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11166277 No.11166277 [Reply] [Original]

Is it smart to buy a house outright with cash? I have about $300k invested and about $50k in my 401k. The house I want to buy is about $275k, and I was thinking about buying it with cash to avoid (((debt))) and for the peace of mind having my own place brings.

Should I just keep my $300k invested and get a mortgage? 30 y/o male btw.

>> No.11166285

you should consult a realtor(tm)

>> No.11166305

Just get a mortgage. Not worth missing out on those investment gains.

>> No.11166308

getting a mortgage is leveraging your assets at a fairly low interest rate. if you don't think you can get a ROI higher then the mortgage rate with your capital. buy out in cash. if you think you can get a higher ROI then the interest rate, leverage it.

>> No.11166316

outright buying a house righht now is the dumbest shit you can do.

10 year bull market with housing inflation at ATH. Think about it nigger

>> No.11166332

No not really

You can get a mortgage for <5% interest and invest the rest for >5%

>> No.11166362

buy the house with 70-80% down and get a little mortgage, then use the equity you own to buy another house and rent it. once the next house is paid to 70-80% use that equity to buy another, repeat until you make enough money to live of the rent payments

>> No.11166369

yes, just pay cash and you will never have to worry. you can likely outpace the mortgage rate without too much trouble over time, on average, but you still have to meet your monthly repayments. basically i don't think you have enough money for this method

>> No.11166380

please memorize this graph for an understanding of asset financialization


>> No.11166390

also, sell the rental houses every 5-10-15 years, whenever they go up in value to a good price and split the money between paying off mortgages and a another new house

>> No.11166394

this method is about to make a lot of people in my country very poor

>> No.11166433

Can you explain this graph to me?

>> No.11166435

yea there's no denying this is an awful parasitic thing to do, but if we are going to play this capitalism game, you best play to win

>> No.11166572

The fundamental source of crisis is the diminishing vitality of White economies spanning the last 40 year business cycle, a result of sending White industries to Yellows/Browns

As a result of offshoring White industries, the West experienced Rust Belt, stagnation, and was thrust into a depressionary period known as the "Long downturn". The long-term weakness of capital accumulation and of aggregate demand was rooted in the declining profitability of capital, stemming from an oversupply in global manufacturing-- a direct result of transferring White industries to Asia and Latinos. White industries that were once solely based in the West, were transferred to agrarian, primitive races, who never reached industrialization on their own. White industries were copied throughout the 3rd world which resulted in severe excess in production, due to uncontrolled, exponential population growth of the primitive 3rd world

The offshoring of White industry to Asia coordinated with the severing of the post-war Bretton Woods monetary system in 1971 signalled the profitability crisis of industrial capitalism’s Fordist ruling contract was coming under acute stress. Neoliberal geopolitical shifts to Asia, unfettered by race realism and buoyed by military-industrial expansion, White capital, from your private bank accounts, began to colonise Asia

The 1980s ushered in more globalism by White nations to combat the ongoing turmoil of stagflation, resulting from offshoring White industries. Governments pushed deindustrialisation, higher unemployment, White population reduction, suicides, homosexuality, mass migration, demographic replacement, and austerity measures, as they sought to alleviate the globalist crisis by resorting to greater borrowing and subsidising demand of offshored products. However, stagnation intensified and debt escalated, and a wave of devastating socio-economic crises rocked White nations throughout the following 3 decades

>> No.11166626

it works fine for as long as property prices rise, which to the NPCs is a given so they leverage it as much as possible. What they do here is exactly as you describe, they take unrealized gains on one property and use it as equity in another jacking their exposure to all fuck.

So what we end up with is 10 - 20x leverage as standard. You can keep repeating endlessly but the problem comes when prices fall, equity starts to vanish and goys can literally go negative very quickly because they're in so fucking deep.

So what happens is eventually they're basically margin called for the money, of course they don't have it and are liquified and stuck with the outstanding debt.

Even with our falling market this is literally still the go to strategy for the normie investor, most of the reason being that it is the only way the average cuck is able to borrow a million dollars.

The goys who can make it with this method have enough cash at their disposal to maintain their margin through the bad times, but I fucking guarantee the uber driver in hole for 2 million bucks does not.

>> No.11166634

Home ownership is the cornerstone of financial freedom. Not (((home ownership)))

>> No.11166638

Historically, houses throughout the metro cities in US were always 2X the median income-- that was before Bush's house bubble started 2001. You could buy a house in LA or NYC in 2000 for $160k. Globalized open borders results in overcrowding housing, with landlords packing 10 renters to a room to cover surging housing costs. This is how a pyramid scheme based on importng endless suppy of humans to prop up neoliberal housing wealth effect ponzi works

Our real economy was replaced with financialization (debt-based credit bubbles of assets such as housing/stock). Credit bubbles are not engines of growth, they are only engines of malinvestment and wealth destruction on a grand scale

Greenspan is very smart, but this is the THIRD, repeat THIRD bubble that has developed on his watch.

1st - Property bubble of 1989
Identified in 1988, crashed in 1990
2nd - Stock bubble of 1999
Identified in 1996, crashed in 2000
3rd - Housing Bubble of 2005
Identified in 2002, crashed in 2005/06(???)

Each bubble was caused by the same thing - too low of interest rates compounded with lack of action to rein in runaway assets.

Greenspan has admitted he prefers to deal with the aftermath. Great idea. I'll run all my credit cards to the limit, file bankruptcy, and deal with no credit for 10 years. At least I had fun spending 60 grand while I spent the next 10 years thinking ONLY IF...

A lot of people in my age group will get burned on thier first houses...this will scar an entire generation, much like my grandparents remember the great Depression.

>> No.11166681

is AirBnB a scam or do people actually make good money off it? I'm thinking about getting a condo and as long as i can break even, i'd think it'd be worth it.

>> No.11166685

It's a job

>> No.11166709

right, but how much of a job?

>> No.11166719

being a landlord is a full time job. also people love suing landlords as its the best way to balane the system.

We no longer have jobs making stuff. We buy our stuff from overseas. And our economy is based on refis at falsely inflated prices.

Our economy which has seemed so swell the past couple of years - it's an illusion, a false panacea. The housing ATM blinded us to the reality - our jobs are gone, especially in the manufacturing sector and rustbelt. See the Detroit housing article a few down - the first of many cities where you won't be able to give away a house.

We've made our money the past few years selling each other our houses, in the greatest Ponzi scheme in human history, and taking money out of our houses that in the end, didn't exist yet must be repaid nonetheless.

The illusion is now over, with falling home prices and exploding inventory. And the jobs are gone, gone for good. Not including the over 1 Million about to go away with the housing crash.

But gosh, those prices at Wal-Mart are really great, aren't they? But how will people buy that widget from China if they have no job (that was tied to housing, or tied to manufacturing something in the past), and they can't do a fake equity extraction anymore?

>> No.11166736

Depends on the mortgage's interest rate and your ROI. You might come out ahead by just paying for it out of your paycheck.

>> No.11166742
File: 583 KB, 1100x1375, angel-ganev-low-res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys really seem like you know what's going on. Since I have you here, what's your take on:

1. Current state of the stock market - are we in a bubble right now? Every news source I see says there's no reason to be worried, but the S&P500 growth is practically vertical right now and has been for some time, which seems weird to me. Add to that, we're overdue for a bubble.

2. Do you think there will be overarching consequences to the fictionalization of the American economy? What are they and when will we see them?

3. Should I actually just buy the house outright?

4. Do you guys have any blogs you follow or books you recommend? Thanks.

>> No.11166747

Globalists sent our industries and wealth to Asia...
So who's buying all the shit Asia makes? Broke Amerigoys, of course

OK, so how can China encourage the Amerigoy to buy its junk and keep its insects employed? Well, it can keep the yuan cheap versus the dollar, so Chinese goods remain cheap, and it can keep US interest rates low so Americans can borrow money to keep buying more useless shit that Americans once made

How does China do this? By buying US Treasury bonds-- with the same money it receives from US and the Fed

Like everything else, currencies and bonds are ruled by supply and demand: lots of supply and no demand, the price drops. So if China started selling dollars, the dollar would drop, and if they didn't keep buying bonds, the interest rate would rise until enough buyers were tempted to invest in US Treasury debt

To keep propping up US consumer spending, China and other exporters have been pouring the money-- they recieved from the US-- back into US bonds. Reserve accumulation by the exporting nations went from $116 billion in 2001 to $517 billion in 2004 and $600 billion in 2005, while the US 2005 trade deficit went from $390 billion to $1 trillion

In other words, as the US trade deficit grows to unprecedented levels, the exporting nations are "in for a nickel, in for a dime"--they keep funneling hundreds of billions of dollars into US bonds to keep US interest rates cheap, enabling US consumers to buy more of the goods we once made, that they now make

But the entire edifice is a house of cards

where has all this unprecedented flow of US-derived foreign money into the US ended up? In real estate, which has experienced an unprecedented bubble valuation. All the US-derived savings of Asia and oil-exporting nations have flowed into what is the ultimate non-productive asset: US housing

How do you hyperinflate housing? By smuggling millions of shitskin leeches

Now the US goy must spend money he does not have or all else is DEATH

>> No.11166766

>being a landlord is a full time job. also people love suing landlords as its the best way to balane the system.

so any advice on how i can be a successful landlord/airbnb host or is your response "don't do it"?

>> No.11166784
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Btw I include you in this post:


>> No.11166785

You ever see a wealthy slum Lord? Historical you've been better off with the traditional advice allocation.

Bonds percentage is your age (20). The rest stocks. That portfolio should outperform most landlords and look at all the work they have to do.

The only reason people go down the slumlord road is because they see it as their only avenue for leverage. Funny how borrowing 300k for a mix of stocks and bonds seems crazy to most, but 300k for a rental property is acceptable.

I wouldn't go into debt for either.

>> No.11166790

Definitely consult with a professional. Also depending on your situation it might be advantageous to create an LLC that actually owns the house, while you own the LLC.

Here's my two cents:
Buying the house outright is nice since you don't have to deal with a bank owning your ass. The downside is 1) you have to unwind your investments which means paying capital gains, and 2) your gains are now locked to the housing market in your local area.

Getting a mortgage has the advantage of allowing you to continue to invest in other areas. If you can invest your money at a higher rate of return than the interest on the mortgage, you're basically getting a discount on the house. The downside is now Mr. Shekelstein has leverage to fuck you over if things go south.

So some things for you to think about:
What rate would you pay on the mortgage?
What rate of return are your current investments getting?
What rate of appreciation do you expect from the house?
How much would you pay in capital gains from unwinding investments?
How debt adverse are you?

>> No.11166794

Go for it just don't expect "passive" income, and see if you still want to do it after babbys first court case, 20th eviction, property damage, and 4 am phone calls that the shitter is clogged.

>> No.11166825

>Go for it just don't expect "passive" income, and see if you still want to do it after babbys first court case, 20th eviction, property damage, and 4 am phone calls that the shitter is clogged.


Fuck man, buy into a REIT if you are that focused on real estate . No work involved, well diversified. You can do that shit it a heartbeat. And you'll make more money.

But why even bother anyway?

>> No.11166875

>But why even bother anyway?

Because i like the area and i want something to get my entrepreneurial feet wet with. i'm trying to be half assed retired in 15 years where i'm just doing some small time landlording/hosting and odd consulting jobs.

>> No.11166877

Hire a property manager or assistants. You shouldn't ever be dealing with minor tenant problems.

>> No.11166897

This kills the profit. Unless you have a fleet of 5+ with high occupancy rates it's not worth it.

Crypto > real estate and i rest my case

>> No.11166910

>This kills the profit.
honestly not even trying to make a profit for the first few years. if i can just break even without doing any work, i'd be happy.

>> No.11166921

1) Yes, the Fed inflates bubbles thru cheap money policies such as low interest rates and quantitative easing. Bubbles pop when rates rise with monetary tightening.

2) Building up and militarizing china to become a superpower. Impoverishing western nations and demographically replacing whites. Losing our hegemony.

3) Depends if you are in a bubble-city. Dont buy in California, Denver or other bubble areas. Historically, all metro cities in US had housing that was 2X the median income-- globalization (open borders) changed that. When you buy, its all about the P/E ratio.


Stephen Roach: US economy is an 'accident waiting to happen

Charles Smith: "So $25 trillion is in real estate. When the housing bubble pops, $10 trillion will go poof. Maybe $12 trillion"

The U.S. housing market -- particularly in cutthroat areas like Seattle, Silicon Valley and Austin, Texas -- appears to be headed for the broadest slowdown in years. Buyers are getting squeezed by rising mortgage rates and by prices climbing about twice as fast as incomes, and there's only so far they can stretch.

"This could be the very beginning of a turning point," said Robert Shiller, a Nobel Prize-winning economist who is famed for warning of the dot-com and housing bubbles, in an interview. He stressed that he isn't ready to make that call yet.





Look into the posts from 2005-2008 and retrace the entire boom-bust:







>> No.11166940

Maybe it's for you then. There's an often cited financial study out there that shoes rental properties normally perform worse than traditional portfolios. Not going to look for it ATM.

Airbnb could probably boost your odds. But it would really suck to do all that work and still be behind the normies. Just be normal and get a low paying job you like maybe? You'd have to have a real good plan or just get lucky timing your transactions to beat the normies.

Maybe it's not always about doing the best but doing something you like? I don't fucking know.

>> No.11166943

Do you have cash flow? Do you have a comfortable place to live? Is there any raw land available at a more affordable price? Do you have anything else to spend the money on? How big is the property, how much of a bubble is your area in and what do you plan on doing for the next 30 years.

Answer all of those and we will get some better ideas.

>> No.11166952
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I admit I am not familiar with airbnb margins... But from what I've heard via podcasts, it's a bitch unless you hire help and if you hire help it gives you more time and peace of mind to work on scaling your business. It depends on the local market obviously.

I am becoming a real estate agent soon (about to take license test) and I plan on eventually doing RE investing. I have about a dozen BTC with a cost basis average of ~450 which I plan to gradually diversify (over decades because I am a BTC permabull) into real estate and stocks/bonds.

If you have any advice or information I welcome it, even if it's harsh.

>> No.11166973

if you live in Cali, Seattle, Vancouver, Toronto, London or any other chinky city, look into squatters rights of your jurisdiction.

chinks and other invaders often leave their investment houses vacant and you can claim ownership of the house as a squatter.

Many people do this. Its easy money.

>> No.11166996

>The house I want to buy is $275k
>tfw can’t even buy a shit studio apartment even in the ghetto parts of Sydney for that much

Fuck you.

>> No.11167002

My opinion remains that one house is more than enough allocation in real estate. But I sincerely wish you luck.

>> No.11167011

Do REITs actually earn you more than a rental property? The appeal in rental property is that the rent payments can cover the mortgage, so you're basically getting free money by using your untapped credit. I've considered REITs as basically just mutual funds. I couldn't imagine getting decent interest rates on a loan to invest in REITs or any security for that matter.

>> No.11167021

I did this 10 yrs ago. If you want to a
stay in place do it. I like knowing no matter what my business or stocks or anything does, i dont have to worry about housing. My state also protects primary residence against bankruptcy. My house is mine and no banker or company controls it. Lets me sleep easier. Also you can close insanely fast. Maybe if you want to try to beat the bankers you can invest but my risk tolerance is low for that.

>> No.11167033

Wish people would stop saying this stupid shit. You can't guarantee >5% returns.

>> No.11167032

>Many people do this.
any examples of it actually working out for them?

>> No.11167036

You're lucky to break even with a house. REITs get appreciation and decent dividends.

Tbh I think access to leverage is a terrible reason to choose an investment

>> No.11167049

no state protects your house from repossession if you fail to pay taxes, loans etc...

Alot of people are suing and damaging REIT properties on purpose

(((Greenspan))) and (((Bernanke))) started the neofeudal era. now serfs are living under wall street bankster mega-landlords-- the ones who started the ponzi scheme and then came in to steal the assets from the goyim.

Ever since 2011, banksters, thru their private-equity hedge fund firms, are buying up all houses and monopolizing the housing resources.

This big business of buying massive numbers of single-family homes and financializing dwellings got started in late 2011, initiated and supported by the Federal Reserve as part of its efforts to monopolize the housing market. Bernanke pitched this scheme inorder to monopolize housing resources.

The Federal Reserve directed private equity firms (controlled by banksters) to steal millions of homes for cents on the dollar.

tl;dr (((they))) created a collapse to enslave goyim and usher in feudalism ruled by the Master Yid

Its a bank scam......the Fed creates a bubble crash which their cronies rush in to steal the houses from the goyim

once they foreclose on all those taxpayer backed homes, they sell them to rich investors (cronies such as REITs, Private Equity firms, Institutional investors), who in turn open huge rental businesses that charge exorbitant rent......

And if you dont think its a scam, then splain why mortgages charge most of the interest up front on the loan.....

People don`t realize in a fiat money system, their taxes and costs of living keep rising, while their incomes go down do to the intentional depreciation of their currency........scam

>> No.11167064

I have ~750k, between bitcoin and stocks.

I bought a house for ~500k, put ~100k down to escape PMI. The rest I locked in as a low cost 400k loan. I am leaving the rest on exchanges for immediate access, but I figure I can beat out the 4.65% interest rate and make it wroth it not to spend everything upfront.

No prepay penalty too, so if I can get lucky Ill just buy it out. if I fuck up ill be working next 30 years to pay it off.

>> No.11167079

Seriously, become a squatter of vacant chink, REIT properties




>> No.11167104

Finally some high IQ posting.
What do you guys think about buying consumer staples ETF's to protect against a recession/ depression.

They seem to do well during recessions but they also look over inflated at the moment

>> No.11167196

Taxes are tiny compared to renting, and the same as owning with debt. I would never take out a loan anyway. If ops risk tolerance is low its comfy.

>> No.11167206

>giving our hegemony to asia

The US policy after WW2 has managed to:
1. Create a hegemonic power in the Eurasian region (China) and possibly planet-wide.
2. Did not demolish the nuclear capabilities of their previous adversary (Russia)
3. Has allowed a parasitic (military-wise) Europe that despises Americans and welcomes foreigners and foreign ideologies
4. Has not consolidated power in the western hemisphere with all its latin counter-parties considering their relationship with the US exploitative (both ways) and retributive.
5. Has supported actions in Middle-East in such a strange and nefarious fashion that all the muslim world considers US the devil incarnate.

Congrats globalists, you created a world that everyone hates you. Now it's the time to let chinks rule.

US (like a good goy) was rebuilding Europe and Asia after ww2.
First Taiwan, HK, Korea, Japan and then China to contain USSR.
It was truly the most retarded geopolitical move ever orchestrated.
The demise of US and rise of Asia is a direct result of this incredibly misguided policy.

>> No.11167723

The ultimate goal, says Bannon - is not just to force China to give up its "unfair trade practices," but to "re-industrialize America" since manufacturing used to be the core of the nation's power. Bannon also criticized the "Made in China 2025" plan for Beijing to catch up with the West in 10 key tech sectors - saying that Chinese firms were relying in generous government support to reduce future technological reliance on the West.


>> No.11167762


you can nearly guarantee it with bonds

>> No.11167786

good point


During his first meeting with Trump in 2015, both men agreed that the Washington and Wall Street establishment would "side with China" in the upcoming trade war, and that the two decided to alter the international trade regime to "dramatically reduce [the US] trade defecit" and re-industrialize America; particularly in the so-called rust belt.

Bannon added that Trump would "never back down in the trade war [with China]" despite anticipating that the policy would face "massive resistance domestically and internationally" because of "Western elites" who are working with China to make themselves rich.

"Our factories got shipped out of here. Wall Street made a fortune. The private equity made a fortune. Right now President Trump’s focus is on stopping it," said Bannon.

"The elites and the media are trying to convince you that this inexpiable leaving of the factories and jobs is but a law of physics. The opposite is actually true – it is the human action which did it. It can be reversed and it will be reversed," he said

>> No.11167797

heh. I always find it ironic when Americans complain about foreign governments subsidizing industries when Americans do the same thing. CIA funded venture capital firm? hello In-Q-Tel. the argument isn't that governments are subsidizing industries. the argument is that they are subsidizing the industry more then us.

>> No.11167814

Realtors are academic failures who may or may not have sales skills and/or a warm personality. Don't listen to them.

>> No.11167833

if you're young, i'd do it. you still have time to invest. get a comfy house with no bill. or invest like normal and carry that debt.

>> No.11168006

Depends on where the house is. Is the neighborhood getting lighter or darker skinned?

>> No.11168298

I would NEVER go into debt if i had the money on hand. Shit is weird right now, anything could happen. You really want mr Sheckelstein holding your balls if shit goes south globally/locally? Fuck having to pay something off in 30 years. You do realise you don't even have 30 years of memories at this point in life. This is not the 60s Jimmy, shit's different now, things change much, much faster.

Just buy some land, build a passive house on it. Use Insulated Concrete Forms (look it up), it's cheap as fuck and it will withstand fucking anything, from tornadoes to bullets. Study passive house standards. Put some solar on that shit (if it makes sense), get a geothermal heat pump, ventilate that motherfucker with a state of the art system for that sweet sweet permanently fresh air so that you don' become stupid by asphixsiation like most people living the (((modern life))). IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO LIVE IN IT except minor maintenance, no fucking bills imagine that. And it will last generations.
Here in yuropistan you can build one for like $400/sqm finished. That's 80.000 dollars for a 3-4 bedroom 200sqm (2100 smth square feet) house. And it's done by 3 people in like 5 weeks, literally.

Nothing can beat having a paid-out nearly zero cost of (high quality) housing from a peace of mind standpoint.
Secure that and THEN start fucking around with your money, you'll have a clearer mind for it. You are in a good position anon, 300k can set you up good for a decent life, don't fuck it up by going into debt in (((the 2010s))). Don't fall for the memes, go by simple, rationally modest steps.

Listen to this anon. Read some Taleb, learn about black swans, fragility and antifragility. 5% returns in this world? Guaranteed for the next 30+years? After all the shit we've seen in the last 2 decades and all the shit going down rn? Negro please, that's just wishful thinking, not logic.

>> No.11168362

Why need to bother with etfs for something as simple as consumer staples, save the fees and invest in companies directly, you should be able to hold the companies forever. I would only etf in a sector I don’t understand like pharma, where I can’t reliably pick single stocks.

>> No.11168385

Imagine being this poster and believing all this horseshit. The saddest part is you clearly have enough intelligence to understand the global economy, but your emotional immaturity got in your way.

>> No.11168403

It blows my mind how cheaply houses can be built but jew bankers still manage to swindle people out of 100s and 100s of thousands of dollars for them. We have the technology but it's not put to use.

>> No.11169036

Unironically get a mortgage and put your savings into crypto

>> No.11169113
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>tfw just a stoopid crypto """"investor"""" yet i dont understand what any of these terms mean

which is a shame because i am able to sit through a thread talking about economy more than any thread on /pol/

id like to learn it but i dont know where to start

>> No.11169121

>build a box in the middle of nowhere
dude. im going into debt and enjoying my fucking pool.

>> No.11169176
File: 26 KB, 571x423, globalization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>understand the global economy
Here's what you need to understand about the global economy. The only people who benefit from globalization and "free trade" are the CEO's who flood the job market to keep wages low and outsource their labour to the third world, soaking up the ever widening margins for themselves. Inflation adjusted wages have been stagnating since the mid-80s despite the internet/automation revolution. Meanwhile our society has been brainwashed to accept millions of pajeets into our countries every year because "muh diversity". You have to be willfully blind to not find this a little suspicious.

>> No.11169268
File: 52 KB, 800x550, wageshistoricgdp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey, we should double the work force by telling women that becoming wage slaves makes them free. That way we can suppress wages and keep more profit for ourselves

>oy vey now we don't have enough fresh blood entering the work force because people stopped having babies. Lets just replace our domestic work force with third worlders so I can afford that new yacht for the summer. And lets keep pumping those numbers up year after year to keep wages suppressed as much as possible and our profit margins in a constant state of growth.
No, no, people won't notice. Not as long as they have enough money to buy their new iphone and the current year hottest video games

>> No.11170045

see this goy gets it

>> No.11170096


>Great idea. I'll run all my credit cards to the limit, file bankruptcy, and deal with no credit for 10 years. At least I had fun spending 60 grand while I spent the next 10 years thinking ONLY IF...

You write this as a joke but it is literally what I am doing, except without bankruptcy. Just going to skip countries instead - credit ratings dont follow you abroad,

>> No.11170122

Like 5years ago. Interest rates are at an ATL, cheapest money you will ever get

>> No.11170138
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>> No.11170142

Exactly. Anything less than 5% is good interest rate. I doubt anyone on this form remembers when interest rates reached 12%

>> No.11170147

But then is the right time to take out a loan. Be a good goy ;)

>> No.11170162

it is neither awful nor parasitic you leftist dumbfuck. kys

>> No.11170180


Depends what you are aiming for. Long term it's a pretty good idea.

Short term depends on different markets. Any major city is going be all bought out due to the bull market so it'll never get any cheaper unless another crash happens, but we're not headed there for another 3+ years.

Buying a house should never be a short-term investment unless you have capital to buy multiple homes.

Buying homes in buttfuck no where don't apply to any of this shit.

>> No.11170214

No. Think about how much money you can make with 300k and how much having your fancy home will make you. Live in a shit shack until you make it.

>> No.11170360


>> No.11170373
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*hacks ur exchange*

>> No.11170386

they always say cash is king, they never say a mortgage is king. use the cash.

>> No.11170395
File: 13 KB, 245x255, 1455401790885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the peace of mind having my own place brings
lmao yeah just 2500 square feet and two yards to furnish, clean, and maintain

home ownership fucking sucks, people do it because they need to house their wives and children; why would a single childless man willingly anchor himself to some shitty suburb just so he can have ~muh equity~
houses built from when men came back from WWII are being sold for $200k or more because Cletus came and dropped in a granite countertop even though the place still smells like cat piss

>> No.11170402

based and redpilled

>> No.11170412

Buying a house with cash is always best, and i what I would do, but it's also a big chunk of your net worth.

If you want to leave that capital invested, put a big down payment on the house, and take th lowest rate you can get.

Then just pay it off quickly and comfortably (like up to double the monthly cost) to minimize the financial damage of the loan.

Basically, get your monthly payment low enough so that if shit hits the fan, you can still afford to pay it.

In times of prosperity, just pay it off as quickly as possible while you also rebuild the amount you withdrew from your investments back into the portfolio.