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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11137465 No.11137465 [Reply] [Original]

I was a birthday party last night night, and I asked my old friend who's been into crypto since about mid 2017 how his portfolio is looking, how he's handling the current market etc.
Anyway we get chatting and he starts to tell me about Chainlink, now bare in mind - he's not a /biz/raeli.
He works as an informal kind of manager for his musician sister (very talented, probably gonna make it) and has been mingling with a lot of UK music industry types, trying to make contacts etc - it's all looking very promising for them.
Anyway, one of the big managers he spoke to on a social night-out, a manager of a UK band you've definitely heard of (mid-late 2000's, not going to confirm) and a bunch of current artists, told him that he's absolutely balls deep in LINK based on a rumour going around the UK Music industry - that it's the next big thing. The manager put in about £250,000 into LINK and a bunch of his industry friends including the singer of the aforementioned band have dropped about £100,000 or so in, too.
Then he began shilling me LINK and the look on my face must have been priceless, because I just showed him my all-in portfolio and was like "WAIT WTF, How did you know??" at which point I just said I did my own research because I couldn't even begin to explain the /biz/link lexicon to him.

That's it. That's my little breadcrumb and that's all I'm saying. I don't know these people by name, don't know any of the finer details, I don't want anyone to get doxxed by some of you autists did to AB. This is just a conversation that was had at a party from a normie friend of mine who has some connections.

Take it or leave it, call me a larp. It really makes no difference to me. I just wanted to share it with you lads in case anyone else can use it to connect some dots in a bigger picture.

>> No.11137513

I was a birthday party last night night, and I asked my old friend who's been into crypto since about mid 2017 how his portfolio is looking, how he's handling the current market etc.
Anyway we get chatting and he starts to tell me about Chainlink, now bare in mind - he's not a /biz/raeli.
He works as an informal kind of manager for his musician sister (very talented, probably gonna make it) and has been mingling with a lot of UK music industry types, trying to make contacts etc - it's all looking very promising for them.
Anyway, one of the big managers he spoke to on a social night-out, a manager of a UK band you've definitely heard of (mid-late 2000's, not going to confirm) and a bunch of current artists, told him that he's absolutely balls deep in LINK based on a rumour going around the UK Music industry - that it's the next big thing. The manager put in about £250,000 into LINK and a bunch of his industry friends including the singer of the aforementioned band have dropped about £100,000 or so in, too.
Then he began shilling me LINK and the look on my face must have been priceless, because I just showed him my all-in portfolio and was like "WAIT WTF, How did you know??" at which point I just said I did my own research because I couldn't even begin to explain the /biz/link lexicon to him.

That's it. That's my little breadcrumb and that's all I'm saying. I don't know these people by name, don't know any of the finer details, I don't want anyone to get doxxed by some of you autists did to AB. This is just a conversation that was had at a party from a normie friend of mine who has some connections.

Take it or leave it, call me a larp. It really makes no difference to me. I just wanted to share it with you lads in case anyone else can use it to connect some dots in a bigger picture.

>> No.11137598

I was in a coffee shop, running away from home when I heard the news.
Our hero, Jecht, gone, vanished into thin air!
My dad must have been his biggest fan. I knew how sad he'd be. Heck, we all were that day.
"Zanar," I says to myself, "What are you thinking?" I went running straight back home. We sat up talking 'bout Jecht all night. My dad and I never talked so much. Whoa... Didn't mean to reminisce, folks.
Anyways... Ten years later, the Jecht Memorial Cup tournament is today! The two teams that have won through to the finals are...of course, the Abes from A-East and the Duggles from C-South. I know there's a lot of people out there today to see the star of the Abes! In just one year, he's become the team's number one player! He's Jecht's blood, and the new hope of blitzball! What kind of super play will he show us today? Will we see his father's legendary shot? I don't think I'm the only one excited here, folks!

>> No.11137614

funny, my friend's a roadie for yung lean and he says the same thing

>> No.11137641

Sage this spam pasta

>> No.11137657
File: 508 KB, 1465x2048, PicsArt_09-18-06.12.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11137660


Man I wish I had a tidus pepe