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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 720x340, ethereum header.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1116565 No.1116565 [Reply] [Original]


Better get in on Ethereum before it really starts to take off. If you've been willfully ignorant up until this point it's time to change your tune and make a little money on this thing.

Make no mistake: Ethereum isn't going anywhere. As it becomes more refined and useful you're going to see more and more entities jump on and propel the train.

When Ethereum becomes the standard for blockchain computing please, please don't pretend you didn't have a chance to get in on the ground floor.

>> No.1116567

Because BTC didn't turn into bagholders anonymous

>> No.1116571

Use the catalog faggot. Theres 20 other ethereum threads you could have posted yoir bullshit in.

>> No.1116573



Wow you """""""""""people"""""""""""" are pathetic.

>> No.1116574

I'm pathetic to think we didnt need yet anoooother thread on this? Kek

>> No.1116592


This is probably the saddest attempt at coming up with a deragatory word yet. You may as well be calling people not-retards and flinging it around like it's an insult.

>> No.1116593


>willfully bypassing a good investment because you're butthurt about a term

wew lad

>> No.1116595
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>> No.1116605

0.02btc when?

>> No.1116610
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>> No.1116615

You're taking 4chan way too seriously.

>> No.1116669

>stop taking 4chan seriously!
I'll defer to your expertise of taking stuff seriously instead faggot

>> No.1116730

I think it will be $10 or more per ETH around the homestead release date.

>> No.1116748


It's possible that much of the Homestead release speculation is built into the price right now. It's irrelevant because long term the price will be much higher than it is now.

I do agree that the Homestead release will spike the price up but it may not be as much as you would think. At least not right away.

>> No.1116762
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>people who didn't buy ETH in 2016

>> No.1116789


Bitcoin and Ethereum are two different things. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, Ethereum is a global computer. Very basic stuff you should know before shitposting.

>> No.1116811

It's not the Homestead release that will excite but rather all of the announcements from developers and corporations that follow soon after.

>> No.1116814

Oh look a new tripfag shitposter. Is this board becoming shit again? I thought we had a handle on all you PND faggots.

>> No.1116842

>b-but it's different this time!

Said every shitcoin shill ever.

Just fuck off back to trading TF2 keys or whatever you NEET kids used to do before this garbage.

>> No.1116846
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>not owning some ETH

>> No.1116851

It's funny, these new shitcoin shills are just like MMORPG shills.

A will be the WoW killer
>nothing happens
B will be the WoW killer
>nothing happens
C will be the WoW killer
>nothing happens

>> No.1116870

It didn't. One BTC is worth more than 4 fucking hudnred dollars.


So fuck your shit. Where is the tulip that is worth 400? Eh?

>> No.1116872

Yeah, those guys riding lambos and getting blowjobs from top tier models with their ETH and BTC profits are sure retards lol.

>> No.1116881


>Comparing crypto to a video game

With that same logic I could say Electricity is replacing Oil, and it is.

>> No.1116899

So... so are you agreeing with him, or...?

>> No.1117469

So yall think it will get back to the low 5s between now and the 14th? or should I just buy more now

>> No.1117471


It might. There probably won't be much news until then unless some new stuff leaks out. The thing to worry about if you wait is that there are still 3rd party and DApps stuff that could come about and spur more investment.

>> No.1117473

kk cool hopefully all the dapps wait for Pi day to flex. My btc still hadnt arrived during that week it was in the 3s! lol

>> No.1117813


Wow guys, this certainly is an elaborate pump and dump scheme, don't you think?

Just another shitcoin if you ask me!!1

>> No.1117833


ETH just hit all time high.

Who /stillindenial/ here?

>> No.1117836

the real question is...in the 2 week lead up to homestead release what will the price look like? i don't think it's gonna dip dramatically now. wish it would so i could accumulate more, but i'm thinking it's stabilized for now and will rise upon homestead release...i wanted to buy in at $1 but poorfag :(

>> No.1117847


ETH has all kinds of headroom. It's primed to be one of the most useful things to come out of the tech world in quite some time.

There's still plenty of time to buy in.

>> No.1117849

i agree. but it's going to cost me six times as much now to buy 1000 eth rather than when i started watching it in december.

>> No.1117853


>> No.1117856

I'm showing $6.98 on Poloniex at the moment.

>> No.1117858
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>still not buying ETH

>> No.1117859


holy FUCK

It just hit $7.20

>> No.1117862


shortsighted nocoiners


>> No.1117866

>Seven dorrar and fitty cent

Chinese bitcoin bagholders BTFO

>> No.1117872

I think I'll just spend my extra money on weed thanks tho

>> No.1117879


>> No.1117881

Ethereum is Microsoft certified, u jelly no coiner fags?

>> No.1117886

I have .10 btc faggot I have coin

>> No.1117888

Hello and good morning everyone ETH :)

Hope everyone is enjoying those sweet sweet gains. Momma needs her gas.

>> No.1117890

Shapeshift.io to get eth


>> No.1117891

You know crash is imminent once people get their transactions confirmed and get their BTC to the exchanges right?

>> No.1117892

For those who don't even know where the fuck to get started, i made a PDF guide on how to buy this shitcoin: http://docdro.id/wFEc3hu

>> No.1117893

tfw was holding a bunch of eth but sold most of it a few days ago

feels bad

>> No.1117895

fuck yes, thank you Circle for actually depositing my BTC after 5 days of trying to buy.

Just bought 45ETH because im poorfag, to the moon. Maybe ill be able to pay off my credit card debt

>> No.1117896

Never listen to fudders and nocoiners and bitcoin maximalists. You will end up poor. Unlucky. Financial natural selection

>> No.1117897

You bought it just now? lol what price?

>> No.1117898

To reiterate: there is still PLENTY of time to get in on this and make money.

>> No.1117899

Yeah because Silk Road takes eth right


>> No.1117904

>Bitcoin can be used at price of 100$ just fine on Silkroad. Also, I'm pretty sure Silkroad will take ETH soon ;) Enjoy your bag

>> No.1117905

got in at like 6.50 USD an hour or so ago right before the spike

>> No.1117910


That's fine. It'll bounce around this level for a bit.

>> No.1117914

So, which color will your lamborghini have ?

>> No.1117918


>buying a car
>not further investing your gains

>> No.1117940

>not buying a lambo
>not fucking hot bitches who get wet just by seeing your new lambo
>not marrying one of those bitches
>married bitch inherits a fortune
>not investing that inheritance PLUS your gains

Dude, think outside the box. That is why people who win in lotteries go bankrupt after a few months, they don't think outside the box.

>> No.1117941

So if these spikes happen, can I pull out, wait for it to cool down and then buy more ETH with my earnings, rinse and repeat? I mean I also have some ETH in that I will never touch for the long run of course.

>> No.1117942
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>still buying lamborghinis

Show some taste, gents.

>> No.1117944


You could try but there is a good chance you'll just lose ETH. Hope you're very fast.

>> No.1117954

Silk road was shut down years ago. Stay poor bitcoin bagholder

>> No.1117970

New fag

>> No.1117975

Dark markets can switch to ETH in a few mouse clicks. They don't depend on bitcoin. Bitcoin depends on them.

>> No.1117980

Yeah, sure, just buy the dip bro.

>> No.1117981

Look kid you can shill all you want eth is a scam, stay poor

>> No.1117985

dammit everytime eth goes dump I have all my crypto in ethereum and everytime it pumps I have all my crypto in bitcoin

>a fucking robot

>> No.1117988

You probably have no coins anyway. If you did hold btc you would be switching to ETH right now

>> No.1117994

How the fuck do you switch to ETH if the whole BTC network is lagging as fuck and I can't get my transactions through. I can't fucking SEND my BTC to Kraken, I have to wait for HOURS WTF

>> No.1117997

Use a very high miner tip and use shapeshift.

>> No.1118019

Is this really any better than trading it on poloniex? Is it the same thing?

>> No.1118026


Roughly the same thing although shapeshift is a simpler interface.

>> No.1118038

this feels like ether isnt just a PnD. So many PnD the last couple years ive just been waiting for ether to dive off a cliff, but it just keeps going.

this baby could do a bitcoin bull run for the next couple years

>> No.1118042

I think it's pretty obvious it's not a PnD. The only people saying it is are people who don't have any and don't really understand the underlying tech. This isn't just another currency coin.

>> No.1118043

plus the developers seem really competent.

>> No.1118044

Is it safe to store your crypto on an exchange like kraken or poloniex? I am fairly new fag, but could the website just fuck and lose all your money? Because storing it in a desktop wallet or coinbase seems really inconvenient if you're trying to cash in on a big spike and it takes several hours for your bitcoin to reach the exchange

>> No.1118088

i wouldnt say safe, but those sites have been around for a couple years and gained a fair reputation. But you are always running that risk of losing everything.

>> No.1118089

No, it is not fucking safe. Learn from history. Learn from mtgox, Cryptsy. It is always better to transfer to your wallet. But how will you buy the dips unless you transfer it to an exchange?

>> No.1118092

>Been around for a couple of years

How long has Kraken and Poloniex been around?

I solve this by having only part of the funds in the exchanges. The rest I have on my dedicated computer that has nothing else on it.

>> No.1118100

Anyone here have experience buying ETH with USD on kraken.com? Safe? Fast?

>> No.1118105

I like kraken, yeah its definitely safe. Albeit its servers suck during peak trading.

>> No.1118118

i know they both popped up or were created around the Bitcoin rally of 2013 so about 2 years.

>> No.1118119

mtgox and cryptsy were both poorly managed and showed signs of it the entire time they were up

there are dozens of exchanges that are great and have never had issues

I agree thats theres a risk in keeping your money on exchanges but its kind of overblown and there are many opportunities in trading and lending if you do

>> No.1118124

Could you explain the process of "lending" to me? Is it just like it sounds? You lend out currency and they pay back with interest or something?

>> No.1118128


>> No.1118130


Yep, second time today.



>> No.1118133
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Lambo airdrop incoming

>> No.1118135




>> No.1118138

i've been looking everywhere but cant find any straight forward results because everybody just wants me to buy their faggot coin.......how do i just mine this shit myself

>> No.1118142

And on and on

>> No.1118145
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>> No.1118148

It's gaining 20c every time I refresh.

>> No.1118149
File: 97 KB, 893x540, 960x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I left for an hour and it's at 7.60, nice.

Any speculation where it'll go from here?

Inb4 moon landing.

>> No.1118152

20 dollars in 3 months

80 dollars in 12 months

>> No.1118153

but what will it max our at? can you realistically expect over 100 dollar per coin?

>> No.1118154

sounds about right

>> No.1118157


the guy who transferred 1.2 mil into polo will be dumping any time now

>> No.1118158

kinda sucks how i can't pour in thousands of dollar into ETH atm. only got 300 dollar into it, hopefully price will stay low for few more month till i get back on my feet again

>> No.1118160


If it becomes the standard for blockchain computing and real time bank ledgers? At that point it will be much larger than Bitcoin ever was. That's the crux: if it becomes the standard it's Pluto, not the moon.

>> No.1118162
File: 18 KB, 614x604, icwatudidther.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is the case, I'm pouring it all.

>> No.1118167

don't buy on a pump

it may well go very high on the long term but you shouldn't hop in when its +25% for the day

>> No.1118168

too hard to say. my speculation is mainly based on how long it will take for people to realize that bitcoin is dead and ethereum is king

if there are any promising signs of ethereum seriously being used in big banking or a dapp becomes extremely successful, it could go far past bitcoin's historic highs

I'm factoring in a 100mm long term ether supply for easy math. 10 dollars = 1 billion. 80 dollars = 8 billion dollar market cap.

I could see ethereum's market cap becoming 30-40 billion dollars in a few years if things go really well. If it realizes the full vision of being widely used in banking, markets, regulation, IoT and governance, it could reach the size of bulge bracket institutions. 100 billion dollars and up. That's some years away, though

>> No.1118171


im having trouble imagining how banks and corporations are going to monetize eth when its pretty much all open source including the dapps

>> No.1118177

they have lots and lots of dumb customers that are EXTREMELY loyal

banks will continue to make money off them

>> No.1118180

Of course, what kind of ding dong buys on a pump??

>> No.1118182


banks would never ever publish open source code to be run on a decentralized network. it goes against everything they stand for.

>> No.1118183


Open source is irrelevant. They would use it because it would allow common, trustless, instant ledgers. Instant bank transfers. No more waiting a fucking week for that shit. It would be much more efficient and also probably cheaper.

>> No.1118184

hmm, from technological perspective which im not, many people say its far superior to bitcoin, i should have 30 ETH by friday... but will have to keep pouring into my portfolio. How mainstream is ETH as of now anyways? i feel stupid not listening to that shill 3-4 month ago while everyone made fun of him. why was he so persistent on selling ETH... now the tides have changed on /biz/ and its a minority that is against ETH. but how widespread is ETH outside of biz?

>> No.1118186


I should also add fuck banks. In a perfect world crypto renders most banks useless and only a few that embraced the change are still around.

>> No.1118191

that shill might have been me ;)

it's still very early

>> No.1118208

hah. your devotion will pay you handsomely so i hope for spreading ETH into biz, i think plebbit is slowly chewing this up as well. I just wish i could've spent my savings while it was still 60 cent per coin. could've bought a thousand or two instead of just 40. kinda sour about this. but i cant let my emotions get in the way

>> No.1118218

not much you can do about hindsight
just keep holding on bro, it's going to be a wild ride.
i feel lucky to be able to get on at 4.75 per eth

>> No.1118222

God fucking dammit where the fuck was Shia Labeouf last night when I was wondering whether or not I should buy ETH then or wait

>> No.1118226


$4.75 is a steal given where it's going. You're in good shape.

Shit, anyone who buys now is in good shape long term.

>> No.1118240


How many do you have senpai?

>> No.1118241

how long to wait for a dip before I give up and buy at $8?

>> No.1118243

Okay, """""Henry"""""

>> No.1118244


My position isn't even really that great. Plenty on here have more at lower cost. I have about 100 ETH.

>> No.1118245


Buy now, loser. Why are you trying so hard to save 50 cents?

>> No.1118251

i didn't buy a dip and eth was even going up and down for a few days but guess hwat, i've made almost 80% gains

>> No.1118254
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And ye shall make gains most gentlemanly the longer ye hodl. For it is written.

>> No.1118255
File: 25 KB, 759x551, please respond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good sites for buying Etherum? Or any other cryptocurrency for that matter?

>> No.1118261


>> No.1118305
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Isn't that only a day's volume though???

>> No.1118417

Jumping on the hype train. Running eth now trying to get a dap or whatever the fuck it's called. How long is it going to take and is it even worth mining?

>> No.1118419

Don't wreck yourself before you check yourself.

>> No.1118422

Thanks senpai

>> No.1118427

Splain what you mean? Should I mine or just buy?

>> No.1118428

buying pressure is waning

ETH is cooling off

>> No.1118429

What hardware are you trying to mine on?

>> No.1118433

I dont think so m8.

>> No.1118435


I have $1800 in BTC waiting to convert into ETH

fucking price movement today ugh...

just make it go down to .015 for a little bit just for me

>> No.1118436

Macbook pro with an I7 right now just fucking around and testing it. Have my desktop at home with an actual gpu though. Not worth it?

>> No.1118439

predicting downward movement towards 7.00 till 7pm est, then moon.

>> No.1118442

Pretty pointless to CPU mine, you will get 5ETH every 7 months at this difficulty on a i7.

Your graphics card will be ok if its quite new but you need to use the c++ ethminer to do gpu mining so not the same thing you have installed on your mac.

Its not for noobs you're better off just buying some.

>> No.1118444

Actually just realized I can track progress by calling web3.eth and it shows under current block.
Now if only it would let me run scripts on top of it for a constantly updating ui.

>> No.1118445

I wonder what will happen when china wakes up at midnight GMT

>> No.1118450

Got it. I'll buy in tonight in and still gpu mine at home and CPU mine on the laptop (work computer so not my electricity or internet).

>> No.1118452

How much shall I buy then? Haven't had coins for 2 years or so.

>> No.1118465

I have never actually mined crypto currency, so I decided to give it a try. How long would it take me to actually make anything? The PC I'm using has an HD 7950, and I've let it mine for a day now, and nothing appears in my wallet.

>> No.1118474

At current prices you would make maybe $5 worth a month. Your electrical costs would probably be around that. You'll only make money with a big price increase. You're just as well off investing $50.

>> No.1118481

However much you want. I suggest buying some asap, and keeping some powder dry to buy any dip that may occur.

>> No.1118529

spent a days wages on it lel, bit of fun.

>> No.1118532

Welcome aboard. May sweet gains come your way

>> No.1118561

Beginnings of a mini-dump from 176 downwards, cash out now and cash back in when it's below 170

>> No.1118575

Shapeshift not working for anyone else?

>> No.1118577

What should I cash it into?

Kraken let's me go directly to USD but their whole operation is slow compared to Polo.

And Polo only let's me convert into BTC which is fairly unsteady as of late.

>> No.1118584

BTC is fine, you should literally cash back in as soon as it rebounds. There's a lot of troll transactions going right now and quite a bit of market noise, so watch the major sell walls before making your move in or out

>> No.1118588

172 might be our bottom limit

>> No.1118592
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Alright. I'll cash out when we hit .176

There's definitely gonna be a dump before the end of today.

>> No.1118599

Yeah, it's still undervalued in real terms but the "bubble" will burst and we can flip it so idgaf if the kids want to lose money :)

>> No.1118606

Selling any eth is a tard move senpai

>> No.1118608
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Well I've keep half of my ETH in my wallet no matter what, but I use the other half to play around with these daily pumps/dumps.

Is this retarded? I think it confers a level of stability if something crazy happens, but idk.

>> No.1118614

pretty hard to go to the moon when there's a $25,000 sell wall at 176 on shittrex

>> No.1118633

You got to me /biz/, you actually memed hard enough that I bought 50 bucks worth of this shit.

Let's see if this will turn into 100

>> No.1118649

Is there a place that keeps up with the order book between all of the exchanges?

>> No.1118667

You mean, when, this will turn into 100 i mean 500 dollars.

>> No.1118669

You mean when will this $50 be turned into $50,000,000?

>> No.1118672

Not really, but you can't move Eth quickly between exchanges, so it's not worth trying to manipulate them. People still use other exchanges to find trends &c. but you're fine sticking to one and just glancing at trends from the others for the most part.

Obviously the more regularly you check it the better, if it confers you an advantage that pays for the time of doing it.

>> No.1118675

I've always got polo's order book up on one screen and I'm keeping an eye on kraken. It's just a bit much to keep track of more than a few.

>> No.1118677

You mean when this $50 will be turned into $500 billion quadrillion?

>> No.1118678

cashed out :^)

>> No.1118684

Whats the best exchange to quickly trade these cryptos with high leverage?

>> No.1118686

look while i would agree it has a future its a bit like investing in india. its not worth any ones time right now. the pharma angle is a joke. pharma has taken a lot of hits in the past 5 years and zika isnt enough to scare every one into doing as they are told

like wise changes in technology of any sort or format changes of any sort ect have to be adopted to be relevant. 3d tvs fell short just as 4k tvs fell short for the same reason this wont go any where right now. there is no demand

>> No.1118692

>india and 3d tvs are shit
>therefore, don't buy eth

>> No.1118698

>dont buy eth
This. Dont fall for this premined scamcoin.

>> No.1118712

This is my thought process as well, half short term half longterm. I think it only makes sense if you're somewhat poorfag otherwise I'd keep all of it in for long term.

>> No.1118713

polo allows margin trading

I've also seen a couple of places that have binary options on bitcoins

>> No.1118716

Please expound upon why this is bad. Because people can jack up the price while hoarding loads of dosh for themselves and sell it all and crash everyone else to hell?

>> No.1118718

>i invested in india and got burned
>i invested in companies that were making 3d tv's and 4k tv's and got burned
>don't buy eth
lol wut are you on m8

>> No.1118725

Exactly. Look what happened with Ripple. One of the devs sold off his share and tanked the whole coin. Ethereum devs own 30% of all Ether. Thats a way higher percentage than Satoshi owns and people are scared about him dumping. Also, Satoshi said in a twitter post that he is against premined coins.

>> No.1118743

Can you short on poloniex?

>> No.1118750

Lol shitrex probably a fake wall

>> No.1118753

Consider that the Ethereum project is non-profit, so the profit from early coins are the only incentive for the workers to work and do their job well.

>> No.1118754

What's the reasoning Ethereum devs give for premined coin? I mean everything else looks legit, what benefit does it provide for the Network? is it just completely bullshit to have premined at all?

>> No.1118755

Yes you can throw money away on poloniex lol.

Dont listen to the FUD

Eth will be at 60 -70 dollars soon

>> No.1118759

Shorting BTC would be a good idea right now.

>> No.1118763

They say that it helps with the development of the coin but they funded more than enough money in the presale. The figures show that they wont run out of presale money until later this year. Yes, it is complete bullshit to have 30% premined. Thats a massive amount.

>> No.1118769

Just bought some bitcoin from paxful as buying throuhg a bank account in japan has a painful confirmation process that would take another few days, transferring into kraken now to then convert into ether, If only I just did it 3 days ago when it was like 4 dollars when I first saw these threads, fuck....

>> No.1118771

No, some crazy bastards are chewing it up. Down to 9k USD now.

>> No.1118778

Well, most of the premine went to the people who crowdunded the coin.

It was advertised widely and raised 18 million dollars to fund development. Kind of like angel investors.

>> No.1118844

Why wouldn't you short the dips?

>> No.1118887


In the early days before the MtGox crash, it was risky to keep cryptos on an exchange

Currently, it's bat-shit retarded to keep any amount on an exchange ever. Trade, then get your money the fuck out of there ASAP

>> No.1119040

Current Trex split is 171/174.

Could be looking at a pump right now, keep an eye on those walls

>> No.1119049

the opportunity costs of leaving your crypto off an exchange are large

it is not "batshit" to have your money on an exchange. there are pros and cons

>> No.1119062

What do you think ETH will be down to once this current pump is over? Basically, if I'm looking for a chance to pour into it, what price should I do so?

>> No.1119063


The opportunity costs are zero, you can transfer all your money to an exchange and get your money off an exchange in less than 10 minutes

If you have money on an exchange in 2016 for more than 10 minutes you are without a doubt literally retarded

>> No.1119066

Transfer fees. Mathematically the small chance of losing everything may be outweighed by the guarantee of losing a little bit.

>> No.1119072


>small chance

Literally every exchange has been hacked except Polo

good luck familia

>> No.1119075
File: 188 KB, 1358x856, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That depends on these douchebags; pic related

It's not what the price is, it's where the walls are

>> No.1119076

did you even do any research on your exchange?


>> No.1119079

What are they doing?

>> No.1119083

Price stabilization, in part, but they're also trying to create favourable conditions for rises and falls that they can predict

When you're a whale on an exchange like this you can just play the short game for pure profit

>> No.1119085

Lol the sell walls, those aren't of eth are they? Haha

>> No.1119087
File: 557 KB, 1018x672, Screen-Shot-2014-10-14-at-11.29.12-PM-1v145tk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you explain how you find walls and what websites you use to find them?
Will cryptowat.ch be good enough to find walls?

Like if you would kindly explain the following for myself and others (i will pass this information on)
- What is a buy wall.
- What is a sell wall.
-How and where to find them.

>> No.1119094


Damn, okay I change my statement:

Literally every exchange has been hacked

Don't be an idiot

>> No.1119096


>average crypto trader

>> No.1119098


hacks don't do shit if they use cold storage properly.

mark karpeles was literally a retard which is why MagicTheGatheringOnlineExchange fucked up (big shocker). Crypsty was also garbage I could tell that the first time I used it 2 years ago. Most other exchanges have been chugging alone just fine.

>> No.1119101

and this nigga is right :^)

>> No.1119103

I finally got my btc to invest, but is now a bad time? It sucks that I wasn't able to at $3.50 like I wanted.

>> No.1119114
File: 31 KB, 780x440, shkreli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ETH reaches 1k/ea
>enough money to buy black culture

sigh, with enough money ill be black.

>> No.1119124


>> No.1119158

I have enough to stake 8x over.

Get on my level plebeians. I bet you don't even know about Casper the PoS friendly GHOST. Hell, I bet you couldn't even describe the implications of DELEGATECALL at gunpoint. Learned Solidity yet?

>> No.1119161

not understanding the process of bitcoin on coinbase to kraken. hm. Is there a better way to do these types of transfers?

>> No.1119175

What's hard to understand? You generate a "to" address from kraken in deposit menu. Send btc from wallet or where ever to that address.

It's quite simple unless you're a derelict ludite fuck.

>> No.1119201

Guys I'm really fuckin struggling here. Help me out. I signed up with coinbase, said it would take a week for my funds to show up. Whatever; I signed up with a back up credit card for instant buy. Why the fuck is my instant buy limit $100? Can I increase this limit? I know you can increase your daily or weekly spending limit from 3000 or whatever but what about specifically your instant buy limit?
Secondly, why does it say it's STILL GOING TO TAKE 5 DAYS TO SHOW UP IN MY WALLET?? Wtf am I missing here? Kinda raging a bit.

>> No.1119202
File: 1003 KB, 1200x900, 1370559580274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga I've never traded in my life, but it's extremely obvious what those buy/sell walls are.

Just look at the picture.

>> No.1119205

It's a great bloody struggle to get started. But you have to learn yourself anon.

Localbitcoin to get BTC, send them to Kraken.


>> No.1119212

Honestly pham if you cant figure it out yourself you shouldnt be buying eth in the first place.

>> No.1119222


Did you buy more than $100? If you're even a penny over your instant buy limit it will default to the full waiting period. It sucks.

>> No.1119246

Oh boy, a couple of grand, what a wall. You're retarded.

>> No.1119267


on march 14th, watch carefully on the homestead release. It will either shoot to the fucking moon or drop like a mother fucker. KEEP THE DAY IN MIND.

My guess and others that it'll crash.

>> No.1119271

Show me where you are getting that the Devs own 30% of all Ether? The foundation itself only has around 1.5 million (2% of all coins), and even the main founder (Vitalik) only has 600k (<1% of all coins).

>> No.1119273

Butthurt whale detected and discredited

>> No.1119278



>> No.1119287

I never fucking understood opinions like these. We're on a forum, the purpose being discussion, which often includes advice and asking/answering questions. Every now and then people come up with questions that are hard to find answers to online otherwise, because either they can't find the exact words needed to properly Google it, or because it's an issue so obviously unique that it hasn't been asked before. A lot of people are coming here to learn about trading cryptocurrency. Don't be a jackass, yo.
>nb4 welcome 2 4chan
But in all seriousness coinbase is shit and everyone should exclusively use localbitcoins to buy their first btc

>> No.1119296

Being on a forum is irrelevant, why would you invest money into something that you have no idea how to use and aren't willing to find out for yourself? Do you even know what ether is? Literally googling how to use ether would give you everything you need to know.

>> No.1119316

I've done a lot of research for a week now. Im sure I don't know everything and I plan on doing a lot more research before I make a huge investment. At the time of my initial post my problem wasn't that I misunderstood Ethereum and their technology. My problem was simply a block in the road when trying to obtain my first ever bitcoin. Not to mention, I had figured out HOW to obtain it, my question was based on the specifics of a WEBSITE that I was deciding whether or not to continue spending my money on. Sorry to trigger you.

>> No.1119324


polo has a 233k sell wall at 1775

>> No.1119354

So once I have ethereum and it skyrockets to 80 dollars, how do I sell it?

>> No.1119357

Why do you think it'll crash?

>> No.1119358

So once I have ethereum and it skyrockets to 80 dollars, how do I sell it?

>> No.1119390

As of right now you just trade it for btc then sell btc on coinbase/localbitcoins. There will probably be something more direct in the future

>> No.1119393

Nope, Kraken offers a USD/ETH pair

>> No.1119405

Oh that's right. I don't use Kraken because everyone here tells me its slow as fuck compared to polo in terms of withdrawal/deposit.

>> No.1119407

bout to do this when I get home. So the ethers end up on coinbase right? thanks senpai!

>> No.1119414


>> No.1119415

Aint gonna crash pham. Why would it?

>> No.1119452

Exactly this what morons do, live happy and humble away from the system.

>> No.1119453

This paper is only safe way.

>> No.1119476

Ethereum is literally just speculation. There is no way of knowing where it will go, so investing in it is too much of a gamble.

>> No.1119482

sadly, the only things that really work on it are day trading and holding, pumps and dumps come and go.

>> No.1119484

Oh shit guys ethers going up fast

>> No.1119502

Now is your chance guys. This is when news outlets start writing about ethereum and people panic buy not to lost the oppurtunity cost. There's no excuse to doubt it this time, we've already seen it happen before.

>> No.1119509

Yep, jjust as predicted. Fools who didn't buy must be crying crocodile tears now.

>> No.1119510

i cried soo fucking hard this 2013 all over again withbitcoins am I too late to invest 250? desperately

>> No.1119513

Now that Eth is starting to rise a lot I've realised I'm clueless about when to sell

>> No.1119520

most people are. Just hold them until you NEED the money, or it crashes. a crash will likely reduce the value by 50-80%, but if we are lucky 50% will still be 500$ per coin.

>> No.1119521
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It's time like this that I really respect people with nerves of steel. I see this shit going up and my minds instant reaction is to dump all 80 of my BTC into ETH and catch the ride up.

The worst part is I am literally 50/50 on if this is totally foolhardly or a chance at more riches.

People like me shouldn't be allowed to trade anything beyond rocks, yet we are the majority. No wonder the market is such a predictable crash/dip cycle considering people like me drive it.

>> No.1119527

Money is just numbers. Relax.

>> No.1119528


Putting all of your eggs into one basket is rarely a good idea anon, you may as well go to a casino and put everything on red.

>> No.1119530

What's the easiest way to cash out and realise gains?

>> No.1119533


Without an exchange account set up for cash trade? Probably shapeshift.io, convert to BTC and sell on Localbitcoins.

>> No.1119534

Like can you withdraw cash from poloniex or other exchanges?

>> No.1119537

The main problem for me is that I didn't go in on ETH early, and now I'm trying to get in. I'm not going to put a lot in, only 100 USD to play with.

I'm thinking that this is going to dip a dollar or two, and I told myself yesterday that when it goes down to 6 I'd buy. Today, it has gone up to 8.29, and I don't know if it is going to go back down before the Homestead release.

I might just say fuck it, pour 100 USD in, and just hold till well after the Homestead release and make some money.

>> No.1119539
File: 70 KB, 796x909, 12805753_10208995761956601_2890652416344991908_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only relax on cocaine, sober me is a spastic impulsive little fuckmonkey. How I got my hand on 90,000$ by being an anxious retard is beyond me.
No one can disagree with this unless you are insider trading. I feel like all of trading is just learning temperance and setting up fail-safes against your delusions of grandeur and impulses. But isn't it fun to dream bout going all in and hype yourself into believing this is it?

>> No.1119540

That's always the problem with stocks, quite obviously. You can't tell if it's gonna dip or not, and if it doesn't, you beat yourself up over it.

>> No.1119542

>I told myself yesterday that when it goes down to 6 I'd buy

What sense does this logic make?

If you think it is a good investment, buy now.

If you think it will go up, buy now.

Why wait until it goes down? If anything, you should not try to catch a falling knife.

>> No.1119558

I'm thinking aboutbuying 800 USD worth of bitcoin and putting it on Ether.

I have never deal with crypto before.

>Choose wallet
>Make wallet
>Go to LocalCoin and buy some BTC over Western Union
>Send that BTC to poloniex
>Convert to ETH

Does that seem alright?

>> No.1119613

I loaded up coinbase with USD.
I then bought bitcoin.
I then sent the bitcoin to kraken account using the key I generated on kraken.
Use transferred bitcoins to buy ETH.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy

>> No.1119622

You're right, it doesn't make sense. I just wanted a good window to jump in through.

I've never done anything with bitcoin or any other crypto. At first I was thinking that with ETH it would sort of behave like "stock" in their Ethereum project. But the more I look at the ETH transactions and what people are saying about ETH, the more I am thinking that, like any other crypto, its value is based on the speculative value of the currency itself and not any potential value of their project.

Will this always be that way, though? I wonder if their technology is going to be the innovation they think it will be. Not that it matters, though, I plan to make money on the rise no doubt generated by hype surrounding Homestead.

>> No.1119626

My dad just said he'd give me a small loan to buy more ETH but my stupid Circle account has like a .6 BTC limit. How the fuck do i lift the limit?

>> No.1119632

I'm retarded

Can someone give a step by step to buying this shit?

Words for thr biz and tech illiterate plz

>> No.1119634

Find website suited for you to buy bitcoin (currently blockchain is congested, will take a while to go through)
use shapeshift.io to swap btc to eth.
Both requires you to have a brainwallet, but it's the fastest way

>> No.1119640

Are you this stupid
google how to buy bitcoins
After u know how to do it and what site u want to buy sent it to your bitcoin wallet (1kx6jaKf8bdkABoh3WACbcj6XrShAcEBt)
Remind this code and buy ether with it on poloniex.com
done wait to get millions

>> No.1119643

Thanks guys, I think I can Bing this out from here

>> No.1119645

sent ;)

>> No.1119651

If you open a Circle account, you can add funds from your debit card. Then, you can generate a code on Kraken to add bitcoins. On Circle, you can go to send funds and select BTC instead of USD to send, and it will convert automatically. Put in the code Kraken gave you to send it to Kraken. Alternatively, you can give it the code of another wallet you have, like on blockchain, and store your BTC there.
After you send it to your Kraken account, you can trade for ETH.

Kraken does have a USD to ETH pair, but if you're in the US I don't think you can transfer USD into your Kraken. But it will accept all the BTC you can put in there. By the way, Kraken calls bitcoins XBT.

>> No.1119654

I just transferred all my funds into my wallet with the code you just gave me. Epic man XDDDD. To teh moon bro to teh moon. I'm worried about the security of the transaction, so I'm going to delete system32 so it doesn't remember my bitcoin transaction history.

>> No.1119656
File: 264 KB, 960x540, moonsong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought some ETH with money I made farming on runescape.

Can someone point me in the direction of THA MOON???

>> No.1119684

No, fuck off cunt.

>> No.1119706

cant wait for it to crash, the lols are gonna be had on this board.

>> No.1119710

Find a flaw in Ethereum.

Pro-tip: You can't.

Just kidding. You can. The flaw is that everything that Ethereum does can be recreated on the already established and popular Bitcoin blockchain. RootStock ( http://www.rootstock.io/ ) does everything Ethereum does, but uses Bitcoin's blockchain instead of a new gay ass scam "Ether" coin.

Shit is going to tank soon, get in now and enjoy holding an empty bag. Buying now is buying at the peak.

If you want an interesting new coin to invest in, check Decred.

>> No.1119720

You guys are fucking dopes, its not gonna work, it has no application, and it has no actual physical asset. Its a recipe for disaster, you'd have a better chance investing in some shady guy emailing you investment advice

>> No.1119722

Seriously this. When this Russian cryptocurrency crashes 95% of this board will exile themselves to r9k.

>> No.1119725

Whew. I thought I was the only one. I'm glad there are still sensible people here.

>> No.1119730

Gas yourself kike.

>> No.1119735

Sure, wait for the crash :)

>> No.1119737

it's not like the following banks are conducting tests with Ethereum right now: Barclays, BMO Financial Group, Credit Suisse, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, HSBC, Natixis, Royal Bank of Scotland, TD Bank, UBS, UniCredit and Wells Fargo.


>> No.1119745

ETH for the most part is open source, Counterparty ported their platform but look at the value of XCP, still dwindling.

Might be worth looking into as it most closely resembles Ethereum.

>> No.1119748

I exceeded the amount of times I can add a bank account in 24 hours? How to get around or add a card?

>> No.1119750

Pretty much this. Banks are looking into blockchain in general. They really arent interested in any other aspect of cryptos.

>> No.1119772

Thanks for your expert analysis, champ. How many people do you know working to implement blockchain tech at the banks?

Consensys has talked with every major bank and everyone who has seen the proof of concepts has been thrilled with Ethereum. The CFTC and central banks from
China to South America are extremely interested as well. I know this because I've actually talked to people working at Consensys.

>> No.1119783

Ya.... no.

>> No.1119801

Thanks for the crystal ball, selling all of my ETH now as we speak, because of this post.

>> No.1119810
File: 381 KB, 500x500, 1380897729584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>2-way decentralized pegs do not yet exist.
People are not going to be very elated about the FedPeg, but I don't suspect this will do much to inhibit RSK token exchange. ShapeShift will for instance allow for an RSK to BTC exchange.
>It merge mines with Bitcoin. OI VE! Talk about an anti-feature. This exposes RootStock to all the problems associate with the great firewall while trying to accomplish sub 10sec block times? What if it becomes obvious that RootStock is now worth more than Bitcoin and Bitcoin becomes this empty shell that does nothing but "burn" Bitcoins into RootStock?
>RSK trades at 1:1 to the Bitcoin. Think about this for a second. It's like going to college, studying a medical degree for 10 years and then equally distributing your income to all your family members and extended family. Even if RootStock is faster, better, more secure than Ethereum. This one single "feature" cripples it. The RootStock ecosystem will never see most of this value. They are giving all their money to rich Bitcoiners who took no risk building their network.
>Because of #4 RootStock will be like a medical doctor who distributes all his income to his wealthier family and lives with his best friend, Ethereum. Most of the innovations that RSK will want will have to be funded elsewhere. So if Ether crashes no new features.
>It doesn't much matter that it is EVM compatible. I can launch another Ethereum blockchain today with no token value. The problem isn't compatibility but the value of the state of the blockchain. IE Digix will not only have to relaunch their network on RSK but they'll have to import and close off their state on Ethereum or write and move to Bitcoin.
>All the features they build can be forked by building a network that isn't 20% more expensive to fund it's development. RootStock will basically get a RootStock of its own.

rootstocks fundamental shittiness is bullish for ETH

>> No.1119819

>Coinbase is a sellout. It takes 1 week to verify 1 transaction and limit is at $50 when you sign up.
>Use Circle you will get your Bitcoin instantly, new account limit starting at $300.
If you're a poorfag like me, use the invitation to get $10 bonus. https://www.circle.com/invite/4WQ0eZEFQhqTqlqn3OFJBg

>> No.1119836

Protip: I hear exchanges are a bad place to keep stockpiles of cash, the advice is

put it in Poloniex > trade > get your dosh out of there and into your wallet asap.

>> No.1119845

Do we both get the $10?

>> No.1119852

I think only he gets it. I just signed up and didn't get anything.

>> No.1119861

looks like he's $20 richer. A true /biz/ness man.

>> No.1119870

True, oh well. It's not my money. Kudos >>1119819

Circle only allows for 5 invites total though so at least they have a cap on exploiting invites

>> No.1119874

I bought 45 eth a week ago just for kicks, but honestly I feel like I should have bought 450.

Who here /didn'tbuyinbigenough/ bros?

>> No.1119878

I can't believe the shills have so much energy to pump this shit 24/7.

Anyone with any kinda of intelligence knows ethereum is worthless and that all the "programming logic" can't scale up without all the severs shitting themselves. Keep shilling guys hope you get the pump you want so you can dump and make money

>> No.1119890

How safe is the LBC wallet?

Just to play around with 200USD into bitcoin and then off to kraken

>> No.1119894

why kraken instead of poloniex? I feel like kraken is gonna shit the bed.

>> No.1119899

We are talking short term, as long as it holds for a couple of weeks i'm alright.

>> No.1119901

Is there any point in buying in now? It's at 8.25.

>> No.1119904

Nope you missed the boat. Kiss your dreams goodbye and wait for the next big chance in ten to fifteen years.

>> No.1119918

I've been reading some sketchy shit on ETH like the premined coin in possession of the devs and now this. But meanwhile big companies are using Ethereum based shit. wtf man

>> No.1119919

Anyone know another coin to invest in besides ETH? I'm waiting to buy in ETH after the inevitable crash after homestead release.

>> No.1119923

XCP (counterparty) is a port of ethereums platform. Maidsafe is another good one.

>> No.1119924

Why would it crash

>> No.1119926

Apparently it's going to either shoot skyhigh or plummet after homestead comes out, idk why though I haven't had time to do research. Most people are betting on the dip over the rocket.

>> No.1119928
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>> No.1119929

Both get $10 as soon as you start sending you money

>> No.1119930


It probably won't be perfect at launch. Rarely things are when it comes to releases on crypto.

>> No.1119937

I'm actually much more interested in MAID than in ETH, both as an altcoin and as a technology (I think the safenet goal is a less abstract goal to work towards and is therefore more likely to rally support).

>> No.1119939

The reviews on the circle google play store are full of people saying they never got thier 10 dollar bonus.

So far every service I've used, coinbase and kraken, have been slow and a pain in the ass to get going with. I'm about to attempt to install and use circle on my android phone. Hopefully that works.

>> No.1119940

...but ETH obviously has wider ranging implications and there are a few competitors to MAID.

>> No.1119941

It's a mix of sour grapes and people who think Ethereum is a threat to their Bitcoin holdings. FUD all around.

>> No.1119942
File: 65 KB, 600x589, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either this is true or they are fucking liars!

>> No.1119954

My left nut is worth 2000$
Doesn't mean people are lined up to buy it.
Fucking people need to learn economics before they try to get into BTC.

>> No.1119959

Maybe your left nut needs a series of online exchanges so people COULD line up to buy it, and then you wouldn't be so poor and salty.

>> No.1119965

I'd give you .5 bc for a pic of your left nut

>> No.1119971
File: 14 KB, 432x576, hggf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not him but mine is better


>> No.1119975


I also need nut surgery so please donate to me


>> No.1119976

Their "instant" is like forever instant and their fee is fucking dumb. I've been using Circle for awhile now and I can confirm that I do get funded instantly. The only thing is that I have to wait a week for my limit to reset, but I'm more than happy with my current $3000/week limit.

>> No.1119977


You have no clue. You sound like a teenage black person.

>> No.1119981
File: 2.31 MB, 2200x8200, etherguide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only get $10 once you buy more than $100 in BTC on coinbase. As per guide in pic attached

>> No.1119986

yeah lol i remember seeing that news article about the rich ETH guy and his sex parties and yacht, that was so cool and nonexistent

>> No.1119989

and that's exactly why Coinbase sucks. Your starting limit is $50/week and you will have to wait a week for each transaction. So if you want to get your $10 from Coinbase, you might have to wait almost a month.

>> No.1119993


>> No.1120005

I'm to lazy to take a pic of my nut right now so give it to ball cancer guy.

>> No.1120010

I signed up to coinbase three days ago to buy 45 eth. Deposited roughly 400 dollars Canadian and it instantly gave me my BTC.

It also says my daily limit is $500. I've never submitted any personal documents or information. Why does it hate you guys?

>> No.1120012

Rolling. Even and I buy $1000 ethereum. Odds and I don't and Ethereum drops to 1.00 on March 14.

>> No.1120021

Try using logic instead of dice rolls.

Logic dictates, buy ETH

>> No.1120025

But senpai, it's at 8 dollars now. Whats the point.

>> No.1120047

Probably because you are Canadian, and nobody gives a shit about Canadians, not even Coinbase.

>> No.1120064

It'll dip tomorrow (guessing low-mid 7s) before it resumes it's rally. Screen cap this.

>> No.1120065

Rofl. I don't think your meme applies when it allows Canadians to deposit 70x what you're able to on a weekly basis mate.

Sounds like coinbase just hates Americans.

>> No.1120188
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You wanna make a wager on this claim?

>> No.1120206

Not a claim, it's speculation. The only basis I have is it's previous rallies (short period of dips and cool-downs before resuming gains).

I'll pass, my confidence is like 70-30 that this will occur.

>> No.1120239

thats the way to do it, i even rebuy during rebounds when its pumping hard

>> No.1120585

finally obtained some ether and feels good man.
i felt like a virgin before, now im high fiving the air

>> No.1121162

I bought $1000 ether about 1 month ago and today its at $1995. I'm in school for finance and ether has sparked a whole new interest in me. I'm reading this shit up left and right everyday now.

>> No.1121189

Good job bro. Buy some more now.