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11170667 No.11170667 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make good hair gains /biz/? This is ruining my life

>> No.11170672

its over

>> No.11170687
File: 244 KB, 750x657, 2F80FCE0-2166-4CE5-9CB4-FE5AFCE5F590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ shave the sides and embrace the baldness
Side effects may include anger

>> No.11170698

You look like a Dilbert character

>> No.11170712

Seriously man, this. Shave your fucking head you look like a straight up pedophile. If you can grow a full beard atleast get that going.

>> No.11170722

One of my professors fixed it by growing the left side of his temples really long and flipping it over to the other side. I think you might be able to pull it off

>> No.11170728

??? Why you need hair anyway? Wtf man? Who gives a shit, it's HAIR. It's DEAD. Shave that dead shit off and don't buy REQ.

>> No.11170741

Yeah, shave it. Bald men are still successful. Men with that little hair are never successful.

>> No.11170762

Absolutely horrible, shave it all off

>> No.11170771
File: 27 KB, 452x500, 1536181430368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have very good face (eyes, bones) but shamefully hidden under blubber so fucking lose some weight. Shave the sides, polish the skull, grow and groom a respectable beard, walk straight, have firm voice and sharp eye and you will be a pussy magnet Chad you cannot now even imagine. But you need to lose that weight also. Do not worry man, your best days are still in front of you.

>> No.11170773

you look like a bowling ball with pubes

>> No.11170779


>> No.11170784


Okay guys I give up. Will shave it off now

>> No.11170805

At least you'll easily blend in with the normies, bald is so common people ignore it unless it's a woman

>> No.11170806

This. If you lose a little bit of weight and shave your head you’ll actually be pretty good looking.

>> No.11170809
File: 231 KB, 1645x893, 1537396134234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol nice hair faggot.

>> No.11170814

Come and embrace the shaved head masterrace.

>> No.11170821

You don’t neccesarily need a beard though imo.

>> No.11170831

Being bald is your own fault in 2018. Take finasteride and hair transplant ($1500 in Turkey) and stop being a bitch

>> No.11170834

Shave your hair and lose weight and you will be a CHAD

>> No.11170851
File: 82 KB, 720x960, FaceApp_1537619553993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some shades, a beard, and shaved head... You'd look alright

>> No.11170855

40 pounds lighter would help too

>> No.11170864

Beards are numale tier in this day and age. I have a strong jawline, no need to grow a beard.

>> No.11170876

Beards are a meme, happily accepted by good goy, women don't like them

>> No.11170877
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 47CB1904-C819-46B9-A2A8-B57684ED485E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11170883

shave and diet and you will look like that ufc guy dana white

>> No.11170884

>I have a strong jawline
Nice delusion. I guess that's why you didn't shave yet

>> No.11170894

maybe? hard to see with all that fat in the way.

>> No.11170904


>> No.11170909

Damn.. atleast shave your pubes and dump it all on that disgusting temple

>> No.11170939
File: 51 KB, 671x377, Slayer-Kardashian-671x377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can salvage your style OP, just grow a beard and start wearing black slayer shirts all the time... chicks will start thinking you're a band guy who doesn't give a fuck

>> No.11170950

This minus the beard. Stop trying to make OP look like a basedboy.

>> No.11170957

How many Cardano for such a based makeover?

>> No.11170975
File: 260 KB, 1024x768, daniel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11170981

He looks like low ranking Centari

>> No.11170995

i like how its acceptable for girls to literal paint themselves another face on their face but men cant wear wigs

>> No.11171007

2 points added because of the beard, if i ever go bald i'll kms cause i can't grow one.

>> No.11171024
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>> No.11171034

Who says men cant wear em? In most cases they tend to look funny, like those dirty hoes trying hide themselves under paint

>> No.11171039

The cure to uglyness:

1. Get tan
2. Get fit

Literally that easy. Anyone who is tan and fit can never be ugly.

>> No.11171052
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>> No.11171093
File: 444 KB, 517x530, bone pilll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. it never fails to make me laugh how deluded /biz/ is on looks

>> No.11171206
File: 1.23 MB, 1080x1440, sketch-1537623468876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here have my hair, better?

>> No.11171227

You look like that angry magician who was chasing the Smurfs in that old cartoon..

>> No.11171567


>> No.11171579

fucking this

>> No.11171582
File: 16 KB, 500x278, jacob rothschild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look funny

>> No.11171614

Such a handsome lad

>> No.11171621

I'd say buy fake hair or something, I don't know the exact name in english to be quite honest, but yeah do that.

>> No.11171633

paint yourself orange and become a muppet

>> No.11171832

lol well done

>> No.11171906

>women don't like them
i've seen multiple dating profiles specifically requesting a bearded man (no boys!!! >:o)

>> No.11171913

Lol no. Men need a lot to have sexual market value:

1 - height
2 - good facial genetics
3 - fit body
4 - hair
5 - good teeth

>> No.11172455

Follow Trump's steps

>> No.11172465

People has used beards for thousands of years

>> No.11172508

You should've gone on Propecia when it first started falling out and you would've avoided the problem almost entirely.

Nothing you can do now OP except wear a wig or shave your dome

>> No.11172725

It's better to be bald than looking like a bitch whose dick doesn't work

>> No.11172756
File: 106 KB, 588x1075, 0a79bfe20d169ba25a12c53d09cec2b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a larp, but if not, shave your head. Grow some sort of facial hair, get into better shape and you'll be fine

>t. bald char bear

>> No.11172767

I've been on Propecia for 7 years and still have my hair and my dick still works perfectly fine m8

>> No.11172894

>still have my hair
ok Krusty the clown

>> No.11172903

How long did it take for you to start noticing a difference? I’ve been on fin for 6 months so far and haven’t noticed any changes. If anything I think it’s gotten a bit worse. I haven’t noticed any sides tho either

>> No.11172942

1. get shaved
2. get fit

there's nothing much

>> No.11172980

In most people it doesn't change shit, it just stops your hair from thinning more. That's what you should expect. I never regrew any but I still have almost the same amount of hair as 7 years ago. That's why it's important to start when hair loss starts and not to procrastinate on it.

>> No.11173069

Really? From what I’ve heard it’s normal for things to get worse before they get better. That around the 6 month mark or so you’ll start to notice more thinning/shedding as the dead follicles fall out and are replaced by healthy follicles. And around 1 year in things start to look a little better. I guess this was all meme science

I’m 6 months into fin and even if I could just keep what I have right now I would be okay with that.

But if things keep going the way the have for the past few years, I’m about a year away from getting to the point where I just say fuck it and shave it all off