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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 105 KB, 900x1200, DdWRXJnVMAAvxUe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11156410 No.11156410 [Reply] [Original]

Skycoin is going to be THE blockchain project that changes the world.
The one that gets mainstream adoption.
The one that is used by companies and people.

Because Skycoin has solved all major issues that other blockchains have, if another blockchain has a good idea they implement it into their Skycoin.

>But anon mesh networks doesnt work
There are already working mesh networks in both Cuba, Detroit and other areas where they operate both with the help of ISPs and without ISPs

>Skycoin is a scam anon, no one is going to use it
Hmm thats weird considering people from Nasdaq, Club of Rome and the UN seems to be looking into Skycoin. In the video below he mentions Obelisk (Skycoins consensus algorithm) and Skyledger
(09:42, 14:15)

>Okay anon but Synth is still a total retard
Does it really matter? We are not going to use Synth, we are going to use the blockchain that he and others are developing, Synth is not the blockchain, just one of the devs.

Skycoin has instant transactions.
Skycoin is free due to the coin hour mechanism.
Skycoin is highly advanced and customizable, companies can launch FULL programs and THEIR OWN blockchains through SkyFiber.

The Obelisk consensus algorithm has solved all of the problems that other blockchains have, such as DoS, Sybil and 51% attacks but also energywaste.

Skycoins transactions are untracable and anonymous with the help of CoinJoin

Skycoin has its own programming language based on Golang.
Their programming language called CX is much more advanced and capable of doing all kinds of things. Info here

Skycoin will also feature cloud computing and cloud storage with the help of Skywire (Mesh network)

To read more, go to

>> No.11156432

You sir are a faggot.

>> No.11156466
File: 13 KB, 470x244, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I do to your wife

>> No.11156535
File: 177 KB, 607x608, 1520121397917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i do to your wifes boyfriend

>> No.11156570

pure trash
enjoy holding all the way to 0 hahahhahahahhaha

>> No.11156695

That's a strange way to type 1000

>> No.11157221

b-but, that's me anon.

>> No.11157239

They claim to have solved these issues, but so far they've got nothing more than an obsolete centralized blockchain with a 100% premine

>> No.11158011
