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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1114627 No.1114627 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your occupation and pay? Did you decide based on the good pay and security down the road or just simply that you actually liked that profession? Having difficulty choosing a right pathway that I won't regret.

>> No.1114656

What I was

> Welder
> $45/hour
> Double time for every sat/sun worked

Now i'm unemployed. And nobody wants to hire and train welders for other careers/jobs because they know we will fuck off to the first welding job.

Kill me.

>> No.1114664



>> No.1114705


Well, $0/hour now. Might have to go back to school for something, but I don't know what.

>> No.1114707

Why dont you weld anymore?

>> No.1114721


I live in Alberta. Since the oil prices tanked there isn't much out there for welding jobs. The few jobs out there are super competitive , hundreds of resumes for the single job. By no means am I a bad welder, it's just that there are a bunch of rockstar welder resumes in the pile that I just can't compete with.

>> No.1114735

You should move to America. Everyone always needs welders here. $50/hr as much work as you want

>> No.1114746

equity research
$85k/year + bonus

the free gym membership + daily food delivery allowance won me over

>> No.1114768


Alberta, what the fuck is going on with you guys? I swear from the outside it appears that you guys were no smarter the stereotypical athelete or drug dealer.

>omg, look at all the money I'm making. No need to save it or spend on important things. There will always be more money. Oh, fuck oil went down, no more money. What now?

This goes for the province and the workers (with their stupid ass lifted trucks and other useless toys).

Why didn't you guys tax the oil and extract it via a nationalized company? 10 billion in your oil reserve, jobless Canadians, and rich American and Chinese companies is all you have to show for the oil boom.

Oil might jump in price again in a few years, but I bet the Norwegian model is looking pretty fucking good right now. It'd probably be nice to have nearly a trillion in a savings fund rather than just 10 billion.

Also, why is Alberta a dump, what the hell did you guys do with

>> No.1114776


I don't make the decisions on the tax rates.
I do have money saved, as do most people I know. We like trucks because of our long winters.
And which part of Alberta is a dump?

>> No.1114949

>no smarter than the stereotypical athlete or drug dealer

That is exactly what happened.

>> No.1115053

>Job 1
Temp worker in general labor at a plant. $12/hour. Work 8 hours a day 7 days a week. Take home about $2K a month. I decided based on I needed a job and I'm a community college dropout with a GED so couldn't do any better. Once/if I get hired as an employee, it jumps up to $18/hour.

>Job 2
I clean homes for a bank a relative works at. When a home is foreclosed, she hires me to clean the place up, paint, etc. I get paid $500,1,000 a house (they pay for supplies) and I get to keep anything I want that was left in the house. Can't tell you how many iPods, headphones, and other small things people forget. I get a job like this once or twice a month.

>> No.1115076

>enlisted marine lance corporal
>full medical/dental
>full ride to college
>free meals
>rent free housing
>free gym membership
>get to say I'm a marine
sometimes it sucks but the benefits are nice.

>> No.1115080

>Why didn't you guys tax the oil and extract it via a nationalized company
The only thing that would've changed is that instead of rich companies, there would be rich politicians.

>> No.1115084

>software developer
>graduate job is paying £40k.
>expect to be at around £55k in 3 years and £75k in 5.
>continue at that rate for another 10 years and retire in some 3rd world shithole when I reach 40.

I'm doing alright, hope for an semi-early retirement if everything goes as planned. Chose it because I was a friendless sperg. Since I was spending all of my time in front of pc, thought might as well make into something useful.

>> No.1115172


>> No.1115268

I'm 3 years into my accounting degree and for an intentship i just got offered 27/hr which is 57k a year. Chicago land area fyi.

>> No.1115285

Software engineer
80k yearly after starting 2 years ago.
Started at 60k annually.

Stem isnt a meme.

>> No.1115296
File: 137 KB, 717x1274, Screenshot_2016-02-26-08-14-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Longshoreman. The pay depends on the job and shift, but pic related is what a typical week looks like for me.

I chose this job for the money mainly, but it has other perks like really good benefits.

>> No.1115301

medical student

paying 17k usd a year

>> No.1115314

Do you get to set your own hours, or choose when to work and when to take off?

>> No.1115317

>E-6 in the military
>I started because all I could get was temp jobs in my field (computer tech)
>I get paid a little over $4K a month including allowances

I don't spend a lot so I should be able to live off my pension and savings in a few years, if I really wanted to.

>> No.1115322

Right now, I'm a "casual longshoreman". I work out of a dispatch hall that works on a rotation system where everyone has a number. So I dont get to set my hours, I work when my number comes up. If my number comes up and I'm not at the hall, I just lost a day's wages. However, if I want to take a week off to go on a trip, I simply don't show up for dispatch. I'm only required to work once every 6 months to maintain my card. But it does kinda suck working the day shift one day and then working the night shift the next day. That's why on my pic some days are blue and some are yellow. Yellow is day, blue is night.

Hopefully in a year or two, I'll be sworn into the union. At that point, I can work every day and night if I want to. However, I'll be required to "cover 70% of the work" which basically means I have to work 20 days a month minimum. But that period only last for a few years. After that, I'm only required to work 1300 hours a year to get full pension and medical benefits.

>> No.1115342

I'm a 2nd year welder apprentice in Alberta. Been on EI for most of the winter. Going back to school at NAIT before my EI runs out. If I don't find a welding job after school my wife told me I'm working at walmart.

>> No.1115996

absolutely mirin

>> No.1116022

Lab Associate, working in a plastics lab making 13 an hour. It's a starting salary but will go up in a year and really jump if thry hire me on. Just trying to get my foot In the door and hopefully have the company pay for my masters

>> No.1116189

>Law Student
>75k this year
>100k +bonus next year if hired back (about 80% chance)

>> No.1116193

>First year Quantitative Analyst for a >logistics company.

Feels good man.

>> No.1116209

What did you get your bachelor's in?
Did you take time off between your undergrad and law school? If so, how much time and what did you do during the interim?
What type of law are you practicing?
How did you get the job you have now? Internship/connections/other?

>> No.1116210

How did you get that job

>> No.1116212


Bachelors was in humanities
No time off between undergrad
Corporate securities law (likely, perhaps just corporate in general)
Got the job through the regular biglaw oci recruitment process (ie: have good grades, lots of extra-curriculars/volunteering, be really personable)

>> No.1116216

Got really good at Statistical anaysis software especially spss and stata. Know SQL and python. Majored in Econ btw. I am honestly so lucky. This shit fell on my lap

>> No.1116494

What do you do equity research

>> No.1116501

Project Analyst
80k, but no good perks.
Kinda Just fell into this role after university. Wanted to work in big data but i suck at programming. oh well

>> No.1116544

Student in stem. No income yet, but no debt either cause daddy paying

>> No.1116597

your life must suck, I make 50k a year doing IT

>> No.1116618

Reforestation worker
Treeplanting rate is 0.11-0.14 per tree
Brush saw rate is $100-$300 per hectare

I do this work in the summer and study engineering the rest of the year. I am generally quite disappointed if I make less than $250/day take home.

>> No.1116640

How much did you make last year if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.1116684

9 grand in 2 months

>> No.1116692

>$45/hr as a welder
How long were you a welder for that kind of money?

>> No.1116697

Trainee stock broker and my pay is barely enough to eat. I'm just in it for dem free certs. Pretty sure this is a dying industry with all the online shit coming out but I'm still managing to gain clients with the help of my mentor. While everyone loses money I at least end the day with money in my pocket.

>> No.1116883

Sounds like a pretty good gig since you get to be outside for a bit during the year.

>> No.1116885

How did you find that job? That sounds like a nice ass summer job.

>> No.1116889
File: 52 KB, 499x499, 1352363761347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET living on Autism bux

get about $2800 a month from the government which pays for food, entertainment, gas, housing, etc.

I also inherited ~8 million dollars from my grandparents which my parents invested for me so I won't ever have to work for the rest of my life

thanks for the money, wagecucks

>> No.1116892

I'd be pissed if it weren't obvious you're just delusional.

>> No.1116894

i work with a team that covers companies in our specified sector and we make investment recommendations

im an associate so i do most of the modeling work for our companies

>> No.1116898

top kek.

You'd be making at least $10,000 per month from the $8,000,000 investment. Your parents have taken your money bro.

>> No.1116900


Even if they have I don't care.

I live like a king anyway and have all the free time in the world. As long as I still have the 8 million principal when my parents die I'm still good.

And I'll always have my SSI and government benefits.

>> No.1116902

How do you get 2800? The bennies in Canada don't even go that high.

>> No.1116904

You don't care that you are entitled to your $8,000,000 principal and the interest you could profit from by just conservatively investing it?

You don't care that you could make almost five times what you make now? The money that you could be making far outweighs the fucking benefits you receive you fucking idiot.

Stop trolling.

>> No.1116908

He's a fucking NEET bruv, he's content to be a lazy fatass

>> No.1116911


i don't even understand this investing shit anyway

too much math for me t b h

>> No.1116919

Well there's no way you get 2800 a month unless you have to spend it on meds. So I am calling BS. Pack it up folks

>> No.1116922

Software Engineer - 80K

>> No.1116924

You realize he's lying right?

>> No.1116963

Are you based in California? Would you recommend this line of work to other people?

>> No.1117167

Actuary. 170k base salary, 40% bonus, 25% long term stock options

I wanted to become an actuary for the pay and the math skills required, and I just became good at what i do.

>> No.1117200

Break it down to hourly pay
Many keks to be had when you do

>> No.1117228

geologist. i started school thinking I was going to be away from familly and get 50k per year. right after school I started a business and did 30k sale first year, 60k second year, 300,000 last year and 2015 sales should be around 900,000. however I end up with onky 100k salary. my biggest upside is to work from house with my two kids and wife, and about 25-30 hours per week since I have now 5 geologist and as much technician to do the work.

>> No.1117507

must be nice. Stem major at top-tier public school, $10K in loans first year.

>> No.1117821

AT&T Wire Technician
Literally on my second day of training and I hear there's and insanely high turnover rate. Hope I can last at least a year so they can help me go back to college.
>21 years old
>1.5 years college as Computer Science, dropout due to academic probation
>1 year cashier experience, 3 months as computer technician
They're hiring a shitload of technicians so I'd suggest it if you can afford working 40+ hours a week with absolutely no flexibility.

>> No.1117826

>slav country
>master of arts
>municipal police officer
>360-380euro a month

>> No.1118603

PhD student in nuclear engineering.

33k right now. Have a job lined up to start in October at 95k.

The PhD life is pretty great. No hours, no accountability, free classes, but man was it a bad call from the biz side of things. 26 years old and still making 33k. Could have had a house by now if I had just started working instead.

>> No.1118613

> software engineer at a web company
> $223k last year
> I like code

>> No.1118615

Android/Java developer
working from home, comfy as fuck

Mind that minimum wage in my country is $3/hour, so I think I'm doing pretty well for someone my age

>> No.1118645

>Engr, $84k, (furloughed now)
Feel like I did something wrong or could be doing something better. I could go to Law school if I wanted to or get a master's in a different field. You guys think I should go the CS route? Law school -> patent law? I just don't fucking know what to do.

>> No.1118660
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>Business Analyst (kind of one of those weird hybrid startup roles, I do a lot of lead gen and outbound email marketing too, but I'm primarily an analyst)

Only 1 year's experience, and I'm due a raise (expecting around 35-40k) but still, fuck this, I want your kind of money.

Have decent SQL and getting better with python. Business masters. Thinking of learning R over SPSS though (remember SPSS being a fucking pain in college), thoughts?

And advice?

>> No.1118673

this guy again (clearly). I could self study, take the tests, and become an actuary in a decent time scale couldn't I?

>> No.1118691

You have an MBA and you're making 30k/yr?

And you have no regrets?

>> No.1118722

Not an MBA, MSc. Originally studied languages (and was fucking good at it), but couldn't find work (hated translation, tried it), so I did a conversion masters to Business.

Spent like 6 months looking for work (shit economy, no jobs), started in sales for a startup at like 23k (22 euro), switched to analytics, and learned SQL, python and excel on the job. 1 year in now, making 27k euro (roughly 30k usd).

So the salary is shit, but at the time, I took what I could get. Now I want something better with the skills I have.

>> No.1118735

Heavy machine operator

This is my first year but already doing very well for my single 21 yo self

>> No.1118740

You have a MSc in business and you're making 30k/yr?

And you have no regrets?

>> No.1118765
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Of course, but because of the way the economy's been here since the financial crash, that's depressingly standard. Most of my friends in business roles would be making something similar. Literally no one was hiring a up to very recently.

Anyway, teach me bros, how do I fix it? I've come to the conclusion that the tech world is for cucks, and relies on cheap labour working insane hours.

I'm considering finance, it has the insane hours, but also much more money. But I'd also like to move east, to Singapore, HK, Shanghai, etc.


>> No.1118785

what about finance makes you think it has "insane hours"?

>> No.1118793

From what I've heard, the hours for a lot of roles can be very very long, but not having worked in finance, I'm happy to be corrected on that

>> No.1118798

traditional corporate finance roles are more or less a 9-5 job. most people in finance dont even work very long hours.

you only really start to see the "insane hours" in very specific roles like investment banking but the business model and culture is based around it.

>> No.1118802

Ah I see, so the reputation for long hours tends to be more of a banking thing?

>> No.1118803

What country are you in?

>> No.1118806


you can make a comfortable living and work a 9-5 in corporate finance. you won't be raking in large compensation every year but it'll be enough to live comfortably.

>> No.1118807


Actually a decent amount of jobs in areas like tech around atm, but the economy is still pretty fucked.

It's been the case for a while now, hence people coming out of college with masters that can't find jobs anywhere for months.

>> No.1118810

Interesting, may look into his further. I like the vibe of tech, but the long hours / shit pay combo is pretty depressing, despite the work environment being fun.

Finance may have a slightly better balance than the 'your job is your life' tech startup attitude.

>> No.1119196

Oh come on mate there's been so much corporate relocation to Ireland

You're telling me a business masters is worthless in Ireland of all places?

Stop making excuses. You are underperforming. You only have your own mediocrity to blame.

>> No.1119364

How are you making your income? Using freelance websites?

>> No.1119466

not bad at all when factoring free college, coverage, meals and housing

of course the value decreases the longer in it. Just get out after the minimum length for a free full ride to college; I figure this is what most people do in the military.

Really makes me wish I even considered joining something like the Navy. All these benefits in addition to traveling the world.