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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11158049 No.11158049 [Reply] [Original]

*blows long and slow*
Ahhhh, tough week huh?

>> No.11158065

Is this how neets imagine working?

>> No.11158353

>Boss comes up
>Smacks his crotch up my face
>"So how're the reports, anon?"
>Anon: "We'll I think-"
>"Change of plan, we need them within the end of today instead of end of week, just hurry up. If you can't finish it, you'll have to stay late"
>Anon "O-okay"
>While my boss turns and walks away his crotch movement gives me a carpet burn (pants burn?)

I wish I had the confidence of my boss. The guy is always fucking the best looking girl at work, every new girl he basically bangs them for a few weeks till he can find a new playmate.

>> No.11158377


kind reminder that bosses are wagecucks too. the hierarchy is a follows:

1. NEET Who has never produced anything
2. Retired Business Owner
3. Current business owner
4. Homeless person
5. "Manager" Wagecuck
6. Ants
7. Wagecuck

>> No.11158420


Which type of ants are best?

>> No.11158426

kek, Hollywood

>> No.11158751
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>ask boss on Friday when he needs reports done
>"Oh anon no rush! I won't need them for a few weeks still!"
>11am Monday morning rolls around
>"Hey anon how are those reports coming?"
>"....uh I haven't started th..."
>"I need it for a demo tomorrow, 10am"
>"...uh earliest I can turn around is EOD"
>"3pm today...." *walks away*

This is just a boss way of telling you he fucked up and missed his own deadline.

>> No.11158841

>implying it wasnt his boss's boss who fucked up
Its a long chain of retards all the way up

>> No.11159348
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lmfao, exactly. imagine being such a shut-in you don't realize it's been illegal to smoke in office buildings for probably the last 50+ years

>> No.11159429

awful larp

>> No.11159554

*slow and steady*