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File: 99 KB, 908x714, wojak hiding his disappointment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1115505 No.1115505 [Reply] [Original]

Who here is a part of the /least favorite child/ crew?

>TFW parents don't care about you and never did
>Tfw parents never gave you any advice or guidance growing up but gave plenty to your siblings
>Tfw parents gave you shitty/unthoughtful/nothing gifts for birthdays and christmas while your siblings got expensive gifts
>Tfw parents are paying for your sibling's tuition in full and yet you need to take out loans and work like crazy just to not be fucked for a decade paying shit off
>Tfw siblings get to go on expensive vacations while parents never help you at all financially despite being able to

>TFW will probably not get an inheritance based on all of this

Feels bad man. What did I ever do to deserve this? How are my other bros dealing with this shit?

>> No.1115509

w.. wwh.. wuh..


come on let's all do it together.


>> No.1115513

>Silverspoon "alpha" detected

Why can't you let us have our time to discuss our bad feels? Shouldn't you be on tinder picking up 10/10's with your perfect genetics?

>> No.1115515

Maybe youre just a shithead and your parents dont like you.

>> No.1115516

I don't recall being a shithead though.

What the hell could I have possibly done to cause this?

>> No.1115523

try r9k

>> No.1115536
File: 307 KB, 1280x960, 20150708_171614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't get invited to family's party

>Hosts own pity party on 4chan

>> No.1115538


>> No.1115554

>didn't receive any advice from parents
>spent everything they had on shit, lived paycheck to paycheck
>never received any kind of pocket money from them
>decided to get money through own effort
>became a /biz/nessman at school
>made a few grand £ in a few years
>leave school
>hate parents spending habits
>listen to Ghostpolitics on Blogtalkradio
>follow advice
>make loadsamoney through investments

Don't blame your parents for not doing your research and continuing not to do so to this day. The resources are out there and you can learn. Don't fall into this pity trap.

t. Favourite child

>> No.1115559

>Don't blame your parents for not doing your research and continuing not to do so to this day. The resources are out there and you can learn. Don't fall into this pity trap.

Of course I'm working on it and doing tons of research, anon.

I'm mostly complaining about never having guidance and being so much further behind financially(siblings getting vacations and tuition paid while I get no help at all). It's not like they can't afford it either.

>> No.1115911


>> No.1115916

I'd love to hear your parents side of the story

>> No.1115924

As would I. They don't really have much to say, just some very weak excuses.

>Anon you're old now that's why your siblings get thousands more expensive gifts than you which you never got!
>Anon you can pay for your own student loans but your sisters can't because they're not able to find a job for x reasons!

>> No.1115954

U sound like a shitty entitled child, if I were your parents I'd do the same

>> No.1115967

Im entitled for finding it a little strange that one child(me) has to pay for everything on his own while the others get tons of shit, guidance and advice in life?

You wouldn't think I'm so entitled if this shit happened to you.

>> No.1115975

Sounds like you're an oldest kid. Maybe your parents just weren't as well off back when you were at the same stage that your siblings are. They're probably treating everyone equal but you're just comparing things the way they were when you were their age.

If you're the youngest, then maybe your parents are just sick and tired of this parenting shit and simply don't value you as much as their earlier kids as a result.

Either way, it sucks but if you work harder to become more self-sufficient, you'll see yourself become a better person than your sibs.

>> No.1115976

No you're entitled for being a college aged man child that is expecting to have shit handed to you simply because your parents are capable of spoiling your siblings. You're whining about not having guidance when the entirety of human knowledge is within your fingertips? From your shitty attitude I'm gonna guess that your parents really hated you and decided to have your siblings so they could experience a real child-parent relationship instead of dealing with a bum like yourself.

>> No.1115987

Oldest child, yep.

Fucking sucks man. When i was a kid we were poor as fuck yet now they have money and STILL won't give me shit.

It's as if you didn't even read the OP.
>You're whining about not having guidance when the entirety of human knowledge is within your fingertips

Yes that would be nice as you are growing up, the internet wasn't really as vast or easily accessible when I needed it the most.

Besides, is it so unreasonable to expect parents to actually... parent? You can't just let kids raised themselves and then expect them to grow up normally and that they just "figure themselves out".

>> No.1116004

Lol you're not gonna go anywhere in life until you realize that you're responsible for yourself at this stage of life and onward. I'm sure millions of kids in foster homes, orphanages, abusive families, Africa, Asia and South America would trade their lives with yours in a heartbeat. Are all millennials like you?

>> No.1116036

>that felt pretty good

>> No.1116039

This guy is just trolling OP.

Your parents are fags, but that's just how it is being the oldest. Just DeFOO and love your life

>> No.1116043
File: 9 KB, 290x174, driver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did I ever do to deserve this?


>> No.1116048

Nobody owes you shit idiot. My parents never gave me shit either.

>> No.1116064

i-i don't want to never communicate with them again tho... Although it seems like it's going to have to come to it. Feels bad bro.

fuck you faggot it's not they can't afford it

I want my rightfully deserved money and i want it right now with interest

>> No.1116069
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1439786778143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this related to biz? Go to fucking r9k you stupid faggot

>> No.1116073

>i want it right now
>not killing whole family

>> No.1116077

Why are you tripfagging? For what purpose?

Do you think anyone values your opinion? This is an ANONYMOUS imageboard. If you want to get postcount and karma you should create a reddit account on www.reddit.com :^)

>> No.1116084

I don't know what all these Ann Rand people are on about, if my family dropped me I be so fucking dead. My family is a squad, dad makes boat loads of cash, mom manages all the finances/cleans house/child care, and I work my own jobs to cover personal costs while studying at school. The amount of advice, things they've done, and connections they've gotten me has put me years ahead in the game. Plus there were some mistakes we made, but my brother will be given even more of an advantage because of that.

Having a good strong family is great for a secure base. If everything fell apart tomorrow I know I can always go back home and start anew with my loving folks. I'm sorry you never got that chance anon. I wish we could've adopted you

>> No.1116088

Similar story here. I never received much advice from my parents though I had an obsession with money and learned a lot about finance through my own research. I was always pulling schemes to make cash, even as a little kid.

>> No.1116090

>I'm sorry you never got that chance anon. I wish we could've adopted you

Thank you anon that means a lot to me.
Sometimes I do wish I could adopted by some other family.

>TFW remember going over to friends house as a child and them being nicer to me than my own family and feeling awkward because I never experienced this

>TFW as an adult seeing happy families and wondering what it would be like to be a part of that

I'm so lonely, anon.

>> No.1116092

>You're whining about not having guidance when the entirety of human knowledge is within your fingertips?

Are you saying that parenting doesn't matter at all? What kind of household did you grow up in?

>> No.1116175

I honestly had sympathy for you until I read
>I want my rightfully deserved money and i want it right now with interest
You self entitled piece of shit. If that's how you are it's a good thing you aren't getting shit. Hopefully you aren't in the inheritance so when your parents die your siblings get a massive wad of cash to buy nice things while you're stuck struggling to get the things they had given to them

>> No.1116182

>Implying I won't dispute the will to the maximum extent with my Jewish legal team

Lmao. I was more memeing than anything but fuck you

>> No.1116322

Youngest child. Least favourite. They have even said it to me.
I don't live with them now, though. I never see them. I almost never talk to them except when they call me for something.

I'm thinking of moving changing my name and everything so I am unrelated to them and I am gone to them.

>> No.1116352

I'm just as smart as my younger sister, and I actually take some of the credit for introducing her to her intellectual pursuits when she was a kid, but she's always been studious while I've always been very lazy. Our parents stressed to us that they wouldn't pay out-of-state tuition and that Michigan was the best public school in the country, so there wasn't any reason to aim any higher than that, and I followed their logic, got mostly Bs with infrequent As, and sailed right in on the strength of my ACT score. I didn't understand why my sister, who had watched me do this right before going into high school, proceeded to spend her every free moment that wasn't spent doing an after-school activity on studying so she could go from definitely getting a 90 to maybe getting a 100 on a test. She clearly didn't enjoy any of it, and yet she continued to do it knowing she'd end up in the same place I did.

But she didn't. She got into Harvard instead. And now I think she wants to go to Harvard Law, which she'll have the grades to get into if she so chooses. I've graduated and work a lovely job that is on the edge of six figures and is the envy of my own friends, but I can't enjoy my success because I stay awake at night dreading that she'll become some famous politician or millionaire or something and praying for her to crash and burn instead. It eats at me so much. Especially since she gets all the attention and praise now from my family. I feel like one of those people who scoffed at the idea of participating in an office lottery pool only to see it actually hit the jackpot.

>> No.1116578


>> No.1116617

Blessing in disguise m8. You'll be a much better person from having to be independent your whole life. Not to mention you don't have to deal with your parents smothering you and watching every fucking move you make (I moved halfway across the country and still have to deal with this shit)

Seriously, consider it a good thing

>> No.1116620

Holy fuck really? Be happy for your sister fuckhead. She works hard and it's paying off. You're doing fine. You can be jealous without being a fucking cunt about it.

>> No.1116639

>get rich and successful
>get married
>buy a bunch of nice shit for your parents inlaw
>your parents want stuff
>"you're old enough to take of yourselves?"
>feels good

>> No.1116642

Bro ur funy

>> No.1116644

Ths pretty much

>> No.1116784

Haha. Feels great being the most loved child out of all my siblings. I can literally fuck up, and they'll still bail me out of things.

Luckily for them though I'm here at /biz/.

That'll show my other lesser loved siblings.

>> No.1116796

Only child here who was adopted by rich conservative family. Life has been truly amazing. I have a brother and a sister but we were split up so I didn't have to share shit with them. They hate me because they had to live middle class while I lived the high life.

>> No.1116801

>having loving parents is a bad thing

Bitch please, you should consider yourself luck you whiny ungrateful faggot.

>> No.1116929

Parent here:

Though I might be relatively younger than your folks and have different intentions, I treat my smartest child a bit worse. I make him work harder than my younger son because he often doubts himself or tries to take the easy way out, and he's too good for that. My younger one's kind of an idiot and I know he won't be able to afford all the things I can give him, so I am (more appallingly, if you feel that way about it) giving him "preferential" treatment out of pity for the slow bastard. My older one though, I'mma learn him to be the man I know he can be - at the very least so he can help his moron brother when I'm long gone.

>> No.1116933

Have fun being resented

>> No.1116937

I know that feel bro.

Luckily managed to land in a pretty cool/decent job the only "bad" thing is that my parents try to rely on me when it comes to money (I'm glad that they are no assholes about it) since my brothers went full douchebag and don't help them after all the aid they got.

>> No.1116938


Fuck all parents who do this shit.

I'm never helping my senpai financially because of this shit.

>> No.1116940

Why don't you tell them to eat dick and "Aren't you old enough to take care of yourselves?"?

>> No.1116955

Well for starters my parents are really old (Dad is 91, brothers are between 45 & 55 and they are pretty well off, it's a really long story), I did recent them for a while but I've always been a kind fool, my brothers don't help at all so I guess im, I don't know it's hard to put into words, I tell myself it's out of pity but deep inside I know it's something else.

>> No.1117061


>> No.1117072

what kind of pathetic excuses are these? you chose to suck, that's not your parents fault.

fuck your shit thread OP.

>> No.1117074

fuck you.

>> No.1117076

No guidance, having to pay for everything on my own, etc is pretty big desu.

How is that an excuse when it seriously affects people. Do you think children just raise themselves?

>> No.1117090

They paid for my sisters bs and masters in anthropology at GW in DC.
They bought here a 500,000$ condo in dc.
They bought her a car
She crashed it
They bought her another one.

Me. Im in a used truck i bought.
Living in a slum paying $600 a month
50k in student loan debt.

>> No.1117095

How exactly haven't you killed them yet?

I would have uncontrollable rage.

I'm angry as it is but that is just incredible. What the fuck?

>> No.1117097

Forgot to add.

I dont care.

I can stand on my own. I dont need their support

>> No.1117121
File: 72 KB, 579x576, sadpuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: First world crybabies.

There are plenty of people who are far more disadvantaged than you ever were, yet still found success by busting their ass and networking, while you sat on yours and cried about how unfair the world is. People like you never contribute to the betterment of a company or whatever because you're always so focused on stupid issues like this.

If you were worth anything you wouldn't be crying about such menial things. Go DO something with your life for fucks sake. Or just wind up behaving just like your shitty parents do, it's your decision. It always was your decision. And it looks like you chose to bitch on 4chan, good job.

>> No.1117143

Op. Look at it as you aren't owed anything in life. Anything given to you is a gift. My siblings get more things from my folks and will likely get more things than i ever will, but you should not resent them. That doesn't better your position in life. Do what you can to succeed and know you'll feel better about yourself earning your way through life.

>> No.1117216


>> No.1117231

I know niggers in Africa have it worse but I don't care.

It's just not fair that I get born into a family with enough money but they don't give me shit. Like what kind of bullshit is that?

>> No.1117242
File: 151 KB, 715x1100, succeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

survivor bias, also you sound like a complete normy

>Go DO something with your life for fucks sake
Thinking about a problem and trying to find answers is the right thing to do, you are essentially asking >>1117076 to stop this and try something futile and poorly thought through, fail, then try some other retarded bullshit that won't work ad infinitum.

>> No.1118007


>> No.1118062

What exactly should I be grateful for?

Growing up sheltered and socially retarded because I was never allowed to go out, leaving me to have to learn to socialize in my early 20s after I'd moved out?

Feeling guilty for doing the things I want to do in life despite my parents' interests for me, because I know they just want me to be okay, even knowing that what they believe is wrong?

Being pressured into making a lot of money so I can support my parents in their old age financially, and feeling obligated to do so because they've always cared about me, even though they've never had the money to support me financially (not even for an education?)

Despite how well I've turned out as a person my mom is still convinced I'm a womanizing asshole and my dad thinks I'm going to be a junkie because I was caught smoking weed once as a teenager. Their "caring about me" is mentally exhausting and even though I live halfway across the country from them now I still feel guilty for doing things they might not approve of, even if it's the silliest dumbest shit that does not merit getting upset over (if my mom knew I enjoyed watching South Park she would freak out).

>> No.1118069

>tfw youngest
>tfw older brother went to good college graduated now married to qt with newborn
>tfw older sis went to med school and now making very good money
>tfw I went to 9 month tech school and now a truck driver

I'm only 21 so might go back to school if Bernie wins for that there free college

>> No.1118981


>> No.1119119

My parents were both sever alcoholics that didn't give a fuck about any of us.

>> No.1119127

Why does your mom think you're a womanizer? That's weird.

>> No.1119843

Bump desu

>> No.1119847

I fucked up alot, but my brother ended up being gay


>> No.1119897

> poor brown people would trade you meme
> implying that even matters as a point
> implying that because there are poor people OP should feel guilty
I know there are sober kids in Africa but bud light is shit and I dont want it.
Fuck them and you baby boomer

>> No.1120300

I was the sibling without the brains and the ambition, so I got fucked over by the economy.

My sister got a doctorate in physics and walked into a high-paying job, and I didn't get a job for ages because there weren't any around.
I'm not bitter; failing the exams was my own stupid fault. I got more common sense and practical skills, though. And I drive a nicer car.

>> No.1120320

Parents have favorite children for all sorts of reasons but there are no parents on this planet who treat all their children equally. I wouldn't worry about it too much, the reasons could be endless and in the end, meaningless. Maybe your father was cucked by your mother? Maybe you are smarter than the rest thus require less help? I would just be glad you had siblings, lone children are a bit weird I think.

>> No.1120329

What are your plans for your life?

>> No.1120341

I'm not an only child but I was raised as one and I couldn't tell you why some only children are as weird as they are. Shit made me independent and self sufficient. I had no one standing up for me or watching out for me so I had to learn to watch my own back. Then again my adopted parents went out of their way not to coddle me so that probably has something to do with it. My gf is an only child too and she's kind of weird though when it comes to sharing shit and being territorial when it comes to our roommates.