They don't integrate well, they don't have skills."
-Ben Franklin on Germans

>> No.11172425

I'm curious, do you actually think anyone who doesn't have defective genes finds these monkeys attractive?

>> No.11172431
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>> No.11172441

I think that would be a bad idea. My kid would end up in jail. The only reason I haven't is because my white genes gives me the ability to think ahead and take calculated risks. I fear my brown child would inherit his mother's underdeveloped penal gland passes down from her father.

>> No.11172442
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there's nothing wrong with having a low libido anon

>> No.11172452

> I haven't heard of the Flynn Effect, and it would tie my brain into pretzels if I had to explain it: the post

>> No.11172463
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>if you aren't attracted to gorillas you have a low libido

>> No.11172470
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nothing personal kid

>> No.11172476

Flynn effect has reversed in most western countries (on account of immigration). It's limited by genetic potential.

>> No.11172490
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a white woman cant do this

>> No.11172500

And the consensus as to the reason why is all but universally environmental.
G is a lie, anon

>> No.11172503
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>> No.11172518
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>> No.11172531

You're either LARPing or have very low g

>> No.11172547

> I have difficulty with both complexity and anything that contradicts my narrow ideological views
I'm constantly researching link, so I know what it's like, but good god it's got to be exhausting to read papers for no reason other than to bolster pseudoscientific hokums

>> No.11172566

>Projection: The Post

>> No.11172579
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>> No.11172594

I haven't claimed anything that isn't defended by the scientific consensus.
You're the one who thinks 'whiteness' is a useful notion.

>> No.11172605

>he's never flirted with or been approached by a giggly whitepilled qt black/hispanic girl and denies inherent beauty because muh 1/64 heritage
your loss.

>> No.11172616
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forgot pic related

>> No.11172624
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You're the only one ITT who has used the term "whiteness". It's not a scientific term. Scientifically you should be referring to Europeans as a whole (averaged), or specific European ethnicities.

I fucked a half-black girl once. She was pretty, but her pussy was weird and purple, and her nips were black. Not very appealing.

>> No.11172625


what a beautiful woman looks like


that looks like a kid you fucking racist pedo

>> No.11172650
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>> No.11172658

>I fucked a half-black girl once. She was pretty, but her pussy was weird and purple, and her nips were black. Not very appealing.
Don't know about mongrels, but black girls are very tight

>> No.11172659

It's not that you can't read, it's that you seem to black out anything that runs contrary to your views. You discussed whiteness as it applies to IQ earlier in this very thread.
The cognitive dissonance here is breathtaking.

>> No.11172675

Nope. The only thing I posted related to race and IQ was >>11172228, which specifies Europeans, and >>11172375 where I specified Slavic Europeans.

>> No.11172701

> Russians are whiter than the average America
> The absolute state of nigger IQ's
Claim they're jokes all you want, my guy. Fucking knuckle-draggers don't even have the spine to be honest about what they believe.

>> No.11172709
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>> No.11172713

>confusing bantz with scientific nomenclature
you're not a very smart nigger

>> No.11172721

> I don't actually believe the things I've said
If that's your defense if your employer or loved ones ever find out about this shit you spew, I hope you come back to /biz/ to talk about it.

>> No.11172728
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>fucked a black girl
>accuses anyone who thinks non-white qts are qt of being attracted to gorillas
what exactly are you trying to prove, hypocrite?

>> No.11172733

Lordy, I just assumed you have an employer and loved ones, which is likely the most generous reading I've given you all thread.

>> No.11172743

That's the point. There is no such thing as being black or white at the biological level. The historic differences in environment is what created black/brown/white skin, not a core biological difference.

Read this post >>11171901 and learn why you are mistaken.

>> No.11172754

You don't come here very often, do you nigger? Maybe you should go back to normiebook with your pseudoscientific Identitiy theory bullshit.

I just said the ones posted ITT look like gorillas. There are the occasional rare attractive black girls, but they usually have white admixture/European features.

>> No.11172763

>In fact, science has yet to find evidence that there are genetic differences in intelligence between populations
blatant lie. well documented, although uncomfortable to admit, ethnic differences in iq exist. How did evolution stop from the neck up?

>> No.11172769
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>The historic differences in environment is what created black/brown/white skin, not a core biological difference.
DEAR LORD where do you people come from

>> No.11172816

Who the fuck said anything about identity theory?
You're flinging shit at this point, halfwit.

>> No.11172819
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>> No.11172839
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You should be used to flinging shit considering that's an integral part of your culture.

Show me the post where I said that all black girls look like gorillas.

>> No.11172851

The mental gymnastics are infinitely more engaging than anything this genetic failure has actually said in thread.

>> No.11172880

>i can't follow simple logic
>hurr durr mental gymnastics
Say it with me: N I G G E R I Q

>> No.11172897

his pure aryan-polish-celtic-iberian-moroccan-turkish genes give him a level of reasoning beyond that which we mere mongrels cannot fathom

>> No.11172915

Why would I? It's 2018 you know, farm equipment runs on gasoline these days.

>> No.11172945

facts are racist!!!

>> No.11172954

>t. Retard

>> No.11172962

> The things I say aren't the things I think
> Muh IQ
> No YOU'RE the hypocrite!
You really showed us with your high-IQ brain genius patrician debate skills

>> No.11172991
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>> No.11173052
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>> No.11173119

/pol/ and /leftypol/ please go. In this board we talk about money

>> No.11173196
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Also see this classic work (pic related)

>> No.11173209
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>> No.11173223

I support what I say with peer reviewed citations from Harvard and well established dna research within the field, yet I'm the retard

>> No.11173228

Have you seen how much crypto thread exist? It's obvious that /biz/ is NOT about money

>> No.11173279

No, you aren't. You took a research that said one thing and used it to prove another.
Ancestry, breed, or whatever you want to call is basically the same as race. The reason that the term race is not used in science is because it can be misleading(such as white or black race). But there are very clear genetic differences between different populations. Just see sickle cell disease in the Arabic Peninsula

>> No.11173349

This classic work has been proven wrong both by other books but also by empirical evidence

>> No.11173380

Sickle cell and skin color yes, but the point is we share 99.9% of our DNA with each other.

>> No.11173422


my fucking god

i want that body in my bed

>> No.11173465

I'm thinking of going long (and hard) into chocolate gfs.

>> No.11173539

If it's not engineering, it's not stem

>> No.11173562

It's irrelevant, because we share 99% of DNA with chimps as well..

0.1% is a lot in genetics

>> No.11173597
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>> No.11173706

Why do you spread misinformation? We share 96% of our dna with chimps, and science has identified several crucial differences between chimp and human dna that explain differences in development: https://relay-nationalgeographic-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/relay.nationalgeographic.com/proxy/distribution/public/amp/news/2005/08/chimps-humans-96-percent-the-same-gene-study-finds?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE%3D#referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s
Compare to this article that explains all humans share 99.9% the same dna and the differences we do have are few and superficial: http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2017/science-genetics-reshaping-race-debate-21st-century/

>> No.11173768

Fake and gay. Norway IQ waaay above stupid swede IQ. We even have swede jokes here that all play on their percieved stupidity.

>> No.11173980

US higher than Canada? Brain drain I guess

>> No.11173987


>> No.11174060

They don’t let you anymore

>> No.11174079

Please tell me that there is video of this women being inseminated by a large white cock.

>> No.11174102

The absolute state of Ireland.

>> No.11174105
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>> No.11174138


>> No.11174147


Years of British opression would do that. Hurr me Guinness and potatoes are overboiling

>> No.11174175
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>> No.11174209

Who even cares jesus christ. If you want to bang niggers go for it. You will find out in 5 minutes what they are really like. If you still find that suitable then who cares.

>> No.11174211

t. Nigger
Face facts faggot you’re low IQ and retard level

>> No.11174215

Can't have potatoes overboiling if there's a famine

>> No.11174439
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>> No.11174452
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>> No.11174497

>we as a species have been estimated to share 99.9% of our DNA with each other.

Yeah but don't we also share like 97% with literal apes?

>> No.11174530
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>> No.11174533

she probably has herpes. 43% of niggers have herpes.