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11170727 No.11170727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stick only to tinder

There is so much crap i have to do at college (building a resume, applying for internships, not flunkling my classes, hobbies). I have no idea how there are so many normies who are able to party or so many incels who are concerned with approaching girls. The only thing that matters in life is actually having a job and money. Just get fucking tinder, and work on having a good profile. I dont even look that fucking good, yet i manage to get a bunch of matches just because i take pics with my dog.

Just. how could so many people on biz cry about not having girlfriends?
Im crying right now cause i failed my accounting exam! And its all your guise fucking fault, for making me feel concerned with
>hurr hurr, just talk to one

>> No.11170750
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>Normalcuck crying he can‘t get the best wage cage

>> No.11170756

My mom says "just get an escort" but where's the fun in that?

>> No.11170761

based and redpilled

>> No.11170782
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not best wagecage.

i just want a decent business job that makes 50 k a year, since i already made it in crypto.

but. getting a 50 on my accounting exam, really put all this dating and social life in perspective. Like, all that time i spent trying to improve my social life to get girls.... i could have spent... studying more for the accounting exam....

And. Getting likes on tinder is so easy if youre not a retard. JUST JUST JUST
>fun in that
Who the fuck cares about the fun in it? if you want fun, read a manga. There are so many men who fail their accounting exam.... have no job.... not able to provide for any girls at all with their mcdonalds degree. That, its just.

Just fuck it.
Take the escort. Who cares! At least youll have a woman who sleeps next to you at night and a house JUST

>> No.11170796
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I live abroad Asia but only like white women and don't believe in race mixing.
What do?

>> No.11170798

>i just want a decent business job
NPC confirmed

>> No.11170813
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what the fuck???

Were the opposite. Im surrounded by white women here, and when im older, i just want to get comfy job in philipines or singapore or something just so i can be surrounded be surrounded by asian girls 24/7.

Sick of having to talk to white girls on tinder. i only feel sexually attracted to asian girls desu

>> No.11170816

Pull out

>> No.11170969

I'm black and autistic. Tinder doesn't work for me.

>> No.11171017
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It's not all that desu, the women are attractive on TV but staying here is weak sauce.
I'm gonna get a slavic waifu and move to Poland or some other slav state unless the western European states or US improve

>> No.11171020

Well, where's the fun in having casual sex with some slut from tinder? At least escorts are always more hot and better at sex. And not to mention that escorts are probably more clean, ironically enough. Their body is their product and you want to keep your product desirable if you want to make money. Either get a decent gf or just bang escorts.

>> No.11171026
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Tinder sucks dude.
We could trade bro. I'd love being around white women as long as they are American or Canadian.

>> No.11171027

>going to college
Already failed. At least you tried.

>> No.11171041

Fuck, I hate American and Canadian women.

>> No.11171056



>> No.11171305

>Stick only to tinder
Where I am from, we have saying that goes like:

Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

>> No.11171347

if you provide for a girl you are a simp beta male

>> No.11171395

Not if she is your wife
Brave and powerful.

>> No.11171413

women initiate 80% of divorces and there is no reason for a man to marry

>> No.11171433

Half of the girls I fucked I started talking to while at Starbucks reading a textbook.
Talking with girls is fun anon, and if you're lean and not autistic, they want you to dick them. win/win

>> No.11171474
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>i manage to get a bunch of matches just because i take pics with my dog.

I fucking despise nu-males like you. Don't have any redeeming qualities, just be a normal-looking faggot with a dog and a dad-bod at the ripe old age of 25 and stupid thots will come running. I want to kill you, I want to kill your faggot dog.

>> No.11171529

How stupid are you? I got my undergrad and masters in accounting with my eyes closed. I slacked off in school constantly and went to parties every night. The only reason I went to college is because my parents paid for it and it bought me time to NEET linger on their dime. I started accumulating crypto in 2011 and made enough to literally never have to work. My parents had to beg me to go for my masters because they wanted me to have a “backup” Incase my Magic internet money disappeared. Started getting my masters when BTC was still <$1000. Finished masters while having a girlfriend and literally was just day trading shitcoins in class all day at that point.
Tl;dr if you’re failing your exams it’s because you’re a failure. School is easy.

>> No.11171585

i don't get the thing with women and dogs. It's like they see the dog, and suddenly think that the guy is a winner. no idea how it works.

I'll be walking with my friends, and when a woman walks up to us, guess who she talks to? our fat ugly friend that doesn't shower, shave or have a job, BUT HE HAS A DOG!

he pulls women left and right, and then my other friend and I who are decent/good looking, have successful careers (70K+) and own homes are ignored.

>> No.11171725
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>Stick only to tinder
Finance guy here. Currently starting my career in banking with an internship at a large bank in the financial hub of my country. How do I get to know people? I don't know anyone in the city I am moving to.
>In b4 go to parties lad
I am an introvert and get extremely uncomfortable in large crowds. I am decent at socializing in pubs and bars though, however dependant on me already knowing one or two people.
Coincidentally I am living a few blocks away from a uni. I believe that uni folks will find it weird if a guy 5 years older than them tries to socialize with them. How do I make friends? Previously, at school and uni, you were thrown together with a bunch of people with the same background or interests and could easily make new friends. All activities usually given as good venues for making friends are aimed at extroverts. I am an introvert though and mostly enjoy reading non-fiction and watching movies.
I am also contemplating joining Tinder to make new (female) friends, without the intention of hooking up though. Here, an alternative is setting my age range to 30-40 (i.e. perfect MILF age) to match with a hot investment banking chick that could get me nice internship and teach me about finance, and possibly 'other stuff' as well.
What do you think, /biz/? Any bankers here, or only wagecucks spamming the board with crypto crap?

>> No.11171776


Key word. Matches don't mean shit you stupid mongrel. Thots are just using you for a conversation and as an emotional sponge.

Here's a test. If you can't pull a girls phone number within 8 messages (or three days of talking) then you are not going to slay. In fact OP will probably never meet up with most of them

>> No.11171807

>Here, an alternative is setting my age range to 30-40 (i.e. perfect MILF age) to match with a hot investment banking chick that could get me nice internship and teach me about finance, and possibly 'other stuff' as well.

Lol that might be the most delusional thing I’ve ever heard. Any attractive and successful 30-something year old woman is most likely already married to some filthy rich executive. And if not they’re definitely not shopping around on tinder or any other dating app. They already have rich men throwing themselves at them with offers of free expensive dates and trips. Why would they settle for some poor low status intern years younger than them? None of that is attractive to them. If you set your age range to 30-40 on a dating app you will see nothing but poor, overweight single mothers who went for chad in their 20s and got pumped and dumped and thrown to the curve, and now they’ll settle for an decent guy with money

>> No.11171819

None of the girls you are filipino or sing. You are going to be disappointed. Not all asians are the same. Chinese are more different than Japanese than Japanese are different from German.

>> No.11171843

>rich men throwing themselves at some old banged up roasties

huh? or you talking about ladies similar to that Chainlink banker who casued 2008?

>> No.11171885

I’m not talking about your average 35 year old roastie with nothing to show for her life other than stretch marks and her beefy used up vagina flaps

I’m talking the top 10% who actually managed to become successful and remained attractive in their 30s. Think of the CNBC TV host type women or Wall Street women. Most of them are still bangable well into their 30s and are actually financially stable on their own so they don’t need a man to pay for all of their bullshit. These women will have no problem finding a successful man on their own. It’s the other 90% who are fucked

>> No.11171903

Have any of you nerds actually used tinder? It’s like sitting through shit, all the girls look worse in person, they all have 20 other dudes messaging them a day and they all use crazy angles and photoshop to look to hide their bullshit. Also 99% of them are boring as fuck and expect you to do everything, the second you don’t say the perfect thing and entertain her like her court jester she is right on to the next guy. I say this as someone who has had success with it in the past. Gotten a few lays and nudes off it but Jesus it’s a train wreck. For someone who doesn’t like going out though the occasional lay you can setup from your couch is nice if you’re a chad.

>> No.11171936

It's fucking sickening man. Just more proof that women are completely emotionally-driven creatures, literally on the same mental level as little children who yell "PUPPYYYY" and go running without a care in their stupid heads.

Going to a dog park with a cutie dog will get you more conversations from 10/10 women than any amount of hard work and character-building.

>> No.11171963
File: 35 KB, 499x499, 4E5F96E5-913F-4E7F-AB95-ADC24F438F15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heheh I know this feel.

>> No.11171981

It’s basic supply and demand. No matter how attractive/funny/engaging you seem there will always be another guy in her match queue that is more attractive/funny/enagaging. Sometimes it really just boils down to luck and right place/right time

>> No.11172072
File: 63 KB, 1000x667, Banker and gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any attractive and successful 30-something year old woman is most likely already married to some filthy rich executive. And if not they’re definitely not shopping around on tinder or any other dating app. They already have rich men throwing themselves at them with offers of free expensive dates and trips. Why would they settle for some poor low status intern years younger than them? None of that is attractive to them.
Well, sometimes you here some guys on 4chin or elsewhere grentext about how they snagged a crazy career woman. I guess it can happen. Numerically speaking, not all attractive, succesful women will be married to an executive type, since men will date down (i.e. elss accomplished women), while successful women will insist on dating more succesful men until it is too late. Also, some of these ladies might already divorced in their late 30s/early 40s. A marriage between two people who never see each other because they are on the job 24/7 is more likely to fail than the marriage between your average Jack and Jane. In any case, in the big city you are boiund to find some fo these women in Tinder, don't you think?
>I’m talking the top 10% who actually managed to become successful and remained attractive in their 30s. Think of the CNBC TV host type women or Wall Street women. Most of them are still bangable well into their 30s and are actually financially stable on their own so they don’t need a man to pay for all of their bullshit.
How and where do I get such a woman now in my 20s that will be like that in her 30s? I always thought that I was more attracted to homely, shy types of girls, but after being surrounded by smart, tough (and hot!) bankers I feel myself becoming more attracted to this type. How do I attract these women (beyond having a decent career)? As I have said previously, I just happen to live a few blocks from one of the best business schools in the country. There will be nice girls there, but how do I date them?

>> No.11172089


>> No.11172122

This honesty, I’ve gotten lucky a few times will probably install it again here soon. If you delete your account and start a new one a few months later will they still give you the new account boosts/more matches? I’ve heard that they log your phone number to prevent people from deleting and reinstalling the app to get more matches so they can extort more shekels.

>> No.11172134
File: 136 KB, 750x1334, sex skills tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have any of you nerds actually used tinder? It’s like sitting through shit, all the girls look worse in person, they all have 20 other dudes messaging them a day and they all use crazy angles and photoshop to look to hide their bullshit. Also 99% of them are boring as fuck and expect you to do everything, the second you don’t say the perfect thing and entertain her like her court jester she is right on to the next guy.
This sounds horrible and is the reason why I have never installed the app, even tough I have been tempted a few times.>>11171981
>It’s basic supply and demand. No matter how attractive/funny/engaging you seem there will always be another guy in her match queue that is more attractive/funny/enagaging. Sometimes it really just boils down to luck and right place/right time
Is there actually the possibility to get a girl off Tinder that isn't a slut, and that even might eb a bit sophisticated, by being more prudent in your swiping (i.e. only taking girls with nice, wholesome bios etc.)? Or is it really just a giant fucking sex market, and if you are not in for that, you lose?

>> No.11172232

What’s worse is the new breed of young early 20’s “Tinder pimps”

Guys who never get any attention from girls in person and girls don’t Look at twice or they’ve never gotten a girl without the internet suddenly bragging and acting like they’re huge players cause they fucked a tinder whore that half your town fucked or they’re talking to so many girls cause they’re such players

Is this just where I live?

>> No.11172287

>Guys who never get any attention from girls in person and girls don’t Look at twice or they’ve never gotten a girl without the internet suddenly bragging and acting like they’re huge players cause they fucked a tinder whore that half your town fucked or they’re talking to so many girls cause they’re such players
>Is this just where I live?
Hahaha I also knew such a guy. He bragged about banging a few Asian roasties off Tinder when talking to me. He was a nerdy guy who got /fit/, and it was self-evident that he must have been a virgin before getting with his first Asian Tinder gf. kek So obviously he got some easy, average looking Asian chicks as practice girlfriends before transitioning to white girls. So utterly disgusting and pathetic!

>> No.11172370

Met my girlfriend of 2 years on tinder there's hope still.

Had to go through about 20 roasties first tho.

>> No.11172484
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>Met my girlfriend of 2 years on tinder there's hope still.
>Had to go through about 20 roasties first tho.
Are there 'normal' girls on Tinder? Do you get the good girls by being very conservative with your swiping? Are there also lonely nice girls, or literally just sluts?

>> No.11172536
File: 379 KB, 444x1110, SmartSelect_20180922-112048_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres normal girls for sure. My gf is asian and she was a virgin lol. She just was pretty shy and wanted to meet people since she couldnt do it in person. I literally swiped right on everything though, filter them after you aint got time for that.

Pic related its my qt3.14

>> No.11172569

Fat lol enjoy smashing those pudding hips

>> No.11172673
File: 344 KB, 1080x1920, virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Theres normal girls for sure. My gf is asian and she was a virgin lol. She just was pretty shy and wanted to meet people since she couldnt do it in person. I literally swiped right on everything though, filter them after you aint got time for that.
>Pic related its my qt3.14
Congratulations on your virgin qt! :) I am wondering if the same thing also goes for wh*te girls...

>> No.11172688

Well done man. A lot of these kids don't know what they're getting into when they get their 10/10 sloot

>> No.11172693

Nice job dude. Since you are an early adopter, are you still bullish on crypto for the future? Any particular coins? Or any other emerging tech sectors you are looking at?

>> No.11172703

Good goy! Keep working hard to be a good slave!

>> No.11172711

Likes on tinder don't mean shit . how many bitches on there have you actually FUCKED?

>> No.11172720

Holy shit kid are you massively deluded by (((college))). Spoiler alert kiddo, Your college GPA and where you graduated from does not matter at all once you get into the business world. Shit they sometimes dont even care if you have a degree much or less even the proper one. I work with structural engineers and signal engineers designing current flows and resistors capacities. Some guys dont have any degree and one guy has a business degree. Only thing that matters is job performance and work ethic. If you're good they will pay. Bottom line. Enjoy college and dont stress too hard about grades. The education system is a scam. They tried telling me I'd never get the job I have now if I didnt bo to graduate school. Bullshit. I'm 1.5 years out of college.

>> No.11172774

> here will be nice girls there, but how do I date them?

Be good looking, be successful. If you are not good looking, get good looking (working out, diet, clothes, haircut, etc.) The rest will follow.

>> No.11172794

nice job anon

>> No.11172814

I'll just leave this here...

discord (dot) gg (slash) tebwEwv

>> No.11172859

>Be good looking, be successful. If you are not good looking, get good looking (working out, diet, clothes, haircut, etc.) The rest will follow.
Duuuuh! Dude, I am not an ugly, low IQ retard, I am intelligent and good looking enough to get a job in banking. I am just not the muscular High School jock type of guy.

>> No.11172913
File: 51 KB, 502x799, 1529683733798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, mr. smartypants, you figured it out yourself

>> No.11173092

This picture is so cringe. Never go back on your word and adjust to hers. Nothing is more unattractive than some bitch.

>> No.11173109

30 year old boomer here. Money is the only thing that matters. Earning it the smart way, get your degree and a good job. Oh and when you have money you can buy pretty much anything.

Good on you for learning this early on.

>> No.11173112

Just look alpha as fuck brodie that's what I do. And don't expect to get asians. Expect to only attract fat whites and other blacks.

>> No.11173177

It's not really only for pussy. It's for the satisfaction of winning a hunt..
That's man like to fuck engaged females, because they're supposed to be harder to get(not necessarialy true, but there's the feel of being harder)

>> No.11173320

Hookers are angels keeping the price of pussy down.

>> No.11173346
File: 602 KB, 1080x1068, Screenshot_20180917-201715_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American and Canadian
>Not Slavic and Nordic goddesses.
Not gonna make it

>> No.11173648

sigh, please stop with this /pol/ meme that chinese and japanese people are drastically different. Its honestly pretty sad

Are chinese and japanese people different? absolutely, but not to the degree that /pol/ faggots like yourself like to pretend that they are. There is a large overlap in terms of your typical chinese and japanese personality types. This becomes more apparent when comparing chinese/japanese people to other races, but is pretty obvious in and of itself. The only reason that this "chinese people are completely different than honorary aryan japanese durrrrr" meme even exists is because china is currently a developing country and as such their culture is still relatively "primitive". Once china becomes fully developed a few generations down the road, the vast "differences" you think exist between chinese and japanese will become much narrower. Just FYI south korea used to be dirt poor, primitive and pretty much have a host of negative stereotypes attributed to them in the past when they were undeveloped (just read what the imperial japanese thought of them), but now these stereotypes of backwardness and primitiveness have pretty much ceased to exist since korea has become developed. The same will play out with china if they continue to develop at their current rate

Only know it all /pol/tards love to consistently say stupid shit that blindly reinforces their biases even though its obviously an absurd fucking statement when you look at the reality of the situation

t. asian person who knows tons of asian people from china, japan, korean, fob, americanized etc etc

>> No.11173668

>The only thing that matters in life is actually having a job and money.
Uh no. The only thing that matters is getting a good night's sleep and waking up whenever you want.
t. 30 year old boomer

>> No.11173694

>t. non-Japanese Asian

Fuck off, Chang.

>> No.11173730
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I'm keeping in contact with one random Japanese girl after I visited Japan. And it feels like she's from another planet, not even memeing. She's also one of the nicest persons I know.

>> No.11174071

Yea and while you’re wage slaving away your trophy wife you had to buy will be ducking you with her tennis instructor Rauel, alpha fucks beta bucks.

>> No.11174089

I remember reading an article about how when Germany was poor, English people visiting thought Germans were lazy and dishonest. Same when Japan was poor, visitors thought Japanese were completely lazy and backwards.

>> No.11174415
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This thread is CRINGE and BLUEPILLED as fuck.

Using tinder is by far the worst thing you can do.
1. Millions of girls are using tinder to inflate their ego. You are taking part in this inflation process.
2. The girls on tinder are all mega roasties. Not worth the time and effort.
3. A lot of girls are just on there for attention. You are mostly wasting your time.
4. You are supporting a jewish business.

Using tinder means being the ultimate shabbos goy.
Talking to a girl in the streets (called daygame in the anglosphere) is a billion times better and more efficient.
1. You are seen as a brave guy, gives you instant value and status.
2. You are going there anyways, no extra effort necessary.
3. Its free, you dont need to support a jewish platform.
4. You can screen for valuable girls much better.
5. You get her number faster.

Daygame is redpilled, Onlinegame is bluepilled.
Sadly I am german and live in a german town with hardly any asian girls, so sometimes I go for weeks without practicing Daygame.
Cant wait for LINK to moon so I can go to East Asia (or to the anglosphere - i mean, there are more than enough asian girls in canada, usa and australia; being in a rural german area is the worst thing that can happen for a guy like me that is into azn qts) and pick up hundreds of girls.