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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11140461 No.11140461 [Reply] [Original]

The uk is about to tear itself apart, currency is about to be devalued, housing the traditional store of value is about to be slashed by 30%, inflation is rising. As a 35yr old with good job, no mortgage should I be accumulating crypto or banking cash? What do

>> No.11140487

if your currency is about to go to shit why would you be hoarding it?

keep crypto and keep fighting the shitskin problem

>> No.11140529


28 year old Britlad here.

Get the fuck out of any £ denominated stocks or indices. Convert any spare cash you have into precious metals before end of the year, hold crypto.

Personally I have an Irish passport so will be moving to E Europe permanently with my gf.

P.S. I voted leave but this place is done.

>> No.11140536

all in 0xbtc for the superior store of value

>> No.11140586

Don't do this.

>> No.11140639


>dont do this

Why? I have a white collar relatively comfy job in the UK (finance) and every work day I feel like killing myself.

Daily grind of driving in a sea of retarded wageslaves in financed Mercs from their leveraged to fuck mortgaged cuckboxes to work for a pathetic wage which loses against inflation for 40 years is fucking horrendous.

The ONLY way to make it in the UK is if you have capital since our entire economy is centred around finance. Waging away to pay for an overpriced shitbox is worse than death.

Meanwhile - can move to Baltic states instantly be given a house with agricultural land from my grills family and work remotely and mine crypto on the side since electricity fees are only $0.09 per kWh while tending to some crops and animals. Pump out 3-4 white kids and live a comfy life.

>> No.11140670

Why u still here bud? Get going!

>> No.11140682

>Personally I have an Irish passport so will be moving to E Europe permanently with my gf.
>P.S. I voted leave
When did bongs get dumber than yanks. Lmao at you stupid fuckers cucking yourselves for the next hundred years.
I bet the Russians can't believe the psyop worked. They must be laughing their arses off. It's like watching someone fall for a Nigerian Prince scam.

>> No.11140700

>House prices dropping

Are you fucking high? Do you have brain damage?
The UK builds about 1 home per year and the population grows by 600k. You are fucked.

>> No.11140874
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>The UK builds about 1 home per year

>> No.11140968

The UK is literally the worst European nation to have been born in. The amount of history, culture and potential that has been thrown away in less than 100 years is absolutely amazing. By the mid-century the UK will be a brown, third world nation. If you have a brain leave as soon as you can.

We are nothing but a nation composed of pound stores, ugly brown streets, and the stench of traffic. Please also don't forget the fat, ugly, disgusting population, who shy away from any responsibility and any threat to their comfort (the comfort of which almost entirely consists of 'footy' and shit television). Just simply picture a fat, middle-aged woman with bulging red cheeks, thin pale lips, and deeply set crows feet - a common sight in any dilapidated high street.

If any non-Brit thinks I am being too dramatic just go onto street view on Google Maps through any British town - repulsive

>> No.11141044

I don't know if it's the worst, but the UK is so fucking far behind. I'm currently researching Smart Cities and the UK ranks poorly on an international level. Salaries are SHIT. Housing is SHIT. Education is OVERPRICED. Public transport needs to be BETTER. Traffic is SHIT. Governance is SHIT. Self-sufficiency is SHIT. Jobs are SHIT. Everywhere outside of the South are feeling the crippling effects of distinct lack of investment that'd been held in the ballooning South for decades.

Northern Powerhouse my fucking ARSE. There was so much potential and the Tory dicks have wasted it.

>> No.11141049

Imagine the majority decision of a whole country was to cuck itself that's how low IQ bongs are hahaha

>inferior race
>natural selection at work

>> No.11141068
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>uk builds one home per year
> daddy said its Gona keep on going up

>> No.11141089


Indeed - footy, shit television, ultimate drones whose life revolves around going to Wetherspoons on a Friday and the footy on a Saturday, followed by another week of drudgery.

We do have some redpilled people but they are vastly outnumbered by NPCs for anything to ever change.

The only hope is for comfort to be pulled from under them - maybe Brexit will be executed so badly that it might perk people up to the shit life they actually have here.

Just check how we rank for tech innovation for example - it is shit. Can you even name a single fucking thing you own designed or produced here?

>> No.11141096

Fuck brahs is there a single country that is going to be fucked soon? Australian brahs, UK brahs, burgers, Canadians, everyone coming on this board saying their country is fucked.

Apocalypse soon?

>> No.11141107

The grass is always greener. People like things that they haven't experienced. There are plenty of Americans wishing they could live in EU/UK while I'd kill to get a greencard.

>> No.11141108

Buy as many gold britannias as you can afford, preferably in 1/10 or 1/4 oz.

>> No.11141121

Fpbp. If you're not going to fight your best.investment is plane ticket out of the United Kaliphate.

>> No.11141125

You're missing the point man. We are teetering on the edge of a global financial crisis the likes of which has never been seen in human history. Every market is in a bubble. Every market is interconnected. Once some trigger hits somewhere, everyone gets fucked at once, worse than the great depression. There will be nowhere to fucking hide

>> No.11141128
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Well there is a certainly a downward trend in terms of the pound - I mean you may not like to hear this but in terms of long term trends against the dollar the first level of support is actually 0.92 - 0.92!!!!

In part that's as investor confidence retreats towards the US as a sovereign debt crisis starts to chew around the emerging markets and draw in too.

What's hilarious is we may be about to jump out of the EU (which is actually a good thing regardless of what these uninformed twits say about it) whilst voting in a very left-wing socialist Labour party.

Not a great combo when you're initially striking out. We're basically a few very poor countries attached to the centre of a multi-trillion global tax avoidance, money laundering network and financial extraction industry - with the associated legal, accounting and insurance adjuncts around it.

The worst of it is you probably won't even seen real estate collapse until there isn't mortgage credit available - and after that it will stagnate under increasing property taxes to make up the difference from failing sovereign debt.

Pensions? Shit. Aren't you happy the government passed legislation all but compelling you to invest in them? I can't tell you much I've had to fight to stop any of my employers signing me up for these fucking scams.

>> No.11141137
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11141162

There is literally no hope. The UK is finished and will literally never improve. By the time people realize our problems are further than Tory vs Labour then it will already be too late.
I live in the North, and even though it's often anti-immigrant, anti-gay, here they still vote for queer, Labour, Londonite politicians.

The amount of effort it takes just to make any small change with a stubborn Briton is far too great for any reasonable outcome to our mess.

>> No.11141169

Oh, I didn't realize you're talking about it in a financial sense. Yea, I agree. I wouldn't say it'll be worse, but it'll definitely be bad.
What's interesting is this time we are going to have the internet. People will discuss things with one another, and if everything goes according to plan, perhaps bitcoin/crypto adoption will skyrocket in those times. That's probably why USA and EU are doing their best to censor the fuck out of internet. For instance, if Article 13 goes through in EU everything you upload will be moderated.

>> No.11141186


I opted out of my pension as soon as I was auto-enrolled. Co-workers stared blankly - "Why did u do dat? U wont have any money wen u old" Truly Niezsche's last men

>> No.11141200


When you say "finance" do you mean in the City? If so what's the general sensibility at the moment?

>> No.11141206

The EU is not going to be able to control anything. The idea that you can censor and control the internet is laughable.

We have the technology now to be able to hide all money away from the government. They are running on fumes now, and it's just a matter of time till this fiat shit bomb collapses

>> No.11141248



To be fair i only bought cryptos to see corrupt european politicans sweating their ass off bexause "muh goy money" starts disappearing

Just let it already crash...we are overdue..

>> No.11141277

Even if we remained in the EU, the UK is fucked. It's so fucking London-centric that everything else is falling apart at the seams. Literally, FUCK DAVID CAMERON.

>> No.11141311

>The idea that you can censor and control the internet is laughable.
Tell that to the Chinese.

>> No.11141322


Not the city directly but work with many there and our shitty Shoreditch version of Silicon Valley.

I dont think many people actually anticipate a global financial crisis, and because no one can easily anticipate what Brexit will bring due to our dogshit politicians failing at life then we are in for a shit hits the fan moment in my opinion.

There is ALOT of easy money sloshing around from QE and low interest rates. You should see the absolute fucking state of some of my clients that get VC funding all trying to be the next Zucc. Its a joke honestly.

>> No.11141333

The government definitely has the power to censor internet for the masses. Sure people can use VPNs, but they can even track anyone who is using a VPN and outlaw it. This is exactly why we need decentalization, but we won't get it until it's necessary, because normies don't understand why it's necessary.

>> No.11141355

>tfw just bought my house

>> No.11141361

im 35, white, british and everything this anon said is true.. like every word

>> No.11141403
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*laughs in 3rd world bubbleless crash proof economy*

>> No.11141464
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>VC funding

Well that's probably the only fair use of the support financial institutions have received.

I worked in that Shoreditchy area for a while, there is an enormous amount of hand-waving however I'm sad to say it may still be one of the few (if at all) vaguely productive things happening - in a city full of leveraged buyouts to encumber productive companies cashflows with more debt for share buybacks, massive amounts of intermediating all manner of extractive lending, and legions of paper pushers, litigators, accountants rolling the whole process forward.

Nobody has an incentive to do anything other than double down on the rot behind the fascade - the whole edifice is essentially rot at this point.

I'm surprised they don't see the political unrest, associated balkanisation and shifting of the geopolitical fulcrums of the world and the attendant flagging of emerging markets as a threat. People have become so used to the idea that national debts will never be paid back they're ignorant to the notion a sovereign debt crisis might have some fairly obvious initial cues.

I'm sure people will look back on this era and wonder how people could have allowed it to become so kafkaesque, the overwhelming majority of people see it all imploding as almost a preferable relief compared to a perpetuation of the status quo - and the people who should spot how dangerous that is are the most insulated from that sensibility.

That said the British have been bred for docility and putting up with shit - a desirable characteristic in one's livestock.

>> No.11141478
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>Northern Powerhouse
North of Watford has been shit since the end of the cotton trade. Literally nothing has happened up there except the Beatles - and they fucked off just as soon as they could

>> No.11141526
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I... hate... this place...

>> No.11141619

gold, silver, guns.

>> No.11141669


I'm an expat Brit living in Korea for 10 years. I tell non Brits that the UK is a shithole and only thr super upper classes have any kind of decent life in the UK and they don't believe me. They think Downton Abbey and Nottinghill are accurate portrays of the British. lol.

I fucking hate the face of England is often rich SWJ brat actors who all lived lives of privilege. Check the Bio of 90% of top Brit actors, they all were born in Westminster which is a city within London where the super rich Jew money lives.

Anyway. What does OP think will trigger this econmic collapse in the UK? I kind of thought it would of happened already but nope. External debt? whats the timeline and what should we look for. In many ways the UK has already collapsed and the plebs dont understand that their homes that are worth a million dollars are actually working classes hovels from the Industrial revolution. Stupid fucks are too drunk to work out they are being screwed daily and feed pure PC bullshit to make them love the nigger who wants them dead.

>> No.11141699
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At least you don't live here.

This shit is about to explode and I've staked everything on it happening.

>> No.11141730

Explain yourself

>> No.11141751

If I had to guess.
>Chinese buying land and property pricing natives out of the market
>SJWs gone wild
>Constant immigrants and refugees shitting up the place
If I'm not mistaken it took the worst parts of America, Australia and the UK and bundled them into one

>> No.11141777

At least Canada has the land for people to wander away from the cities and own massive amounts of land and build homes on. I had a buddy dhow me his family home and it land and it looked like 5 football pitches in size and he said it was only about 150k. In the UK u are lucky if you can buy a garage for 150k

>> No.11141785

Canada allayed the 2008 recession by going borderless and having retail take on debt to stabilize GDP. It's a nation that's living paycheque to paycheque without assets to pawn or a gun to hold debtors at bay.

>> No.11141847

I was more referring as to how he's positioned himself to profit from the chaos

>> No.11141863

Where in the baltic states? Sounds comfy af

>> No.11141905

By minimizing my physical possessions and putting my net worth all in assets I can move across borders without hassle.

>> No.11142125

Explain please. Because it sounds like bullshit, to me it seems like we have at least 10-25 more years.

>> No.11142211

Yeah bucko, look at history. There have been turbulent times basically always, you just weren't living in them. Even if you're right like the other anon said you could wait decades for it to actually happen. Your plan sucks

>> No.11142327

>>one house per year

>> No.11142540

britain is fucked just like the rest of western democracy is fucked; wage inequality.

accumulation of wealth is in overdrive at the top end and the city of london benefits greatly with offshoring etc.

thay said uk specifically fucked itself through mandatory degrees, making everyone a property speculator and being greedy in the global market.

>> No.11142581

>The ONLY way to make it in the UK is if you have capital since our entire economy is centred around finance.
most people anywhere outside the UK dont understand just how true this is.
this is no country for poor men. it's said that brits are class obsessed, but that's not strictly true anymore. old class dividers have been replaced by wealth divisions.
we're becoming like an apartheid island, split between those with excessive disposable income, and those without. it's going to get really weird a couple of years down the line.

>> No.11142649

Go life in Spain. There are more and more British and the cost of living is cheap in several regions

>> No.11142793

look at the private school system. classism in uk remains fundemental, and is getting more polarised

>> No.11142862

So true. I've been around some of these rich kids for various reasons. They are like a different breed of human. Most actors and famous people we see in the UK are from this class. They simply don't know how the poor live in the UK. They actually think the racism anti muslim and immigration thing is a meme. They think Brexiters are just racist. They are barely British cause their life involves global education and work and travel.

>> No.11142871

England is fucked

>> No.11142892

>look at the private school system. classism in uk remains fundemental, and is getting more polarised
disagree. access to top schooling is via your parent's cheque book, and no longer via your parents genes. look at the roll call of many top public schools now; they're all chinks and rich foreigners, which the schools are allowed to charge extra tuition fees for, something they cant do with normal british kids.

>> No.11142935


True lots of rich are foreigners in the UK. London is literally a property dump for Arabs.

>> No.11142985

You mean London property is a money dump for arabs

>> No.11143007

Excellent contribution. It's a bleak future, but can you imagine what would happen if someone was able to remove only London from existence (legally and with due process in minecraft) ?

>> No.11143043

It’s all so unrelentingly horrible I left already. Living in Asia now. Public transport is amazing cost of living low, modern infrastructure fast cheap mobile internet. Cheap healthcare, a dearth of nignogs and Muslims. England is circling the plughole

>> No.11143052

Can easily get around that with a vpn. Also, chinese culture is very obedient towards power. Would be harder to enforce in Europe

>> No.11143070

Just look into modern money theory. It's basically the idea that countries can just print money whenever and it doesn't matter

>> No.11143075

That’s not a new idea you pube

>> No.11143093

I know but it's the ideological foundation of this whole system

>> No.11143353


Canada will be a rising world superpower when the effects of climate change start fully kicking in. You guys have all the fresh water, a climate that will be getting more and more favourable for agriculture, tons of land, and an extremely small (relative to the US, say) population. The real struggle in the decades to come will be defending your borders.

>> No.11143416
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>> No.11143496

yea, i would argue that most with big check books have been on top of the class system for a long time.

agree that private school is getting very expensive, almost ridiculously so in the last 15years.

however its clear that private school remains a huge advantage for most who attend, tho there are many state schools that produce the same level of education just not the same contacts/ open the same doors.

britain should get brexit over and done with and establish free movment amongst the commonwealth.

>> No.11143500

I started reading your post, got angry and was about to formulate a response until I realised that you are, in fact, 100% correct.

Although there are some very smart and decent people in this country, the vast majority of people are absolute dregs.

>> No.11143530
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Anyone know if it's worth me storing my britpoordollars in USD for the time being? Or am I doing it wrong?

>> No.11143579
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you all need to get out the towns and cities and into the country.
all the shitskins, housing shortages, and the stupidly inflated cost of living in a city doesn't exist for 80% of this island.
london, birmingham, manchester might as well be a different country now. like paris.

>> No.11143582

Move to Singapore you poor Britishers, oh how the twists of history are ironic.

>> No.11143606

Lol pathetic. The countryside is full of pensioners and there’s NOTHING TO DO. No jobs just a bunch of chavs.

The only way to salvage life is to move AWAY

>> No.11143637

like you go outside or work
as long as you've got internet most you cunts wouldn't even notice the difference

>> No.11143650

mate would be easy to move to the western isles and live a great life if you like being out and about. loads of work and basically free houses but no one wants to live there...great surfing and hunting, fishing etc etc but everyone want to live in a city for some bizzar reason.

>> No.11143681


>> No.11143721

The disadvantage is you actually have to live in the Baltic states

>> No.11143732

9 cents is horrendously expensive. In China, Vietnam its 2-1 cents. Have fun mining with that. Clueless faggot haha

>> No.11143745

I've recently moved out of the UK to Thailand and whilst there are a lot of things I miss about England (I lived on the South Coast all my life) the lifestyle here is so much easier, the weather better, the cost of living far cheaper.

If you're young and live in the UK, but don't enjoy drink/drug/club/music festival culture, and if you're older and don't enjoy mainstream television culture, I'm wondering what the UK actually has going for it culturally, that you can't get anywhere else?

I miss some of the countryside and heritage, and english summer days when it's like 25C and sunny all day. But for 6 months of the year england is basically a grey skied cold shithole.

Financially the cost of living in england is too high for young people and making wealth without spending it all is hard unless you're willing to live a low quality life for many years saving.

England is fine if you already have money and enjoy a degenerate lifestyle.

I can say that I've met far more new interesting people in Thailand (expats etc) in the few months I've been living here than I had met in England in the last 5 years.

>> No.11143768

Yes, do not hoard GBP during Brexit, obviously. Just put it crypto.

>> No.11143806

I've just realized that all of what I've just said actually accounts for why the British travelled and conquered vast amounts of the world over the last few centuries: the people just wanted to get off that shithole island!

>> No.11143863

Agree with most of the stuff posted.

Majority of U.K. people are leveraged to fuck and living way beyond their means paycheque to paycheque.

Literally zero savings, and only have a few quid in pensions after it became compulsory recently.

Self entitled bunch of cunts are going to get hit hard by brexit, I wish I’d left a few year ago

>> No.11143884

No reasonable american wants to live in uk. Only ignorant girls who have that euro fantasy

>> No.11143894

confirmed. most americans visiting the UK are hipster girls.

>> No.11143976


Yup, only real appeal is NHS. Mainland Yurop might be bretty good but no thanks to a cramped rainy island filled with repressed conformists. Also if you're an outdoors person nothing in the Old World compares to the majesty of the Americas. We are spoiled for public land here.

>> No.11143995

at all jobs i have worked at people have made it clear they are only working there for the pension they will get later in life. Why do people find investing so hard to understand? When you mention that you can just have an investment ISA theyre like nah thats too complicated/too much of a hassle.
Like why would you want to stay poor and work til youre 60 something

>> No.11144026
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At this point the UK needs concentration camps to purge all non whites and people over 50.
Just fucking gas them all and the country will be fixed.

>> No.11144042
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>mfw this thread
>mfw in Scotland

>> No.11144072
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Treacherous scotch cunt arrives just in time.
Daily reminder the Scottish massacred their own people for the king of England.
No one but dumb yanks thinks that the scotch are worth a wank.
Braveheart is the work of a delusional Aussie and Wallace was a sheep thief.

>> No.11144075

i have family in scotland and go there often. Edinburgh is a great city and you cant beat scotland for hunting and fishing. other then that i have little interest beyond the case study in decline.

>> No.11144080

I genuinely hate living in the UK. Living anywhere other than central London is like being part of a decaying civilization 20 years behind the rest of the world.

The vast majority of people are living in a parallel reality dominated either by footy and alcohol or selfish indulgences typically associated with the nepotistic Oxbridge nu-yuppies. The rich and the poor live vastly different lifestyles but both are completely blind to the bigger picture as the country slowly collapses around them.

I don't like to say it but I really feel like I'm living in the NPC memeworld. 99% of brits are as shallow as a puddle and completely incapable of considering anything outside of the immediate sphere of their personal lives or thinking beyond the state sponsored indoctrination designed to keep the cattle in their pens.

The population has received neither what it wants nor needs for about half a century. Brexit being an excellent example of this. What will it take to make the people open their eyes for fucking once?

What can a single person even do to make this country a better place to live? I'd love to try and do my bit, but the rot is just so advanced I don't think it's even possible to slow the decline let alone reverse it.

>> No.11144105

if glasgow was walled off and glassed scotland might work.

>> No.11144116


Have you been to Vilnius, Riga or Tallinn? They are comfy, fast internet, cheap property and expenses, good airport connections and crypto friendly.

UK is only good is you want a comfortable mediocre average life with little risk. You get your dole if you end up unemployed, you get a crappy wage which keeps you in your place.

The ONLY way of making it is to have large amounts of starting capital since returns on capital vastly outpace income from labour. You CANNOT make it here being a wagie.

>> No.11144139

>Swap one cold grey poverty shithole for another cold grey poverty shithole.

You’re doing it wrong. Dump your Eastern European skank and go to Asia.

>> No.11144168

Min wage bong here (just over) I have just under £1k in savings that i’m considering keeping in US dollars, or would crypto be a better option

>> No.11144203

Buy chain link

>> No.11144212

26y/o Germanfag here

Moving to London next month to work there for 1-3 years before moving back.
Salary is around £55k.
Where to invest to have my salary £ get the least struck by recession?

>> No.11144231

make a revolut account and hold some dollars maybe, or just invest in foreign stocks although it will always be denominated in £

>> No.11144655

moving to tokyo reminded me what civilization felt like

>> No.11144757

I’m about to buy one and I do agree with a lot of the anons in this thread

But I don’t want to not buy a house on the uk on the basis of 4chan memes and then they just keep going up like they always do and I have to keep rentcucking for eternity

Things do seem pretty bad here but the idea of full scale UK Armageddon I’m not so sure about

>> No.11144858

I think what many people don't realize is the UK is in the centre of the globalized economy, and it's politics will just follow the money. People need to wrap their heads around the fact that a rising population in a country as small as the UK is certainly going to lower the standard of living of most people, with villages and towns growing into towns and cities respectively, with the addition of all the new Barrett cubes to cater to the rising population, from mostly immigration. House prices of course will continue to rise as it follows the law of supply and demand.

There is only one way to save the UK from this population explosion which is happening and going to continue to do so for the next 20 years by 10-15 million people, and by the UK I mean England which the country where most immgration floods too and where the population is growing: make london and Birmingham Tokyo-style cities, with skyscraper style residential blocks, and which would be able to handle a doubling in population... Or somehow the population needs to vote for people that will actually curb immigration and therefore curb the population increase.

>> No.11144883

>Everywhere outside of the South are feeling the crippling effects of distinct lack of investment that'd been held in the ballooning South for decades.
Wrong. Don't come to the south.

>> No.11144888

UK is a nice country as long as you don't go to the main cities

>> No.11144890

>keep crypto
Do this if you like throwing money away
Buy USD if you like actually making/keeping your money

>> No.11144903

Yes, but see 20 years from now, where do you think the growing population is going to move to? Already many towns are being developed against the wishes of the local populations.

>> No.11144907

>housing the traditional store of value is about to be slashed by 30%

my. fucking. dick.

taking crypto bullrun gains into housing to become a neet landlord is my goal.

>> No.11144936

Australia is fucked, their housing market is absolutely breathtakingly overextended right now, it's going to be a glorious bloodbath when it all comes tumbling down. Remember, they didn't go into recession in 2008. It's about to catch up with them

>> No.11144951

man I am so keen

>> No.11145000

yeah I agree it's sad really, I think this country is (was) great but it's been wrecked by politics and mass immigration, and poor education - even the larger towns are shitholes now, just fucking homeless and drunk fucks everywhere

>> No.11145022

>Meanwhile - can move to Baltic states instantly be given a house with agricultural land from my grills family and work remotely and mine crypto on the side since electricity fees are only $0.09 per kWh while tending to some crops and animals. Pump out 3-4 white kids and live a comfy life.
Do this, next big thing is wine from those places, get some hazelnuts too. Gl

>> No.11145027

You fucking faggots, I had a glorious EU passport after being born in the UK, and you faggots are turning it into a piece of shit UK passport. I came over from Aus to check out Europe before my passport gets cucked and Europe is fucking amazing! How retarded do you have to be to tear up a free travel voucher for all of Europe! Fucking plebs baka.

>> No.11145079

that was the one drawback I felt sad about when i voted for brexit, but there were bigger issues at stake any selfish desire to travel or live more easily on continental europe. Issues most remoaner 20-somethings fail to grasp.

>> No.11145083


point is you shouldn't have to flee your capital city in the first place

>> No.11145105

>no worries cuck my country and the desires and needs of my country man, as long as I can travel every year to Netherlands to do coke and smoke weed lmao

I went to Europe last year with my Aussie passport, same shit, just 20 euros extra, what the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.11145163

>thinks ww3 won't happen before climate changes to this euphoric scenario.
>thinks Canada will survive ww3 being bordered to USA and third target after Russia nuke USA and UK.


>> No.11145165

Answer is simple: buys QNT Quant Network, a British based project, and become a millionaire in 2019

>> No.11145199

It would be easier in almost every way for a plague to help reset.

If we see a nasty pandemic in the next 50 years we will have a chance.

>> No.11145206

You sound like an absolute retard.

>> No.11145232

>Personally I have an Irish passport
>will be moving to E Europe permanently
>P.S. I voted leave
You are a piece of shit anon

>> No.11145256

I'll be shorting GBP/USD while you hodl your shitty currency, and we'll see who the retard is after 6 months

>> No.11145257

It was that cocksucker Tony Blair who oversaw the huge boom in house prices and banking collapse.

Mortgages were thrown around like confetti to anyone who could sign their name on a piece of paper.

Fucking cunt Blair sails off into sunset without even being charged for war crimes.

>> No.11145266
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Sobering to see that so many of you share the same sentiment.

Welshman here, lived in the same Valley all my life. Tories shut down the industry about 30 years ago and gutted the place for all it's worth. It's now Russian-tier living standards, unemployable aging alcoholics (who were all once hard-working, proud men) rapidly inflating council taxes, zero (and I mean zero) jobs or prospects for those unfortunate enough to live here, and constant rain/snow depending on which which side of the year you're on.

Though yes, the geography as beautiful, there's no real crime here, house prices are like 75K and there's no immigrants whatsoever - I've never seen a non-white here in all my life, among a population of 30,000 - I still think we're completely fucked and hate it here for the most part.

I see nothing but bleakness and collapse for the future of these isles. Don't get me wrong, EU is just as fucked if not more fucked, but so are we.

I just want to make it with crypto and move to NZ. God knows my actual job will never be good enough to make the kind of money required to pull that off.

>> No.11145271

the angrier the tone of your post, the smarter you must be

>> No.11145277

I highly recommend you watch this film, it exposes Blair for exactly what he is:
Yes it's by George Galloway, but just watch it anyway, he keeps the commie angle to a minimum

>> No.11145281

thatcher started it off. major did nothing. blair was a continuation of thatcher with a little bit of minimum wage thrown in to seduce the working class. brown did nothing. cameron was "the heir to blair". theresa may just wakes up talks about brexit and goes to sleep

>> No.11145284

Name one valid advantage the Brexit got you.

>> No.11145286

and chinks whole large chunks of new builds. i went to a property auction in london and there was a live feed from hong kong where the chinks could bid. they were buying anything in Westminster/Kensington/Fulham for stupid amounts of money. They havent even seen the property - its just dirty money they need to offload.

>> No.11145316

there is talk of flu pandemic this winter, hope millions of cunts get wiped off and i can finally get on the property ladder

>> No.11145320


>> No.11145322

What's Korea like? Could I move there without speaking korean

>> No.11145341
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brexit wasnt supposed to give an economic advantage. its meant to end the supremacy of the ECJ over our courts, stop foreigners fishing in our waters, and stop ridiculous EU laws like the recent "article 13". we dont need any of that shit to have a free trade agreement


>> No.11145342

its a quick fix, add a super tax to properties that at not lived in by the title holder.

>> No.11145349

basically uk will be less fucked then eu when everything goes to shit

>> No.11145356

Another expat in Korea here. Big cities easily livable without Korean, the language isn't that hard to pick up the basics anyway, the writing system is easy.

Also Korea is infinitely better place to live than the UK, just get out while you still can.

>> No.11145363

no it wont make much of a difference economically, ive been saying this for years as a former ukip member. our politicians are just going about it all wrong


>> No.11145376
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>Votes to leave the European Union
>Two years later decide to go live in the European Union
Fucking lol, Brexit is the funniest shit show that bongs have every produced

>EU is just as fucked if not more fucked
why? how? The rest of the European Union has not had 30 years of all government investment going into only one city
The rest of the European Union does not have an economy completely based on muh finance industry

>> No.11145377

What made Britan great?
East India company.
A startup is the most power entity you can single handedly create.
Start a company lad, (somehow) focused on brining back pride to the English.
Make England Great Again

>> No.11145384

>establish free movment amongst the commonwealth
you want free movement to the uk from nigeria, india, pakistan, bangladesh etc?

>> No.11145404

NZ is packed with shitskins.
You may find it just as boring as your valley too: nothing is going to happen here unless you make it happen.
There are good resources of white famers sons and plentiful land to draw on however, if you've got a vision.

>> No.11145426
File: 96 KB, 631x592, 93FC21B1-E70C-4451-AC78-59B9ED9FDD78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>votes Brexit
>waning to end freedom of movement with Europeans

>Less than two years later
>wanting to start freedom of movement with Ghana, Pakistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh, etc, etc

>> No.11145431

Tue es nicht

>> No.11145437
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...anon, EU is a powder-keg.
Civil Holy War within 10 years. Screencap this post. Not saying the same won't happen in UK. But I'd rather be on this Isle than Mainland Europe, at least talking mid-term plan.

What kind of shitskins? I've met some Maori in my time and they seem pretty decent folk. Am I wrong?

I don't mind it being boring, just as long as I can prosper. Here in Wales you are completely oppourtunistically handicapped. I'm not joking, all of my friends have moved to either Australia, Canada or NZ. And i'm stuck here on this sinking ship, trying to convince my long term gf to be prepared to pack up her life and move to a new land.

How easy is it to move to NZ as a Welshman?
100% Prepared to integrate into NZ society, I already know a bunch of the history as i'm autistic as fuck like that.
whereabouts are you from anon?

>> No.11145448
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If you weren't so fucking poor you would realise England is very nice indeed, but you need money anon. I live in a small village in the countryside. Every house is over a million, every cars is Landrover Porsche etc. I don't lock my door n everybody is really nice. No niggers although some asias. The divide between rich and poor is massive in the UK, work hard anon. Pic is related.. you all sound like city dwelling scumbags to me.

>> No.11145451


That was me from different IP.

Yes I voted leave but now intend to leave. Hypocritical that I am going to the EU but at least the Visegrad bloc has some semblance of normality compared to the rest of the EU.

Either way the whole house of cards will fall soon now that Italy is acting up. Brexit was my last hope for this country but even with it, the overall living conditions with or without being in the EU are so unbearable I could never imagine raising children here.

>> No.11145452

It will be visa free even after Brexit. If they don’t it will kill the tourism industry in Europe.

>> No.11145502

Can you expand on that? I don't understand. How does a €20 - €30 travel fee instead of visa free travel "kill" any tourism industry? The cost would be with the British traveler. This just sounds like a Sun headline

Is "freedom of movement with the Commonwealth" an actual proposal that some pro-Brexit people are making? Would be the funniest decision ever

>> No.11145537

>Majority of U.K. people are leveraged to fuck and living way beyond their means paycheque to paycheque.
Isn't that true in most western countries?

>> No.11145542

Commonwealth freedom of movement organisation; uk, australia, nz, canada.

>> No.11145569

>the UK is literally the worst European nation to have been born in.
only when you define 'european' as 'rich parts of europe' which is entirely arbitrary.

>> No.11145576

>EU is a powder-keg.
>Civil Holy War within 10 years. Screencap this post. Not saying the same won't happen in UK. But I'd rather be on this Isle than Mainland Europe, at least talking mid-term plan.
See I'm in Berlin right now. Neukölln, actually, the Turkish area. 15 minutes up the street there are a bunch of refugees in temporary housing on Templehofer Feld.
And you know what? This is place is chill as fuck. I don't know what (((news sources))) you get your race baiting hysteria from, but it must be some fucking fringe publications put out by people who are losing their shit. Because here everything is not just fine, it's super fucking chill. It's an insanely safe place to live.
I understand that my opinion has zero value because I'm not a right wing blogger or Russian bot farm, but holy fuck the things you guys are scared about just do not exist.

>> No.11145589

yes, I really want to take my political advice from Jamie fucking Oliver. Stick to the scrambled eggs mate

>> No.11145593
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And the majority of people have IQs below 100. Fuck the majority, the UK has amazing opportunities if your not a fucking mouth breathing scumbag. Mortgage rates of 1% but property increases 10% a year, super cheap labour, respected around the world so trading in China and India is easy (and both together contain half the world's population). Look beyond you free council house n free NHS n free Dole. If you can't make it in the UK you are fucking stupid and should of listened harder at that free school you went to.

>> No.11145618

>Civil Holy War
jesus you need to get out more. Life if more than a couple of scary Youtube videos. I'm assuming you are putting every last cent of your investment money in the weapons industry? Would be pretty dumb if you hadn't once the Holy War starts

Ah oh, CANZUK is not the same as the Commonwealth though. I don't see how for example Canada would be okay with that given their increasing focus on North American + EU trade, but I guess it could work if there was broad support for it

>> No.11145626

I'm not as negative as the majority in this thread. I've enjoyed being born here and it's given me good opportunities. Brexit will be a disaster but not as apocalyptic as some cunts here are predicting.

>> No.11145636

welcome to ireland mate. dont worry our currency wont crash in 2 years or anything

>> No.11145646


Meanwhile in reality

>neighbourhood I grew up in had a grooming gang that raped over 1,600 11 year olds
>no go areas for whites at night unless you want to die
>churchs converted into mosques
>local businesses closing down due to being pushed out by migrants
>schools where white kids are the minority and get bullied by shitskins
>dont hear your own language in the street most of the time
>taxpayer money being parasitically consumed by dole serfs

No one gives a fuck about your 1 week vacation perspective as a retarded Aussie tourist faggot

>> No.11145660

Where on the European continent is that?

>> No.11145667

auscunt that moved to uk recently here. The grass is always greener lads, ukunts seem to think australia is some land of wonder where all your problems will disappear but let me tell you unless your life is already good here its not getting any better in aus kek.

I moved here to work with a company who are designing my product. Other than my business which is a few months away from taking off i really dont know what to do with myself here. I've got myself some work at some shit retailer for 7 quid an hour and all the other jobs i've seen advertised and applied for aren't much better.

I really want to make it here, the goal is to make enough to get into real estate and make that passive income. If anyone knows of something i can do legal or otherwise to make fat stacks of cash im all ears.

>> No.11145671

>neighbourhoud I grew up in had a grooming gang that raped over 1,600 11 year olds
That’s fucked up, where in the EU Powder Keg™ is that?

>> No.11145677

Only poorfags are worried about living here. Its like all of these opinions are made by people living in the inner city, or so far out from society they're practically independent. Sensible people will be just fine. I do appreciate the NHS, cooler weather and all the foreigners I know are harmless rich pajeets

>> No.11145682

Maybe not today, but certainly ten or twenty years ago we had the finest education system in the world. A degree in the UK was equivalent to a master's in the US. It's the EU that has eroded the system and that's why we must leave, to regain control and stop pandering to the lowest denomination in society. Having traveled extensively I can tell you being born in the UK is winning the lottery, if you don't take advantage and insted buy into the degenerative popular cultural you are a fuck head and deserve your council flat in manchester and all it brings.

>> No.11145683

Hans, I'm not right-wing. I only believe in progressing the grand scheme of human-kind's destiny to become a space-faring civilization.
If you mass import people with a polar-opposite view of your own people, you will see huge demographic change.
It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. Do me a favour, go into town and count the number of native German women with children of their own. Now count the number of full-veiled burqa baby-factories and tell me how many little Wahabi fascists they are producing. You and I are both going to be completely outnumbered by these backwards people by the time we're old. Europe and the west will be as doomed as the middle east and we will not be able to contribute to the slightest in the grand destiny of mankind. It will be left to the Chinese to fulfill that.

I love Europe and all true Europeans, but if you can't see that your naive political elite are replacing you then you are truly blind, and I don't mean that in offense hans, I really mean that you should look into it for the sake of your friends, family and countrymen. This is not about which political team you are on, this is an issue of survival.
Right now a lot of Europeans are opting out of it. Good luck and god speed.

>> No.11145684
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>mfw British people want to leave the EU because the don't like people from Pakistan
I'm laughing but it's also sad. This is what happens when you don't take education seriously.

>> No.11145688

Your reality. Not mine. Blame your parents for raising you in a shithole. Bet the cycle is repeating anon....

>> No.11145693


RIP Britain

>> No.11145695


He isn't a Hans. He is an Aussie whose only experience of muslims is probably a couple of lebos driving around Melbourne in suped up ricer cars.

>> No.11145696

GCHQ spotted

>> No.11145701

Lots of Bongs in here haven't traveled enough, you think the UK is bad, you should move away from... basically NATO countries (and maybe aussie) and you'd be shocked at how shit everybody else has it.
Additionally you just won't get on with other affluent cultures, yeah the japs are rich, but fuck me you end up spending more time with other eurofags while you're over there than locals.
The whole west is struggling with the post industrial thing, what jobs to give chavs when the Chinese are doing all those jobs?
What I do think the bongs have (one myself) is much more rot in our institutions, companies etc. We have a much more "keep your head down" attitude than some places I've been. Management at all levels seems dangerously incompetent.

Subtext of this thread; what the fuck is Brexit going to do to the economy? Which way you voted aside, its just a complete culsterfuck that speaks to how utterly pathetic our political class is. All three parties are a joke and look to be doubling down on being complete fuckwits
Thing is, if you're reasonably smart, you'll be fine, its the poor fuckers that'll struggle

>> No.11145706
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Pic related, its you.

Truly the Last Man.

>> No.11145716

>P.S. I voted leave but this place is done.

>then moves to a country in the eu
really makes you think

>> No.11145722

NPC spotted

>> No.11145742

I live in Leicester which is "shitskins" central, its fab
You need to move away from Boston/Petoborough mate, that place needs leveling

>> No.11145778

Live in Derbyshire and it's lovely here.

>> No.11145785


America will be fine after we get through 8 years of Trump and realize that shutting the borders and competing financially with the rest of the planet is the course that makes life good in the USA.

>> No.11145792

Not around here buddy. It's not all vauxhall astras, pushchairs n council estates. England is a very rich country, you need to move out of the estate to see it. One of the problems we do have is the gap between poor and rich is growing every day, due in part to the promotion of popular cultural n increasly poor public education systems. I personally enjoy driving into the council estates n inner city shitholes, it's like going on safari, but if you are living there you only got yourself to blame. Get off you arse n fix your life.

>> No.11145794


Went for a conference there at the topkek absolute state "space centre"

>> No.11145803


I lived in Cambridge and then South Cambs for 6 years lad. Just because you see more skanks driving range rovers and kids called Hugo doesn't mean the underlying values of your country is rotten to the absolute core.

>> No.11145807


UK brahs wtf are you doing about it?
I stopped holding that much GBP now. I move it all to USD apart from what i need for bills etc, then use my market rate transfer to put rest back if I need it. thank fuck for revolut.

>> No.11145819

I live in the wolds n it's lovely here too.. but a bit rainy today so im taking the pickup n popping out for some lunch. What's the weather like in derbyshire?.

>> No.11145853

Face it boyos this country is fucking incredible if you have money, and just like everywhere else in the world its a shithole without it.

>> No.11145888

The cities are indeed rotten to the core and so is the political direction of this country. But notice the restrictions, new laws, additional taxes, increased property prices etc only serve to keep the poor down, it's actually good for me, I've made so much from crazy property prices. As an example, I own a shit bunch of flats in Stoke n make a fortune in rent, I can only do this cause the broke ass idiots have not choice, it's 400 a month or the streets, they can't get a mortgage or even the deposit. Similarly I have been able to get exposure to sub prime lending markets giving me 20% a year safe returns, again off the back of idiots willing to pay 1000% intrest a year (wonga). Honestly it's shit if your poor (worse in other countries), so do everything you can to climb that ladder before it's impossible... near the top it's a lot nicer and the tools to get there are free, stop whining and start working..

>> No.11145909

Difference is the money required for the UK not to be shit is higher than other countries.

>> No.11145910

They... they have a Blue Streak...
OK you got me there anon

>Back on topic
Long term investing in the UK right now is probably going to be fine, but I wouldn't go all in. Even if brexit goes to complete shit the country has an excellent credit history for a reason, courts back you up and debts get paid. Fewer houses than citizens even if the prices are pumped. Despite the waves of chavs there are still lots of very cool industries in high-tech here, especially IP creation and Biotech. Nothing the rest of the west isn't grappling with.

Gut feeling, a fudge will be done with the EU in March, the whole thing will be kicked down the lane for a few more years, X years more under-investment in the UK while companies go "Germany looks a safer bet", election.
Property: 5 years+ fixed interest rates to ride out the nonsense
Stokes and shares; FTSE 100 will be fine, they're mostly multinationals these days anyway, its your SMEs that might take the heat

>> No.11145961


Nice trips but way 2 edgy 4 me

>> No.11146003

I'm looking to buy ATM anon.

Will be borrowing about 60% main risk is losing my job in the carnage

>> No.11146010

>the whole thing will be kicked down the lane for a few more years
how would that work? Would Brits still be represented in the EU Council, EU Parliament, etc.?

>> No.11146041

we will be too busy worrying about global recession

>> No.11146066

>be underclass Brit
>pay insane taxes while living in a hovel
>have no life or purpose
>taxes are sent directly to incoming Arabs and negroes to give them a financial edge in life (they’re still mostly shit)
It’s truly fucked, national suicide. Hang the politicians and bankers.

>> No.11146146

>Votes to leave the European Union
>Two years later decide to go live in the European Union
not that anon, but voting for brexit (which it is now evident will never, ever, be delivered) just proved beyond any doubt that the (((globalists))) hold all the power and the uk is finished. so if you are going to be living in an EUSSR region with no democracy anyway then you may as well pick one with low cost of living and few shitskins

>> No.11146195

Where i can buy CDSs?

>> No.11146208

No, but seriously: why would Brits be allowed to vote on legislation when they would be leaving?

>> No.11146233

>trigger this economic collapse in the UK
Lower class revolution and mass riots

Vietnam is cheaper unironically

>> No.11146249

Wow, all the same reasons i left ireland. Anons come to canada, its a little cucked but much better that being in the eurojew

>> No.11146250

Literally this

>> No.11146254

isn't korea extremely racist against white people?

>> No.11146264

well you vote until you are no longer a member. eu is already going bananas restricting votes for current member states so who the fuck knows.

>> No.11146266

Act like a Yank and they'll leave you be

>> No.11146271

We'll either leave but enter some long-winded intermission period, maybe a reverse of where Turkey is now, chapter 16 I believe its called

Or just extend article 50; legally I believe the UK could just rescind it and relaunch it (with egg on our faces), but more likely, the EU has said they'd extend it by some more years if there were the risk of a constitutional crisis. That'd be easy to argue.

Votes would be like now if we stayed in: our MEPs vote on stuff, but with lots of abstentions (etiquette), I think we've only been tricky over the EU army so far. At the council level the UK has just kept its mouth shut, again etiquette

>> No.11146273

>acting a certain way for other people’s benefit

>> No.11146352

Samefag; just thought, the big sticking point will be the EU budget negations for 2021-2027, believe they start early next year.
If we did stay in, via some weird mechanic, how the fuck can the EU agree on a tax/spend package with us hanging around? Especially as the UK covers about 12% of the bill
If we're going to go, we'll have to be gone before 2021 whatever happens

>> No.11146368

we won't have MEPs because the UK won't be voting in the EU Parliament elections in 2019 (even though we won't be leaving).
the role of the MEPs is to rubber-stamp everything the Commission tells them to. If there was a majority of Eurosceptics in there, then the whole thing would collapse.

>> No.11146399

Yes that was what I was thinking as well. I don't want a member state who is on the point of no longer being part of the Union have a say in budget decisions

>the role of the MEPs is to rubber-stamp everything the Commission tells them to
what are you talking about? The Parliament and the Commission are clashing all the time (by design), especially non-EPP members of Parliament

>> No.11146422

the Commission makes the laws; the Parliament gives them the veneer of democracy by rubber-stamping them. that is the status quo.
if the Parliament had a majority of Eurosceptics then they could do the opposite (refuse to pass all laws). then you would see what a sham the whole set-up is

>> No.11146491

I honestly have no idea what you mean. Legislation proposed by the Commission gets rejected by the majority in Parliament all the time; the voting from last week being a good example.
Is this the result of the UK being the only member state with zero education about EU politics in their curriculum?

>> No.11146601

>And you know what? This is place is chill as fuck. I don't know what (((news sources))) you get your race baiting hysteria from, but it must be some fucking fringe publications put out by people who are losing their shit. Because here everything is not just fine, it's super fucking chill. It's an insanely safe place to live.

wow thats so cool see, i live in london and pakis and niggers displaced the local populace from their communities and run around stabbing and shooting each other over selling drugs and throw acid in innocent peoples faces and steal phones and handbags on mopeds because police wont chase them and commit horrendous amounts of financial fraud all the while gloating about it all in crude rap songs on youtube and claiming that they're somehow institutionally oppressed by an inept government that can barely tie its own laces but like, they're soooo chill right? anyway, i'm glad you're having a great time surrounded by pakis in berlin bud.

>> No.11146641

what legislation did the Parliament reject last week? find me something meaningful they've vetoed

>> No.11146684

not being ruled the EU commission, the selected unelected cunts who run the EU. the EU uses economic blackmail on it's members if they don't tow the line, the line being unrestricted immigration from third world countries...

>> No.11146696

>property slashed by 30%
You’d have to be retarded to think this is going to happen. 10-15% from the Brexit vote to the first year out, then it’ll start going up again because no matter how bad things get here, there’s always someone who wants and even needs to be here. That isn’t true for any other EU nation. Not one.

>> No.11146722
File: 83 KB, 478x594, 1537423179369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I allways feel bad for Britposters. Your country and goverment and economy NEEDS to crash and burn though. Its so rotten its better to start from ashes.

Sick May even supports South Africa's new genocide land grab bill against white Boers.

>> No.11146736


It alsmost as if you enjoy paying 3 million for a dilapitated industrial cuckshed

>> No.11146779

you can make it in the UK for sure, but it's not the easiest place to make it now there is good internet pretty anywhere that isn't third world.

also you have the play the game you outlined vis a vis take advantage of immigrants coming to the UK as cheap labour and investing housing. These are precisely the two primary fucking issues the UK is having: population growth and lack of housing. So yeah, be part of the problem and "make it" whilst destroying your own country.

>> No.11146787

You're reaffirming the point he's trying to make. UK (or England, really) has lots of problems that they think are rampant in the rest of the EU as well. Berlin barely has any Pakistani people, which again, is mostly a British problem


Here you go. 11, 12 and especially 13 has loads of rejections. There are a few rejections in 16. Just because you don't like what the majority of Parliamentary representatives vote for does not make the institution itself "undemocratic".

here are some more votes from the same day:

>> No.11146836

And in your mind there's some sort of connection between Britain leaving the European Union and London returning to some sort of non-paki utopia, isn't there.
This is the sad part about the whole thing. You don't even seem to understand that there is no nexus between what you want and what you voted for.

>> No.11146854

>The whole west is struggling with the post industrial thing, what jobs to give chavs when the Chinese are doing all those jobs?

Welp, as Tony Blair said "they should get an education". But Tony Blair is wrong actually. The answer is that there should be more jobs for the working class but globalism doesn't work like that because rich elites don't give a shit about their own people, only their own wallets.

>> No.11146911

Canada is 49% white and dropping. They wont need to defend their borders because no one will want to move there.

>> No.11146918

You're a fucking retard man, trump has nothing to do with the economy. It's all the Fed

The minute America's central bank raises it's interest rates just enough, reduces it's balance sheet just enough:

--turkey grtd a full blown currency run and it's collapse completes
--argentina and Brazil default
--italy defaults on it's debt leading to contagion in the med with Spain Portugal Greece and maybe even France fucked
--mass rush to safe havens, people pull their money out of Australian Canadian housing markets
--UK, american financial markets collapse
--indias highly leveraged corporate sector widely defaults
--oh and China's credit bubble pops, leading to east asian markets all collapsing.

In short, there isn't a single place that wont get nuked by the upcoming financial crisis. It's going to be the worst in human history because 1. All Markets are connected now, like never before 2. All are more leveraged than ever before

>> No.11146924

>will be moving to Europe permanently
>I voted leave

McFucking kill yourself

>> No.11146942

>britain should get brexit over and done with and establish free movment amongst the commonwealth

Yes, yes. I can't wait to get rid of all these filthy French, Germans, Scandinavians and welcome all the shitskins in their place. How great would it be to travel to amazing countries such as India Pakistan, Jamaica without passport as well!

>> No.11146969

well factually the majority of immigration from europe is from poland and romania and other eastern european countries, not france or germany and scandinavia. IF IT WAS ONLY THE COUNTRIES YOU STATED MIGRATING HERE THE UK WOULDN'T BE BREXITING.

>> No.11146991

buy at least 10k LINK, then 3k 0xBTC, then the rest in XMR.

you'll be a mega millionaire in just a few years. if you have any questions, email me.

>> No.11147000

The irony of it all is that Britain's white population % will go slightly down because of a number of EU citizens leaving

the kind of people who voted Brexit are increasingly more in culturally and politically in agreement with Poland, Hungary, Romania etc which is pretty funny

>> No.11147022

MEPs want to rubber-stamp the EU Commission's diktats, with or without amendments, because this always increases their institutional power. If they actually get pressured into rejecting something (very rare) they'll pass it next time. The only exception to this are Eurosceptics, who reject everything the Commission proposes as a matter of principle.
Partially correct, but I get the impression you suck Jew cock for a living. Leaving the EU will not rid London of pakis, but doing the opposite of what the (((globalists))) wanted us to do was an important opening salvo in the culture war. Politics is now slowly realigning itself along the lines of nationalism vs globalism, rather than left vs right. It is a process

>> No.11147080

I would rather have Polaks, Ukrainians, and Romanians (ok maybe not them) as opposed to Muslim and Arab shitskins. Poland has taken in about 2 million Ukrainian refugees and they actuslly work instead of being supported by your tax dollars.

At least they're white

>> No.11147081

people in this thread against brexit really are using various strawman arguments. i was under no illusion that leaving the EU would solve all of the UKs problem and in fact i figured there would probably be a economic downturn from doing so. however, leaving the EU solves many problems both present ones and ones in the near future, just look at the trajectory the EU is taking regarding migration and blackmailing smaller countries into accepting migrants they don't want such as Hungary.

the sad fact is the britain literally invented GLOBALISM, it's been it's guiding economic philosophy for centuries ever since the bloody British Empire. The elites keep the poor down, exploit them and maintain their wealth. They do it NOW in the financial markets and stocks etc and pursuing political treatises that allow for more economic exploitation (cheap labour coming to the UK or being exploited abroad). The only difference between the Victorian age and now is that the British elites are destroying Britain itself, not just other countries.

Oh, and UK culture has always been alcohol and drug fueled. I guess being working class 100 years ago was maybe better than now because there was a greater sense of community and national purpose and identity back then than now. But now these people get the perks of free health care and aren't dying of diseases long since cured.

>> No.11147097

RE the Brexit vote and demographics
There's apparently a 72% correlation between voting leave and thinking we should bring back the death penalty. This to the best of my knowledge is the best correlation anybody's come up with.
I've heard this explained as evidence that leavers are morally different to remainers, but I can't help but think they're just folk who want to wind the clock back

Agreed to an extent; but traditional working class skills just aren't as in demand right now. Even working class jobs such as seam welding are now high-tech jobs which require understandings of things like metallurgy, and since you're competing with the whole world now, you need to be above average IQ (or good at the social stuff) to get anywhere. Then we start talking about increased automation, AI etc

Historically the working classes have always adapted RE the industrial revolution, but people who can't keep up get shat on

>> No.11147111

doesnt matter. one thing is for sure, after brexit immigration from these countries will drop dramatically. however, getting immigration down from pakistan and india is another issue entirely that only UKIP talk about.

>> No.11147125

>British people don't want pakis
>Polish people don't want pakis
this doesn't mean Britain needs more Poles

>> No.11147178

Thing with America is it has this romantic idea of patriotism, the history of immigrants seeking freedom and all that even if it's a complete fantasy it's still a strong image. It's a melting pot but that's fine because we're American and that's what America was built on. Here in the UK it's just segregated, we might both drink milky tea and watch shit TV but there's no comradery. I know what I just wrote is horse shit but it worries me that the integration of other cultures will just go to pot (even more). There needs to be some real common ground. The BBC & all other PC media is failing that because it's so blatant that they are talking bullshit skirting round the issue.

>> No.11147185

>Politics is now slowly realigning itself along the lines of nationalism vs globalism, rather than left vs right. It is a process.

This basically. Globalism is fucking complex, many innovations and wealth creation are created through globalism, but it actually doesn't have to include loss of national identity, racial identity, the destruction of thousands of unique cultures around the world, and global environmental destruction. Globalism is out of control and needs reigning in in a big way, such as how Trump is doing it, as a minimum.

>> No.11147230

Drug and alcohol culture prevents the lower working classes from making it, they have a decent free education in the UK but still fuck it up because of their degenerate culture. The UK has always had poor drunk chavs, but at least they had pride in their nation and race because they contributed to it even if only in a small way (or sometimes in a big way such as wars abroad). Now they don't have the same pride in nation or race, they don't have a country anymore and they aren't allowed to be proud of their race due to propaganda against such things.

>> No.11147303

>Just look into modern money theory. It's basically the idea that countries can just print money whenever and it doesn't matter

The only problem with this is that it's not the countries doing the printing but jew owned central banks who LOAN it out to the countries.

Theres a big difference with printing your money and loaning it.

>> No.11147326

That is the fucking point you mongoloid. You realize that if you squeeze everyone the whole country in the end is shit. If wages are heavily stressed and disgruntled you'll have a shit city. It benefits nobody having super high prices except the ultra rich.

>> No.11147365

>t. Chinese bot

>> No.11147429

There is nothing wrong with the death penalty

>> No.11147479

>Vote leave
>Hope the country rights itself and stops cucking out to the EU
>Country actually cucks itself even WORSE
>Fuck it. This country is done and I'm leaving while I still can, before the neo-ironcurtain rolls up.

>wow lmao this guy really makes me think why did he vote leave lol rofl

Enjoy your societal collapse, retards

>> No.11147493

I'm a Derbyshire anon too. Can see this area becoming more desirable in future as white people start escaping the cities

>> No.11147575

Nah. There are more Germans, French and Italians living in the UK than Romanians or Ukrainians. Polish are the biggest European population, true, but they are white, more civilized and more culturally similar to the UK than non-European shitskins. Brexit was also influenced by the desire to get rid of rapefugees and other shitskins

>> No.11147595
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>mfw irish and british passport

>> No.11147805

Hello Northern Irish anon

>> No.11147860

London pays a lot more than it gets in government funds.

>> No.11147922

This is one of the most depressing threads I've read on /biz/, congrats on this Britain.

>> No.11148038


maximum brexit is what everyone in london wants even if they say otherwise via MSM

being free from EU anti corruption laws protects their shadow territory tax havens, keeps money flow anonymous, hides the names of the puppet masters. its a win win for the banking cartel.

it will also have no effect on muh migration at all because the UK needs seasonal slaves and high skill staff.

Just watch it unfold and smile as the common people vote themselves to the slaughter.

>> No.11148056

Really this place isn't as bad as it sounds. I've travelled around most of Europe, also been to America and Australia yet I don't think I'd want to live long term anywhere else. It's not perfect but nowhere is, grass is always greener etc. If half the people in this thread moved somewhere else they'd soon see that. We have it pretty good all in all.

>> No.11148207

And for any Americans some of the roughest areas I've ever seen were in your country so don't chat too much shit.

>> No.11148231


>> No.11148261

Paki in UK here, nothing will happen in March, other than food getting slightly more expensive.

>> No.11148479


neck yourself mudskin

>> No.11148633

>winning side necking itself
Literally why

>> No.11148724

>And for any Americans some of the roughest areas I've ever seen were in your country so don't chat too much shit.
USA is half the size of a continent and a lot of it is quite nice. The bleak, violent, shitty parts are extremely easy to avoid if you're not a drooling retard. That's not the case for the UK. Burgers can chat all the shit they want.

>> No.11149233

>pound stores
don't forget Greggs, William Hill and a phone shop.

>> No.11149268

greggs sell delicious baked goods, wots ur problem m8?
will hill? everyone likes a little flutter, innit. and we all need a phone geezer.

>> No.11149295


You're just looking at the average, surface level comfort. That's the issue here, the UK is a depressing yet often comfortable place.

The sheer amount of debt and social instability will quickly destroy this bubble

>> No.11149360

This. Countries are taking out loans on their own money from private banks owned by Jews. This is 100% fact. In this regard, a globalist bank literally holds entire countries hostage to their whim.

>> No.11149407

Read the whole thread,
Left the UK five years ago, live in sw France now, all small villages and towns, loads of English here and more and more flocking,today was a nice 32 Celsius, winters are short, not rainy just cold. Worked labouring on renovations for builders for two years, picked up a ton of skills and now I work for myself with a friend,obviously I'm not working full time, minimum I get is 650e a week, did two days for 500 this week which was nice, rent is 300 a month for a 1bed house in the country, so I can always find it, weed is cheap, I pay 3.5e a gram, cops are chill, drink drive with a UK license no worries. Basically life is chill and I love it but I feel like I'm wasting my fucking life away when I should be pushing it and getting the most money I can in, looking at going back to the UK,
Laborers 900 a week for 6 days and I'm skilled, I hear construction in the UK is going good right now, housing crisis might just be a good thing for me although the whole country is getting fucked but least I might be able to profit from it

>> No.11149434

So are the UK ones. Just live in a good area. For both countries it boils down to not being poor.

>> No.11149560

Yeah lets just let a bureaucratic federation from the continent dictate our laws and rape our fisheries hahaha yeah dude do it quietly thats etiquette bro

Britain is more than a star on someone else's flag.

>> No.11149649

how long does a young wagecuck wait for the housing market to crash so he can move out his parents' house?

>> No.11149650

I think you are the one that is high Faggot

>> No.11149657

Wtf it's tax sheltered and most companies contribute almost double what you pay in. It's free money

>> No.11149688
File: 152 KB, 960x1280, 0359F368-C774-45D5-B734-35643026B32F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely buy crypto, especially Litecoin and Bitcoin.

>> No.11149695


>free money
>locked away until 70 fucking years old
>implying UK will still be a functioning society by then
>implying hordes of shitskins are capable of propping up trillions in unfunded boomer liabilities

>> No.11149743

Downside is the rampant corruption and criminality.

>> No.11149754

Mic drop

>> No.11149845

>Free money
>Move pension elsewhere

>> No.11149866


The shitcoin its own creator dumped at the top?

>> No.11149880

30 year old Paki here from Manchester.

Born here, have 4 houses, drive a 40k audi (cashed out, not finance), have 19 bitcoins.

My brother (paki) and his wife (paki) are both doctors in Blackpool. They both pull in 150k a year. They tell me the whites are all degenerates with drug/alcohol/mental illnesses. I laugh at their little stories.

We pakis aren't leaving anytime soon. My kids will go to private schools and mosl likely end up owning businesses.

My local newsagent is a sikh (pajeet/indian) he owns 30 houses.

OP, go kill yourself in eastern europe

>> No.11149987

that's great until you get killed one day because your skin isn't the right color

>> No.11150003

>being in a cartel gives me more rights than the rest of the nation

gee i sure hope no one elects a government thats pledged to cap rents and target buy2let cartels...

>> No.11150058

Kill yourself you fucking scum. How does it feel knowing you worship a bloodthirsty goatfucking pedophile? Fuck off

Islam is a cancer that needs to be amputated from the earth

>> No.11150124

>So are the UK ones.
Ah, that's good to hear.

>> No.11150241


you are scum and i hope you die soon

>> No.11150266

American here should I come visit in the middle of the shit storm sounds like good fun

>> No.11150325

Neither you nor your kids will ever be british. You will never feel at home. When britain ends up falling to pieces and if you’re lucky you escape back to your moon god worshipping shithole alive you still won’t feel at home.

Have a miserable life m8

>> No.11150431

Housing price drop is fine for houseowners as long as they aren't overleveraged. As long as you own a decent chunk of equity, it doesn't matter if your house drops 30% so long as all the other do too as it just makes trading up to the next rung on the ladder easier. You never actually cash out your house (except in niche circumstances) so the thing that really matters is that it maintain its value relative to other houses, not in absolute financial terms.

>> No.11150538

You people make me sick. What positive thing are you doing for your local communities.

>> No.11150653


Your kids will go to private schools but will always be low caste Dalit shitskins topkek

Bet your senpai changed their Dalit family name when they moved here

>> No.11150684
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a 28 days later scenario wouldn't be a bad thing

>> No.11150760

imagine being this cucked

>> No.11150837

Are you able to even detect the amount of fatigue involved here. Everyone’s totally knackered from it all. Work with no gain. Vote with no gain. Even the educated leavers realise the execution has been a total fuck up and on the whole not what they wanted. You need to be minted to make it. Everyone’s got substance abuse problems; parents with booze and the youngins with beak. The North doesn’t get funded and the population is totally unengaged shit-tier entitled cunts who have no concept of art or culture or anthing that’s not a pint or a funny story on a Friday night.

It’s fucking fatigue mate.

>> No.11150898

Explain more about the public's addiction to shit TV

>> No.11150961

I am from E Europe. I understand, you would be welcome here. Brexit was the right move but Theresa May is the absolute fucking worst. I think it her intention is to get brexit cancelled by doing as much damage to UK as possible. I just refuse to believe someone she is that incompetent. Trump handed her a golden opportunity and oh god the negotiations I WANT TO FUCKING SMASH HER FUCKING HEAD IN WITH A ROCK THAT FUCKING USELESS CUNT. She wasn't a brexiteer in the first place, she supported to stay. Shame Farage quit too early and didn't finish the job properly

>> No.11151189



>> No.11151403

Wah now you'll have to get drunk and act like shit in some other country

>> No.11151469

>>Hope the country rights itself and stops cucking out to the EU
>>Country actually cucks itself even WORSE

What did you actually expect?
Like seriously?
Did you expect EU to just bend over backwards for the UK?

The delusion.

>> No.11151485

I guess what with the racists you find out right away that half the country is cunts rather than waiting to find out gradually? Nevertheless:
>19 bitcoins
You need 21.
City and United. Horrendous. Our year la'.
>degenerates with drug/alcohol/mental illnesses.
Well yes, but Blackpool is hardly a fair representative example of this fine nation.

>> No.11151513

What most people with a positive IQs expected was for the issue to be finally forced out and resolved.

EU has been a flash point for the last 50 years of british politics and all the cronies in westminister do is kick the can and collect a fat EU paycheck + desk job when they leave office.

But no, they went full retard to defend their paychecks so now here comes the pain train.

>> No.11151902

Most of you in this thread are whiney ungrateful bitches.

Sack up or stay broke you sorry ass fuckers.

>> No.11151965

who exactly are (you) grateful to?

>> No.11152016


>> No.11152030

My fellow countrymen for not making living here unsufferable. Turns out we have it quite good.

>> No.11152060

good answer.

>> No.11152488

yeah most of us here have it 'good' but the scores of EMPTY apartments owned by Saudis and God knows with more and more homeless on the streets is a bad joke.

>> No.11152635

Europe's best breeding stock died in the fields of France. You reap what you sow. If you take the population of any animal and take its strongest, bravest and its mid level leadership group out of the gene pool (either through death or disablement both physical and mental) then you'll be left with shit. Brits (including colonials), French and Germans did this to ourselves despite having more in common with each other than anyone else. It's tragic.

>> No.11152977
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Leaving the EU will let the UK become the degenerate centre of the globe once again. Too long have we been tied up in bureaucracy, increasingly had our freedoms taken from us.
The entrepreneurial spirit of the Brit has been slowly dying, we all grew up with it but it dies off into our 20's as we realise that there's no fighting present Britain.

Laxing of legislation and increasing incentives for biz growth will see Britain rise whilst the EU limps after debt defaults and increasing immigration woes.

>> No.11153862

>to ourselves
No it was crypto-jews.

>> No.11153894


>> No.11154812

United States can absorb more immigrants than the UK or any EU nation is BECAUSE IT IS SO FUCKING BIG... also comparing the EU as a whole tonthe US is stupid too because our states are much more similar in every way shape and form than the EU nations.

Also the vast majority of our immigrants (even illegal Hispanic immigrants) share much more common religious traditions ie CHRISTIANITY. Those that aren’t Christian immigrants make up a very small percentage.

The EU trying to act like the US is fucking stupid... EU nations are seriously fucked.

>> No.11154871

>My currency is being devauled
>Should I hold said currency or get into a more stable currency that has room to grow?
You know the answer OP