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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11155195 No.11155195 [Reply] [Original]

Just how fucking retarded is anime-chan?

>> No.11155202

she owes us an apology.

>> No.11155217

He was the reason I was able for buy link preico
He's pretty cool in my book

>> No.11155218


>> No.11155222


>> No.11155587

Rory is the purest cuck

>> No.11155623

was probably assblaster desu

>> No.11155632

Most anons here unironically think AB started it all

>> No.11156364

anime-chan is not retarded. now i have to say a few of the things they shilled might have been in self interest and not helpful to the general retards on biz, but the majority of anime chans tips were great from what I have researched.

>> No.11156941

anime-chan knew nothing that anyone else knew. He just was moderately informed and made good calls during the bull run where everyone was making 2-10x profit. Trust, I was part of his shit discord where there was complete despair during the feb crash until it went under

>> No.11156954

t-thanks for the Airswap call

>> No.11157073

Gatsby go home

>> No.11157534

Lets rate Anime-chan's calls objectively shall we?
Anime-chan shilled
exitscam rekt
useless team rekt
rekt by bears
Actually have to thank anime-chan for this. he was one of the main shillers for this on /biz/. However, I've tracked his eth address and I know for a fact that he sold his bags.
good gains on this, hope you sodl though.
>Jibrel Network
hodlers rekt, but not totally. Hope you sold in May
>Tao network
Anime-chan's current pet project. it was developed by one Bryce Weiner, a guy who talks big on twitter and slack, but so far there's nothing to back up his words.
One thing to keep in mind is that anime-chan never mentions to his fanboys when he sells. Everyone who is/was clinging to his words would have fallen to the hodl meme if they kept their eyes shut to reality. Which in all honesty is their own fault.

>> No.11157925

fucking animu scammer shilled embers and ods both exitscams kek

>> No.11157949

>but so far there's nothing to back up his words.
Do you know his past? He's trying really hard to cover it up by showing that he meets the SEC. I don't own TAO yet but expect a massive pump.

>> No.11158013

Mfw I have complete doxx on Animechan and no clue how to use it to full effect

>> No.11158168

I can't believe I wasted $20 on this. Fucking animechan.

>> No.11158182

we all do, just leave the guy alone he qt

>> No.11158222

I don't know much about the man desu. I know he develops shitcoins, such as UNO, RZR, XTO. Im on the XTO slack for the lols, occasionally he comes around and starts sharing some outrageous stuff he's doing/done in the past. Drop some deets on why you think theres going to be a pump?

>> No.11158355


>> No.11158643

because you are a cuck who couldn't get into link on his own. Keep licking some manchild's ass