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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11135951 No.11135951 [Reply] [Original]

Well /biz for me it was work at a safeway deli. Worst job of my life ,it was so bad every job after has been a cakewalk to me just in comparison.The place was constantly a skeleton crew with only 4 people activly there my manager was a lazy bitch constantly talking in the break room leaving us to do everything else and by us usually the one other person paired with her for the day. Do you know how horrible it is running a deli during lunch and dinner by yourself? THREE LINES OF 10 PEOPLE! You gotta run between 3 diffrent areas making sandwiches, sliceing meat/cheese,(I still sweat if I so much as look at a circular saw, shits scary as fuck) makeing there stupid ass platters, cooking chicken on time for the hot plate,remakeing all the food in the hot case every 30 minutes with the use of only one frier( it takes forever getting it set back up)takeing orders on the phone,doing the announcements on the P.A every 30 minutes ,remembering all these damn codes in your head (any time I see potato wedges the number 784266 immedietly pops into my head) and you have to make shure that corner of your stores stocked and cleaned for when you clock out which wouldn't be an issue if I didnt only have an hour to do it, then the customers bitch well your still here can't you get me something fuck off I gotta be outta her at 10 p.m on the dot because im shitty ass union. Dishes ,sweeping ,mopping, windows, taking stock/restocking, tempurature ovens, saws, cleaned on time or I get repramended for being 5 minutes late.UNION JOBS SUCK ASS! When your a new hirer there's near no room for promotion especially when your co-workers have worked there for 30 years straight you will always get the shit shifts.I did 2 p.m to 10 p.m every day of the 2 years I worked there and they refused to ever move me to a new area of the store because if I left no one would take the job slot.We had 6 people take us up on the offer all of them quit within a week of being hired. TLDR UNION SUCKS!

>> No.11135997

i worked at a deli for a few weeks in 2012. fuck that

>> No.11136046

I feel your pain brother.

>> No.11136155

Worked as a bagger and cart pusher at a grocery store when I was in high school. Never again

>> No.11136168

Worked as a produce clerk, AKA the guy who unloads the shipments of produce and destocks/restocks the floor

Unironically the worst job I've ever had. Also all of my coworkers vaped terrible smelling vape juices in the back WITH the produce

>> No.11136196

Oh forgot to mention I did that all at minimum wage. ( $8.50/hr )

>> No.11136225

Factory job
>have to run old machines that crash all the time
>maintenance can't fix them, boss says to just restart them when they crash
>very fucking stressful, always have to keep your machines running or get yelled at despite them being un-fix-able nightmares
>Because of that, nobody likes the job, really high turnover rate
>The ones who need the job (me) frequently do the job of two people, running back and forth between stations trying to keep 7 or 8 machines running
>never get recognized for hard work
>Management will frequently throw you under the bus if production numbers don't meet expectations (FIX THE GODDAMN MACHINES!)
>Mandatory overtime up the ass (I went two months without a day off at one point)
It just fucking sucked. I will never take another factory job as long as I live. I would rather go homeless than work in a factory. At least homeless people are free

>> No.11136229

Fortunately I have never had a bad job in my life though I am a lifelong wagecuck since age 15.

I guess the worst would have to be my first job at a shitty little ice cream cafe where I was paid below minimum wage, but the plus side was that I got to eat free ice cream all day and they had unlimited homemade mango vodka in the back which I abused mercilessly. I got so fat and fucked up from that job I'm still recovering 10 years later.

>> No.11136233

God damn there is no E in those fucking words OP

>> No.11136258

Sounds like the union wanted you out cause you were a whiny cuck. My union always takes care of good employees.

>> No.11136654

Yeah im an idiot that's what happens when you transfer to 7 diffrent schools I only learned about how horrid my writing was a couple monthes back got rusty because the only people I talk to online only just mentioned it.

>> No.11136735

Wanted out? It was like that from day 1. My co-workers hated the job, hell everyone working there hated the store it self, it was run like crap (the store manager constantly talked down to everyone with that 1st grade teacher voice you know the type), the only problem was that they where in there 70's and where to invested or some shit into the job(they thought they where to old to learn anything else I was proud of one of them for going into psychology and becoming a therapist). I only stayed so long because I didn't want all that work to fall back on them.(the assistant manager walked out and never came back also)

>> No.11137558

Grocery store wagecuck
Quit after one week
Acquired nawledge of them putting expiring groceries in front of the regal
Now getting two weeks fresher food for the same price

>> No.11137714

Worked at a mutual fund. It was a cult consisting of some of the smartest people I've met doing the most pointless jobs you can imagine all while basically treating the place like a home base while they tried to set up private funds or get a job trading somewhere else. And it had some of the dumbest mother fuckers on the face of the Earth treating it like they were curing cancer as they were getting paid utter dog shit while learning absolutely no scalable skills. The skills they were learning would need such an unimaginable treatment of bullshit to even be worth putting on a resume that if you were able to do it, you would actually be over-qualifying yourself for most sales positions.