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11160048 No.11160048 [Reply] [Original]

I've started microdosing LSD a while ago. Today is the first day that I've tried to daytrade since. For now I'm just playing around with small amounts but right now I'm on a streak. In the last 1.5 hours I've completed 5 trades with a ROE of 3-5% on each one. I'm not going by indicators, just price levels, intuition and a glance at the orderbook every now and then and it seems so fucking easy right now.

>> No.11160062

>The absolute state of zoomers

>> No.11160072

I'm 32.

>> No.11160079

>OP makes a loss
>loses 50%
>Bye bye gains

>> No.11160094

>loses 50%
Ever heard of SL, you newfag?

>> No.11160142

>I use drugs that deplete my seratonin on a daily basis

Have fun with the depression that will hit u the second you stop micro dosing. You fell for the micro dosing meme.

>> No.11160153

Microdosing is not worth it. Save your serotonin for day-to-day sober activities, and deplete it with actual full trips.

>> No.11160226

I know some acidheads who can't spell bitcoin. It is important to recognize your own accomplishments here. Good job anon.
Things I have done while lightly dosed that I only praise my own intellect for:
>got my first shutout
>leaned solidity
>kissed the motherfucking sun

>> No.11160246

I think you're confusing LSD with MDMA, bros. The meme that LSD depletes serotonin is from the 70s and has been debunked a long time ago.

>> No.11160259

>he isn't vaping DMT out of a wax pen
>he doesn't take trading advice from the DMT machine elves
never gonna make it, bro

>> No.11160271

what dose?

>> No.11160282

God i wish i had dmt
Idc if im a 18 year old virgin
I want dmt more than a gf
Too pussy to use tor
Never bought buttcoins
But gonna invest in xrp one day
Fuck my life you lucky druggie bastard

>> No.11160290

Played around with different doses and found that lower doses produce better and more noticeable effects. Right now I'm taking about 7-8μg 5 days a week.

>> No.11160437

Lsd absolutely has an effect on seratonin you imbicile. Not as much as mdma, but it does.

>> No.11160465

Bro I'm all for using substances responsibly as tools, but you've got to remember it's not the acid that made those trades. It's just you operating at a high level

>> No.11160545

Educate yourself.


>> No.11160564

You realize you can just order it off ebay? The root bark that is, but it's so easy to extract. Even Amazon had some a while bac

>> No.11160566

Lsd is an agonist, mdma is a reuptake inhibitor and serotonin releaser

>> No.11160623

Actually lsd is basically a funky very similar substitute for saratonin. The chemical binds to saratonin receptors, but the structure is different so you receive an lsd feeling signal instead of pure saratonin. This is part of the reason it can feel so good. MDMA on the other hand does not imitate saratonin, but instead transmits a signal to your brain that tells it to release as much pure saratonin as it can, which is why it feels so tranquil. MDMA heavily depletes your saratonin levels, which depending on your mental health can take a few weeks to restore. But lsd doesn't flood your brain with any saratonin that your body produces, it just is the chemical your brain receives itself. This is why you can take 20 hits of acid, trip the fuck out, and still come out functionable, but if you were to take too high a dose of MDMA, you could cause some serious damage to your brain, and you might not be able to function for days. M can even kill you, but it's rare someone is dumb enough to take that much

>> No.11160642


That was supposed to be for this guy

>> No.11160655

Fucking with your natural brain chemistry one way instead another doesn’t make it better.

Also 5ht2b causes heart valve issues. Listen anon, iv had life changing trips, iv microsed for weeks as well. It’s shit. Lsd, mdma, shrooms ect should all be used only once In a while.

>> No.11160713

Also to add, Alexander shulgan who actually came up with lots of these “research psychadlics” actually ended up needing heart valve surgery

>> No.11160736

>iv microsed for weeks as well. It’s shit.
Your subjective experience doesn't make it an objective truth and if you can't tell the difference between the two you probably have autism.

>> No.11160760

Lsd irreversibly binds to serotonin receptors. The only way that neurons can take care of this is to absorb and digest (read:destroy) the affected receptors. Do you retards even research before going on drug binges?

>> No.11160825

Let these idiots be. Lsd is an amazing drug. But just as with anything, use it sparingly. Iv done tons of drugs through out my life, all types of research chems blah blah blah. Now I stick to weed every once in a while, amphetamines on the weekends and mdma/lsd/shrooms every 2-3 months. They will learn the hard way.

>> No.11160859

Have fun needing heart valve surgery at 40 idiots. Do some research about 5ht2b effects on the heart.

>> No.11160877

It ruined my life. Haven't dosed for almost two years and never returned to normal. I just want them to be careful.
Good luck brother, I'm glad you can still enjoy it all.

>> No.11160938

should i even fuck with this shit? ive only eaten pot edibles and drank. I wanna experiment with shrooms but don't want to fuck my shit up permanently

>> No.11160945

Anyone microdose cannabis? I find a tiny bit (0.05g) of good quality bud will give a lovely tranquil experience. Can never understand why people put so much in their joints or smoke it just pure.

>> No.11160960


Don't fuck with drugs...

It takes years to re balance that shit.

>> No.11160979

Using it responsibly and it will change your life for the better.

>> No.11161000

Research the science, read trip reports, heed the warnings of people who have taken a lot of it, and don't take it more than a few times a year. It's safe and good to do sparingly, provided you don't have a big mental illness (things like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia).
IME shrooms are a better first time trip. The experience is less 'forceful' and it lasts half as long.

>> No.11161057

i guess my questions really is can i go my whole life not doing it? will i miss something or is it a must at least once?

>> No.11161081

You will defiantly see life from a different perspective after a good trip.

>> No.11161114

legit MDMA just doesn't do much for me anymore, i only take it once a year to not get completely burnt off it. Kinda depressing that i'll probably only take it 10 more times in my life.

The big thing now is coke, i hate that shit but it's so fucking moreish and every night out feels boring without it. I've taken it more in the past 2 months than in the past 5 years. Feels fucking bad man. And i swear i don't even get the confidence thing anymore it just feels rush-y and hyped and i just wanna do more coke, it also lasts fuck all, is expensive as tits and makes me feel like dogshit for at least two days.

But i'm a degenerate so ya know, what you gonna do. Gonna try ket soon hopefully, hopefully it's better than coke. Saving my psychedelic journey for when a couple of years, gotta get shit in place first.

>> No.11161130

That all depends on who you are. There are some people who just see some neat stuff, giggle a lot and go back to their life unchanged. Other people are strongly affected by the experience. The only way to find out is to do it, and the only reason you should do it is if you're very curious and feel drawn to do it.

>> No.11161162

However what people fail to mention is a bad trip will put you in a literal hellscape. What you see you cannot unsee.

Thank God I didn't descend too far because it was the scariest thing in my life, Don't get me wrong, at the end of the trip I was loved up and felt like God, but is it worth it? I honestly don't know, but I wouldnt do it again unless I reach a critical milestone and feel very safe and secure.

If you have any insecurities or fears they will mentally rape you.

>> No.11161168

only takes once to get burned bad

>> No.11161179

Comparing lsd to MDMA is just irresponsible. You can actually hurt people by spreading info like that

>> No.11161208

but I don't want to be defiant

>> No.11161262

I used to do coke often as well. When going out now I just pop some amphetamines. Last much longer and I don’t feel “dirty or cracked out”

I used to love love love mdma, after abusing it for years, it doesn’t have close to the same effect it used to even if I haven’t dosed for months.

>> No.11161283


Idk what you define as "normal" but I'm always hearing vague descriptions of people doing acid and "never being the same again." Do you ever think you might just be tripping about it? I do acid often, and I can definitely say I'm not the same, but I believe all my changes have been positive. The only way I can describe it is like feeling more awake. I notice every little detail. I see everything so a complex paradox. All in all my mind is just sharper. I don't know how to describe it. The only thing I would say could be described as negative is increased paranoia. But realistically should I not be paranoid? I think we should all be this day and age, and could just be a side effect of increased awareness

>> No.11161327

yeah. i like putting it in the grinder with blue lotus to dilute it

>> No.11161329

I’m not comparing it you fucking idiot. Iv done lsd-25, 1p-lsd, eth-lsd, athlad, not to mention all the other 2c/4f/2f and betaketones iv experimented with. Trust me, I’m very well versed in the pharmacology of drugs and how they effect the brain. Iv done tons and tons of research. Iv letting you fucks know that any substance that messes with your natural brain chemistry is not good to do on a daily basis. All of these drugs also cause heart valve issues over the long term. Go read Alexander shulguns book, read about 5ht2b and calsificstion of your heart valves

>> No.11161342

you sound like you have an addictive personality, and that does not go well with ket

>> No.11161344

I microdosed for two months and have been more or less numb and unmotivated ever since. It also killed my attention span, spatial reasoning/math abilities, and ability to follow conversations. The hard-to-describe metaphysical awareness is neat, but the rest of it fucking sucks.

>> No.11161381

Exactly how I felt after my microdosing experiment. To the fucking t

>> No.11161409

Honest question, how the fuck do people obtain LSD? I have never met a person who has sold it.

>> No.11161419

Okay tru. But people take fucking adderall every day. What if we looked at lsd as an alternative?

>> No.11161463

dream market, the majestic garden

>> No.11161473

Okay I totally see that being possible a after extended use. After taking large doses I find it super hard to follow conversations I don't care about, but when I do care my attention is increased

>> No.11161479

I'm sorry brother. Good luck.

>> No.11161485

Aderrall every day is fucking retarded and irresponsible. This is coming from somebody who is diagnosed adhd and has a script. I only use it if I have a big project to do, or on the weekends while drinking as an alternative to coke. Using it every day fucks up your brain chemistry. You need a good few days off for your brain to try and naturally stabilize chemical levels.

>> No.11161500

I’m fine now anon. After a couple years laying off the major drugs I feel back to baseline.

>> No.11161525

you're wrong, you're supposed to use adderall every day. It's possible your dose is too big.
D4 dopamine receptors don't have tolerance and they are the source of the problems in adhd. Ideally, there would be a substance that's selective for D4 receptors only, but it doesn't exist.

You'r chasing the euphoria from stimulating other dopamine receptors, which is not related to ADHD.

>> No.11161527

>pop amphetamines
not really popular in the UK, unless you mean speed? I feel your pain about MD, i knew it at the time that it was temporary, i just don't bother now

Is ket more addictive than coke? Cheers for the headsup tho, my personality isn't that addictive (relatively) and i actually have a lot going on for me IRL so don't want to fuck it up too bad and i have enough of a brain to know when to stop doing shit that is bad for me. Problem is that if i am not going out that much i feel like i might as well go hard so inevitably it ends up involving drugs + alcohol (often multiday binges).

>> No.11161565

it's weird. some people think ket is meh. other people think it's the best thing ever. just buy small amounts and don't do it too often. also drink a lot of water before and after doing it so it doesn't sit in your bladder

>> No.11161566

Keep believing big pharma. Funny how lots of people who have amphetamine scrips also get benzo scripts to beat the anxieties and sleep problems. They all about making money anon. Adhd is bullshit. We went from slow paced farming lives to high paced 50 hour work weeks within 2/3 generations. Our brains did not evolve fast enough to compute all these sensory inputs. This is how magically we have adhd.

>> No.11161570

>hmmm, should i buy of tools and follow a bunch of instructions
>should i buy a vape and some dmt

>> No.11161595

ITT: bunch of degenerate druggies who should all be culled

>> No.11161607

I know bro its fucked. And adderall lovers will defend it with their lives because their brain is reprogrammed to love the shit. Turns you into a zombie. But do you think all these kids who think they need something to get by could be prescribed lsd micro doses instead as a safer alternative? Yeah maybe you shouldn't be taking acid every day but I bet it's safer than what they're prescribing now

>> No.11161616

You could easily fomo in one day

>> No.11161630

Absolutely not. I don't even drink.

>> No.11161637


shit ur brain makes saratonin? mine only makes serotonin

>> No.11161642

>you should be killed for temporarily altering your brain chemistry

Ok bud.

>> No.11161650

>he is scared of drugs

>> No.11161675


>> No.11161693

Me neither drinking is very unhealthy. Drinking is one of the bad drugs

>> No.11161744

I used to vape 0.02 to 0.05g of weed on a regular basis. Kept my tolerance down and let me be decently high.

It'll be like sipping a beer versus pounding liquor.

Hoping for 2-5% THC/2-5% CBD in my state when legalized so I can have a joint and not get too high.

>> No.11161760

Wrong. You don't know what you are talking about, or provide article. I've read a lot on serotonin/LSD and I have never seen such claims

>> No.11161788

For those that know about DMT, I have some from 3-4 years back. Any idea if it's still safe to use?

>> No.11161960

how long does it take the brain to recover from mdma and amphetamine abuse ?

3 years ago i tried out mdma and had like 10 trips over the course of like 6 months. a year later i started doing amphetamines roughly once or twice a months on the weekends.

Overall that really fucked my shit up I feel like I got ADHD from all those trips. My (short-term) memory and attention span are really bad now, i feel like I lost 10 IQ points desu.

Anyone else experienced this? How long does it take the brain to get back to normal?

>> No.11162057

bump for advice

>> No.11162059

I have a chem degree and in general i have an approach towards drugs that maybe isn't optimal but in general i always assume that there is some impurity anyway in the drug so it doesn't really "go off" as such also nothing to say that your batch wasn't years old already. Molecules can break down with light and heat and shit but if it's been in a airtight dry place it should be fine. But then again i'm just some anon on the web so take it with a pinch of (bath) salt. Shit blows that it is all illegal and so no quality control, but you are putting yourself to some degree of risk anyway that a chemical being old seems minor to me.

>> No.11162077


biochem here. dmt degrades to simple organic molecules and is non toxic

>> No.11162090

MDMA a month or so
Amphetamine doesn’t hit your serotonin as much and mostly hits your dopamine. I try to take 4-5 days off a week from amphetamines

When I used to dose every day as per what the doctor said, every time my dose wore off I felt like complete and utter shit. I had no motivation after work to hang out with friends or do anything.

>> No.11162113

Was addicted to amphetamine and serotonin-releasing drugs for 2 years.

I've not noticed much since quitting besides occasional cravings. I'm sure a lot of it is self-fulfilling prophecy by you.

>> No.11162128

honestly, it's semi-permanent. But most people get it as they age anyway, drugs exacerbate it. I've found that when it comes to brain-fog you need to actually do the meme-y things that improve your health such as going outside, eating healthy and exercise and not spend too much time in front of a screen. You just do that for long enough and you start to feel normal. If you want to improve even more get yourself used to going to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 6:00.

Problem is you get bored after doing this for months on end (or at least i do) so you end up letting off some steam and JUSTing yourself for a bit.

Also, you smoking weed? That shit definitely fogs me up if i make it too much part of my life.

>> No.11162230

i haven't taken MDMA for almost 2 years. with amphetamines i mean snorting speed, not ADHD meds like Adderall. So the amphetamine dose was probably a bit higher than what would have been healthy. We usually stayed up for several days without sleep.

I used to smoke weed for a couple of years before starting with speed, but then i got bored with it after i found out about speed. Nowadays I can't handle weed anymore. I am already trying to do some of the stuff you mentioned, thanks for your advice anon.

>> No.11162501

I am a sensitive person, I took 3.5g of shrooms without doing enough research and before I ever tried weed. I came out of it okay, it was an positive and indescribable religious experience for me at the time. if you have any interest in it, go for it. Just make sure you have a day or two off from work or school following.

You can forgo research and just lay in bed with the lights off and music on, and experience closed eyed hallucinations, your brain rendering images in full imagination mode (higher resolution than our eyes can communicate) built from your favorite childhood memories and things you've forgotten.

>> No.11162548

Valid point. My biggest issue with drugs being illegal is a lack of quality control and third party testing. I appreciate the information.

It's been in a dark, cool, place sealed in a small baggie.

Thanks Anon! Between yoy and the other Anon, I feel safer about giving it a go.

>> No.11162558

Two years is better than ten years. Your brain can recover 3

>> No.11162602

shulgin was 80 when he needed it, and he did these drugs regularly

>> No.11162713

I dont have the paper with me right now but DYOR. It came out ~8 months ago.

>> No.11162736

I hope you are not talking about this you absolute retard

>> No.11162807

It ain't that study. Keep looking nigger

>> No.11162837

Listen nigger, I'm pretty sure you misread this on the wikipedia page.

"LSD was found to stay bound to both the 5-HT2A and 5-HT2B receptors for an exceptionally long amount of time, which may be responsible for its long duration of action in spite of its relatively short terminal half-life.[77][78][79] "

>> No.11162918

They banned ephenedrin aka phen phen due to people having heart valve issues as it played with the 5ht2b. A lot of people who abuse drugs probably have faulty valves and don’t even know. Most people just have no energy and are “out of breath and feeling tired” until you go to the doc and he listen to your heart you might think your ok.

>> No.11163076

my doctor listens to my heart every time i have an appointment, and she hasn't noticed anything

>> No.11163110

Source? Or are you a real scientist who is browsing /biz/?????

>> No.11163115

>people who take adderall every day
No one does this

>> No.11163121

I have no MDMA and dont know where to get some, but I have acid. Should I take some in vegas clubs tomorrow?

>> No.11163191

>that 30 yo boomer who gets drug advice from his 1000yo millenial dad

>> No.11163311
File: 31 KB, 599x427, AB5BC217-1F39-435A-B2DD-3353EA5F7570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waste of acid since you’ll try to socialize but you’ll be on different energy levels - spend it in a peaceful nature setting.

>> No.11163361

I took acid before I had to take a 2 hour train ride and it was a fucking awful experience, the teller's face was literally morphing when I had to buy my ticket. I hate doing acid in public but love it in private.

>> No.11163395

If it’s real lsd in 100ug doses....Take a half and you’ll feel right. Iv went to clubs on half a hit and had a great time.
Whatever u do, don’t take any of that shit tier (mdma) that is around in Vegas. It’s either methylone or other shit tier research chemicals.

>> No.11163439

Yo acidbro what's your dose? I've tried 7 to 15 mcg but can't find anything I really like. I either can't tell or get anxiety.

>> No.11163515

i can't think of a stupider thing to do than to take LSD to try and make better trades. hope you lose all your money, dipshit.

>> No.11163750

>i can't think of a stupider thing to do than to take LSD to try and make better trades. hope you lose all your money, dipshit.
You're obviously some Christian boomer newfag. Google microdosing and expand your mind a bit.