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File: 32 KB, 532x378, DED58AAB-CDC7-43B5-99F8-BF61E815C196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11145477 No.11145477 [Reply] [Original]

I was hoping it see $100 again. I’m not certain about that anymore

>> No.11145536

it wont. even the founders left it and they are gonna ride ONT now. it did more than 5000x, what else do you want. its dead.

>> No.11146276

It will rebound. I really don't get these threads isolating a particular coin and wondering why it's down when the whole market is down. NEO will rise to around .0125 when bitcoin runs again, along with every other alt.

>> No.11146357

>in 4 years

>> No.11146391

anon, I have grave news...

>> No.11146395

It will
One of the best coin around

>> No.11146762

It being build completely within the Chinese systems by the Chinese and for the Chinese I think puts it in a good position for government support and whatnot. But given the trade disputes it's going to be a while before this gather any attention as there are bigger issues at hand. I'm holding on in the mean time, plus the gas (absolutely minuscule as it is) make it a bit easier to keep too.

>> No.11146782

idk but I'm all in it

>> No.11147056

nigga u gay af

>> No.11147095
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, NEOCAT11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont sweat it bro. NEO #1 blockchain 2020.

>> No.11147385


Why would an inferior Chink clone of Ethereum hold any value?

People are finally waking up to the China Hustle. These are going to 0 in the long term.

>> No.11148184
File: 154 KB, 1024x713, 1537238166379m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://youtu.be/Wn8QVpq-nuQ You were saying faggot? People aren't going to listen to the same 1 guy FUD this project anymore

>> No.11148199

kek just keep that moving that goal post neo cucks

>> No.11148255

I feel bad for people who didn't jump out of this shit in January, like most other shitcoins btw but this one especially, 0 utlity and some pipeline dreams about fueling the chinese economy lmao, yea I'm sure the chinks will pump your bags

>hurr but government partnership
show me an example where a government or a company ever bought some shitcoins to atually use them for something.

>> No.11148488

These guys get it. Imagine being one of these faggots still falling for blatant chink scams.
>muh China smart economy
Anyone who still thinks NEO has any chance should be sterilized so their defective genes don't cause anymore harm to our society.

>> No.11148520

well, at least you got dubs

>> No.11148579
File: 8 KB, 269x188, 1530246220116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this retard.lol Must be upset because NEO moves in huge swings and got caught at one of the tops. Its literally just him fudding NEO in every thread.

Those who bought NEO and are waiting for it to be top 5 and over $1000 next year, dont worry it'll happen. Just collect your GAS for when its $300 a piece

>> No.11148593

>I really don't get these threads isolating a particular coin and wondering why it's down when the whole market is down.
You know why. They are the majority now.

>> No.11148636

>I really don't get these threads isolating a particular coin and wondering why it's down when the whole market is down
Because the majority of the market is shit. NEO shouldn't behave like shit, SUPPOSEDLY

>> No.11148949

NEO is a shit coin. Will only go lower

>> No.11148990

>don’t worry guys it’ll happen i see hale bopp get in your bunks

>> No.11149007

>muh samefag
On what grounds did you come to that conclusion?
>$1000 NEO
>$300 GAS
Like that's ever going to happen. Neck yourself you deluded normie faggot.

>> No.11149023

Centralized Chinese scam. No real scaling plan either. It's destined to die. Sage

>> No.11149137

tfw I sold at $80 to buy VEN in January, best piece of trading I had done

>> No.11149160

gonna post it here in a few months to warn the newfags in 2019 to not be a holdtard

>> No.11149189

Kek please screencap my posts too

>> No.11149201
File: 444 KB, 593x492, 100-by-december.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1 by December IS. STILL. ON.

>> No.11149244
File: 98 KB, 792x554, NEOCAT9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11149318

I just want it to go to $50 then

>> No.11149692
File: 422 KB, 1352x1034, NEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because no other coin has the same fag with no new FUD. Its literally only you in these threads.lol

Go ahead and tell us how its centralized. You are a fool and I cant wait to see the financial world reject Link because of pepe the frog. Muh Rory.lmfao


>> No.11149893

I'm not your imaginary boogieman you fucking retard.

>> No.11150327
File: 175 KB, 408x390, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at 10.59.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same lame FUD, don't buy it then faggot. NEO will be 1k by 2020.

>> No.11150342
File: 13 KB, 102x112, HyperThink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add onto this, every thread, same shit.
>Chinkcoin chinkscam exit scam grrrrrrrrr me angry
Literal brainlet board

>> No.11150504

Exactly. Its almost like this guy wants people to buy NEO because he always sounds like a retard. A literal retard.lol

>> No.11150520

>hurr durr this coin that was ten cents less than eighteen months ago should be worth a hundred bucks!

the utter delusion

>> No.11150568

Delusion is not understanding economics and browsing biz. You see giant gains and think its over because your wealth was stolen before you were born. Pro tip: $50 billion is NOTHING for a publicly traded software company in the U.S, now apply that concept to a world wide software company.

Stay mad and poor.

>> No.11150671


Pic related is the Chink "smart economy".

A golden age of information.


>> No.11150687
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>> No.11150729

Remember this exchange when you realize I was right and you should have bought AMERICAN projects. Fucking faggots. Please do buy more NEO I would love to read about your suicides on the news.

>> No.11150748

holy shit i thought eating dogs was just a racist meme AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH CHINKS

>> No.11150795

Topkek. Imagine thinking that chinks can do anything innovative besides come up with clever scams to hustle westerners. The richest Chinese guys I know are all drug dealers. They are damn good at hustling though I will give them that.

>> No.11151580
File: 288 KB, 565x425, 1536370542944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American projects huh? Like the ones out of Silicon Valley that are full of pajeets and chinks anyways? What about Harvard or MIT as they're full of kikes and tokens?

You're a complete dumbass if you dont think NEO is going to be top 5 because "Chinkscam". And whats funny is look at the sentiment in this thread, no one believes you because you sound like a retard.lol

>> No.11151774

I bought 600 NEO when it was around $7. Held through January until now like some faggot. I have over $100k now I barely have $10k. I've been in a depression since then. Like winning the lottery then losing the ticket.

>> No.11151789

Had over*

>> No.11151841

I feel ya buddy. But don't give up....i am at 30k. used to be at 120k...and that 120k was my own money...i didn't start with less

>> No.11151848

thats literally $600,000 in a year or 2 and if you hold, not only do you get the GAS that will be $300 a piece, you'll get long term capital gains tax rates because nobody is hiding $600,000.lol

>> No.11152067

HOT, DAG, RHOC and FOAM are almost entirely white teams you fucking faggot. They're also orders of magnitude more advanced than your unscalable centralized DNS clone. Pathetic.

>> No.11152162

NEO has the better technology and by the time those other chains get going, NEO will have 100,000 TPS and governments asking for help in regulating the blockchain space. Or did you not know thats why its still politically centralized while being geographically decentralized...my God you really are retarded.lmfao

NEO has literally EVERYTHING a blockchain needs to be in the top 5 and all you care about is muh chinkscam. Awesome team with millions in cash reserves. Has the blessing of Chinas government. 100,000 TPS in 2020 without sharding and DBFT, or do you not know what that means retard?

>> No.11152174

If you're really that intent on chinking yourself at least go with Zilliqa or Vite. They actually have a chance unlike your shitcoin of choice.

>> No.11152209

>muh Chinese government
>100,000 TPS in 2020 without sharding and DBFT
Will they have more than seven proof of authority nodes by then too?