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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11133217 No.11133217 [Reply] [Original]

The FOMO will be unreal, I'm getting way ahead of the here and not going to try and time it.

>> No.11133260


>> No.11133261
File: 320 KB, 1584x879, 1532992808307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao REQ is SHIT

literally wouldn't buy if it dipped 1 cent

>> No.11133272
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>> No.11133277
File: 125 KB, 1280x960, w6CzApH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feels like October this time last year.

REQ was in the shitter, 3 cents, sentiment of disbelief and disappointment. Then a slow rise to 10 cents, then 50 and then over a dollar.

And this time the product is close to monetization. The Frenchfag CEO claims they're prepareing to monetize the service in Q1 2019.

I can't fucking wait.

>> No.11133278
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i am a REQ whale with more than 10 million REQ, all of which i acquired below ICO price back in october. REQ performed way better than i thought it would in december/january, and i cashed out more than enough to live comfortably for the next few decades.

after cashing out a few million dollars, i let my remaining 10MM REQ tokens ride. however, after realizing the volume for REQ on binance was so drastically low, i figured it was more profitable to actively manipulate the market, than to hope for another bull run of 2017 proportions.

so i dumped.

and dumped.

and dumped.

i found the best time to dump was not when the price was tanking (medium-sized bag holders with 100k+ tokens will take care of that for you), but when the price was mooning - or looked like it was about to moon. here's a secret for you: REQ has some of the weakest bulls of any coin on binance. usually it only takes less than a million tokens, efficiently timed, to crush any small pump and take REQ/BTC ratio back into the red for the day, where it ought to be.

want to know why for the last 38 days on binance, the REQ/ETH chart only has seven - yes, seven - green 1-day candles?

because of me.

want to know why everything today seems to be in the green, but REQ is still struggling to make it back above 10 cents, and has currently dipped to rank #148 on coinmarketcap?

because of me.

i refuse to let the price go up, and i won't for a while. in case you're wondering, that 10MM tokens i let ride now exceeds 13MM, simply from doing this over, and over, and over again.

i am a bagholder's worst nightmare.

>> No.11133312
File: 62 KB, 297x508, 1426856925198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep waiting faggot. this wont hit ATH even if we get another massive bullrun. its literally vaporware.

"future of commerce" is not sending ETH on metamask you fucking retard.

literally cannot compete with anyone and will be fully dead by Q4 2019. screenshot this. 1-2 CENTS EOY

>> No.11133324


Impressive pasta.

>> No.11133387

hold until 1 cent then. i want you deluded fucks to bust.

>> No.11133411

You fucking moron realize that the payment shit isn’t even their biggest shot, right?

>> No.11133422
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it was their only shot. RIP REQ

>> No.11133786

Did you feel it anon, that big buy up the book?

In before the crowd.

>> No.11133946


I'm sorry you got rekt so bad anon, don't let being stubborn keep you from the opportunity

>> No.11134323


I'm sorry you got rekt so bad anon, I sold at 80+ cents

>> No.11134373

just dumped and dumped

>> No.11134377

>except nothing the team has said ever came true
>Moneytis is a completely failed company and they admit it. Investors all lost money

>> No.11134387

>more empty promises
>guarantee you it won’t be ready to monetize in Q1 2019. guarantee you

>> No.11134472
File: 75 KB, 480x480, Die hard 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you noREQ faggots! I just sunk 23k on REQ. I will own you niggers eoy! screencap this, niggerfagggots!

>> No.11134695


First REQ buy in the great dip of August, already 50%+ in a month.

>he doesn't know what REQ is testing on Ropsten

>> No.11135699
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The only "investor" was Ycombinator and they got paid in REQ instead. Give me one good reason YC wouldn't want their 5% of 30 million tokens to be worth billions?

The moment AirBNB integrates REQ it'll be insta lambo for a lot of people in here

>> No.11135790
File: 414 KB, 772x804, 1507324440163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 10k at $1

>> No.11136090

I bought 100k @ 0.04 cents :)

>> No.11136101

i bought at 0.3 kek
$1 eoy

>> No.11136346

I remember when there were like 30 REQ threads a day. This token is dead.

>> No.11136438


I refuse to believe that anyone could fuck up this badly