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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11139768 No.11139768 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize that 300k income is the new 100k, 3 million net worth is the new 1 million

The six figure salary meme has been around a few decades probably since at least 1980. Back then to make at least 100k a year you had to have been a doctor or high powered lawyer. Most college grads were making low to mid 20k's back then, a senior engineer or accountant might make 60k. A house cost 100k or so.

Six figures in the 80's was an aspirational amount, but today it's the bare minimum to be considered middle class. A 100-200k income isn't out of the ordinary at all, you wouldn't even be part of the six figure club if you were born 20 years earlier.

Such a black pill

>> No.11139821
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>> No.11139845

>but today it's the bare minimum to be considered middle class
Where the fuck do you live anon

>> No.11139871

Uh wrong, OP.

It's 750k, bare minimum

You poorfags with your poorfag 300k a year lifestyles disgust me

>> No.11139880


130k is the poverty line in SF. I live on the east coast. Where I live the most you can afford to buy on a 100k salary is a small condo.

>> No.11139886

here i was, fresh out of college, ecstatic that i had made barely $50k through crypto over the last year
this is ultimate black pill material

>> No.11139908


maybe it's not enough if you have to settle on being in the top 2% instead of 1%

>> No.11140052

This is correct

Anyone who disagrees is a poor loser or a troll.

>> No.11140069

How about moving into a place without overpriced bs

How much did you inherit? also you will not make it if you didnt.

>> No.11140129



Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, $100k is not a lot of money anymore.

I live with my GF and we both drive used Honda's. Together our household income is $100k and it feels like we are fucking broke. If we're lucky we'll take one vacation this year.

> student loans
> health insurance
> car insurance

>> No.11140159

Just move to the midwest, anon. Your money goes a lot farther there.

>> No.11140173

This shit is crazy. Like most places when you're talking about salary, cost of living, rent/mortgage etc, it's somewhat equal. But when you're talking about, SF or places on the east coast like idk, jersey? Boston? shit gets blown out of proportions. Wheres that shitty

>> No.11140176


I'd rather not have to leave my engineering job to work at Walmart

>> No.11140184

you are paying rent, that is why

you should be SAVING your rent money by paying off a house

>> No.11140222

lmao you realize there is a shortage of workers here. It would be 10x easier to find an engineering job here than in new york.

>> No.11140251
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This way of thinking is why most of you will never make it. You are way too emotional about X sum of money. You wrap all your fear, greed, shame, pride, and aspirations around money, and in the end you will lose because you are incapable of making the right moves

>> No.11140271


>> No.11140284
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Because of pic related

>> No.11140441
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>move somewhere cheaper
I make 180k in Boston as a software dev, pay 2.5k a month for a 900sq ft apartment walking distance from my work.

If I moved out to the suburbs I'd have to take a 50k paycut, or have a 30+ min commute. Fuck that.

>> No.11141202

stop complaining you spoiled faggots. In europe you would make 60k max.

Of course here you can actually live like a neet on 15k/year. Must suck to feel poor making 100k kek

>> No.11141672
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Over 3 billion live on $2.5 a day. Stop falling for (((their))) plan, you don't need alot of money to be happy.

>> No.11141753


try doing that in murricuh

>> No.11141821

I’ve been saying this awhile

>> No.11141824

>not living in the south

>> No.11141840

Until you go to the hospital

>> No.11141887

Lmao this I make 6 figures in the Midwest and live like a king. My rent is 650 a month and I live in the swanky part of town right next to a fucking golf course. Unfortunately niggers are starting to creep in as it’s about a 15 min drive downtown from here but still I’m doing far better than almost everyone I know my age.

>> No.11141938

300k a year puts you in the top 2% of wage earners. Bullshit.

>> No.11142012


To be in the top 5% in 1980 you only needed to make 50k. Now you need to make 237k. 100k would have made you a baller in the early 80’s. Now it’s nothing


>> No.11142153

It's not ">black pill" to understand simple economics.
The inflation rate is following the same for average income. The average doesn't change. Wealth is still exactly the same. The only way to change the wealth is to kill off everybody under the average and that increase the average.

It's simple math.

>> No.11142189

thats why were here investing in internet memecoins

>> No.11142264
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For the average 4chan user, none of this is important at all.
Demographic data of incomes relates those incomes to entire households; that means it includes on average a wife and kids.
Women and children are what the consumer economy depends upon, they are its life force (and the key to a miserable suburban middle class existence regardless of income). With those things eliminated a man can easily be well off with even the median US household income.

So for the typical 4chan robot, there's no reason to be in the top percentile of income for an entire household beyond dick waving.

>> No.11142293

I'm at 180k and it's in that weird spot where I'm not really worried about money at all but I'm still stuck being a wagie for the next 10 years

>> No.11142311

I make just a little over $300k. I'm "comfortable" but not wealthy by any means. Then again, US "first tier" cities are insanely overpriced. OP is sadly essentially correct.

>> No.11142344
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> If we're lucky we'll take one vacation this year.

Fucking pampered pussies. No wonder why you're broke. Bet you "NEED" air conditioning too. Lmaooo

>> No.11142358

This right here. I'm at 170k. I'm right here with you. It fucking hurts. How do you stay motivated enough to do your job?
Like I know that I have to do it but at the same time the pay feels too little now and it's demotivating. It hurta knowing I had 300k at the beginning of this year thanks to Bitcoin but I'm not sure if that applies to you too.

>> No.11142367
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nice larp bro

>> No.11142373

Oh you meant income, not savings. I'm sorry. I'm embarrassed now.

>> No.11142376

Can confirm 205k yr, don't live in a major city. Barely upper middle class.

>> No.11142384
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>> No.11142396

Fucking this. I make a little less but feel like I work my ass off 40 hours a week for it. I legit might kms if my investments don't pay off within the next 5 years.

>> No.11142397

and also
>hi /b/ I'm a girl
>tits or gtfo

>hi /biz/ I make $xxx,xxx
>no "W-2 or gtfo"
what the fuck guys

>> No.11142434

I have 4 kids tho.

>> No.11142536
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Damn that's wild it's almost like we're losing the "purchasing power" of our dollars. That would be crazy like our money was being further "devalued" through a sort of "inflation" of the total supply. Extrapolate this over time and suddenly anon's only hope to ever escape this fucking clown world would be through a legendary bullrun caused by new technology but he only ended up making 200k at the peak and he held all the way down to avoid realizing taxes which would further confiscate his wealth and so now he's literally all in on a meme shitcoin he discovered while browsing a Bavarian Nazi sympathizer forum so he can finally escape from his soul crushing wage cage and regain some semblance of control over his destiny.

>> No.11142656

Fucking kill me.

>> No.11142754

please don't call me out so hard

>> No.11142769

>900 sqft

Kek, there is literally a gaping hole in your bank account with money rushing out continuously and you are ok with that

>> No.11142770

Not LARPing. It's unironically middle class where I live.

>> No.11143619

NP anon I liked reading your post

>> No.11144504

if you can't live like a king on 100k/year you're unironically retarded. literally NPC-tier level of finance management

>> No.11144651

LMAO, in my country the average salary is 22K/year before taxes. And people earning that live good. I am seriosly considering going to USA, earn 100k a couple of years while sleeping in my car and showering in a gym and then go back to my country rich as fuck and buy a great house.

>> No.11144705

Fuck you nigger

>> No.11144709

you realise any over 100k job requires you to work 55 to 70+ hours a week

>> No.11145133

Good thing compound interest is a thing. As well as stocks going up and beating out inflation.

>tfw have been saving since early 20s, unlike most people who probably won't start caring until they hit 30+

Projected retirement is 4 mil

>> No.11145351

I work 45 hours a week and get €52/hr.

However, that means nothing as I have blown it all on crypto LOL

>> No.11145467

40k$ european poorfag here,
I'm 25 and I have a fancy life
No loan, Saving every month, big flat in the Capital
Luxury watch, I eat everyday at the restaurant / uber eats
I own 7.83 BTC and won't sell them until we reach 80k$/btc

I cannot even imagine how fancy you life can be when you make 100k/year or 300k/year (is this real?) thats some soccer players salaries seriously..

But I believe you, I met a 37y/o boomer from new jersey in Colombia and while I was bargaining with putas to fuck them for 35$, he was okay to pay them 200$ just because he didnt care..

$ is shit seriously, its just paper

>> No.11145886

Doing WHAT?? how can I get your job

>> No.11146044

I believe it. 60 grand seems to be the new 30.

>> No.11146073

and im sitting here cashing 20k a year and be considered upper middle in my shithole of a country. whut

>> No.11146081

unironically if you can't make it with minimum wage you won't make it with 300k

>> No.11146087
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if you're not a brainlet making six figures even 100k is more than enough to act rich if you dont mess with that "family" bullshit
especially having kids

>> No.11146103

maybe you should live someplace where humans live instead of SF retard

>> No.11146140


I wouldn’t even mind that, if a large amount of people did this it would push our housing and rental prices down

>> No.11146154
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>tfw you realize that 2500 EOY is the new 1k EOY

>> No.11146228
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>A 100-200k income isn't out of the ordinary at all

>> No.11146279

Nice bait. You seriously need to change your perspective if you think SF prices are the norm though. I read that the median house price went up 200k just this year

>> No.11146323

>(is this real?)

Yeah, not very common, but if you have your shit together (i.e. you're not an art major or some shit) you finish college with $30k in debt but a $60k starting salary. Salary will go up over the years or if you move to a larger city.

You can run some numbers here. https://dqydj.com/income-percentile-by-age-calculator/
and here

>> No.11146328

Business Analyst at an enormous bank. I write requirements documents.

I interview well because I practice (out loud) but I'm also not an autist so can present myself reasonably well.

>> No.11146371

Guess it's time to become a congressional aide or some shit

>> No.11146390

That shit takes niggers into account. We're talking about humans here.

>> No.11146400


>> No.11146482

You're not doing better than me

>> No.11146492

How is that cope? If I remember correctly, niggers in Boston have an average net worth of EIGHT FUCKING DOLLARS. Niggers don't want to work and can't work, of course they bring the median income down. Especially when you see that the number of niggers among millennials is much higher than in the general population in which it's 12%, since most white people are old now.

Not to mention, the beaners who are only here to clean our toilets and dig our ditches.