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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 191 KB, 1200x1800, 1509949044220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11154253 No.11154253 [Reply] [Original]

>like money (don't we all?)
>absolutely hate my job
>only thing keeping me from quitting is fear of not finding a similar, or better, paying job down the line
every day is a struggle not to quit. what do boys?

>> No.11154405

Whats going on in this pic?

>> No.11154413

My boner getting slightly aroused

>> No.11154430

do what I did and just unconciously self sabotage until you get fired and you have to find a better job

>> No.11154541

.... I'd fuck it anyway

>> No.11154605


I know that feel bro

I know that feel

>> No.11154620

Hey you're just like everyone else in the world.

>> No.11154622

are you retarded? you're supposed to find the new job BEFORE you quit

>> No.11154626

Some creep took a picture of two women conversing.

>> No.11154629

kind of did this myself.
started coming to work 1 or 2 hours late every day.
i made up a few of the hours but mostly just took advantage of it.
a month later they threw a hissy fit, they didn't fire me but put me on heavy probation.
i thought they were fags so i quit on the spot.

now i work from home and never even applied for any jobs

>> No.11154818

I think that’s Emma Roberts.

>> No.11155186

I kind of feel like I'm doing this but I'm too much of a pussy to get to >>11154629's level. I'm basically just coasting and accumulating until either the economy shits the bed or I have enough to not worry about damaging my "career". I'd take a pay cut at this point for any even comfier job, but it's hard to find jobs where you don't actually have to work for obvious reasons.

>> No.11155210

fucked up thing is jobs where you have to work less, make you even more fucking out of your mind if you cant do alternative things.

like thos lollypop men at roadworks, theyre all horribly depressed idk how they do that job for a lifetime

>> No.11155297

Yeah I meant a job with flexible hours where I can fuck around on my computer in privacy and do like 2 hours of actual work a day (code monkey). Lately I've been getting pretty close to the ideal, but I'm underpaid, get mediocre benefits, and work with incompetents. But if the alternative is to spend all day doing actual work for my employer and being around "ambitious" wagegoyim I'll just ride this out.

>> No.11155460

fat gut absolutely disgusting.

>> No.11155846

It's filled with my seman

>> No.11155852

she show bobs and veagina to me

>> No.11155876

Have been doing this constantly but it's like groundhog's day and nothing ever comes of it.

>> No.11156718

hi /tv/

>> No.11156789

yep. the biz way

>> No.11156830

you sound like the guy im about to fire. good luck.

>> No.11156930

just nofap

>> No.11157080
File: 15 KB, 437x431, 1537445552123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no matter how hard I self sabotage I'm still doing a better job than the stupid boomers in my company

Contract ends next week. They will probably propose me a renewal today. What the fuck I just wanted to relax for a while.

>> No.11157115
File: 29 KB, 735x621, received_2258873327674936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do shit for 9 hours + commuting
>Go home battered and demotivated
>Check open positions

How the fuck am I supposed do suspend my disbelief while reading this pieces of HR shit after a full day spent staring the abyss?

>> No.11157984

Just bee urself dude lmao

>> No.11158951

problem is I'm still more useful than my coworkers despite putting in the bare minimum. If you pay below average and hire incompetent people out of ignorance/desperation, you would have to be an utter moron to fire the few competent people you have because they don't slave hard enough. are you one of those boomers who hire pajeets because they're cheap and "work" so hard, even though their output is trash? lmao

I've been waiting for the axe to fall for years now but it hasn't happened.

>> No.11159443


>> No.11160001

If those are men I’m now gayer than you are