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11130715 No.11130715 [Reply] [Original]

Today in this very moment I realised that all of my neighbors are Npcs. I got like 6 neighbors.
#1- The blonde Npc whore who can't find herself a man ,she had like countless man sleeping over and attends a shitty trainee earning 800 Euro /month barely able to pay the rent, gets welfare pay stays just above poverty.Damn i'd fuck her and make her pregnant so she get German kid welfare payment.
#2- A single mother with 2 kids and a cat. She stays home 24/7 brings the kids to kindergarten and comes back and her whole life consists of waking up watching TV, bring the kids to wherever the fuck they belong and coming back home to sleep until kids come back. Also lives from welfare payments and has no car herself.

#3- A fatass faggot his weight is like 500 pound and he hardly passes the front door of this house. Has 2 kids and stunning wife who is betraying on him with our Caretaker (KEK) ,nevertheless that fat fuck has a car. But that fat fuck plays CS.go all night screaming and arguing ( we can hear I'm loud and clear).

#4 A couple who just moved in 2 kids ,both live from welfare have no car and stay home 24/7 just bringing their kids to wherever they belong.

#5 The stoner guy who has 420 plants in his apartment but he is kinda cool but also lives from welfare hes like in middle of his thirties (the anti boomercuck)

#6 couple + 2 sons one is grown up and they also live from welfare and stay home 24 7 ,oh and their kid is getting picked up by a bus every morning. Nevertheless that dude has an ugly car which barely moves.

Be me

25 y/old
Lives at parents home
Can't get rid of the because both are kinda disabled
Has 30k in assets
Earns 2.3k euro after taxes
Now on paid vacation just noticing that all of my neighbors are Npcs.

>> No.11130764

Which country are you from?

>> No.11130785


Imagine being so much of an NPC that you live in Germany and are an authoritarian work loving cuck who loves to obey the government and seethes at the thought of freedom.

Imaginable living in a commie block cuck apartment with walls so thin you know all your neighbors lives. Imagine never getting a moment of privacy and having your neighbours be able to overhear you jacking off and you can hear their television propaganda station all day. What a hell to be in.

I don't even know my neighbors. I've never fucking seen them. I live on a farm in Australia. I can play music loud as fuck at 1 in the morning no one would hear it.

>> No.11130792

>only has 30k at age 25 in assets
>thinks he's top shit


>> No.11130825

What makes you think you aren't an NPC yourself? Your life seems pretty NPC.

>> No.11130858

You live in a welfare neighborhood with your parents and spend your nights talking shit about your random neighbors on a anime message board.

Bruh, you need therapy.

>> No.11130891

It was my plan to find a good wife and then to move to the country outside this commie block apartment shit, in order to do that I need shekels fren

>> No.11130904

Are you me? NSW boy reporting

>> No.11130931

>hurr i'm not a npc because i was born in the right place so i can waste this chance playing loud music at night
you're actually the definition of NPC, your life is defined by external factors. OP was dealt a shit hand in life and despite that works hard to get his family out of his hellhole. AND he's being the better man and not even getting upset at your shit post. cope all you want, but he's the main character and you're background noise

>> No.11130963

Posting on your LTE connection now OP? Kill yourself you self-absorbed piece of shit.

>> No.11130984
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Nope thats just a friendly anon who understands my situation. I pretty much work for parasites like my neighbors so they can get their welfare

>> No.11130997

you mock people for living on welfare but you live with your parents

>> No.11131007
File: 46 KB, 376x401, sheeple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making me have to post this again

>> No.11131039

He still doesn't realize that HE is the NPC. Is it even possible for an NPC to be self-aware? Is that how NPCs escape the NPC matrix?

>> No.11131051


Are you joking, Australian country is one of the worst shitholes you can be born into. Not only do I have no neighbors but there is fucking nothing else too faggot, do you know how far I have to drive just to find a fucking petrol station to fill up my car. It's a whole fucking trip of it's own and sometimes in the complete opposite direction of where I actually need to be going. Gotta travel for ages to go to my job too like petrol is used up like a bitch. Gotta waste so much on petrol. Internet quality is absolute garbage too and enjoy the weekends alone on your property or in the nearest bar which is fucking miles away and filled with other country retards.

Get fucked you stupid useless cunt, at least let me enjoy the few benefits of living out in fuck off nowhere.


NSW as well. I hate this country so much though. I want to move to the USA for a better life.


If you aren't planning to go to the USA you are planning wrong. I am planning to go get a home in either Wyoming, Oklahoma or Texas, as I am told they are the three most free states and have the best gun laws etc. When Link takes off I am leaving Australia behind.

>> No.11131053
File: 152 KB, 559x556, 1469035573814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also live in germany
>neighbors are turning into niggers
>see more and more niggers everyday
>tons of other brown people
>pajeets and arabs and gypsys everywhere
>can't go outside after its dark because nigger gangs are roaming the streets
>niggers are moving into my apartment block
>niggers constantly running up and down the stairs making ape noises
>trash everywhere

>> No.11131073

Leave cities, do not participate in supporting city infrastructures. Move to a village and become part of the 100% white population. The occasional niggers you see in the countryside are decent people.

>> No.11131263

what has the stoner done bad to you? if he is a grower he can't be an NPC
has probably more money than you disgusting german

>> No.11131316
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>tries to find a good wife in cuckmany

biggest joke in history

>> No.11131760

Yeah, this. The NPC meme could've been interesting and amusing but as usual it's devolved into "person doing thing I don't like is NPC, people who do thing I like are good PCs like me!" bullshit

>> No.11131836

>enjoy the weekends alone on your property or in the nearest bar which is fucking miles away and filled with other country retards.

yo got a few questions: 1.) how tf do you get laid living in those remote areas? 2.) after you go drinking how the fuck do you get back home?

>> No.11131901


1. I don't. I travel to Thailand once a year to get that out of my system.

2. Drink at home. Or don't drink at all. No idea how those cunts that drink at bars get home, taxi's wont even drive out here if you ask them too, it's too far they just tell you to fuck off, no buses or trains. I think they chance drunk driving. It's country man, if you do come across a cop you will likely see him coming miles off and have a chance to prepare before he passes you.

>> No.11132109

Literally no one thinks that way except autists on the interwebs

>> No.11132140

>You live in a welfare neighborhood with your parents
Living with his parent how do you know that.
Also welfare users are scum of the earth.

>> No.11132156

>you mock people for living on welfare but you live with your parents
One if forcing people to pay for you to be poor one is helping your parents pay for housing.
You are scum and should go back to begging on the streets for booze money.

>> No.11132191


feel for you bro. hope you make it.

>> No.11132443

why not just an Australian city?

I think I'd actually love to live there. The surfing, the exotic places, cute af koala bears & kangaroos. Seems like a fun place. But prove me wrong if you'd like.

>> No.11132455

This is something I notice too. But I don't think just moving to the countryside is a solution desu. Maybe a short term one. But you have to go to work into the city in most cases if you want a career. Your kids will attend school in the city most likely. Wat do.

>> No.11132471

What's the point of the NPC if you just interpret is to mean
>people who have a common life routine

It's the 4chan version of thots calling other thots a "basic bitch"

You're not profound or above anyone else just for uttering that insult.

>> No.11132540

aus city reporting, fucking expensive and not many fun things to do, any exotic place is a cunt to get to, kangaroos are fucking cunts

>> No.11132588

Wow is life really like this in the west? You guys have all the resources and wealth at your disposal but instead of procreating, getting to know your neighbors, forming communities and forming bonds, you instead leech off each other, gossip around, betray and backstab one another for temporary pleasures and live like a bunch of aimless and purposeless nihilists whose lives have devolved to finding the next pleasure or next rush to fill the void in their lives.

No wonder your governments are importing 3rd world muslim immigrants. You white people really are in need of replacement with all the shit that is happening in your countries. You guys truly deserve your fates.

>> No.11132601


Have you ever been here? A lot of people just taking holidays here get redpilled fast on how shit this country is and lose any desire they had to move down under.


Most surfers are unemployed beach bums on welfare. Most good surfing beaches are in areas with no jobs. The few that aren't are next cities and prepar to pay some of the highest prices in the world for real estate or even rent.

You are better off surfing in some other country. Also surfing is nowhere near as big here as people make it out to be.

>exotic places

Like what? There is a thin habitable area along the coast then it's just fucking desert wasteland. I mean I am sure there are a few somewhat exotic areas up in deep north queens land but fuck if your ever gonna go there, it's basically as far away as another country. This place is fuckhuge and most Aussies live on a little thin strip on the east that turns into a lower case d at the bottom south east part of the nation.

>koala bears

Don't think I've ever seen one in the wild. They don't do much in the zoo. If I have to see one in the zoo here you can see one in the zoo wherever the fuck you live.


Yeah you can chase one around on your motorbike but they are just a hobby fucking creature most of the time can't get too close to them. Dunno why someone would want to live here to see one.


>> No.11132616


>seems like a fun place

It's not. I've lived in the suburban areas of Sydney, it's even worse than the country even though basic things like shopping centres and jobs are closer. There is still fucking nothing to do. Just more bars/clubs with boring people in them to go too, they are all the same. Aussie women never put out for anyone and I've had Euro's tell me aussie chicks are the hardest roots on the planet. I've had other tourists tell me they are surprised at how little there is to do here, and that Sydney and the surrounding areas are very fucking boring. It's just America-Lite. It's USA without the good parts like the freedom and the guns. It's all the shit parts of American culture, with all the shit parts of British culture mixed in like fucking nanny state, garbage westminster system, bad drinking culture of cunts getting angry, drunk and getting into fights, it's not uncommon for Aussies to die in drunken brawls it's on the news every few months. Also your cost of living here is fucking atrocious. I dunno how much a meal costs in America but there is a bistro across from the place I work and it costs $18-20 for a meal. I get off work hungry as fuck every day and I've still never eaten there. Fuck that, I will drive home hungry. And this is some bistro on the side of a highway in the country, cant imagine how much you are charged for a dinner in the fucking city. Everything is expensive as fuck in this country and the only good thing about it is it helps me save my money because everything is just so fuck off expensive up front I just say fuck off and not buy it.

I guess all you can do in sydney is go to a few of the theme parks like the water ride park or luna park, but they are exclusive to here. You can do that shit anywhere and it's so expensive here. You could also go to the motorway, watch the drag races, the sprint car races or what the V8 Supercars or once a year head to Bathurst to watch them race there.

>> No.11132641

Shut the fuck up you worthless savage.

>> No.11132642


Haha, okay. Well, thanks for the red pill. I've never been there. I guess it just seems so different for a non-aussie and that's why it's attractive then.

>> No.11132663


The image we put out to the rest of the world is so different to how we actually are, and we are so isolated and irrelevant that we can get away with it. Whenever I travel overseas, especially to Europe everyone loves me because I am aussie and they literally think I have pet Kangaroo's and have daily knife fights in my local bar. It's funny and I use it to my advantage but really it's all a load of propaganda.

>> No.11132713

>says the nihilistic faggot who lives in mommy's basement, masturbates to anime pictures and plays vidya all day to fill the void of his miserable existence
Sure anon, and we're the savage ones.

>> No.11132820

You have 2 years to move out.
t. french with a PhD in niggerology

>> No.11133066

why 2 years?

>> No.11133108

from experience it's about the amount of time you have from the symptoms described to full-brown africa
t. another frog

>> No.11133205

>OP makes fun of all of his neighbors for being on welfare yet he's obviously not doing much better himself since he lives next to these people and not in a much better neighborhood
In fact it's worse that OP lives with his parents because that means they're 50+ and still live in the ghetto with welfare recipients.
Is there a German word for white trash?
Faggot loser crabs in a bucket mentality. You are npc O

>> No.11133348

Sydneyfag here, costs at least 1-120 to get home from cbd. Fucking rediculous. Also those saying it would be nice with surfing, exotic places, true. But enjoy living in an overpriced shit shack if you want to avoid 2 hours of traffic to get from one side of the city to another

>> No.11133389
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>25 yo anon in Germany who is "on vacation"
Real Germans don't need vacations. Gtfo NPC

>> No.11133728


>2 hours of traffic

Unironically this. Did some tradie work in Sydney a few years back and he's not exaggerating. Crossing through Sydney or any of the outlying suburbs is a fucking nightmare of traffic.

The fucking government is hell bent on getting people to use public transport but no one wants too. So you have main roads which are way too small for the amount of people living in that area or that need to pass through it daily for work, then the government says they are expanding, so you have a few months of fucking roadwork on the road which cloggs it up even more creating extreme congestion. Then you get your new lane extension put in finally and you think it's all gonna be alright now until you realize the government has designated the new lane as a fucking t-way and only buses are allowed to drive on it, you get a $350 fine for driving in that lane with a car and there are CCTV camera's all along the road to catch cunts trying to use the literal empty extra lane of which almost no buses are on because no one fucking wants to use public transport. Then you have got them wasting a billion dollars putting in a new fucking railway line as well, that in some parts go along the same fucking area as the unused fucking bus only t-ways.

Fucking christ it's a living hell driving around in Sydney. One good thing about country isolation is the lack of traffic.

>> No.11133997

You can't expect everyone to understand what the NPC definition aims to criticize, especially in a board like this where people probably aren't interested in philosophy.

>> No.11134008


German NPC's go to the french coast once a week and spend their entire trip by the pool on deck chairs.

Their system clock is wrong though they always get to the pool at 5am in the morning despite it not being warm yet.

>> No.11134375

wats an npc?

>> No.11135410
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>If you are a trash you are surrounded by trash

Wow great insight Op. Please tells us more about your amazing life. living with your parents and being slightly better off financially due to leeching of said parents while talking shit about your borderline retarded neighbours sounds not depression inducing at all. By all means continue.

>> No.11135456

we need to get rid of welfare and bring survival of the fittest back

>> No.11135539

Then how will whites in the south survive?

>> No.11135599

I know english is a second language for you but fuck some of your translation are funny. well done.

>> No.11135676

This. Let neets die off please.

>> No.11135826
File: 577 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate my fat german welfare neighbor landwhale bitch...

she smokes all day on the balcony like a fucking vulcano

i will move out of this fucking shit hole country soon.
can't stand this fucking welfare scum anymore

>> No.11136354

welcome too germany i feel ya pain also out of germany and living in a house full of welfare trash....germany will get fucked in the future

>> No.11136446

Villages are also full of subhumans nowadays and the really small villages are too far away from civilization and the internet connection sucks.


I know and its getting worse every day, fucking niggers are ruining everything here.

>> No.11136454

The fact that they all have this lame backstories you bored is with proves that they're actually real people with lives, not NPCs

>> No.11136469

>hurr i'm not a npc because i was born in the right place
This is actually a thing. Anyone born in Europe is an NPC by default. Fucking automatons walking around with dead looks in their eyes, being herded onto (((public transportation))) to their wageslave jobs every day for the rest of their lives

>> No.11136480

>Public transportation
Everyone in the picture is an NPC. If you can even relate to anyone in the picture because of their mode of transport, you are probably an NPC.