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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11148695 No.11148695 [Reply] [Original]

I'm literally shaking right now. It's really happening isn't it?

>> No.11148721

Relax anon. All good things to those who wait. Iron hands buddy. See you in wealth.

>> No.11148732


Good man, but I think OP means this in a positive sense

>> No.11148736

t. Lenocinium proxy shills

>> No.11148750

$50 by the end of November

>> No.11148751

Sure dude

>> No.11148754

Haven't the last 48 hours finally proved to you faggots that you have literally zero effect on the price, or people's views, or anything?
Fuck off back to your discord full of 105er retards and admit defeat you stupid cunts.

>> No.11148765


>> No.11148776

Oh, it's you again. Spare yourself the energy bro. It won't make a difference

>> No.11148786

It really isn’t happening. Check em

>> No.11148794

Lenocinium.com shills have fooled the gullible white racists like Trump did America.

Rednecks are dumb as fuck

>> No.11148837

They thrive on shitty information and lack any ability to do research for themselves.

>> No.11148860


t. Salty noses

>> No.11148874

How can I make money from neets shaking caused by Link price movement?

>> No.11148882
File: 239 KB, 1200x1806, DE288CC0-A213-4CA6-B438-F0F4C690812C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$.42 EOD

>> No.11148955


>> No.11148960

no, it's not, this shitcoin has been at 38 cents 8 times before. this shitcoin was at almost 50 cents in fucking october 2017. youre all retarded sage