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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11145050 No.11145050 [Reply] [Original]

>think "I made it" in crypto because my net worth is enormous (according to my standards)

>see this fat fuck wearing a WATCH that is more than my entire crypto net worth


>> No.11145059

Cunt will die from clogged arteries in two years. Feels good

>> No.11145063

When you're on top of the pyramid you get the fattest income

>> No.11145064

That watch is particularly ugly. I got a 5 dollars knock off watch off Ali and I'm also not fat as fuck.

>> No.11145067

kek all the money in the world can't buy you health

>> No.11145070

s t o r e
o f
v a l u e

>> No.11145077

give it a couple of years, if you have money your life expectation rises significant

>> No.11145101

That watch is over $100? What is it? It looks like a power rangers toy.

>> No.11145131

Thats like an 800k dollar watch.

>> No.11145138

Lol true. Looks like shit

>> No.11145145

>all the money in the world can't buy you health
this has been inaccurate since the dawn of modern man

>> No.11145153

in b4 steve jobs

>> No.11145169

>>see this fat fuck wearing a WATCH that is more than my entire crypto net worth
tax benefit if you spend your money

>> No.11145180

that piece of shit? it looks as if someone 3d printed it for $3 in material/time

>> No.11145182


That face so cringe, look like he gonna assault a child.

>> No.11145186


poor taste cant be fixed with wealth

thats one ugly ass watch

>> No.11145189

800k???? WTF

>> No.11145197

Can we get a link on exactly what watch it is please?

>> No.11145241

there is always a bigger fish. Fluffys net worth is probably tiny compared to some random guy you walked past this week. And his net worth is even smaller than the next whale he walked past on the street. Don't be jealous of money with wealth, go on your own path.

>> No.11145255

he will still be fat, ugly and probably unhappy anon.

true happiness is not related to money above a certain treshold. it is useless to keep wasting time to generate more money when you already made it.

>> No.11145274


fluffy owns a yacht, owns two dozen businesses around the globe (half of them established before Monero). Is in contact with several high level celebrities. I very much doubt this guy is unhappy. Stop projecting. Ya'll just haters.

>> No.11145282
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>how do I basic reading comprehension?

>> No.11145295

Thanks black twitter

>> No.11145297

I'm at least 99% sure this guy is a child molester

>> No.11145346
File: 12 KB, 170x213, 170px-Trottingarabiancolttwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fluffy owns sixteen Arabian thoroughbred ponies, along with twenty fourteen Arabian top of the line thoroughbred colts. Half of them before Monero, each of them producing ponies at a rate of 5 a year which sell on the open market for at least 5 million each. A few drops of semen from fluffies manège goes for several hundred thousand dollars. Insemination of mares upwards of a million dollars. Also, fluffy owns a insemination yacht which travels around the globe inseminating some of the best race horses and equine exhibition horses the world has ever seen. Stop hating. Stupid fucks.

>> No.11145388

Every time I see a thread from this board it just seems like you all spend your time pretending to be rich and that you made it, and the post always includes some minor made-up negative to try and counterbalance it.
>FFF- I made a million on crypto but got greedy and only cashed out with 900k.
>I'm filthy rich but this guy has more money!
Literal Indian kid-tier lies and you play pretend with them.

>> No.11145440

Underrated post.

I saw it once before but I cannot find it now. But it's really a 800k watch. Forgot the brand name.

>> No.11145446

still no clue the point was, but keep regurgitating the same missed point

>> No.11145449

I think you cannot accept some people actually made it because it would make you feel bad about yourself.

I have no reason to lie. I made this thread for fun and to trigger some responses, actually I don't give a fuck about watches or his watch. I would never pay $1000 for a watch, let alone $800k, even if I had a billion.

>> No.11145475

Was a faggot who refused medical treatment in the beginning until it was too late. Own fault.

>> No.11145479


the watch serves as contraband. A watch like this loses no value, you can travel with it without having to declare it as money, but can still trade it for 800k after you crossed customs. Whoever buys it can then sell it for almost the exact same value anywhere else in the world. Or considering this being a collectors piece even at a higher value. Try taking 800k in cash on a plane or try cashing out 800k in Monero. Plus, if it looks stupid as fuck like this watch, less chance to get robbed. The value still remains 800k+ regardless. Smart move.

>> No.11145481

Richard Mille


>> No.11145493


I bet he walks around all day with the shit eating grin, probably sleeps in it too

>> No.11145497
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No different from art going for millions and serving as contraband too.

>> No.11145533


and by meme'ing him and his watch, you are basically advertising his contraband to the world and potential buyers wherever he travels. No need to take money, just a watch or two, get a buyer and have tax free cash. Easy.

>> No.11145567

well, it's a monero dev or whatever... of course he's a pedo

>> No.11145802

I know that feel, I remember back in summer of 2017 thinking wow I can now buy a ferrari, but hey someone has 10 of them, it's fucked up.

>> No.11145814

>billionair has expensive watch

>> No.11145850

He is so fucking insufferable. Looking forward to his heart attack.

>> No.11145906


he probably has access to better health care than you and will outlive you.

>> No.11145918

>*anyone remotely successful*


>> No.11145925

Lol, it's a watch for cycling. He looks like he hasn't been on a bike since he was 8

>> No.11145991

is this some giant money laundering scheme? who the fuck would pay for this?

>> No.11146065

kind reminder man jewelry is new money tryhards

>> No.11146138

You go ahead and create the next gen anonymous privacy coin and I tell you, you deserve a 800k watch.

I assume you gained your worth by being a degenerate

>> No.11146141


These watches are like art pieces. There are only a select few of them, created by a incredibly well known and renounced watch maker. A NASA engineer probably could not reproduce the movements inside this watch (not kidding). So its akin to wearing a mona lisa around your wrist. And yes, watches like these, along with art are incredibly well known to be used in high value money laundering.

> who the fuck would pay for this?

People pay 800k for this because they need 800k in cash in another country (for example), without taking cash directly through customs All they need is a willing buyer, and since the watch will never lose its value (unless damaged), a willing buyer will likely be around in high circles.

>> No.11146150

It’s a Richard Mille. They are the watch of billionaires and start at a couple hundred k and go up. Very exotic materials, and crazy craftsmanship. I can’t remember the model. It’s a biking watch. Apparently pony bikes

>> No.11146174

FYI the watch is by Richard Mille, type RM 70-01

>> No.11146182

It also came with a bike lmao

>> No.11146188

>Note as well that this is “exclusively” a “lefty watch,” which of course means the RM 70-01 is designed to be worn on your right wrist.

He buys an 800k watch and can't even wear it the right way.

>> No.11146199

I hate people who flaunt their wealth and i also hate fat people which is why i am conflicted about monero.

>> No.11146207


you guys are too retarded to understand the purpose of a 800k watch. I give up, the collective IQ of /biz/ is dropping every single day.

>> No.11146211

I don't mind expensive watches, i just don't like showoffs.

>> No.11146215

I was talking about horses, but who the hell cares about "fine piece of art", a $30 watch will do just fine

>> No.11146243

>overachievers, hyperconsumers and social media addicts are happy people
if you believe that i got a new ICO crowdsale to sell you
it's going to decentralize peer-to-peer transactions of bridges, guaranteed x40 yearly returns

>> No.11146265

you could throw billions into your healthcare and it would do less to cancel the destructive effect of obesity on your body than a healthy $10/day diet would

>> No.11146316

Also i believe it isn't a smart move stealing it because there are only a few of them and they are surely serialized, so once someone steals it no one would buy it, unless the thief sells it for 1/100 of its real value

>> No.11146486

Casio 4ACF Classic. Top of the line.

>> No.11146525


Depends really, famous and unique art gets stolen and sold on the black market too. Even historical artifacts. Of course the value will go down, but if you have the patience, in 20-30 years you'll likely get more back than what you paid for it on the black market today. Not a bad investment.

>> No.11146528

Did the point about money laundering sail right over your head?

Someone please post the Greek God Fluffy pose, thanks.

>> No.11146683
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Sorry only have Comfy Fluffy

>> No.11146774

>Apparently pony bikes
Of, course! You can tell by looking at that physique.

>> No.11146935


>> No.11146946

hmmmm look at those Ark ads. star sparkling face.

>> No.11147058
File: 136 KB, 560x577, oijaewfio8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>zcash lmped-dicked basedboys trying to cope this hard

>> No.11147212


What kills me about the watch isn’t judge the hideousness, some autists took one apart and did a comparison with an aide mars and the machine working is absolutely atrocious. It’s a very poor qulity manufacturing and it should be priced at 3000 USD.

>> No.11147233


I'm never jealous of fatties no matter how much money they're worth lol - gross

>> No.11147271

there will always be someone with 10x, 100x, 1000x, and very probably 10000x as much money as you OP

there will very likely always be someone with 10000x less money than you

don't let the way of the world upset you

>> No.11147300

you guys dont get why rich people spend that much on junk. When they walk into a room it's guaranteed nobody will have the same 100k piece of shit watch. He rubbing it in your face that you cant afford to spend 100k and a turd

>> No.11147603
File: 343 KB, 2082x1226, 1526759592700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There you go!

/biz/ can hate all they want in my books fluffy is a hero. He made it by himself and became a fucking billionaire (or close?) just through using his own fucking brain. Something 99% of this board seems to be incapable off. You guys are complaining about a 800k watch (which was used as contraband anyways) while you'd spend the same amount of money in your first year of being rich on all kinds of stupid shit too. At least if you got that insanely rich....SEETH more you fucking dumbfucks. I hope he buys a more expensive watch so I can laugh about poor fucks be jealous (ps, I am poor too, but not jealous like you pussies).

>> No.11147652

Thanks! I agree. Complaining about rich people doing rich people things is bluepilled, especially when those people came from basically nothing.

>> No.11147696

It's a store of value right? Dollars go down through inflation but the price of that watch goes up.

T. Newfag trying to learn.

>> No.11147716

Yes, all expensive artwork is a store of value. The price is guaranteed to go up over time.

>> No.11147825


yes, renowned and exclusive art or jewelry often is a very safe store of value since there are very few pieces (30) and the whole world knows about their existence. Same goes for some supercars , take for example the Ferrari Enzo of which only 400 were made. Had you bought one in 2002 for 650k-800k you could sell it today for 1.2-2.2 million $ plus, depending on condition. And in 2002 you'd know it would be a worthwhile investment. It's things rich people know, poor people don't.