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11163928 No.11163928 [Reply] [Original]

what if ripple cucks swift and the bad guys win?

>> No.11163982

SWIFT r the bad guys

>> No.11163990

link is the bad guys

>> No.11163995

This. Ripple are unironically the good guys.

>> No.11163996

Not gonna happen. SWIFT is too big. They would literally buy out Ripple before they lost their spot at the top. Or even partner with them and incorporate Ripple's instant settlement tech into their system.

>> No.11164003

I wouldn't go that far

>> No.11164028


>> No.11164045

You can’t buy out a company that isn’t willing to be bought. There are so many global political issues that are forwarded by SWIFT, they aren’t going to be able to reign forever. There is one particular powerful country that is gunning to see the unbecoming of SWIFT, if you think such an institution is eternal, you’re mistaken.

>> No.11164058

Why? Ripple and it’s subsidiaries are brilliant. It is what crypto needs to legitimately be used in the real world.

>> No.11164061

You're playing double's avocado, aren't you?

>> No.11164079

ripple isnt even blockchain though

>> No.11164084

>jews vs nazi neets
whos the bad guy?

>> No.11164086

No, I’m being serious. I think Ripple/Codius are going to surprise everyone and be ubiquitously used. I don’t think people here understand the powerful Silicon Valley players behind and associated with ripple

>> No.11164101

Swift is a joke. It’s technology from the 1970s. The finance world is begging for someone to take over. Ripple is going to do to Swift what Amazon did to Sears.

>> No.11164116

Maybe I don't understand, but LINK and ETH are far superior to XRP and any of its subsidiaries

>> No.11164128


>> No.11164133

This guy gets it

>> No.11164148

How? Better in what way?

>> No.11164150

the market seems to think that is going to happen. good riddance. sergey and co had a fucking year to deliver a product and couldnt do it. now they've run out of time. if they were actually working with swift to any significant degree they would have given them the resources to complete this in a more timely fashion. instead the incompetent chainlink crew is still tinkering around (part time might I add) with a half built project in september of 2018 and partnering with no name companies while the big banks are all jumping on the ripple train. opportunity blown.

>> No.11164165

You aren't a tech guy are you?

>> No.11164198
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>> No.11164212

it wont.
Swift is much bigger than the entire of crypto.

>> No.11164213
File: 172 KB, 850x400, Sergey leap of faith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
Sergey will never lose, he has half the /biz/ population lives depending on him, he will deliver.

>> No.11164223

There’s a reason no one here is talking about Ripple/Codius.

“You’re not a tech guy” what is that supposed to even mean? Link/ETH aren’t superior in any way. Ripple is actually being adopted by REAL WORLD banks. Link and Ethereum are used for Pokémon card applications.

>> No.11164250

Okay you've clearly done your research.
Also 11,000 banks already use SWIFT.
I bet on the incumbent to catch up.

>> No.11164280

I don’t think you understand the MAJOR international powers that are opposed to SWIFT, do you? Let me guess, you’re American...?

>> No.11164352

now you're sounding like a conspiracy theorist. nobody is Opposed to swift they just dont want to pay huge fees and wait forever for a bank transfer to go through. if chainlink + hyperledger allows them to do that without some goofy intermediary token that is largely owned by one man then they will stick with swift. banks are some of the most tech illiterate organizations on earth they don't want to have to completely replace all their infrastructure to use ripple.

>> No.11164368

Correct on both accounts. I'm a tech guy not a finance guy and I don't know what people think of SWIFT. In the amount of time it would take a bank and its branches to fully migrate to XRP, SWIFT will have integrated the tech to make at least the technical advantages of moving to Ripple not worth the effort. The cost savings LINK via automation of back-end processes will bring also minimize the cost advantages of moving to Ripple. Why are these powers opposed to SWIFT? Clearing house costs?

>> No.11164429

I sound like a conspiracy theorist? That’s how I know I’m talking to a brainlet American that has probably never left the states. Read a book by an American White House Economist, Pippa Malmgren, called Signals. I don’t think you understand the political history of SWIFT do you and their tendency to try to ostrasize nations that don’t abide by the shitty rules the US tries to enact unto the entire world. For starters, just read about SWIFT banning Russia. Maybe start to see that relations between China, the US, and Russia aren’t, and haven’t exactly been copacetic for quite some time.

>> No.11164536

Finance and politics are two huge factors in this equation. And Ripple is offering great tech and an alternative to SWIFT. Many countries want this.

>> No.11164553

tfw your bank uses swift and transactions to coinbase take less than 25sec both ways

with 0 fee

>> No.11164555

Where are you from?

>> No.11164571

EU brainlet fag here

>> No.11164572

Tfw you don’t understand what SWIFT is and how it operates

>> No.11164583

T. Brainlet

>> No.11164596

I live between the UK, NYC, and Hong Kong

>> No.11164624

Link a wite boy coin, XRP KING COIN WILL HIT $1000 ONE DAY


>> No.11165095

What does xrp even do?

>> No.11165375

you don't sound like a conspiracy theorist but you do sound like a full blown idot.

yes, Russia isn't a SWIFT fan because SWIFT controls international settlements. But this is another reason why US, UK and other european nations will always support SWIFT. So that they have powers over its advisaries including China.

And if you really think Ripple/XRP can one day replace SWIFT you must be less of an idiot and more of a retard because your saying Russians got beef with SWIFT but they will be glad to use an American based company, Ripple, for international settlements and an American digital currency like XRP???

Let me make this clear for you an every other brainlet. China and Russia will NEVER EVER NEVER EVER completely trust or 100% use Ripple/XRP. It is not in their financial interest to do so. If it is American you can count out immediately China and Russia.

China doesn't even allow Facebook, Amazon, Google, Twitter in their country. these companies are nobodies. they don't exist in China. So Ripple, XRP?? lol. they are dead in the big east.

LINK / Ethereum combo is the only platform that can be excepted internationally. SWIFT is already moving towards API adoption with Oracles. The CEO was recently interviewed and said this much.

>> No.11165477


>> No.11165505

It would suck yes but Link usecases are not limited to Swift

>> No.11165729

>"Our idea is to provide linkages"
>Swift, CEO

>> No.11165750

Those r some good videos.

>> No.11165795
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>> No.11165842

The token of the new Silk Road is Omisego.

>> No.11165906

This is unironically how i know link will make it. Swift is going fucking nowhere and they will fight to the death to stay on top.

>> No.11165924
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Ripples Senior vice president "PNC will NOT be using XRP, xRapid."

Again, you Ripple die hards are the biggest scam chasers around. Let it go. Ripple is targeting emerging markets. Something the total opposite of what you brainlets are trying to push on Biz.

>> No.11166067

We are the bad guys

>> No.11166083



>> No.11166096

Ripple doesn't connect blockchains to legacy systems.
Newfags don't understand that Chainlink would reach 100B market cap even if SWIFT disappeared off the face of the planet.

>> No.11166335

This. SWIFT is extremely desperate. They are supposed to carry the torch for the entire Europe or fall into eternal oblivion.

>> No.11166374

There are major powers against, and major powers behind it.
Swift is the first in line expected to carry on the task of decoupling EU banking payments from US.
If someone else does it faster and better, then it's ogre.

>> No.11166425

So are mainframes, but here's the hot tip, shit embedded in banks takes fucking ages to phase out.

Even the new bank lite brands offerings that dont have physical branches etc use the big banks as tier 1 clearing houses.

Swift will be around for the next 10 years at least...minimum. A project to remove swift would be long, expensive and risky af, and you would still need to be able to send swift transactions to all the banks that dont want to or cant afford to move away from swift.

Dont stop believing in the future, or driving the new tech, but be realistic

t. banking fag

>> No.11166528

the truth that no one wants to accept is SWIFT is evolving. they handle transactions worth into the trillions. So yes, it might not be cutting edge but they use what is already established and trusted. this doesn't mean its out of date. this only means that they pick and choose which direction they want to move to.

>> No.11166554
