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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11146367 No.11146367 [Reply] [Original]

Pajeet shills are actually making me money, thanks guys. Bought this junglechink coin, up 20%. How high will it go?

>> No.11146383

This was nice, next stop Nerva. Easy 50% there in a week.

>> No.11146574

>they didn’t listen once again.
>missed HOT, VEN, NANO, XRB
>and now TOMO
Stay poor

>> No.11146615

Here is your chance to make it fags. Do some damn research realize the potentials of TOMO

>> No.11146876

ty just sold 250k tomo https://etherscan.io/address/0x6f9ca2b1de58bf5227f606f3ebc2b7e05be672c7#tokentxns

>> No.11147001

Easiest money i'll ever make. Did this with Link, and HOLO... now it's time for TOMO fomo. Thanks to those who uncovered this gem. Going to get a MN

>> No.11148210

junglechink pumping

>> No.11148218

When do I sell this shit though? I have no clue what it even is.

>> No.11148277

What happens in a week? I do own some nerva, but I believe it's a long term hold.

>> No.11148564

You're welcome op
I told you guys yesterday I was trying to help you out