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File: 62 KB, 692x576, 20180921_204739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11167126 No.11167126[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's loading up on XRP during this dip?

>> No.11167132

I'll wait until after the slow bleed out that now will happen

>> No.11167135

buy order at 20 sats ready for the dip

>> No.11167139

i dont think 49 cents is the right time to be loading up on xrp bags. probably below 40 cents

>> No.11167176

I was thinking anything below 6800 sats is a good buy

>> No.11167194

$.50 is a pretty hard psychological floor. If it breaks through .47-.48 its just going to bleed.

I personally bought at .52 and i'm just going to hold like a dummy. Whatever though I really stopped caring sometime earlier this year.

>> No.11167198

possibly, unless it goes below 40 cents then youre getting crushed. i think 6800 sats is roughly 46 cents.

>> No.11167204
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>Whatever though I really stopped caring sometime earlier this year.

>> No.11167221

Your thinking may be right. Hmmm. I'm still deciding.

Yes, around 45 cents I believe.

>> No.11167230

seems to be holding the 50 cent barrier but i was watching it all of today and it was holding 58-60 cents. im honestly wondering if 50 is the real floor or if this is going back below 40 again

>> No.11167247
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>> No.11167329

damn had a little action there for a sec

>> No.11167357

Pretty big spot here...

if the downtrend continues though it's not going to stop anytime soon.

>> No.11167363

Yes, what's the problem?

>> No.11167387

looking at time, 30 minute, and 1 hour charts on binance it looks like 50-51 is the bottom but thats just my personal analysis

>> No.11167425

im thinking of picking up rn at 7500-7560 sats and setting a tight stop loss maybe 7400 sats

>> No.11167431

i will wait for 2 cents or lower and not buy this crap since its going to zero lol..

>> No.11167441

how is a 20.5 billion MC coin going to zero

>> No.11167445

XRP had 4 billion in 24h volume. Almost double that of ethereum.

>> No.11167456

You guys need to stop playing make-believe day traders and zoom out to the daily. Last two times the MACD crossed this hard with this volume on the daily XRP went on a 20 day tear.

Couple days of draw down, sideways action before next leg up in XRP/BTC heading into Swell.

>> No.11167470

A stop-loss that tight in crypto is pointless. It'll get hit. You're suggesting you can call the perfect entry, which you can't.

Also if you need a stop-loss that tight then you've committed to the trade. a 5% stop-loss should cover you if you have proper risk management

>> No.11167475

so youre saying its worth buying rn around 50-51 and holding through the next couple days?

>> No.11167504

ok thank you for the actually useful thoughts and input

>> No.11167513

Yes. I expect this rally to continue into October. This is a hype rally off swell and Xrapid production rumors.
The charts, dates and news all line up for this. If you want in, now is the time and expect a dip as low as 7100 before the next leg up in a few day.

in USD terms i think it will continue well into the end of the year.

>> No.11167536


do you know what "painting the tape" is?

90% you fags buying/trading this shit coin have no idea that it's the oldest trick in the book on wall street.

the price action on this thing makes it so damn obvious.

>> No.11167538

I agree with this sentiment.

>> No.11167553

awesome thank you anon.

>> No.11167579

I'm optimistic iv'e just gotten so numb to even "sure" things taking a turn for the worse in 2018. It's been a really tiring year.

>> No.11167635

good luck anon. i hope you get a nice surprise to make up for your tiring year

>> No.11167666

Tell me about it! I feel the same

>> No.11167784

Biz and pol are 100% NPC's

>> No.11167817

>$.50 is a pretty hard psychological floor. If it breaks through .47-.48 its just going to bleed.

wrong it's a falling wedge on the 5m it's going to rebound

>> No.11167822

>do you know what "painting the tape" is?
you moron the vast majority of the trading was with fiat pairs

most likely an xrapid production test

>> No.11167827

> Who's loading up on XRP
retards that missed the pump

>> No.11167845


are you fucking retarded.

painting the tape can happen on fiat pairs you brainlet.

>> No.11167850
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>most likely an xrapid production test

>> No.11167851
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Yes goys, buy more (((XRP)))

>> No.11167860
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>most likely an xrapid production test

you can't be this retarded. xrapid tests would be facilitated on internal banking systems non secondary markets like exchanges..

you are dumbest moron on here.


>> No.11167922

explain how 4 billion USD was done by painting the tape

>> No.11167936
File: 322 KB, 1080x1857, Screenshot_20180921-223842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made pic related thread 3 days ago but I'm still thinking about buying more.

>> No.11167944

You Cleary don’t understand how xRapid works

It’s literally a secondary exchange coordination service

>> No.11167949

Well then you're retarded and mistook xrp pnd for a moonshot. Keep buying this trash, everyone smart enough knows where money are going next. Good luck holding it to 4000 sats though.

>> No.11167959


this is true. this guy fucks.

>> No.11167964

I guess 3x'ing your money in 3 days is retarded.

>> No.11167969

present me your orders

>> No.11167971

oh gotcha, 4 billion USD just out of nowhere pnd XRP?

>> No.11167991

Big money to be made on ripple. Starts 4th of October.

>> No.11167993

Nigger, I've seen xrp pnds more times than you've been on /biz/, this wasn't even a big one.
Also show me your longs, because you totally knew, amarite?

>> No.11167997

You are the dumb money.

>> No.11168008

I showed you proof that I created a thread about buying XRP. Why would I want to show a random anon how much money I made? That would be idiotic.

>> No.11168011

why such a specific date?
im genuinely curious though. if this was a pnd, why is it not already below 40 cents?

>> No.11168024


Xrapid is a messaging system for nostro accounts between banks you moron. this has noting to do with secondary markets and exchanges like binance or other popular crypto currency exchanges.

the people buying this shit are dumb as they come because you can't even use the damn fucking token with the banks..

its a Business to business model.

so why this shit coin is on the SECONDARY markets is beyond me.

>> No.11168030

k, you're dumb money
Because delusional bagholders that bought at 10k and got rekt immidiately still hope it will go up and don't sell. Bagholder mentality at its finest.

>> No.11168034

Nice try, IRS.

>> No.11168039

Just keep an eye on 4th. Can't tell anything else.

>> No.11168045

You’re actually retarded

xCurrent is the messaging service

xRapid is an on demand liquidity product that sources liquidity from local and foreign exchanges using XRP as a bridge currency. It is enabled by flipping a setting in xCurrent.

>> No.11168048

>Couple days of draw down, sideways action before next leg up in XRP/BTC heading into Swell
This. Swell is oct 1 so hype and pump with that. Plus xrp always moves in stair formations. Big vertical jump then sideways for several days.

>> No.11168049

It's not a pump n dump. That guy is salty because he missed an easy 3x

>> No.11168057

You look nervous lad. Go have a wank.

>> No.11168065


if you don't know what painting the tape is.. i suggest you go look it up right away.

something with regular rational market participants won't big up an asset from 24 cents to 80 cents in less than an hour.

someone or some group of people are painting the tape to get suckers to jump in as they off load their bags. oldest trick on wall street. but in crypto this tactic is rampant because its not regulated what-so-ever.

>> No.11168085

aight put in offer for 7100

>> No.11168094


it's a liquidity service BETWEEN BANKS you fucking moron... not exchanges.

you really think banks are going to use secondary market prices in speculative market with extreme volatility..

do you even know why banks have nostro accounts? its to hedge againts the currency risk in the foreign denominations of that bank account they own in the foreign country..

you have obviously haven no fucking idea what nostro accounts are and why they are used.

and the liquidity would be from OVER THE COUNTER in their internal networks. not secondary markets with retail speculators.

>> No.11168095

>24 to 80 cents in one hour

This is incredibly wrong, a lie, and just plain salty FUD. XRP opened at 45 cents today. It hasn't been lower than 25 cents since November 2017.

You will FOMO in by EOM.

>> No.11168109

What confusion of ideas leads you to believe that you can source liquidity on demand in seconds OTC

Fuck me the FUD gets worse everyday. Follow joelkatz on twitter and listen to what he says. xRapid coordinates the purchase of XRP from local exchange at one end and the sale of the same at the foreign exchange then xCurrent coordinates the movement of fiat

>> No.11168120


whether it be 1 hour or 4 hours..

rational market participants won't bid an asset from 21 cents to 80 cents then sell it off immediately.. painting the tape in this case is blatantly obvious

wtf are you saying about "opened up" at 45 cents today.

this shit is traded 24/7 365.

>> No.11168138

>Rational market participants

Anon I...

>> No.11168141


OTC is for INSTITUTIONAL buyers where prices are normally pre-negotiated or fixed for whitel-listed buyers.. I work at a bank. if you think banks are going to be buying XRP from speculators hahahaha dude think again delusional brainlet

>> No.11168145

i think the sell off at 80 cents was people taking profit. but its not like its going to be the last you ever see of xrp moonshotting. the other people have already stated reasons so im not going to but i think you are being unnecessarily doomsayer.

>> No.11168152

youre probably the janitor. xrp is an investment medium.

>> No.11168164
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>beyond me

Wrong, you are describing xCurrent. It seems like most things would be beyond you.

>> No.11168168


this thing going to 80 cents in less than 24 hours is because TWO large players are buying and selling to each other to artificially increase the volume..

traders see volume spike. they jump price goes up.

both participants dump there bags.

thats how it goes from 21 to 80 cents and back down to 40 with a a lot of dellusional bag holders.

i work on wall street for a major bank and the fact that you normies don't realize this is quite pathetic and hilarious quite honestly

>> No.11168181


the fact that you don't realize that banks have ZERO incentive to use Xrapid over Xcurrent is obviously beyond you.

they both do the samething. they don't need the damn fucking xrp to settle their payments of fiat currencies they hold.

they could skip all that bullshit cuz they have no interest in XRP.

>> No.11168186

What’s your average settlement time on an OTC buy you fucking retard?

Is it 4 seconds? Because that’s the settlement time on xRapid

How dumb are you exactly? Do you fetch the coffee at your work?

Pick up the phone to Ripple right now and ask them how xRapid works then kill yourself in shame for being this retarded

>> No.11168190


they OTC markets for crypto currencies you dumb fuck

>> No.11168194

fukn moon it m8s

>> No.11168195

Except that they don’t need prefunded Nostro accounts so they can put that capital to work?

Did you actually go to school or did your daddy get you a job in the mail room?

>> No.11168202


okay give me a list of exchanges Ripple Labs have official partnerships with

for this so called liquidity service.

bet you can't name one.

go kill yourself

>> No.11168208

You cannot fucking use OTC markets to settle in seconds you complete and utter retard

>> No.11168211

Sure here you go brainlet


>> No.11168219


hahah i work for JP Morgan and they don't give a shit about shit shit coin or their message network..

for the largest US bank not to give a shit about this garbage should tell your something about this PND shitcoin.

>> No.11168226

>i work on wall street for a major bank
most pathetic larp ever. kys

>> No.11168236


i can give you my broker CRD if you want me to email it to you..

form there you can look me up on FINRA and the SEC website.

>> No.11168239

"yes guys i work for JP Morgan really i do"

>> No.11168243

Lol one pump and dump and now all the newfags want to "accumulate" fucking xrp topkek

>> No.11168252

if youre really a broker for JPM then that just confirms that youre full of fucking shit. literally kys. go back to investing for geriatrics.

>> No.11168264

fyi the price on xrp just swung from 50 cents to almost 57. fuck off JPM geriatric investor.

>> No.11168291

>my dad works at Nintendo

Id you really work at JP Morgan can you prove it? I want to short their share price if so

>> No.11168316

Most nostro accounts are held with a handful of large US banks. Of course they’re not adopting because Ripple is literally the competion. Your bank benefits most from the current situation where small banks have large balances with your bank.

But laugh it up. You’re a newspaper and here comes the internet in 1999

>> No.11168397

I mean at 12 midnight (00:00) EDT. I did say opened "today" just so we have a frame of reference. I know how crypto works, dumbass. I don't get why you're so mad?

>> No.11168417
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It's already gone up almost 20% while you sat arguing. You could've made money instead of bitching about how you know everything.

>> No.11168427


Good job. I'm at the footy watching my team book its gf spot now so diff IP address but enjoy your gains

>> No.11168475
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>> No.11168482

great. you confirmed that youre full of shit and that you invest for geriatrics in newspaper era stocks.

now go look at XRP rn and kys.

>> No.11168483


seasoned investment professional here.

don't buy XRP that shit is a PND piece of shit.

the faggots at ripple labs are painting the tape with this trash. stay away.

>> No.11168495

you samefagged yourself you moron

also who gives a shit if theyre painting the tape. YOU CAN STILL MAKE PROFIT. holy shit you must be the absolute worst broker ever

>> No.11168498


lol i made a fuck ton in cardano. and bitcoin. XRP is still trash.

big banks dont give a shit about ripple labs and i'm insider proof of it.

like i said go kill yourself

>> No.11168507

and youre missing out on gains with XRP. a good broker doesnt give up an opportunity to get gains. youre a shit broker. kys

>> No.11168513


i dont get clients into vehicles that are commiting rampant fraud. you don't see this same price action on other shit coins.

this one by far is the worst.

my clients have too much money to get in and out of this bullshit.

only faggot like you playing with 2,000 at most maybe.

enjoy playing with your peanuts

>> No.11168520

I agree it's trash. They wouldnt argue with you 2 days ago. They are just having retard dopamine hits.

>> No.11168523



i make big bucks.. you live in your parents basement.

>> No.11168546 [DELETED] 

ok edward rodriguez

>> No.11168571

how can i buy this coin sirs ?

>> No.11168601

>vehicles that are commiting rampant fraud
libeling Ripple this way is a good way to lose your job and be sued anon

>> No.11168654
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yea this is gunner big

>> No.11168690
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>> No.11169183

You proved us wrong... Could be your dad's shit

>> No.11169188

how do I short this garbage?

>> No.11169195

1. Bitmex
2. Lose your money

>> No.11169202

Oops, forgot to include the link: https://www.rosedaledrapala.com/financial-advisors/new-jersey/kendall-park-nj/1557972/jp-morgan-securities-llc/edward-m-rodriguez

>> No.11169253

For a hotshot "investment banker", he's not the brightest lol. Why he decided to redact in that way is ridiculously nonsensical.

>> No.11169363
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guys can someone help understand

what is xcurrent

is xrp needed to move traditional fiat currency pairs or us xcurrent sufficient?

>> No.11169372

xCurrent is a bank messaging service, doesn't require XRP to work. xRapid is the product that uses XRP.

>> No.11169393
File: 5 KB, 190x266, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks for that info, so can banks use this xcurrent and move dollars and euros without XRP token?

why are people buying up XRP crypto currency?

>> No.11169440

>thanks for that info, so can banks use this xcurrent and move dollars and euros without XRP token?
>why are people buying up XRP crypto currency?
xRapid is going live any day now and banks will start using it.

>> No.11169457

got it thanks! how will banks benefit from Xrapid rather than using Xcurrent?

is there a reason for cost incentive for themto use one or the latter

>> No.11169482

At least you aren't holding some fcking dead ALTs pos>100


>> No.11169536

Dude... just stop... you're coming across as a huge retarded faggot. So cringey.

>> No.11169560

i would also like to know how banks could benefit moar from using xrapid vs. xcurrent

>> No.11169563

>Off yourself.
t.new yorker

>> No.11169689

xCurrent helps them manage their nostro accounts better which saves them money

but they still need nostro holdings which tie up $27T worth of capital worldwide

Instead of holding billions of dollars in prefunded nostro accounts the banks can instead source liquidity on demand using xRapid and put their money to work instead of letting it sit in nostro accounts at JP Morgan

>> No.11170408

XRP is still on the rise, boys. There's still time to jump in before the big xRapid announcement!

>> No.11170435


Its more likely that it will again bleed out to approx 25cent.

If BTC breaks its support and decline to 3-4k$ we will see XRP sub 20c

>> No.11170454

The (((Ripple Team))) just pulled off their exit scam pump + dump. Don't be a bagholder.

>> No.11170897

that is just a contact card anon, you are larping hard

>> No.11170905


I hope you are buying everything you can.

>> No.11170941
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In the short term Ripple is not going to rely on Bitcoin.

XRP probably will pump with xRapid expectations in Q4. Then it'll dump when moonboys realize that nobody is using xRapid.

>> No.11171160

i think your going to be a little surprised when its revealed who all is and will be using xrapid.

>> No.11171340

you can shill your kikecoin all you want but all i know is if you're not in eth right now you're making a grave mistake

>> No.11172105

This guy gets it.

>> No.11172129

this is not fucking reddit, go back fucktards
go fucking back niggers you don't belong and its painfully showing go the fuck >>>/out/ reeeeeeeee

>> No.11172869

It pumped, blow off top, super tank followed and it will bleed back down.

join here discord (dot) gg (slash) tebwEwv

but don't join if you fell for the pump and are a bagholder

>> No.11173026

So much salt. Obvious repeating pattern here bears will be absolutely rekt when this shoots above a dollar this week

>> No.11173313

Probably the same people who loaded up on this last holo "dip"

>> No.11173373

Wtf are you blabbing about? Such a fucking dork. Personification of a typical douchebag 4channer.

>> No.11173378



He was so butthurt about people doubting him he exposed himself lmao. How could he be dumb enough to reveal r AND z , that’s always either Rodriguez or Ramirez.

Absolute kek. I do agree with him on XRP tho.

>> No.11173477

I know right. He had to prove himself so badly to a bunch of randoms on the internet.

>> No.11173491

i am, just average in

>> No.11173544
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>> No.11173724 [DELETED] 

So how do we find his boss and send him this thread ? LinkedIn ? Twitter?

>> No.11173769

edward finna get dabbed on

>> No.11173795

I'm sure someone already has but you guys should leave him alone. We all know Ripple is for fags and hes trying to warn us of it. If we want to keep insiders coming here we shouldnt try and out 4channers

>> No.11173813

sure as hell not buying anybodys 80cent bags

im riding ETH to 500$

>> No.11173831 [DELETED] 

Fellow 4channer edward here. On my phone now just wanted to pop in and say JP morgan is run by a bunch of kike faggots, my boss is a retarded asshole and my clients can all suck my fat dick.

>> No.11173894

Xrp will be made useless by chainlink and swift.

>> No.11173903

Nice try, Edward.

I think we learned a valuable life lesson here: Don't be an asshole to people and don't ever think you're better than anybody by talking down to them.

>> No.11174125

Can you even imagine this level of coping?

Honestly pathetic

>> No.11174217

Now that Edward has shown the world he is incompetent to do his job let’s end with a gentle reminder that small and medium banks who are currently cucked by the status quo will indeed use xRapid to avoid the need of locking trillions of dollars in prefunded Nostro accounts with the likes of old eddy here.

>> No.11174273

Pretty much. XRP has no long term future.

>> No.11174548

Mind explaining how? People keep repeating this, but as far as I can tell the odds are about the same as chainlink making blockbuster competitive again.