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11153792 No.11153792 [Reply] [Original]

>Redpill about woman
This post was made to make it clear to some young biz guys that doesnt understand how woman work.

A lot of you guys can understand crypto and intra specific topics but cant understand humans and woman, so I'll be your translator about this topic.

Let's say the world is a global exchange and every human out there is into it, there are two major classes: males and females.

The difference between both is that the female group have inner advantages in the market, they already have their stablished functions, proposals and are scarce things as the humanity depend on them to survive.
Male group at another level is a group that isnt scarce and that by nature doesnt have vallue attached to itself.

In the global humanity exchange the initial value would be:

For every good thing someone do it will increase their value in the market, for every bad thing it will decrease their market value.

Things like social reputation, social respect, beauty, wealth, signs of power are things that can increase or decrease a individual value.

If you want to have a good quality woman that is a scarce resource you will need to have enough value to be able to hold it, that value can be constructed through wealth, social position, social circles, your perceived value or at extreme scenario "luck" by itself.

So if you get fit, have a good graduation, have good network and have social respect you will end up having a bigger market value than if you dont.

See yourself like a business: the more good things you do the better market reputation and feedback you will receive, the less things you do the worst your market reputation and feedback you will receive.

A man that is socially respected, with proper skills and social position is like a crypto that have some "technical" things behind it, that will report his gains and losses to the market.

>> No.11153824

In the other side someone that is "hidden" from the world, that is a social paria and that is a outsider is like a shady crypto that you dont know the developers, dont know the tech aspect of it, doesnt know of any feedback and that doesnt have any social reputation.

So what you show in the global world exchange?

Do you hide yourself, doesnt have any network, any skill or talent, any hability and still think you will receive value because you are a snowflake?

Probably wont happen.

>> No.11153945

Thanks, just bought a favela prostitute for 5 dollars

>> No.11153962

>A man that is socially respected, with proper skills and social position is like a crypto that have some "technical" things behind it, that will report his gains and losses to the market.

Truth. Except you actually think autists on 4chins will invest even a couple of years in developing themselves?

>> No.11154006

Use condom.

We have some underage aspies and some young guys that doesnt know what path they should follow, so its a "blind shot" with the hope to help someone, for me its fine.

>> No.11154634
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I disagree with the "good social network". This is a scheme by the jews to distract men from improving themselves, and instead focus on time wasting social events.

If you want to fuck women, the best and quickest way is a good tinder. And how do you get a good tinder
-pose in front of lambo
-be buff
-good face + hair
-tall (optional)
-pay 3 women to pose with you to look like you have good social influence
-be interesting

So, see it this way. That 1 hour you wasted trying to make 3 new guy friends by playing ping pong with them?
You could have spent that 1 hour working out, studying to get good grades, making money in crypto, sleeping so you look good.

And, even if you do make lots of friends. Theres no gauranteed that will lead to a girlfriend. Most guys who do this, they end up making a bunch of guy friends who they secretly hate, and maybe 1 or 2 female friends who already have boyfriends.

You need to learn that all this "friendship" bullshit means nothing. POWER is what attracts girls

See it this way. If youre a world famous mangaka and you go to a cosplay con where youre the guest of honor. Do you think that said celebrity will have any trouble banging the women there even if he has no friends?
Or what about a famous actor showing up to a con?
Or how about a muscian at a concert? Dave Mustaine didnt need any female friends to get laid.

point is "social connections" is a pure 100% jew lie, to distract men from improving themselves, being powerful and attaining celebrity status. Just so they can waste 5 hours doing stupid bullshit like the track team, and be in a total sausage fest.

So trust me on this. Having a really really really good dating profile is a 100x more worth it than having a bunch of guy friends and females who friend zone you.

>> No.11154664

Stfu dumb cunt women actually minorities in majority of countries around the globe.

>> No.11154675
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>> No.11154676

Once you realize women are NPCs you'll know how to handle them

>> No.11154686

I told in the post that network is a good thing, network isnt the same as friendship, I agree with your points.

Power is obtained through wealth, connections or something unique.

I never said to befriend everyone and listen to their bullshit, I tried to point that "network" is really crucial and it will works in wealth benefit and relationship benefits.

>> No.11154706

what shithole country is that?

>> No.11154723
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For someone that have 100k the $5 can appears to be nothing.

But someone that doesnt have anything to eat the $5 will seem to be a lot.

At the end its the perspective that matters, woman have intrinsical value and men dont.

The exceptional ones arent NPC's.

Atleast not one with the normal IA.


>> No.11154734

>and are scarce things

That's what he said you cum guzzling faggot

>> No.11154745

based favelanon.

>> No.11154782
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Even if you have 10 woman and 3 males the life of the 10 woman are at a primitive level more scarce and more valuable than the 3 male life.

The males cant reproduce by themselves, and you just need 1 male to make all the 10 woman pregnants, so at a basical level just the sperm of the males have a primitive value.

So even in a place where you have 3 females for 1 male the male ones wont have intrinsical value because as I told you just the females can be the life "hosters", whether man cant.

It's just that, if you want to have value as a man you gotta do or inherit something, but a woman have intrinsical value just because she exists.

That was a simple point that I wanted to show.

>> No.11154967

Women just pretend they have any value but they don't, men do everything better, and reproduction isn't a issue nowadays because of overpopulation
try again

>> No.11154983

Search for treatment, you live in a distorted reality.

>> No.11155016

Jesus, I can't read pajeet. Translation anybody?

>> No.11155023

Let me translate to your pussie language:

Xin chon xeng, do you wanna bang?

>> No.11155089

I thought it was the set of District 9

>> No.11155099
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does this blogger pay people to agree with him or do you faggots actually like this nigger?

>> No.11155112

nice argument feral nigger

>> No.11155119

we like that nigger so stay salty faggot

>> No.11155146

I'm not joking, humans still the same.

>> No.11155231
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Your advice overrall is pretty generic and sucks.
>hurr men are useless
>you fucking suck, all men, die
>you need to somehow get good. women like power, so get that

You want to know what helps people?
Encouragement and specifics.
i provide it here >>11154634 i tell people specifically what they need to buy and do to get women
Im actually optimistic. I dont tell /biz/ they are hopeless and cant get none.

You on the other hand
>lol, just kys if you cant obtain power. women think youre useless

also, youre a cuck
>durr, 3 women dont need 1 man, because only one man is required to
and i stopped right there.

Youre basically saying that given the oppurtunity, a guy will preganate all 10 women. All 10. Doesnt matter if their personality matches, or if one of the women is fat, or what race they are most sexually attracted to. Its just, Pussy is on a pedestal to you fag, and you think youre gender worthless. And thats the basis of your argument, you think all women are worth $5 to every single man in the world, because youre a useless namefag with no standards at all.

fuck off. you dont give advice. this is just fap material for /r9k/

If you want girls, i keep on saying it.
Get money. Get lots of surgery to make yourself look good. Get a mansion and car to pose in front of. Go on tinder, get many girls to fuck you. And thats how you do it.

>> No.11155302


>> No.11155304

Dude, you are so far from reality you didnt understood what I meant with this post.

I dont punt anything on a pedestal, find treatment because you are really far from the real world.

Stop with those tai cartoons because they are fucking you up.

Even being a favela guy I have a rich gf that I took her virginity.

>> No.11155314

Even if you like it or not any woman have an intrinsical value because they can be the life hoster and a man cant do it the same way.

I never told guys here are hopeless, I just told them that woman have a natural value and to be able to get them they have to acquire value.

>> No.11155349

Fuck off pajeet you've never been closer to a woman than you have a toilet bowl and you know it kys

>> No.11155350

based and redpilled

>> No.11155358
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It's WOMEN you fucking retard

>> No.11155377
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Check the shirt, I already posted proofs.

>> No.11155395
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Same T shirt, she paid the food, she paid the motel, she paid everything.

I'm not delusional.

>> No.11155409
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Also, before you talk any other shit.

I already fucked blonde girls, white girls with black hair and blue/green eyes, black girls with big ass, I already fucked a lot of woman even being a favela guy because I still have balls.

Fuck off anyway.

>> No.11155421


Why? Because he's obnoxious and pretends he knows what he's talking about? Didnt know biz was so easy to impress.

>> No.11155434

Dude, I told a guy I would try to point him out why "he didnt had any sucess with woman even if he was smart", I'm not with time and energy to do something deep right now, kind of tired.

So thats all you get for today, a superficial conversation, if was another day could be something different but today it wont.

I already posted proofs and all kind of shit, but today and now I wont.

You can assume I just talk bullshit and its fine, have a good night.

>> No.11155593

Gnight buddies.

>> No.11155618

cringe and bluepilled
here's how you get any woman to fall in love with you:
1) be passionate in your endeavors in an inclusive way rather than exclusive. this makes you interesting and unique, and the woman you're talking to feels interesting and unique herself by virtue of you taking the time to talk to her
2) rape her. that is, once the fish is reeled in, make her feel desired by being relentlessly forward with what you want to do to her body. no creep fetishes, keep that for later. instead just talk about wanting her so bad you'd cover her mouth and stick your cock inside, ramp it up to calling her a bitch once she responds positively, then push your desires one by one, by trying one out, see how she reacts, and never pull back but just seamlessly switch to another act if she doesn't react positively to the previous thing. it's all about keeping the rhythm going
3) go and have sex with her, and tell her what to do, make her say she's a bitch, and so on. NEVER ask for consent, and only ask if she feels good in a semi aggressive way, while you're forcing yourself on her
4) stay with her, comfort her and cuddle her once she's done and you're done
ALL women work this way, from the lowest of the low to the top quality 10/10 qts. never fall for the chad meme or the money/status meme, all you need is to be at least normal height (5'7" and above), normal dick (5 inches and above), not fat and no face difformity, and doing the above properly will get you in her pants, no matter who she is

>> No.11155631

I already have a woman that felt in love with me, do you have one?

>> No.11155664

Good night favelabro :3

>> No.11155671

I found a guy that is helping me to do the translation of the height book, so I'll end that faster than if I was alone.

>> No.11155677

duh? why would i write a how to get women to fall in love with you if i didn't? leave it to tripfags to not only make it personal but also plain nonsensical

>> No.11155688

fuck reading this thread im gonna play video games

>> No.11155705

Well, that's just your opinion man.
There isnt just a way to get the honey from the bees. I just wont dont wanna say to a newbie to put his hand in the first time he try it.
Good game

>> No.11155920
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this desu. Based and redpilled
Just lol at guys who think you need to be a male model to fuck hot girls. Anyone who goes outside sees average looking guys who are maybe slightly masculine with stunning women. It's so much about game and confidence, looks only matter a lot if your game is shit.

>> No.11155947

Weren't you going to post about 48 laws of power, from thread yesterday

>> No.11155956

An anon posted the full book in a archive link, didnt found it again.

Have you read it yet?
Also. I have read that screenshot.

Same words, different approach.

>> No.11155975

You must be a lonely sad fat jerking off fuck.

What the fuck did i just read? You cant compare humans as a math equation. Thats your first problem. Second of all i guess you have never been with a woman. Third what the fuck is this women are already higher in society when born into this world. Fourth you cant fucking type so maybe you should educate yourself instead before you start bashing others.

>This anon is a man.

Women start off the same as we do. Your post reeks of incompetence and unconfident attitude. I dont about you dude but women chase me not the other way around. You dont know how to treat a woman. If you become fit, high status in social life, have resources (MONEY), can provide for your woman, take actions with your woman, discipline them if they are a cunt they will run after you not the other way around.

Jesus dude get outside for a moment. You have been dwelling too much in the basement. You wont believe the best feeling of having a fit, beautiful woman to spend time with. Better than sitting on 4chan jerking off to anime porn.

>> No.11155977

go to: libgen.io
or: gen.lib.rus.ec
and search for it, first result is an epub, way better than a pdf

>> No.11156012

Thanks, will save that link.

Wtf bro?
Lol, you said the same thing with another words.

>> No.11156016
File: 14 KB, 558x614, 664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking retarded anon? you basically just confirmed what op said in his post you literal brainlet

>> No.11156020

bro what song is this? i think mc zaac produced buy not the song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ4JLoG1-uI

>> No.11156024

I may hate the autistic fevelaANO, but your post reeks of insecurities. Either you're a w*Manoid lardplanet/catlady or some niceguy incel type.

>> No.11156057

Lol bro you made me watch this jailbait video logged on my youtube account...

Its that music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ_WpRO2QJI

People are fucking crazy bro.


>> No.11156078

What a hard morning. NEET level at its highest.

Sure live in your math world that women and men are an equation and that women have a higher level in society compared to men. Its so bullshit i cant fathom. You see the problem is that if you look like a fat slob who sits on the computer all day playing vidya you think that cute, beautiful girls are not looking at you because they are higher in society.

Its the opposite. Take it as this if you like "Math". Look in the mirror and look over your social status (resources, education, etc.). Now think of a woman who would be right beside you. If you like vidya, you weight 280 pounds and live with your parents then you deserve a woman who looks 280 pounds, plays vidya and lives with their parents. Its that easy. Dont even think about getting a 7/10 to 10/10 gf. They will look at you with disgust.

You deserve a fat piggy with piercings who likes to eat. Deal with it. If you want a fit, cute, loving girlfriend then you need to act the same way, look fit, love her and have the same social status. Nowadays world is so "Internet" that basically everything is out of reach. Oh lets look at instagram and see what others are doing blablabla. Find the girl you love and want but expect to perform as well.

>Inb4 again you confirm blabla our story.

Ofc nowadays world is fucked. I agree with you. I am also redpilled. Yes IT IS FUCKED but what can we do? We are only 100 people on this fucking board so we either play by the rules or DO EXACTLY WHAT? Im enjoying my life but im also redpilled.

>> No.11156084

that cris pkena she is like 24. but thanks alot!

>> No.11156113

Dude, I have the same point that you wanna show, is just a different perspective, a different angle...

I'm redpilled, I already have a gf, I never said to anyone be delusional and far from reality.

Hope you have a good day, drink some water man.

>> No.11156130

take your meds anon

>> No.11156137

Didnt read lol

>> No.11156140

Im drinking coffee right now and some sparkling water later. Thanks for your tips faggot.

So what is the discussion then here? That women have a higher social status or what? Thank the Western culture for that. Feminazis and SJW are ruining it. If you want a better environment go to Japan or Scandinavia + Baltics. Women there are still traditional and dont care about the nowadays problems. They care about living in the moment. I will never live in a SJW society. Fuck that.

>> No.11156153

Im loving the hate here. You dont seem to be different from SJW.


Get a fucking grip you losers. Now let it sip in. YOU ARE LOSERS LOL! :D

>> No.11156156

>be a subhuman from a 3rd world shithole
>can't take a simple fucking picture correctly
Really dude can you hold your phone level and not always take pictures angled like a fucking retard?

>> No.11156157


>> No.11156159

Favela anon I thought you said you were going to help me with motivation

>> No.11156162

I still think you are a loser dude sorry. You are just trying to justify for being a loser on a higher level. Nobody cares about you dude. You are just a loser.

>> No.11156164

Being a niceguy on the internet won't get you puss puss btw.

>> No.11156174

You everyday

>> No.11156178
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The discussion is something that is really simple: woman have intrinsical value on the nature market and men dont. So we need to build that value to the point we will have enough value to hold quality woman or enough that then will "chase" us.

Is just some advice that the younger anons need to improve themselves.

Its almost 3 am here.
My phone is made from retail parts, if I stay on the same position the camera lose the focus and it become a blur image, I was in the car, thats why the angle isnt normal.
I'll, just tired today.

Send me a email, I'll give you my telegram.


Bro, really get some water, we are all at the same boat and you are getting rushed for no reason.

>> No.11156203

But women also need to build their value. Wash themselves, look nice, act accordingly, if they dont act then listen to their men, buy nice clothes themselves (im not talking about Beta shit here where you buy them shit), be intelligent.

Like dudes im hoping you have never been in a relationship with an unintelligent thot Stacy. Those are the worst. Find an intelligent girl and work your way from that. There are plenty of fish in the sea. I cant be arsed even with thots. They bore me with your stupid ass talk and if they look ugly then i wont waste my fucking time either. Currently been with a partner for 4 years and its getting stronger each year. Intelligent, beautiful, high status in society, rich. Like there are those out there as well.

>> No.11156214

t. you

>> No.11156224
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Woman have natural value, even without washing, looking nicer, extreme shy and socially ankward she can find an partner because she can still give birth, yes if she does all right she will have more value, but even at ground zero she is worth something, period.

Dafuq bro, I live in a favela, I aint got resources nor time to be stupid about anything, gotta chase cash if dont wanna starve.

I just said in that way because we have guys so aspies that they doesnt understand normally.

>> No.11156230

don't listen to the trolls OP, i like your threads

>> No.11156234

This is wrong tho. Yeah you may need only this one men to impregnate the 10 women but in turn the 10 women will be worthless cattle to the man with which he can do as he pleases. If its two men they just share the value compared to the one man scenario. When it approaches equal numbers the women will start to make the men their slaves

You lack the reasoning skills of a white person to but you had a good run

>> No.11156252

Man are always slave to the reproduction thing, no woman= no heritage, no population, no life.

You are considering a scenario where survival is already fullfiled without considering that at a primitive level the reproduction is the most valuable thing for some species.

>> No.11156255

Sure buddy go on.

I agree they have natural value of giving birth but you know this will be obsolete in the next 100 to 200 years. Unfortunately we will not see it. When we will advance in technology to a state where there is no need to have a womb or a woman for reproduction, the utopian society would only consist of men because men are stronger in genes, physical and mental capability. I dont know how this is going to affect the psychological state of men, but over time through evolution and technology there is no need for a weak human gender which is women. Our eyes wont see this but in the future i strongly believe that organisms + technology will gain a higher state in terms of advancements of the human race.

Nowadays yes, the value is there, they can get what they want. Thats why im also redpilled and never think that i will be with 1 partner for the rest of my life. What do i do? I stay fit, i only eat a certain amount of calories per day, i go to the gym, i study and gain valuable experiences, currently learning IT after doing a MsC in industry. I trade stocks and LOL crypto for fun. I try to find a better job from periods of time to gain more money.

In the end i try to think like this. Fix yourself and be happy yourself then people will follow you. Always give something to others but never commit fully. You never know, it could all fuck up at some point and then you will be happy if you were HAPPY during those fuckups. Like wow what would happen if my woman would leave me. Nothing, i would just find another one thanks to being fit and i have money to do what the fuck i want to do. Thats my mentality anyways. Keep it cool yo. Peace.

>> No.11156265

I mean, let's just be honest…..

NOBODY likes pedophiles

of course… that goes without

saying… but (you) is obviously

obsessed with the subject….

can you please

explain why ?…

>> No.11156271

Sure buddy go on. Let it all out. Let it all out... It helps man!

>> No.11156273
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didnt read

>> No.11156279

Well women aint gonna do shit without a man as well and like i said even in a survival scenario the women may live as long until she gives birth and even then why should the men treat her good? The bitch can be happy if she gets food even.

>> No.11156288

I accept your concession

>> No.11156292

Well, nowadays we cant give birth to another being without the human host (woman) so when technology change that fact is another thing, if we have an Solar Explosion and all tech got fucked we will have the non tech things, got it?

Its like I'm telling you: So we need gas so the car can still be driven and you tell me "but we will have cars that fly in the future like drones".

Peace dude, peace.

>> No.11156299

>I disagree with the "good social network". This is a scheme by the jews to distract men from improving themselves, and instead focus on time wasting social events.
You can't be that dumb.

>> No.11156300

Because if you dont help her you wont have offspring, there wont be any humankind.

You are talking like you could switch on/off on the brain primitive state of reproduction and survival, but you cant.

>> No.11156301

You dont need to treat a women good or "help her" to make her give birth. Gauge her eyes out make her a useless slave fuck her problem solved

There is no law in a survival scenario and the weak will get dominated

>> No.11156328

Try to get treatment, you are mentally ill.

If you cant even reasoning in a survival scenario and understand something basic you are into some real problems to understand the real world.

>> No.11156344

Haha the one who wants to educate us is a bitch worshipper himself. There is nothing wrong with kicking the teeth out of a whore to stop her from eating your food if you are in a survival scenario that is. Now they have the governments protection and abuse it in every way they can why shouldnt we abuse them every way we can when this protection is gone? You get what you deserve

>> No.11156351

Well yeah thats true if we are talking about the current present. Nothing we could do unfortunately. It is what it is. Do you have any suggestions or you just wanted to state that fact? Because i cant see any solution either just to play by the book here.

>> No.11156354

I also accept your concession. Its cool yo!

>> No.11156355

Dude, if you beat the woman that is with your child you will waste more resources to her get better and not fuck your offspring.

Unless you are trully retard to the point that you wouldnt like to have any offspring or lineage.

The solution is simple:
If you die you wont be able to see
If you stay alive you have the chance to see

>> No.11156386

Pregnancy takes 9 months. After that why should she stay around? What is her body even of use for after lets say a few years after giving birth several times.

A women is only useful a very short period of her life a warrior however will keep your back in battle until he falls.

>> No.11156397

Because someone have to take care of the young baby as you probably will need to go out to get food.

Anyway,I'm not kidding: search for treatment.

You are delusional and are really thinking that abnormal things are normal.

>> No.11156411

You are arguing with survival scenarios and then talk about what is normal in modern society. You do know every society back when warriors were needed valued men higher than women? Women are a net drain on resources overall and can protect the country or village. Men will create and destroy while a women can do neither of those.

The pussy worship has only really become a problem since the modern age.

Go back 10-20 years ask a chinese what he thinks of a daughter and you will hear what was really normal for a long period of humankind

>> No.11156426

To value warrions doesnt meant high quality woman didnt had value too.

>> No.11156443

This entire thread is autism and started by 3rd world garbage trying to give life advice.


>> No.11156449

>lelele nobody give me an answer so let me give an raging preppie ass comment to say to everybody how i am better
>now I can feel better and put "Le Dragon Dilde" in my "pink punf butti".

>> No.11156463
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confirmed retarded,

holy moly it's worse than I thought...

I won't even get into the reasons why...


>> No.11156597
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/thread. OP isn't half as he clever as he seems to think he is.

>> No.11156708
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I still dont get the autistic logic of OP
>women are the host, so therfore they automatically have more value
except they need semen to give birth
>yes, but one guy can impregnate 10 women
but one woman can still have sex with 10 guys, whether she has babies or not.

And we live in a monogamous society. we dont live in one of your pajeet harems were 10 girls all live in some rich guys house. Women only want to have one bf. A guy with a girlfriend, is off limits to that woman (or at least the same way a girl with a bf is off limits to a guy)

If you have 1 woman and 1 guy stuck on the island. The woman isnt going not fuck the guy and be lie
>i am the life host
>i do not need your semen to be pregnant.

Also, fuck off OP
You have one girlfriend who buys your shit. big deal. Lots of 30 year old business women would love to have a young decent looking 23 year old bf they can pay for. You have to be one clingy son of a bitch, at the fact youre making a thread as autistic as this over babby's first girlfriend.
You sound like someone whose going to shoot up a school after their girlfriend leaves them

>> No.11156722

Nice English pajeet. Can you poo up >>>/R9K/ with this verbal excrement next time and leave this board for discussion of business and finances? Thanks

>> No.11156801


>> No.11157002

I spent 5 years building a career, getting fit as fuck and making art. I had a gf who would do anything for me, life was good... And then I developed a chronic illness that left me unable to work for close to a year, and at the same time my good friend became terminally ill with cancer. I had to drop everything and move home, both to rehabilitate myself and help my buddy while he slowly died.
In that time, I watched my friend's wife cut him down, badger him and try her hardest to isolate him from his true friends so that she could manipulate her way into his will while he suffered throufh chemo. Around town, people would ask how he was and say shit like 'oh man it's so terrible, I need to come down and see him.' But, save for a couple people, nobody ever showed up or bothered to call while he wasted away. My friend spent thousands of dollars and went through the most horrific surgeries and pharmaceuticals just to get a few more months to hang out with his true friends and grandkids, and in the end he didn't get to enjoy a single second of it.
I'll quit rambling now to tell you coward faggot piece of shit charlatans the hard truth: 'Developing yourself' is a fucking meme. It's bullshit tailchasing masturbation that will never change the fact that your life is worthless to approximately everyone, and whatever transient pleasurable experiences you manage to have on the way will not help you out when you're laying in a hospice bed coughing up blood, vomiting from chemo, shitting yourself, listening to sweet nothings from a two faced cunt who's only there so she can get a mercedes out of the deal when your ride is finally over.
Fuck you, you hopeless blind niggers.

>> No.11157090

This dude right here. Mega brainlet. I doubt he has ever seen a 2x his whole time shitposting here.

>> No.11157108

jainism only can make you make it.

all other paths lead to destruction.

jainism is the best thing has ever come out of the earth.

if you say >will never change the fact that your life is worthless to approximately everyone

and still kill animals and mosquitoes because your skin is itchin


jesus will only save jains
all others to illness, old age, death, hell and rebirth.

jainism is the way to make it. there is no other faith to be coveted. jainism is the forgiveness of dumps and the realism during times of wealth.

and, I allready made it.

>> No.11157187
File: 92 KB, 768x768, 15373033744812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 man can impregnate infinite amount of women.
Society dont really need that many men to survive.
Woman can give birth and raise a limited amount of children, because resources are limited.
Thats why women are more valuable for society than men.
Isnt it obvious?

>> No.11157268

Its 5:51 am here on Brazil, the only thing is certain in this morning is that I gotta feed my dogo, my younger brother and 5 days from now I have to pay rent.

I have already had losses, seen death, lost loved ones and all kind of shit.

You develop yourself so people that love you can have better experiences and can hold a little bit more because you can stand your ground for them.

If you wont develop yoruself you let all people that really love you in despair in misery in comparison to what they could experience if you had become the best version of youtself.

The time you spent was nothing, you are still a human.

Be humble because nothing that you had was worthless to the point that you thought you were smart.

I'm sorry for your friend, May Jesus help his suffering.

They dont wanna say that's truth because it came from me, a macaco 3world favela guy as they say, so they fight me to say in another words the same thing I did because their prepotence and preppie actions cant believe that they agree with a 3 world guy.

>> No.11157280

Thanks, go back to ur dank memes and inserting dragon dildo and drinking onions milk, cheers.

>> No.11157337

More one night without sleep;

>> No.11157354

Cancer is preventable if you live a healthy lifestyle. Don't be so overdramatic. Life is good if you make the right decisions

>> No.11157386
File: 183 KB, 750x1334, 73FAD57E-A587-4F2E-A199-A2C3BD4890B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all just self aware shitcoins.. think in 20-30 years if everyone had a unique coin attached to their individual finger print and it said their worth and was based on all of ones life’s factors they you get at 3 years old or something.. saying that’s how you think ? I mean it’s like that already.. I think this post just opened like 4 people’s pineal glands

>> No.11157391
File: 55 KB, 258x360, 1512336470084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of you guys can understand crypto
KEK stopped reading there

>> No.11157406
File: 104 KB, 600x777, 1467625694156-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why we agreed on one man one woman so every man can have a purpose in life(kids).
The sexual revolution fucked that up.
Value of men also goes up after a war for obvious reasons.
For example after the thirty years war it was allowed for multiple wives because there were so few men left.

>> No.11157434

Bro, into the universe blockchain web really are some dank unknown Coins..you know what I mean?

>> No.11157440

Mormans have always allowed multiple lives.. sometimes I feel like I’m just part of a crop of humans.. and I’m hungry and skinny not the cream of the crop either

>> No.11157454

Multiple wives *

>> No.11157757

I missed him when he was talking about crypto.
RIP cryptoanon.

>> No.11157973

>they dont wanna say its the truth
i completely annihilate both your guys points here >>11156708 and you ignore it

also. i have to ask.
do you tell your girlfriend this shit? That you think all women have 5% more value than men and that its a gods grace youre even with her? do you realize how pathetic that is?

>> No.11158023
File: 7 KB, 209x241, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thats a bad redpill. I'll take the bluepill.
Women are only necessary because they breed.
they are a evil necessary thing .
The one day i smashed up a 15 y/o pussy (legal where i live) she realised she is just flesh and completely gave her body to me. That was the moment i realised that they only want to breed and fuck.

>> No.11158059

if man is 0$
if woman is 5$

then does the relation of 0:5 even matter

is the same as saying man=0$ woman=0.05$ or 1000$

>> No.11158297

Most people die alone faggot, because your friend was surrounded by shitty people that’s an excuse not to improve yourself? Sounds like cope, man the fuck up. this world can be a terrible place and is more than likely a prison feeding off of suffering. Are you gonna sit in the bathtub eating chocolates and drinking wine because of it while crying like a little bitch? Or pick up your nuts and try and carve out your own little piece? I did all the same shit as you and life can feel so lonely and meaningless at times but fuck that shit, this world needs strong men not little pussies who will roll over and die.